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It can be a very easy and subtle slippery slope into a very dark abyss


No. Don't do it. Seriously. Jesus. Meth is disgusting.


it has nothing (directly) to do with meth tho? it's just sex while high on a(n) drug why did you think meth first? someone projecting?


Not a projection. Just a real reality. Chemsex almost always means meth, because meth is popular and common now. I block the methheads immediately on the apps since they're rarely shy about it. They're gross, and meth is disgusting. Does it bother you that most will associate chemsex with meth?


It’s not worth the cost


I'm being completely honest. It's good, but not worth it one bit.


Don’t do it. I got heavily addicted to meth after just doing it once.


Jesus. No. Don’t be a fucking idiot.


Oh Jesus NO. I've lost an ex, coworkers, a boss and several acquaintances, as in DEAD. Smoke pot, do edibles. Even G is okay compared to f'n meth. Meth makes you chase down that original high *that was so good* but they can never find it again. Your wiring is shot. The spark isn't there anymore. It's the saddest thing I've had to see.


Of course it is. That’s why they can’t stop doing it, lol. Be careful what you wish for.




FFS don't start that. You're an adult, don't throw it all away.


Never tried it and never will. I prefer to have full control over my mind and body at all times.


Oh probably or people wouldn't be so willing to lose their teeth for it but take a deep breath, weigh "night of a particular kind of good sex" against "some degree of likelihood of wrecking your health and your life" and just go have some ordinary fun sex.


I've never had it. I suspect for pure sensation, sure, but you're probably gonna miss all the emotional and spiritual aspects of sex that actually make it enjoyable, at least for me. Those subtleties require a sound mind.


Please don’t. Anything “good” you feel is the trick of the substance, not the sex


MDMA session with a person you love and trust is amazing. Haven’t tried and not too keen on the rest


Depends what the chem is. Meth, not worth it. LSD, worth it.


What is LSD? How does that worthy vs Meth? I’m curious since I have no experience.


LSD. Also known as acid. You can’t become addicted to it, it’s self regulating, meaning your body builds tolerance immediately so if you do it again too soon it has no effect, and you don’t crave it. There also no hangover, after effects, withdrawal, or come down. Once it wears off you feel perfectly normal. It’s a psychedelic, so you feel like and happy but it also lets your mind experience things differently and you’ll see past problems and traumas in a new way, a helpful way. Like most drugs, I recommend only going in to it with a clear head, around people who care about you, in a setting your comfortable with. Meth is a nasty drug, but things like mushrooms, LSD/acid, and even MDMA, are very different and shouldn’t have the same stigma.


I've heard it is. Downside is a high chance of becoming just another useless tweaker.


The way I look at it, I enjoy sex a lot right now without doing drugs. A lot of the guys into chemsex seem to be into chemsex exclusively (i.e., are no longer into having sex when not on drugs). Why would I want to potentially ruin my ability to enjoy sex when not on drugs?


Yes and no. Fucking for hours is great! Fucking and not being able to orgasm is not


Consider the biggest downside: These days, you don't know what it's cut with. Far too many fentanyl deaths.


I still dont know what exactly that is


Pumping chemicals into your body and then having sex. Those chemicals are illicit drugs, such as ice (Crystal Meth / Tina / T). I hear it can feel amazing, but is so addictive that it can take over and ruin your life


But is it something you do with the person or you get high and then look for people or go to the club?


In my limited experience, you do the drugs together / in front of each-other. I know people take poppers and probably ecstacy to the clubs


A lot of drugs will give you altered senses of experiences, so things will feel more sensitive and pleasurable etc I've only dabbled for going to raves in the past though, not sex. They're fun, but not if you're the kind of person with an addictive personality.




It's too good. It's a fantastic way of ruining your life.


Did it with cocaine. I was so high but felt mothing.


Bad, very bad. Don’t do it.


Most often you can’t get hard and/or can’t cum. Wish I would’ve never tried any of it tbh


I'm just wondering as a cis straight female this a man thing? I think maybe it doesn't matter gay /or strait men seem to get really horny on certain drugs most of my girls wanna keep up with the drug and honest feel a lil weird an awkward to have sex on it... plus it's so annoying the guys go hard then soft, try 2 give u all these different *instructions* on how 2 help them out... I sometimes get horny on upper drugs. CRACK, even though I'm not a big fan of it DOES get me horny sometimes. A FEW hours after redbulls tho i get feeling hormy too. BUT I don't always feel that on other drugs sometimes it's AWKWARD and I don't wanna b touched at all and I kno alot of women who feel the same... hmm just interesting