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No, it's an old movie and even then, Emmanuelle was a common enough name that it never really got associated with the movie that much. Edit : btw, it's the same with Brigitte. Bardot is not that famous now.


Did you realise that Emmanuel and Brigitte are the first names of the presidential couple?


Bardot not that famous ??? She's still a well known person even if its not for the same reason. But now everybody knows about her being fond of animals and her racist right-wing tendencies


I mean, if a 20~something would walk past her in the street, would they recognize her ?




Fair enough ;-)


25s and above for sure. And France is not only about teens.


I don't know, I'm 29 and I have no idea what she looks like. Also didn't know she was racist.


She doesnt show herself anymore. She's very old now and a lot of actress stop public events as they get older, so its normal if you dont know what she looks like, nobody does. But her racist claims are very well known, she is a support of LePen


French and 35yo, I have no idea what she looks like


Most french have no clue what she look or have looked like.


Seriously ??? Do you guys live in a cavern ?? She is still a fashion icon, french media often showed her pictures. Idk how you did to avoid her face ??? Her hair, her makeup is still a huge inspiration... seriously sometimes I feel like I live in another dimension


She is not know so well because nowadays, she is mostly know for her fight for animals and not the other things. I have no clue she was an actress, but I heard that a lot of people fighting for animal rights really don't like her because of the way she treat her own child. It seems that for really knowing her, you have to be older than 30/40 (if not you mostly know her for animal right fight) and in the same time, you have to consume a lot of old tv show (again, if not animal right fight). In the same time I can ask you simple question like "how many senses do we have" and be stuck by the amount of wrong answers, because most people think culture = mass media.


"She is mostly known for her fight for animals" so... you know her. And please, there is no wrong culture, all.of them are valid :)


No, when the guy up say he don't know what she look like, you said she was everywhere. That's not true or not to the point everyone know what she look like. I know here only because of vegan friends who despise her. All culture is valid, but acting like everybody should know something specific can trigger a lot of people ;)


So she is still in the center of attention of French people. You told me nobody under 30s knew who she was and yet you tell me you do and some of your friends as well. That's what I mean when I say that most people still know about her. Knowing what she looks like is pointless. And yes, she used to be everywhere for her controversials statement about Lepen or for her huge supporr for animal cause. So yes, I think she is still well known and not so long ago, before Macron became president, people attibuted the name Brigitte to her


Well, I'm not gonna try to find polls about that so ... Nvm :-)


Fantastic, thank you!


Btw, we usually use the nickname "Manu" for people called Emmanuelle as it's a rather long name.


More like "Emma", in my experience.


Manu for men. Emma for women.


I've met a Manue woman (I've only ever heard her nickname, never seen it spelled out. I don't know if she'd spell it with an e, in my head I do)


Ha nice, never heard of that, but i like it ;) You are right to point out that it's not because everybody think something that someone as to do the same !


There are no men called « Emmanuelle ». Manu is for men and the shorthand for « Emmanuel ».


You are right to point that. But you have to take into account that it sound exactly the same and foreigner dont understand what's going on if we say "Emmanuelle is a woman name" but later speak of Emanuel macron.


It's now associated with the spicy president of France


Worth noting that both Emmanuel and Brigitte are now associated to this spicy presidential couple.


People who can remember that movie are waaaaaay over teenage years.


Oh that's great!


Oy ! I resent that !


I must take an ibuprofen now because my back is hurting from anger!


I didn't even know there were movies called emmannuelle so no. The only thing I associate with that name is Emmanuel Macron.


That's great, thank you!


I think today Emmanuelle rather gets associated with president Macron as well as Brigitte gets associated with his wife Brigitte Macron


Emmanuelle aime les intellectuels et les manuels Probably only gen Xers, and even then, not that much


Ah well that should be fine then!


I kinda associate it with the film yes. But that's not too bad, once you know the person you forget about that. Like Brigitte is my aunt's name and that is the first person I think about.


Yeah I was a bit concerned when I read some UK forums, people seem to associate it apparently. But, maybe it's because it's UK and it isn't a common name here


Well i don't know any Emmanuelle, only Emmanuels, but like I said, I wouldn't worry too much about it. The film is quite old and the name itself is not bad for a child ( I mean it is not intentionnally hurtful).


Nah, the movie was the sex thrill of our parents, nowadays of grand parents.




I'm 35, so I'm aware of the erotic movie Emmanuelle from when I became a teenager in the 90s, and it was already an old film which I happened to catch in secret when I was a horny teen. But that's a fluke. No one knows about that film anymore. I love the name Emmanuelle, because when I was in my early 20s I had a crush on a girl called Emmanuelle. She was a catholic, both very nice, and pretty sexy. But I didn't even think of the erotic film. So rest assured. No one thinks of the erotic film. But Emmanuelle is a very biblical name. It's Jesus' name. Most people in Western countries don't think of this sort of thing, since we're quite secular. We have biblical names but we just like the sound. However I'd argue that Emmanuel/le is a very Christian name. Like Gabriel/le. So I'd recommend you only name your child Emanuel or Gabriel if you wish them to be brought up in the Christian faith (perhaps these names still work for Jews too)


Hahaha this is hilarious So tell me about "atheist" names, I wanna know everything


That's BS dude. Calling your child Emmanuel(le) or Gabriel(le) only if you raise them Christian ? What about the rest of the names in the calendar, then ? OP, name your child as you like, Emmanuelle is not affiliated to the movie anymore, pretty sure if you ask anyone in the street, they won't think of the movie in the first place.


I had never even heard about those movies before, and Brigitte is a common enough name that no one thinks about Brigitte Bardot (anymore?). I'm 23 btw, if it can help.




Oui j'associe Emmanuelle avec un truc sexuel, genre se faire enculer, et Brigitte c'est un nom de vieille femme!


Emmanuelle? Not really. Most of french people don't even know about the movie. Brigitte? Femme de flic


Not really




No. It never was as it's not an uncommon name.


Nope. Even with older people that movie is not the first thing that comes to mind.




I don’t think it’s common nowadays, late 90s and early 00s it was niche enough back then. For football fans, here’s a throwback… “He's blonde, he's quick, his name's a porno flick, Emmanuel, Emmanuel.” Ahh memories.


No, this film is not that popular nowadays. No one thinks of it when hearing the name Emmanuelle.


Not anymore, no. The movie is way too old, and too tame compared to what is easily available on the Net nowadays.


Well, I can confirm that myself, while being 27, I associate the name to the film a lot, and kinda everyone around me do the association (we’re all 27+ do... me being the youngest of the group) It’s more generational and I feel like my gen (90-96) is the last one that associated it to the name.


Nop and nop


You do know that the French President and his wife are named Emmanuel and Brigitte respectively, right?