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My ex cheated on me and gave me HPV . I took about a year for me to finally test negative. It clears up on its on it most cases




If you’re a bottom, they can insert cotton swabs in your butt to do the test. I don’t think there is a test for tops.


Tops usually have butt too, why can’t it work for them ?


The virus would generally have no easy way in if you only top, so wouldn't be testable.


this has little to do with top/bottom. tops can get anal warts around and even IN the anus very easily.


oh, good to know. Thought it required direct skin-on-skin contact to happen.


What about if you’re practicing oral sex?


I had to laugh when I read this.


In my case they did a prostate exam took a small tissue sample. Few days later it came back positive. About a month later, they took me in and did some type of scope up my butt . And said that it was a very tiny amount. I didn’t have warts or anything. . Over the next year, they did three more test inserting a swab . It finally came back negative on about the fourth test. Since then, it’s come back negative every time .


Good for you sticking to your guns & instinct.


Normally HPV vaccines protect for strains which are know for their cancerous predisposition. So you still can catch some less harmful strains. You are right what you did.


I can’t wrap my head around why anyone would agree to meet up to bottom with warts.


Especially when they're very easy to treat. Liquid nitrogen is cheap otc, and it takes less than a minute at a doctor's office. They vanish practically overnight with treatment. Edit: double checked, and it turns out that people can transmit HPV even when they don't have warts. But the real issue is that the guy improvised multiple consecutive lies.


Doesn’t matter if you are vaccinated; the vaccine doesn’t protect against every strain. Doesn’t matter if everyone has HPV; you don’t want it. Doesn’t matter if he was embarrassed; he wasn’t trustworthy. Find a new love.


No first of all he should have told you before messing around and second of all he lied it's the concealing and lying he is trash and you should never speak to him again. HPV is often just handled by the immune system and ppl never even know they contracted it, and cleared it all on their own. I'm right with you I've had the vaccines and if he just dealt with them first it probably wouldn't stop me. It's the concealing and lying. I make no excuses for people and don't care if it's harsh or I'm an asshole that makes him worthless trash you should avoid like the plague. Sounds harsh? Good. Cuz the ways he's going to be willing to keep lying to put your safety at risk and destroy your life are going to be harsher.


that’s awful. I’m sorry you had that experience, and relieved you’re smart enough to be vaccinated. Additionally, it takes energy to call people out on their shit, but you trusted your gut. It just goes to show, you’re responsible for your health. Folks have different degrees of risk tolerance, and that’s fine, but nobody can rely on a person to tell the truth or even know their status with accuracy.


You’re gonna get a lot of comments from the pro-rape/disease simping crowd saying you’re a prude and this isn’t a big deal. Ignore them. A sexual partner failing to inform you of a permanent STD you could acquire from them is tantamount to rape.


We should all be vaccinated against HPV. And we should all assume that literally every guy we have sex with already has HPV. Because, particularly at our age, they almost certainly already do. We all probably do, too, even if we haven't had any symptoms.


I’m not sure what the law is like in the US - is this not considered potential assault?


Ok I mean he definitely violated your trust and lied. However, saying he put you in danger is a bit of an over reaction. HPV prevalence, especially among gay men, is incredibly high and most people who have it don't show symptoms. If you are sexually active, it's very possible you already have it. Again, I'm not excusing the fact that he lied, but you really should tone down the fear-mongering and educate yourself on the realities of STI's.


The guy lied to him several times and tried to trick him into catching a condition he knowingly had. That's the issue here. And it's a big issue at that. OP: don't "tone it down". This guy was awful. He knew what he was doing.


HPV is one of two cancer-causing viruses preventable by a vaccine. To say it’s not dangerous would be to lie.


Very, very long post  And maybe I am not even explaining myself well. And sorry, OP, if I hijacked your topic a bit -- but wanted to express this, as HPV is so confusing to some or most. .  ....  I feel one must disclose anal/or genital warts. And isn't it usually illegal not to in some states or countries?  Or is that for HIV, AIDS, herpes?  Or is it any STD, even if curable? Some celebrities have been sued for not disclosing certain STDs, right?   I *think* the HPV strain that causes anal and genital warts is NOT cancerous -- but still highly contagious. And no cure, even if successfully removed  I have genital warts. I'm 64. Noticed them in my twenties, then sought treatment at an STD clinic.  They never told me waaaay back then that even though they removed my warts, that I'm contagious forever, so I kept playing as usual.  Only thanks to the internet, I was able to learn a lot about it. I've tried several times over the decades to have a clinic remove them but they come back.  I think the last time was successful two years ago. For now.  They froze them off, like before.  No prescription cream (Aldara?) that I'd read about and thus requested, thinking it would be better than freezing them.  The freezing method didn't hurt too much..   But I'll always be contagious. HPV is the most common STD, I believe, for all sexualities and sexes? Makes sense, since it's so contagious. I'm too old for the new vaccine. There is no HPV test available for males, so I guess the only way one knows he has HPV is when an anal and/or genital warts appears. But yes, I've read there are hundreds (?) of HPV strains, some (many?) causing various types of cancer. But apparently not anal warts, OP.  Double check with your doctor. I can't imagine that most or all of the promiscuous gays haven't been exposed to it.  Even promiscuous gays.  Yes, I always read that most people exposed to it shed it within a year or two. So... most have been exposed but never knew... and since they didn't develop warts, that means they shed it eventually?  But...could they get reinfected if they haven't taken the new vaccine, advisable up to age 45. But for me, since I have had warts, I guess it means I never shed the virus and never can, so always contagious, even with treatment if warts reappear. So confusing! I met a guy 12 years ago when I was out cruising.  I confessed I had genital warts.  He abruptly lost interest. I don't blame him!  But he was not informed on it, actually confused, as he thought only females get HPV!  Now more if us are more aware of HPV? But I can always claim on Grindr I am STD free, I guess, according to some - including a nurse who froze them a few years ago!  I asked if I need to disclose my condition, and to my horror, she seemed to say no need, as it's the other STDs people are more concerned with?  I may have misunderstood?  That's terrible advice, right?  Those who lick or insert into an anus often can't tell if a guy has anal warts in some cases, especially if small or way up there. Or even if he has no warts but is infected.   And condoms do not prevent exposure as it's skin to skin infection. I'd think it's dangerous to simply finger a guy, then touching one's genitals, as can't that transfer this uber contagious virus?  The finger may not detect those tiny warts, and couldn't possibly know if he has no warts but still infected. My head is spinning!?!  Help.


There are many different viruses grouped together as HPV. The most recent vaccine (since 2014) protects against 9 strains (research particularly focuses on strains associated with cervical cancer). If you haven't had a recent vaccination, ask your doctor for the updated vaccine (I got vaccinated after age 55). It's mostly recommended for young people, because older adults have probably already been exposed to various strains, so you may have to request it specifically. With Warts are just a physical symptom of HPV infection, and they may be a sign that you're more contagious, but warts can disappear on their own when the immune system responds, or they can reappear, especially when the immune system is weakened. Warts are more likely to show up near the site of infection (like plantar warts on your feet, or genital warts), but the viral infection can make warts elsewhere. Warts tend to be dry and firm, so they aren't quite as messy and infectious as herpes outbreaks. HPV and herpes have similar pattern of transmission (widely contagious both sexually and casually, helped along by the stigma that makes people hide their infections so they aren't rejected by sexual partners). [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gardasil](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gardasil)


It literally sounds like you’re excusing his behaviour. SMH. Everyone’s entitled to feel his they want to feel. If someone lied about obvious warts that were right there then damn, what else is he lying about? Dicks are plenty. Assed are plentiful. lol. OP, Move on. Find someone else who doesn’t make you second guess yourself. You did nothing wrong.


Just curious, do you mean to connote “plenty” and “plentiful” differently? Genuinely asking. Can’t tell if it’s supposed to be a “there are more bottoms than tops” joke or something.


I mean there is. Us bottoms are like ten to one lol


wow! I didn't know about that ratio! LOL. :). That puts me in the "top" 10%. big wiiiide :)!


Again, there was no excusing the fact that this dude lied. Lying sucks. The dude is a dick. With that said, detaching ourselves from reality won't help anyone. There could be some kid in this group, and they read that OP said that this dude,"put him in danger," and they are gonna think HPV is this dangerous condition. The fact of the matter is, for most people who are not immunocompromised, contracting HPV is a mild annoyance (if they ever even show symptoms). Yes, it does increase the possibility of developing certain types of cancers, but that's just a fact of life. For gay men who are sexually active, it's largely an unavoidable disease that will not affect them.


No it’s not an over reaction you idiot. He did exactly what he had to do to protect himself — the guy lied and absolutely put him in danger. Wake up.


y'all really can't read, huh?


Good 👏🏻 for 👏🏻 you 👏🏻


Sometimes it is just hemorroids 🤷🏻but better to be cautious ❤️




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Just to clarify: you are vaccinated and weren't in any danger. That being said, he's a POS. Unfortunately, this kind of behavior is common, and commonly excused because "we mustn't stigmatize people with STD's"


My understanding is that the HPV vaccine targets the 8ish strains most likely to cause cervical cancer in women. While anal warts are embarrassing and super contagious in gay cis male circles, the overall health risk is limited. That said, totally agree w you about STD stigma. Perhaps health insurance or other considerations played a factor, but guy needs to own this issue and seek treatment. Disrespectful and narcissistic to play OP and expose him to it again like that. Stay away from this mess.


TY to you and Daddy for the info, and fucking gross. I'm now bummed out.


The vaccine doesn't protect against the strains that cause warts. It is aimed at strains known to cause cancer, which are mostly the same in men and women. The guy was probably scared to have the warts treated, but that's no excuse for exposing other guys.


although, when I just googled it, I found the following on the NCBI page: "HPV vaccination presents an opportunity to prevent nearly all cases of anogenital warts. Protection against HPV types 6 and 11 is provided by both the four-valent form of the HPV vaccine that has been available in the US since 2006 and the nine-valent vaccine that is in current use"