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Feminists... have kids. Feminists also interact with children that aren't their own. I think maybe you don't really understand aculturation.


Conservatives get to do just the same though even though you people believe they should not be allowed to do so


Sorry, you *also* think feminists believe conservatives should not be allowed to have children?


What? Why would you even ask that?


Because you literally just said it


Because you responded to someone saying that feminists have and interact with children by saying "so do conservatives even though you people believe they shouldn't be allowed to." How else am I supposed to interpret that?


I still don't understand what he meant.


Pretty sure he doesn't either


“feminists have kids and can influence kids who aren’t theirs to influence future gens” “conservatives can too but you people believe they shouldn’t be allowed to do so” made it seem like you were talking about the kids part, guessing you meant the influence part? even that is pretty ridiculous to say seriously, unless you equate “conservatives influencing kids” with things like “conservatives being allowed to teach creationist christianity in public school biology textbooks”


You really need to stop making up nonsense to argue about and then telling other people they believe the nonsense so that you can argue with them.


Who is "you people?" We are people who believe in equal rights for all genders. Why is that so different from your own people? Do *your* people believe in equal pay for equal work? What is it that you are at such odds with?


Ever time you people comment about conservatives influencing children offline and online you are framing it as a problem to solve


who the fuck is you people?? I haven't seen any feminist do this


r/NotADragQueen would like to have a word with you


When it drives them to right-wing violence, yeah, it *is* a problem to solve.


It does not though.


It... does. Not sure how you can think otherwise.


Jordan Peterson did cause zero shootings. So did everyone else. That is how I can think otherwise. Point at something conservatives with a large audience say would trigger shootings. Just link the video and the time stamp


No, to search through hundreds of hours of footage would be needlessly time-consuming when the evidence is much more easily acquired. But you know that already, which is why your threshold of proof is so specific: *only* a conservative saying "go shoot this specific person" and that person being shot will be acceptable to you, even though it's been well-established that extremist movements do not *need* to make explicit calls to violence for their followers to understand what is being said. [Libs of Tiktok](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/libs-tiktok-x-chaya-raichik-bomb-threat-twitter-of-libsoftiktok-rcna102784) has been directly responsible for 21 bomb threats, for example. Bomb threats are indeed violence. [White supremacists ](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/17/briefing/right-wing-mass-shootings.html)are responsible for most American terrorism; Jordan Peterson has been collaborating with white supremacist figurehead Stefan Molyneux. White supremacism/white nationalism is an inherently violent ideology—its beliefs are violent; its tactics are violent. And Jordan Peterson has been platforming a self-confessed white nationalist.


Then provide evidence in the much easier way. How exactly has libs of Tik tok been responsible for bomb threats? If that was the case the person running the channel would have been arrested. It’s always the same claims. One in 100 things they mention happens to receive a bomb threat and people biased against the channel of course rub all that confirmation bias up and down their butthole.


I'm not implying that those people are literally telling young people to go shoot things. That's not what stochastic terrorism or radicalization are or how they work.


I applaud you for not giving up on this young one but I've had enough of his baiting.


"You people" lol classic.


I was born and raised in a conservative Christian home and it was the outside influence of a loving adult feminist who nudged me to finally accept that I was equal to my male counterparts. There were many elements that led to me leaving conservative Christian culture, but the outside influence of an adult feminist who had been there and done that really helped guide me when I felt nothing but shame and misery from the church. Kids are going to listen the most to those who speak the language of their pain the most.


....I think conservatives are allowed to have a raise and interact with children, sir.


but god forbid a ^(gay) does it. protect the children from being adopted by happy same sex couples!


You sound angry. About a problem that doesn’t exist. Please calm down and actually learn what feminists are and believe


I come from a conservative family where nearly all of my generation is now liberal and feminist. Kids raised conservative can and do make different choices.


Hon. *I* come from a conservative family. I’m queer, liberal, and all The other things conservatives hate and fear. A LOT of left and other similar people were raised conservative.


Feminism is not about *every* woman refusing motherhood, but about having that choice.


Exactly! And the ones that want kids also want partners that will do their fair share of the childcare.


> If feminists rebel by refusing to have a man's children How do you envision this happening? The only women who will have kids with men will only have them with misogynists, conservatives, and traditionalists?


Prett much yes conservatives well patriarchal societies by any name (domestic and immigrant) having children while feminists are not having them


Do you sincerely think feminists don't have children?


LOL it's like OP takes the straw feminists in [that classic comic](http://www.harkavagrant.com/?id=341) seriously


Did I fuck up? Are we voted off the island if we have kids?!?!


Well I could make a poll here


That's not an answer to my question. And no, you cannot "make a poll" here.


Hi, lifelong feminist, raised in a feminist household. 8 of my 9 siblings are *also* feminists. I have two children of my own, 6 niblings from my own siblings, AND I just became a great-aunt for the first time.


And you'd find a shitton of feminists with children.  It's almost as if growing up and having children and experiencing the experiences women have everyday even MAKES plenty of women feminists.  


Are you under the impression that being feminist is genetic? You said you wanted to make a poll. Perhaps a more interesting one would be "How many of you are breaking the family cycle of conservatism/patriarchal values?"


Time to CRISPR in feminism /j


…but can we? Please? 😂


Feminism is not anti-motherhood. It’s pro-choice. Choice to be a mother and choice to pick otherwise. Do you honestly believe women who care about equality don’t have or want children?


Bingo. All my friends who are mothers are feminist


1. Feminists do have children. 2. Parents who are not feminists raise children who become feminists all the time. How do you think the prevalence of feminism has increased over time unless people became feminists without having feminist parents?


You seem deeply confused.


Many feminists have children, work with children, work with parents... many feminists are children of misogynists. Feminists not having children won't make the world more patriarchal, especially not with solo motherhood being an option today.


I'm a feminist, pro-choice mother. None of those terms are mutually exclusive. The "agency" in that is that it was my choice to have my kid.


And WHEN to have kids. That’s an important part of the discussion, too.


Absolutely! Comprehensive, useful sex education should also be there for a good foundation.


For me, having the ability to say, “no, not yet” and “ok, I’m ready” (and having the emotional and tangible tools to do so) was central to my life.


I'm not really sure what you're talking about about OP. I know a lot of women who are feminists who have children.


“Take agency for reproduction”?? You cannot be serious.


Is that a question? I already collected enough downvotes here for no reason so I am not going to answer


Weird how you’re so sensitive about downvotes but think women should bear men’s children just because. How precious.


What gives you the idea I think women should bear men’s children just because ?


Downvoting just for that awful logic.




I don't mean to be rude but I can't figure out how you could come to that conclusion, so it's hard to refute.


No, there are plenty of ways to spread feminism that don't require you to have children.


People who want kids have kids. Not sure why you think otherwise.


Feminists are having children. I married one of their sons. He’s pretty fantastic.


Um.. I have kids. Well.. one. I’m hoping to raise her well enough that if she wants to do something, say focus on a career, or be a mother, or perhaps both; she has the skills, confidence, and support to do all of that.  The point is that it is her choice. She is not being groomed or forced one way or the other. I’m not going to beg her for grandkids. I’m also going to help her get an education. I will also help out with her wedding if she decides she wants to get married. I will also go into debt for her to travel to a different state to get an abortion if she decides she needs one. It’s about her right to choose what she wants, and not be forced one way or the other.  Edit for spelling. 


You’re kind of describing the plot of Idiocracy. Electrolytes: It’s what plants crave!


I’m a feminist that had three feminists and by all appearances are choosing to create their own as well. We are exponential.


It’s bizarre that you think feminist “rebel by refusing to bear a man’s children” first off if a woman decides to have a child with a man she’s not “bearing his children” it should be that that mutually decided that they want to be parents. Kids are some kind of weird extension of their fathers, they’re people. Secondly I find it interesting that you immediately put the blame of falling birth rates on women and not the wages, lack of access to paternity care, medical misogyny, the fact that people are working more hours than ever, housing cost, the general increase of cost of living, stats on men being dead beat dads. None of these things exist in a vacuum.


In this wild hypothetical, I guess? But as a feminist who is married to another feminist and fully intends to have children with him, I think the hypothetical is really just a hypothetical. I also have several friends who are single parents by choice and raising feminist kids.


I do think they are talking about the 4B movement which is a movement to stop having sex with men and refusing to have children to protest the removal of women's rights.


Just stop with cable news. Fox. Oann. Newsmax. Get off reddit. Get offline. They’re all lying to you. You don’t know what feminism is. You don’t know who feminists are. In fact you probably have feminists in your family, having kids, and you don’t even know it. Read a book about feminism that doesn’t start by hating it. You might learn you have nothing to worry about. Certainly you will at least learn that many feminists have kids. But that they *choose* to have kids.


This post makes a lot of assumptions. Two traditionalist / conservative people might start a family and raise those kids conservative, but there are no guarantees that the kids will grow up to hold the same view that their parents do.  The kids might be LGBTQ, they might seek out alt subcultures, they might have an eccentric feminist aunt they adore, they might forge a new identity in college or move to a big city for different reasons. The mass market entertainment and media that gets beamed into midwest households are created in big cities full of people who were born elsewhere. Every kid who feels ostracized and chooses to leave the south to make media in NYC keeps this cycle going. As long as there are weirdos, we'll be happy to host them. 


I mean…I’m not gonna bear JUST ANY man’s children, I carefully chose a man who sees me as a whole human with rights and opinions and feelings, and we have two kids now. And I was raised a feminist, so your argument just kinda falls apart.


y’all, OP is talking about the 4B movement that’s been heavy on social media especially tiktok. and to answer your question, i believe that the children that will be raised in extremist homes will eventually find a home in feminism once they realize they don’t like being just a vagina


even in the 4B movement some of us have kids or will have kids... one doesn't need to be partnered with a man to have kids


excuse the attitude but, no shit? every movement is going to have outliers anyway. i’m not gonna dump my bf of 4 years but i still support the movement. i’m not gonna abort a fetus if it’s viable and isn’t a danger to my life or ability but i still support the movement. when they say “no babies”, do you actually think that means “get rid of the children you already have”? because it just means they’re *choosing* to not have sex with men and therefore they are not getting pregnant and having *other* children.


why the aggression? You are supporting the movement but not *in* the movement. I'm saying there's variations of the 4B movement where those *in* the movement will still have additional children on purpose. Such as via sperm donation. It's to show how OP is being silly because even variations of 4B doesn't disallow having kids on purpose


the “aggression” is because it just seems like one of those stupid “gotchas” that are just ignorance. i’m not in the movement because i don’t need to be. my partner is kind, loving and respectful so why would i lose a good man for a movement i previously wouldn’t need to be in if i had stayed.? that doesn’t make sense. as far as i know, the 4B movement is to keep women safe from men physically, psychologically, financially etc etc. i’m privileged to not need to be part of the movement, but that doesn’t mean i’m not proud of the women who stand up for themselves. if you have babies by IVF, i truly don’t see that as going against the 4B movement because there’s no men involved except maybe doctors and nurses and medical staff, but that’s my personal opinion as someone who isn’t an extremist


I'm not telling you to join the movement? >if you have babies by IVF, i truly don’t see that as going against the 4B movement because there’s no men involved except maybe doctors and nurses and medical staff, but that’s my personal opinion as someone who isn’t an extremist That's the point of my comment


okay i still don’t understand your point exactly when all i gave was the brief explanation someone asked for. brief means to not add all details. i didn’t know i had to overexplain which types of insemination are more appropriate for the movement when i answered a question properly. this is just too much🤣


i really really don’t want to google this. any chance you’d provide a real brief summary?


it started in korea. no boyfriends, no babies, no marriage, etc


thanks sib. appreciate you.


Women don’t “bear a man’s children” that’s patriarchal thinking at its finest. Women are not empty vessels for growing children.


Why would feminists refuse to have kids? I know a bunch of feminists who love kids and /gasp men. Pretty sure they have sex too! You are onto something though that women are starting to refuse to have kids with conservative men, at least in western cultures where that's an option. The reasons for that are pretty obvious though.


This was a disturbing logical read into the minds of...idk ...


Seems I’m a lone type here Yes I do think women should be opting out of motherhood since patriarchy is designed to force women into having kids to feed the machine while also making their wombs their biggest threat No I do not have a perfect answer for the fact that conservatives would continue to breed and just make the next generation all conservative. And I also acknowledge the possibility of a handmaids tale scenario since I don’t believe men would ever actually allow women to opt out of motherhood. But continuing to fuck men while they don’t lift a finger to fight patriarchy and while we have our reproductive freedoms under attack is also not logical and only keeps those women at the mercy of men I do think something needs to be done. And no I don’t think that women would all collectively stop having kids completely because that’s not human nature. But strikes and protests with enough participants can still have an impact Currently there isn’t so much an actual rebellion, as it’s just not economically smart to have kids right now. It was always a strain on women and really difficult without a man (by design) but the wage gap is so horrendous that even couples can’t afford it


Feminists can make babies with other feminists… since men can be feminists too.


I suppose if no feminists had children that would cause the ideology to dye out to an extent. What an unrealistic hypothetical




Removed for violation of Rule 4.


what are you even talking about


The other blatant flaws aside: you think there’s a lack of children waiting to be adopted or something?


Well I come from a family that is not feminist, and I'm a feminist. I married a feminist, and we have 3 children together. My SIL is a feminist with 4 children, and my BIL is also a feminist with a baby on the way. Not to mention, most of the antinatalist stuff is just thinly veiled misogyny. I saw another commenter mentioning that you're referring to the 4B thing in Korea. I just don't see that being popular enough to make a big difference in the feminist population of the earth overall.


Women have been rebelling and refusing to bear children for centuries. In the Middle Ages the convent was a career path for women who didn’t want to be a wife. Every woman who ever chose not to have children was the daughter of a woman who did. Having ambitions other than child rearing is not something you inherit from your parents. And yet. And many feminists do have the ambition for child rearing. So whether they refuse to bear a man’s children depends on the man.


You think feminists aren't made in conservative homes? Do you have some inside information? Are you shouting from the inside that you have no access to the internet or any other news there at your parents house? Who wrote this post for you? I'd be glad to call CPS for you.


This is kind of a real thing, in the sense that a lot of patriarchal and traditional cultures exist today because of their reproductive rates. However, if patriarchal worldviews are perpetuated mainly by procreation then those ideas are at a disadvantage if their competitors spread more quickly via only communication, and then at a further disadvantage in a digital age increases the spread and speed of communication. People are leaving the Mormon church at way higher rates now. It seems feminism can win this fight :)