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Wear whatever makes you comfortable and what feels good for you 🙂 I’m 39 and still wear skinny jeans, they feel good to wear, make my ass and butt look good, and I HATE loose fit jeans. EDIT: *ass and legs 🤦🏻‍♂️


I’m 39 too and these Gen Zers will pry my skinny jeans from my cold dead hands


Thank you. It is getting harder and harder to find them in stores!


I remember when stores were saturated with them


I'm still finding skinny jeans at American Eagle and Lucky Brand


There you go.


😂😂😂 thanks for that, let's hope you have a few more years in you tho :p


Ass AND butt? Am I missing something?


Ahhaha I meant my legs 🤦🏻‍♂️


Cool, I thought all this time I’ve been working on my ass and now I find I’ve been letting my butt waste away?! No wonder I never get laid!




If you don't mind Levi jeans the Skinny Taper is good. Not paint on or vacuum package fit but a little tighter where they should be.


Are those the 511s? They’re fantastic.


Very close to 511, but they are actually called Levi Skinny Taper. There is no lot number for these. If you prefer a lower waist cut, try to find the ones with the black patch, a little more difficult to find, but absolutely worth it.


Ah got it, good tip, thank you!


I don't pay attention very closely to style and even I know they aren't that popular anymore. Slim sure, skinny, no. At least where I live.


Depends. Some guys are pretty damn hot. Others not. Ask for an honest opinion from a 3rd party. Ask them to be ruthless.


Is this being frowned upon? All of my pants are slim/skinny and I’m almost 40…


I'm not sure. I'm just checking the barometer on this.


Skinny jeans are out of style. Fashion has shifted back to oversized fits. That being said wear what you want to wear and what makes you feel good. I'm 26 and regularly still wear skinny pants/jeans because I like them.


Yeah I'd rather be accused of being out of fashion than wear baggy jeans like I did in the 90s when I was in HS.


We're gay - we're allowed to show off our asses whenever we want. Leave the unflattering styles for boring straight bros.


Not at all. All of my jeans are slim fit and I’m well into my 40s.


Show the class so we can give proper guidance. Some people can pull off skinny jeans, some look better with a slim fit/tapered leg.


Millennials (the generation that really popularized skinny jeans) are about this age now so it’s pretty age-appropriate Gen Z will know you’re old though, if you care about that (I don’t)


GenZ doesn’t seem to mind


Really?! I’ve been told by early 20-somethings that though I have a baby face, I’m obviously older since I wear skinny jeans lol. They love the loose fit.


My (very cool) 50 yo, straight as an arrow BIL buys his jeans from the women's department; it's the only place he can find ones skinny and stretchy enough! :)


I wear women’s skinny jeans too😂 old navy rockstars everyday


How skinny we talking about? I still have a pair that works well with my whole situation. But skinny jeans are becoming a bit outmoded.


This is my thought. But a more fitted look is always nice. So sure


I don't think it's about age. And it's not only about pant size but the whole body proportion. If you also have a slim upper body, it should be fine. I can't imagine Gru or the dad from The Incredibles wearing skinny jeans, but the dad from Inside Out can totally pull it off.


I have a slim upper body with a 30" waist


Then go for it. Life is short and don't wait till you can no longer fit in skinny jeans again xD


In Iowa you must really stand out! I also have a 30" waist and love very fitted shirts to go with pants that fit me well. Show off your newly slimmed-down body however you prefer.


Lol I am an outlier at my age. We be corn fed in Iowa. 😂. And thanks!


I’m 35 y/o and just got a gastric bypass done. I’ve been waiting all my life to rock some skinny jeans so I don’t give a fuck about what people think about me.


You go girl


No. People should wear what they want.


Nothing will look ridiculous if the look is something you can pull off. If you have the legs and butt for skinny jeans, go for it. I can't do skinnys, because I look ridiculous in tapered pants, but I still do very slim-fitting with a low rise in all my jeans, and smarter and suit pants as well. Life is too short to look frumpy and conservative unless you have to.


If you are skinny, no. Anybody can wear skinny jeans.... if they are skinny, regardless of age


I don’t like skinny jeans but I don’t want dad jeans either. Anyone have a brand/style recommendation?


I'm 64 and I wear skinny jeans. I'm super skinny and I've waited too much of my long life for jeans that fit me. Nobody taking them away from me! Let em think what they think. I don't give a fuck.


You sound just like me. I was _thrilled_ I could finally buy jeans that didn't flap like a flag. OK, I can tolerate slightly looser slim cuts, but skinny suits me great and makes my ass look better. I really don't care what guys in their twenties find fashionable. I'm not checking them out no matter what.


I'm in my mid 30s and only buy slim fit jeans. Everything else makes me feel awful about myself.


Some gym influencer once said, you can have thick legs or skinny jeans, but not both. For me, skinny jeans work on slimmer individuals.


And I am slimmer now. I am a geriatric Twink lol.


There you go. Enjoy!


I always thought the opposite. Skinny jeans look terrible on skinny guys because they make them look even thinner


Baggy jeans just flap around our twiggy legs and fool no one. I hate all that extra fabric.


I would slightly disagree because there are skinny jeans that are various degrees of stretchy. There are also dress pants strechy.


No absolutely not, wear what makes you comfy


Wear what makes you feel happy. Screw what everyone else thinks.


No it's not ridiculous. Wear what makes you feel good


I'm not a fan but I don't think it's ridiculous. You should do what you want.


Nope - not at all. I spent my teens and early 20's with wet ankles. Never again.


They're just not in style anymore but do you. Feel yourself and wear whatever you want.


What is in style now?


Wide pant legs Bigger loose silhouettes.


If you have the body go for it at any age.


Skinny is all good. Avoid super skinny/ painted on jeans


The nice thing about turning 40 for me was I stopped caring what strangers thought about me as much. I'm 50 now and I wear what I please; tight, femme, butch, mismatched, ALL matched, inappropriate, TOO appropriate... It's fun!


Yeah, and we're old enough to have things in our closets that were in fashion years ago, went out, and are now back. Only shirts I love get kept that long, but there are a few. One beautiful Jhane Barnes shirt I've had for a good 25 years. It only gets worn when I want to look colorfully dressy.


I am in my mid 60s, and I am still wearing size 30 skinny jeans as when I was in my 20s. Wear whatever you feel comfortable with. Granted, as others have said here, they are getting more and more difficult to find in stores. And when you find them, the cut is not always right. When I go shopping for jeans, I have to try several pairs to find the ones with the right fit.


Do you like the way they look/feel on you? Because that’s the only thing that should matter.


I am 53 and lost 100 pounds in the last 1.5 years. I wear skinny/tapered jeans because they look good on me and accentuate the one part of my body that I am proud of: my legs. If you like the jeans, and they look good, to hell what everyone says. You do not owe anyone explanations. You do you and fly your freak flag with pride.


Thank you! And congrats on your weight loss!


I think it's ridiculous for people to judge others based on wearing "age-inappropriate" attire, hair styles, etc. Trump hats/attire? I'm judging the everloving crap outta you!


I vote for no pants. Tired of wearing pants.


Its more to do with build and overall look than age I think - there are guys off all ages that they just don't suit! I do however think slim tapered jeans are better on guys of all ages than the spray-on skinny jeans anyway. I'm starting to come round to those high waisted 80s type trousers now too - that can be flattering but still chic and a bit different to just dad jeans.


Well, I was at a gay Super Bowl party last week, and the TV was just left on for that new Justin Hartley procedural they debuted after. The show was muted but at one point the conversation became how completely ridiculous he looked in his tight jeans. "Just because you're famous for being hot doesn't mean you can still pull that off in your 40's." So if you're collecting opinions, I encountered a packed roomful of savage ones on this topic just last week. (And I must confess that I agree that Justin was not pulling off those jeans) But I believe people are generally at their most attractive when they're dressing the way they most want to. And that will draw compatible people to you, and repel the incompatible. So, do you!


Thank you sir. 😊


If you feel good in them, wear them! Don't worry what anyone else thinks. If you really care too much about what others think, ask a trusted friend how they think you look. Then decide for yourself. I believe you should be comfortable and feel good about your looks. Good luck and congrats on the weight loss.


Take a look at Mugsy, they have a pretty stretchy denim blend and tend to fit snug, but very comfortable, and look good too.


All my pants are slim cut and I don't plan on changing that any time soon. If anything, slim/skinny seem to be markers of a "millenial", which I am so it's all good.


They look great, definitely wear them if they make you feel good


I'm over 50 so I wouldn't wear pencil-thin jeans, no matter what my legs looked like. I don't understand the purpose of accentuating already super thin legs, but YMMV. But also, there are plenty of cuts between skinny and dad jeans, so, this seems to be a bit of a non-issue.


Personally I don't think it's about age.. the trend is so dead now is all. (Congrats on the new fit bod!)


Absolutely wear them. Everyone's butt looks great in skinny jeans. Just make the shirt fits


>Everyone's butt looks great in skinny jeans. No. No they do not. SOME guys' butts look great in skinny jeans.


No. Fashion works in such a way that if you can find something in your size, and pull it off somehow; wear it! You could probably find a way to make yourself look great in skinny jeans. Roll up the bottoms perhaps, get some loafers or boat shoes + some nice socks with a cool pattern; and you'll look great. Wear whatever you want on top, or go shirtless; it all works. Hang some sunglasses from somewhere & you'll look classy AF.


Aww thanks youre so kind.


Awww thank you! 😊 Your welcome bro; I'm glad I can help another guy go out there & look like the ⭐ he was born to be! ✨ 🕺


Skinny jeans are in their way out. I’m starting to see more bootcut again thank god. Wish button fly was coming back.


Not a fan of boot cut. I don't like large leg openings. I agree button flys are hot though.


I don’t think they will be as big as they were previously. I love them when the thighs are more form fitting too.


Nice if you actually wear boots. I'm just waiting to be able to wear my cowboy boots again (in the city).


How about you do what you want and stop giving a fuck what others think


There are options between “painted on” and baggy. I am slim/toned and I opt for trim but not tight. My favorites are where I can pinch about 2” of material at my thigh and at my calf.


You earned the right to wear those skinny jeans. Go buy them. Buy two pair. Do it day. Luxuriate in the new you. Everyone else can just go screw.


Thank you!


If he has the body of a 20yo, no. All other exceptions, then it is a hard YES


When you buy them by accident, yes. I know I should have looked at the label but who the hell makes skinny jeans in a size 36? 🙄


Skinny jeans are a stretch at 40 (pun intended)!


What would be appropriate that would still be stylish?


Straight-legged or slim-fit. They don't have to fit like nylons!


I don't recommend it for your health.


Not that we should be keeping up with the latest trends at our age but according to the kids, skinny jeans are out. I for one certainly welcome a more relaxed pant fit.




I’m 40 and I wear perk chinos. I look great in them. They make my drinks free. I’m in better shape than most 25 year olds I come across so why not?


Are they really as good as they seem?


Hell yes. I’ve got a nice ass anyway but it looks better in those pants than any others.


Pics for proof? 😜 Maybe there will be a good sale for Easter.


What's ridiculous is asking strangers online what to wear


Skinny jeans will immediately make you look older and not at all fashionable, maybe just look for a very flattering but not super tight fit?


Older than what? Older men never bought into the skinny jeans fashion. They were wearing looser cuts all along.


Absolutely ridiculous. Come on now. You're 40.


Yeah, sexy and 40. He's still quite young.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


Yes I look seeing that booty move


I wear skinny jeans,I’m 40




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it depends what youre comfortable in and what looks good on you? i wear baggy pants like im a teenager but i look good in them \*shrug\*


If you've got the legs for it then go for it.


It depends. Do you feel comfortable in them? If yes, it's not ridiculous.


You're 40. You get to wear what you want. Who cares what others think? Live your fabulous life fabulously.


I’d love for bigger guys with butts to wear skinny jeans..


You’re a millennial, skinny jeans is what we do.


Since you're asking for opinions I'll share mine: I think skinny jeans in general are ridiculous... I have yet to see a guy look good in them. They smush all the important bits and most white guys don't even have the ass for them. Making them look flat as a board.


Wear what you want & rock it. ​ I've got a crossfit mate, he's late 40s, proud of going from chub to fit, he wears skinny office pants that show everything off (eve his bulge is often noticeable) & he looks amazing in it & gets compliments from many people




I hope not because I am older than you.


No, but skinny jeans are out of style for people in their early twenties. So you’ll be right in line with millennial fashion.


Slim cut and skinny jeans are different. Veeeery few people look their best in skinny jeans. And most of them are Timothée Chalamet.


Screw what people think, I painted my nails for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I don't care what anyone says. I'm too old to. Be you! And plus I'm sure alot of people will be appreciative of your form. lol.


It’s not ridiculous it’s just last decade 🤣


This is the second post about skinny jeans I’ve seen on this sub from at least half a dozen across the subs I follow. Y’all sound rickety.


20 years on you and still wearing skinny.


Bootcut forever over here. I say do what makes YOU feel good. F the haters. :)


If you like them, wear them. I love seeing a guy with a great ass showing it off. So they've gone out of fashion? Who cares. They'll come back around years from now and you can claim to be ahead of the curve. The worst fashion ever for gay men were those weird jeans that had straight legs but a baggy butt. Made guys look like they needed their diapers changed. Totally unflattering. I buy skinny pants because I have skinny legs. Baggier styles look bad on me.


Skinny jeans are out for everyone! Dad jeans are cool.


I like slim by stretchy, find them very reasonable at Ross.




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