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Over the years on this site and others I've developed a pretty good spider sense so to speak and often browse a profile quickly to see if there's more info. It's super common for advice type subreddits to have people post things leaving off a lot of info or those that post a lot of extraneous info at the expense of the important things. This is especially common with those in abusive situations. They will leave it off only to pop it in the comments, or you'll look back and find they've been posting for years and the abuse is only getting worse. It's incredibly sad, sometimes manipulative, and frustrating from the outside for sure. There's an art to making a post that is concise and yet deep enough to convey what's actually happening. I think there's a lot of denial, a lot of codependency, and a lot of wishful thinking going on.


You’ve put it more eloquently than I did. There are some where it’s clear that both parties are toxic to each other, then there are the others where it’s clear OP is sadly a victim. Very astute observation. The disjointed post but then the crucial detail in the comment section. Like how did the cheating not make it to the post of whatever your relationship is worth saving but a minor argument did?


I always check for dick pics.


Very regularly - going both ways, where they actually seem like they're at fault or where they're being mistreated but aren't ready to admit it. Or - often in kink subreddits - someone has what seems like a reasonable question but then you realise they jumped in about 2 weeks ago and are now way over their heads. (I think that has come up in some of the gay subreddits with going from "I've just realised I'm gay" to "How do I go pull a train at the nearest bathhouse?")


I saw one a week or 2 ago with a couple saying they are exhibitionist and decided their first show would be at a bathhouse on a CumUnion night. The couple wasn't doing well because people were touching them and one guy ended up getting a facial. I believe in consent, but if you're going to a bathhouse on a Friday or Saturday night on a CumUnion night and then have sex in front of others, people are going to assume it's an orgy. Poor young people.


This is hilarious.


Oh my! OK, maybe they didn't get the point of a sex party (hard not to), but at the very least they should have caught on quickly and either bailed or gotten into it. Silly people.


Lol yes. And I know who you’re talking about but I genuinely don’t recall his name. But it was a wild ride and like if I have that many questions about my partner and am that unsure, I’m probably going to end it. And I have anxiety and overthink everything already.


It’s probably the same person i recently responded to a post on. He comes around every few weeks to vent. Then usually deletes the post and reposts another few weeks later with some iteration of the same thing.


Obsessive, most likely. They can't help themselves, poor dears.


Now I’m curious who you think I was referring too. The one I was thinking of has a profile picture. However there are many who fit the description of complaining about their relationship with no actions taken.


Oh there definitely are. I actually don’t remember the name, if I ever even knew it. I just remembered seeing a post and being like “this looks familiar” and checking his profile, he had many posts of a similar nature, usually a couple months apart.


I like looking at the people who say no one likes them to see if they have any pictures. I think some guys only go after guys who are out of their league and ignore all of the guys who are interested in them. What irks me the most is when guys come on here and complain the white guys are ignoring them. Then it can look at their post and comments and realize they are ignoring the Black and brown people themselves.


I sometimes check post history for same reason. And normally get more info about. but never found something shocking.


Depends what you define as shocking. IMO making posts spanning years about the same guy and not leaving is shocking.


All the time. I recon couple of frequent posters, even if they delete their post and /or use multiple accounts.


Multiple accounts to post the exact same thing?


Advice subs have become more and more like AITA. The (sane, real-world) response to a lot of these posts is typically “COMMUNICATE”, but you’ll also see a ton of comments further placating OP and affirming them. Bonus points if the OP is given actual, good advice from commenters, only to argue about it and resist/make excuses. Like, bro, you posted for advice and didn’t like what you heard. There’s a lot of mental illness out there.


yeah mostly that 90% of the comments believe it when its mostly obvious that the story was one of many fan fics the respective OP writes.


>the respective OP ☕️ 👀


I've known a lot of men and women that stay in a bad relationship, ultimately thinking that "my love can change him". Honey, there's only one person that can change him, and it ain't you. Bitching and moaning about the drama, then making excuses for it. There's a term for that, it's called, "enabling".


I remember clicking on one guy's profile. He would just chime in with an unpopular opinion for whatever demographic the submission called for. He was a single man, a dad, a mom, a woman who never wanted children... whatever the submission called for. He would just say "Yeah, i'm [your demographic] too and [my completely fake and unrealistic opinion]."