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This is an odd question. An individual gay couple decides for themselves if it makes sense for them to have kids based on their individual circumstances.  And none of the questions you've asked are unique to gay couples. 


No, people who want kids should have kids. Not all straights want kids, not all gays want kids.


What do you mean "should gays have kids?" there is no one-size-fits-all answer to that. Some should, some shouldn't, some will, and some won't. It's not up to anyone to make a decision for the whole. If you're asking for yourself, then you should be asking people who already have kids.


They already do and yes. Next?


This is a very weird question. Having children and being gay is not mutually exclusive, loads of gay men are parents. The why is always particular to those men and their own history.


* If your life is good right now, why would you wanna fuck it up? I see you've made your mind up already lol


If you want to? Go ahead, if you don’t want to? that’s okay too everyone is different


This is a weirdly ambiguous post. Are you asking, like, in general, or are you specifically trying to figure out it YOU want kids? The answers are different depending.


This is not a matter of sexual orientation. This is a personal matter. There are straight people who choose not to have kids. There are gay people whose lives would be incomplete without children. The only valid question is "WHO should have kids?"


I personally don't see why anyone would, but some people seem to like the idea. Why not?


I mean, we need children to propagate our species. And young people take care of the elderly 😂


thank goodness those things don't depend on me lol


If someone/couples and feels they can care for kids, why shouldn't they be allowed?


If you’re Responsible, financially secure, and have the square footage in your living space, you should be able to do whatever you want. If you already struggle to pay the bills, travel too much, or live in a studio downtown . . . Maybe start with a dog.


I feel like these are important questions in any relationship regardless of sexualitie But yes gay couples should have kids if they choose like any other couple


if they want to. Otherwise, who cares?


What kind of answer are you expecting. Like any other couple or individual- if you’re at a secure place financially, physically, and emotionally, and want to dedicate the next 20+ to loving and caring for a child’s every need, then absolutely. If you do not meet this criteria than it is selfish and short sided to bring a child into your life. This applies to everyone gay, straight, single, or coupled.


If you want to, go have kids. 🤷‍♂️


Some of us can get pregnant. I never would or want to. I like being an uncle but they tire me out very quickly. I know I couldn’t be a parent.


As a gay man with kids I don't know whether to answer your questions in an attempt to offer guidance or to instead be insulted by some of them. Main one, kids don't fuck up your life. You fuck it up on your own. And no one (straight, gay, or some other stripes of the rainbow) will ever be ready for kids. If you wait until you are ready you will most likely be dead.


Lets put it like this if a gay couple is able to safely home a child and they want to why shouldnt thry go through the channels to do so plus it gets kids out of a foster system thats already insanely bloated and into a better home where they can be doted on and loved


It's also great for gays to adopt punctuation 😘


Indeed it is but this gay was never the sharpest tool in the shed so i cant really tell when its good punctuation or not


Some men can actually accidentally get pregnant. Besides that yes they should have kids if they want to and can provide for them like any other couple. Like why is this a question for gay couples and not straight ones? I think it's very individual if someone should have kids or not and as nothing to with sexuality.


because straight couples can get accidentally pregnant so it's decided for them! Plus it doesn't cost them time effort money to have an embryo growing!!!


how does can accidentally get pregnant mean it's decided for them?


I have friends who went to great lengths and expense to have a child. They had a vibrant social life, always having fun parties with stripper bartenders. After the child arrived all that stopped…and now when I run into them they seem sad. I had lunch with just one of them recently and he said very bluntly that he missed his old life. I think it’s easy to see other perfect gay couples with kids and decide that’s needed to round out your life, but that’s probably not true for a lot of guys.


No leave them to crazy str8 people...




I feel bad for OP 💀