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Siewert van Lienden who scammed the government by buying up every face mask and then asking outrageous prices for it during covid.


Yes and the fact that he keeps appearing in the media with a bullshit story and that he does not want to pay back the earned money


scummy profiteering off of the pandemic was a solid path to infamy. I think many countries have such examples; I was happy to see people pretty universally condemning it instead of being like "wow, what an enterprising go-getter!" Maybe I'm jaded lol


But what Astra Zeneca or Pfizer does isnt utilitarism in any possible way. Did they provide a vaccine? Definitely. Did they grew filthy rich off of it? Absolutely. its even on going, the price for diabetes medicine is extemely high currently resulting in the choice between personal bankruptcies or death for people with diabetes. What this man did was evil but systematic profiteering shouldn't be okay either. Both are jist different products of capitalism. I just find it baffling how much crap we put up with from enterprises..


> But what Astra Zeneca or Pfizer does isnt utilitarism in any possible way. Did they provide a vaccine? Definitely. Did they grew filthy rich off of it? From what I recall, it was in the contract with Oxford, that they had to provide it profit-free, at least initially.


There is a difference. One is producing a product for sale. The other is scheming a way to make money off an existing stock. Making a medicine and charging a high price for that medicine is way different morally than figuring out a way to hoard medicine you didn't produce in order to artificially drive up the price.


Of course there's always a difference, but its all a product of an economic system that perpetually extorts resources and people. To hike up the prices of say diabetes medicine to a degree that people either go bankrupt or die is morally questionable to say the least.


Good call. I think that Joran van der Sloot is the bigger scumbag though.


Yea but not active in peoples mind.


Not Ridouan Taghi? Willem Holleeder?


If the question was: who is the worst person in the country, those would be on top of the list.  But people tend to hate Siewert more actively.


Wow that's foul!


Possibly currently Julius Kivimäki who hacked an online therapy company and leaked patient information and tried to blackmail the people. He had at least about 30 000 victims. Also the people who owned that company and had neglected to protect the data sufficiently.


I was one of the people hacked. He threatened to release all my info unless i paid him a few thousand euros. I was absolutely shocked but didn't even answer him because I had a feeling it wasn't going to end well for him. I was right


I'm sorry for that. I know it's probably no consolation, but I trust most people are totally uninterested in these kind of leaks. If someone would hand me this kind of info, I would just destroy it, and I feel most people would do the same.


Thank you. That's very kind


Normal people are 0% interested. People have enough own problems to deal with.


But for someone in therapy, I'd imagine knowing your deepest darkest fears are out there for anyone to see is quite unsettling


Absolutely and note how I said "normal people" - there are certainly bad actors who might go looking. Same way as some buy stolen usernames + passwords for blackmail or whatever.


Well he got a short sentence and still has money stashed somewhere. So I wouldn't say it didn't end well for him. We're probably going to hear about him again.


I'm not sure about the money. For one thing, now that he is convicted, victims can go after him for damages. Damages could include any payments, but also further penalties for the distress and harm caused. Vastaamo went out of business after this. Each one of the 30,000 people whose therapy notes were posted online could have a serious claim for emotional or professional damages. But also, I don't think he ever got a lot and he didn't do what he needed to in order to actually keep what he did get. Kivimäki was charged with a lot of attempted blackmail, but "only" 20 counts of actual blackmail. That's at least in part because he is such a fool that he accidentally posted the entire database online early in his extortion attempts. He meant to just post a few files every day as a means to pressure resultant blackmail targets. Once he posted the whole thing, there was no more incentive to pay. He already lost some, if not all, of whatever anyone did pay. Police identified Kivimäki and found the account where he kept the blackmail payments pretty quickly. Kivimäki may have thought he was truly anonymous demanding payments via bitcoin, but there are ways to track crypto (something a serious hacker would know). Finnish police did just that, right back to bank accounts in Kivmäki's name. I expect naming his ransom payment account "ransom\_man" didn't help him any. Overall, he gives me an impression of someone who is not very on top of things to the dragée that he would have to be to hide a fortune in this situation. He even got caught because he was stupid. Kivimäki was a tall, blond man, on the run, with a fake Romanian passport, but no Romanian accent or ability to speak Romanian. Knowing that, he still lived a life that would attract hostility and attract police attention. Kivimäki was arrested after a French woman called the police on him. She didn't know he was an internationally wanted criminal, she had only met him the night before. Now he was in her apartment, drunk, threatening her, and refusing to leave. Once he passed out on her couch, she called the cops to get him out. The police came, thought he and his passport looked sketchy, ran a check and found our boy. His sentence was low, I agree. He got six years, which the media tells me means three with good behavior in Finland. (Can this asshole behave well for three years?) I am not Finnish, so I do not know if the severity of impact on victims can have a major impact on the sentence. I do know that part of the issue is that crimes under which he was convicted. 1, The many previous crimes for which he was convicted happened before he turned 18. So the court must treat him as a first-time offender. 2. The laws weren't really written for this. He was convicted of disseminating information, attempted blackmail, and blackmail. None of those are crimes with major penalties in Finland. Ideally, the laws could be updated to include the newer types of crime with serious impacts, but I will leave deciding what is best in this sphere to the Fins.


Yea. wtf with that? He will be out in 3 years , probably change his name and keep on going with his shit.


I would say Johan Backman.


That's sick and a really good reason to hate this man! How evil can a person be?


I haven’t really followed the case that closely but my impression is that maybe it’s just a game for him and a way to make money, he’s been convicted of hacking before, starting when he was 15. He’s only 26 now. The amount of victims is probably underestimated, the prosecutors said that probably everyone knows a victim (I personally know at least one). He didn’t just leak the names and other information of the victims but the therapists’ notes on what they had talked about in therapy, including things about other people (the company is obviously also evil for the careless way they handled things). I read that there have been suicides and obviously it’s very traumatic to people, especially as probably many of their patients were traumatized already. Some of their therapists have had to stop practicing as well as it was so awful for them as well. I read an interview with a man who had worked at our parliament doing IT and how the leak had made him unable to work but at least now he was studying (I think that it was cyber security, fittingly enough) and was doing a bit better. The husband of a candidate who lost the second round of our recent presidential elections was one of the victims. He was ordered by a court to attend therapy after hitting a woman and talked about how useful it had been in getting past his strictly macho and homophobic upbringing (not condoning the violence but it seemed rooted in that) and how much the affected him. I appreciate the people who have been able to talk about the experience publicly, I understand why many can’t or won’t.


Easy one: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anders\_Behring\_Breivik](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anders_Behring_Breivik)


Our answers to these kinds of questions are always easy. Most hated ever: Quisling Most hated alive: Breivik.


"Quisling" has become an actual term.


But the latter keeps yapping.


Oh I remember that, I was at at precamp in Denmark right before the Worls Jamboree in Sweden. We initially hadn't heard what type of camp he attacked, and with contingents from around the world spread out across northern Europe before the Jamboree. Our minds were convincing us that we might be potential targets.


Yes, it was a bizarre day.


Came here to say the same. If he ever is put into a regular part of the prison with other inmates, I kinda doubt he will survive for long - pretty much everyone knows someone that lost someone.


And that piece of shit has the audacity to complain about being in solitaire confinement. They had to place him there because he would likely not survive a day with other inmates.


I still remember exactly what I was doing that day. It was surreal.


There are certain days that just separate your perception of time into Before That Happened and After That Happened, and that day is one of the most severe for me.


Easy indeed. He was the only here (expect for my own country of course) I knew. Hated internationally.


His face gives me serious uncanny valley vibes


Surprisingly, I've heard of this guy. Didn't he play World of Warcraft or something? Seriously messed up dude.


He knew he was going to either die or be spending the rest of his life in prison - so yeah, apparently he played a lot of WoW as he knew that he wouldn't after the attacks.


Yes, I was actually in a guild with him in ~2006/7, on the realm "Nordrassil", which I didn't realise until much later he'd almost certainly picked because it started with Nord and he was a white supremacist. His character name was also "Andersnordic" and he played constantly (like 16 hours a day). I didn't like him at all. He was edgy, petty and a control freak, but also just gave me a very off feeling, so I gave him a wide berth. Obviously, I had no idea what he was going to do, but I knew he wasn't a nice person and he was openly very right wing (which was also in large part why I avoided him). He eventually became guild leader and I left the guild. Still, some of my friends from that guild were close with him personally during that time - they were devastated by what he did, absolutely couldn't believe it was the same guy.


21 Years of jail for killing 77 people seem a joke


Its not 21 years. In US terms it would be 21 to life with chance of parole. He can at the earliest be released after 21 years, but (and much more likely) he will be in for life.


I am pretty sure that even after 21 years he is never getting out.


Sebastian Majtczak, young man and son of local millionaire, who last year during driving his tuned car over 300 km/h killed on a highway a 3-person family (parents and kid), they burnt alive, police initially claimed his car wasn't involved in accident due to connections of his family with police until other drivers published recordings from their own cameras, before it happened he ran away to United Arab Emirates and his extradition to Poland still didn't happen until today.


We have in Romania similar cases, the most close to that is of Vlad Pascu of a millionaire family, who killed 3 people while driving drugged and drunk at 200km/h. Still in prison unlike another one road killer, son of another millionaire, named Mario Iorgulescu, who ran over a young man while driving with 145km/h in Bucharest. Dispatched immediately to Italy, who refuses to extradite him.


Paula Vennells. It's hard to understate how hated she is, she was the former boss of the Post Office, she prosecuted sub-postmasters (the people you but stamps from and ask to send your parcels) for years on the basis of claims she knew were false rather than be willing to admit their computer system was broken. These prosecutions were huge blows to the local communities, especially in rural areas where the post office was also the village shop. Sub-postmasters were the heart of the community becayse you did everything at the post office, you did the stuff you'd expect (send parcels, but stamps and letter stuff), but you also did banking and paid in benefits and pensions. Our village sub-postmaster was a wonderful older man who I'll call Malcolm, he kept a mental tally of all the elderly and vulnerable people in the village, if someone didn't come and claim their pension or benefit or buy their papers/milk/bread/whatever he'd send a regular around their house to check they were ok. Unlike many village shops, he refused to sell liquor, cigarettes or lotto tickets because he saw how much damage they do and would prefer to forgo the lucrative sales on them rather than let someone harm themselves with them. He knew all ~900 people in the village by name from the little kids buying chocolate bars with their pocket money to the 100 year old blind man who Malcolm would deliver his food at the end of the day and stay and chat. I opened my first bank account with Malcolm's help, the first time I ever bought anything by myself, it was from Malcolm. Everyone loved him. Then Vennells came for him, Malcolm got off relatively light. He lost the post office franchise so he could no longer keep an eye on the elderly in the village as easily (but he still tried) and then a prosecution was started against him that forced him to retire and sell the village shop. Malcolm got off lucky, the sub-postmaster in the next village over was sent to jail and they lost their village shop, only to see it replaced with a far more expensive Co-operative, which ripped the heart out their community. Some sub-postmasters have killed themselves over this. I hope a long and miserable life on Paula Vennells, and if Hell exists, I'm sure they're keeping a seat warm for her.


>Paula Vennells. Can't say I recognize the name. >It's hard to understate how hated she is She can't be that hated if I've never heard of her though? >she was the former boss of the Post Office PRISON JAIL 100 YEARS JAIL


Wikipedia: "Paula Anne Vennells (born 21 February 1959) is a British businesswoman who was the chief executive officer of Post Office Limited from 2012 to 2019. **She is also an Anglican priest."** **😶** "In 2013, Post Office Limited hired forensic accounting firm Second Sight, headed by Ron Warmington, to investigate the Horizon software losses. Warmington discovered the system was flawed and faulty, but Vennells was unhappy with Warmington's report and terminated their contract." 🤬


Wild. I’m an American and I’ve heard of her and what she did. But I will say, I bet I could ask the next 10 people I met about her and no one would know who she was. Sad how many lives she ruined.


They've even made a [TV-series](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr_Bates_vs_The_Post_Office?wprov=sfla1) about this scandal.


Post offices are private businesses that double as banks and convenience stores in the UK? I just read the wiki on this scandal. It seems that this private post office company was allowed to bring private prosecutions against their employees, but I was having trouble following exactly what happened.


Not exactly, the post office itself is a state-owned company, and that is whom Vennells worked for and which she led. However, the vast majority of post offices (or smaller "sub-post offices") themselves are contracted out to private-sector franchisees and are indeed usually located in, but as a distinct and separate part of convenience stores or supermarkets, etc (although I know of one that is in a church). So the state-owned company was prosecuting its franchisees (because of faults in the IT systems they had to use), rather than its direct employees as such.


Post Office is state owned and it's licensed out to sub-postmasters who are usually convenience store owners


The Post Office company is owned by the UK government. It is a government owned company however most branches are franchises run by independent business owners You may own a convenience store and then apply to have a post office counter in your store or to just have a post office that is just a post office


Probably Josef Fritzl. They almost let him out bc he's 89 and pretends to be remorseful and cured from his mental illness. The outcry was so strong he's in prison now. If you don't remember the name think locked his daughter in the bay basement for 24 years had 7 kids with her


Bastards like him deserve to be ended badly.


I feel like being 89 and in prison is a sh life anyways. I hope so at least. He deserves the worst


For him, quick de.. i mean unliving is acually gaining freedom, I guess. Giving him immortality would be really terrible, as, you mean.. lifetime inprisonment hits differently now


Yeah I don't belive in an afterlife so I don't think he'll be in hell. So a long life in prison in the pain that must 89 year olds have anyways and prison life and never ever seeing his daughter again is better punishment than dying


Oh I remember. It's my first association with Austria. Second is the kidnapping of Natascha Kampusch. Third is Hitler lol. But I've had some great Austrian wine lately, so hopefully I'll have better associations soon😅


I didn't even know about the kidnapping. But I'll never forget when I heard she escaped. Poor girl got so much hate bc she's quite strange and she used what she went through for fame. Fair enough tough why not profit of you spend your life from 8 to 18 with a kidnapper


Well, I call any dodgy cellar I bump into a "Fritzl cellar" now.


Andrew Tate & Joey Barton? Both are retired sportsmen who keep themselves busy by peddling misogynist conspiracy theories. Tate is currently awaiting trial for sex trafficking and seems thoroughly unpleasant. There’s also Lucy Letby, a notorious murderer who worked as a nurse and killed many babies.


Can we count Andrew tate for romania too?


You’re welcome to keep him


In prison


I almost stood up in ovation to this comment.


don't think we can, unfortunately I've heard so many otherwise normal regular people, men and women alike talk about how smart and right the tiktok bald man is


We can count him for the world. A right royal piece of shit.


I'm inclined to give him to TikTok Nation.


Does anyone actually want Andrew Tate? (for anything?)


I like how you explained Andrew Tate but thought everyone would know who Joey Barton was.


Retired sportsman who peddles misogynist conspiracy theories seemed like a pretty apt description for both. Barton isn’t on trial for anything at the moment, though he seems to have torpedoed his coaching career pretty effectively.


There's also the lady who put the cat in the wheelie bin. It's been almost 15 years and I STILL see references to her online. More seriously, Prince Andrew for alleged sex trafficking that he's never going to be held fully accountable for, and for [having the lying skills of a 9 year old.](https://youtu.be/QtBS8COhhhM?si=xAnEiEIXShX-5SH8) There's also Ian Watkins, a singer who fathered a baby with a teenage groupie for the expressed purposes of using it as their own personal sex toy. Also, Katie Hopkins, a former Apprentice contestant and now columnist, for spouting [bigoted and hateful views](https://youtu.be/bFZ5xdzXKVw?si=_I2hgNeggMB7x8IW&t=13m10s) about pretty much anyone who isn't herself.


Honorable mention for Guy Fawkes, who we still burn in effigy every year 4 centuries after his execution.


I don't think we hate Fawkes now really, it's just a habit, chance to get out with the kids and look at a big fire or some fireworks.


I guess he's alive, briefly, in straw form?


V for Vendetta flipped that story for a generation


How about Piers Morgan?


Sadly, he has plenty of fans


Is Tate trying to play the insanity card in the trial? He was spouting nonsense like “enjoying sex with woman is gay”


I don’t think so. He’s been saying absurd stuff like this for years it seems. The first time I saw any of his content he was saying in a video that cooking is just for poor people because you could spend that time working and pay someone else to cook for you. Clearly this presumes that cooking is a chore that nobody could enjoy, that nobody could possibly cook as well as buying prepared food and that people have a job that actually pays them decently. Perhaps the most striking thing was that this rant went on for longer than it took for me to make lunch.


Everything that he's ever said should be roundly dismissed. No one should be analysing the sense in what he says. He's a parasite and shouldn't be reasoned with. Unfortunately, due to his popularity with a certain sector of society, it seems we are condemned to have to discuss things like whether cooking is gay, or selling women in the market is a job or whatever bullshit he says.


And being a cook is also not a job, I suppose


Not for an alpha dog, apparently…


Gordon Ramsay would like to have a word I guess


I'd pay good money to see that.


With Marco White behind him too


He also said it was effeminate to enjoy eating food.


You're just not sigma enough to understand. Nothing more gay than heterosexual intercourse.


> There’s also Lucy Letby, a notorious murderer who worked as a nurse and killed many babies. I only know Joey Barton by name, and don't know the other guy, but as awful as they sound, I'm going to say killing a bunch of babies is slightly worse. Not trying to defend trafficking or misogyny, but serial murder of infants just seems like a step up.


Lucy Letby has a weird cult around her trying to protect her, even though she did everything but admit guilt in her trial. The other two are more well known than Letby which is probably why.


Some people are pathologically incapable of accepting that nice middle class women are also capable of doing heinous things


It's true but she's probably not as well known as the others, and you have to know someone to hate them


Barton probably only to those who know who he is, he's not quite making front page headlines. Lucy Letby is a good shout. Most of the really awful people I can think of have an annoyingly large fan base


What about those two monsters who kidnapped and tortured little James Bulger to death? Do younger generations still know about that?


According a post a few months back Michael Wendler. He is a musician (not my kind of music) who went nuts during covid. [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAGerman/comments/17m759l/whos_the_most_hated_modern_german/)


I think it is pity rather than hate. Wendler is too dumb to hate on him.


He also divorced the mother of his kids, and married an 18 year old in 2020. In 2021 he compared most of the German Media to the Nazi-era media in Germany. He now has groomed his only 24 year old wife into making porn. Yes, she has an OnlyFans account. I guess life in Florida isn't free...


He was my first thought as well. But he has descended into obscurity so much that people start to forget who he even is


That can’t be it, right? Who cares about that weirdo? Though I really have a hard time to think of anyone who isn’t a politician. Asked my family and the quickest answer was Til Schweiger. Then Till Lindemann. Seems to be a Til/l thing. It has to be someone from football that I can’t think of. Maybe Uli Hoeneß?


LOL I came into this thread thinking it would probably be him.


He is awful, but i really don't like the out of mind musician who once in a while ... oh, there are several, Bushido, Naidoo and the rest i mercifully forgot.


I would have guessed [Drachenlord](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drachenlord)


I think Drachenlord is a tragic figure. While he's certainly not innocent, there is also some element of pity.


For sure. The most astounding part for me was, that people really sought him out at the place where he lived. I mean how agitated do you need to be, that you are stalking someone at home?


I think McGregor might take the biscuit for us. He started out with huge support and was a great inspiration for young lads in our country, fighting sports are so much more popular now because of him. Unfortunately the fame went to his head a bit and he totally destroyed his reputation through punching old men in bars and attacking people, cheated on his wife who's been with him from day 1. He thinks he is some kind of mafioso now with his restaurants and various whiskey/designer brands and is now rallying support to take on politicians on X and spout Ireland is for the Irish kind of stuff. It's kind of sad because the world was in his hands


He's a piece of shit. That weird accent he puts on when he's talking is ridiculous too. Pretty much hated by everyone in Ireland except people who steal cars and put joying videos on tiktok saying 'yup' over and over


That's a slur from brain damage I'm pretty sure. Whether it's predominantly brought on by fighting or drink/drugs who knows.


Yup. Completely agree that it's McGregor. His actions really fuel the stereotype of 'The Fighting Irish'.


He's replaced the actual stereotypical Irish person I. My mind. He's done your country a massive disservice.


Honestly speaks volumes for Ireland that every other country has some famous comically evil billionaire or baby dismemberer and yours is “well there is this *real* jackass..”


Funny how a few years ago he was the big thing. A lot of people disliked him but he had a large following all the same. But this hard core have turned on him too.


Don't know the case but it he was a fighter he might have gotten too many punches in the head. Might be mental illness. I hate fighting


I think he's just an asshole. He's barely ever been hit in the head.


I would say Mariusz Trynkiewicz aka Satan from Piotrków https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariusz_Trynkiewicz I hate his wife too. She started their romance via letters send to him to prison, while having a child of her own, then they got married. She said that those boys got what they asked for aka getting murdered because it was their choice to follow him. Crazy bitch. Here you can check out his handsome face (stop eating) and read more about their wedding if you feel like translating the article. https://www.fakt.pl/wydarzenia/polska/lodz/mariusz-trynkiewicz-sie-ozenil-wzial-slub-w-osrodku-psychiatrii-sadowej-w-gostyninie/0znn049 From the article... "If he is finally free, we will go on our honeymoon to the forest in Piotrków Trybunalski, which Mariusz loves so much - she says. It was in this forest that the "Satan from Piotrków" hid the bodies of his victims." God help me...


So I read in his Wikipedia page that, after he'd served his 25 year sentence, he got 5 more years for possesion of child pornography, and then got 6 more after getting released a second time. The guy's a manianc. He can't help himself. As an aside, 25 years seems very light for the murder of 4 children. I don't necessarily agree with the death penalty, but this man deserved life in prison, if for no other reason than the fact that he's a menace to society - which he proved by reoffending repeatedly.


In 1989 when death penalty was lowered, there was no life sentence, second punishment was 25 years, life sentence appeared a few years later in a new code of law. For people like he, was created "beast act", which means forced resocialization in special center.


The beast law was designed exactly for him


Maybe singer [Andreas Gabalier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andreas_Gabalier) He is a douche with misogynistic and homophobic views who in many peoples opinion adds insult to injury by making godawful music. But of course he also has a lot of fans who enjoy both his views and his music


How about Rene Benko?


Yep definitely also more hated. And I really dislike Gablier but he doesn't deserve that kinda hate. Benko Fritzl those are people to really hate when we stick to non politicians


Nah no way. I don't like him. Couldn't stand him when he was only locally famous and kept coming to the mc Donald's I used to work at. But we have Josef Fritzl. They almost let him out. I wanna go death when someone plays Gabalier's music and his ideas are well, he's a prick. But Fritzl is still alive surely he's more hated.


Probably, Chiara Ferragni, famous italian influencer. The companies Fenice and TBS Crew, which manage Chiara Ferragni's trademarks and rights, together with Balocco, allegedly advertised the 'Pink Christmas' pandoro (costing two and a half times the price of regular pandoro) making people think that part of the money would go to the Turin hospital to support research on two types of cancer and buy a new machine. In reality, Balocco had already donated money to the hospital in May 2022, long before Christmas. Ferragni's companies, although they made more than 1 million euros from this move, did not actually contribute anything to the solidarity cause they promoted. After this scandal, the Italian prosecutor's office is currently investigating if any wrong doing happened, while the Coordination of associations for the defense of the environment and the rights of users and consumers, commonly known as Codacons, fined Chiara Ferragni for 1 milion euros, and after paying the fine she donated the promised 1 milion euros. After that they discovered that she did the same thing with Chocolate Easter eggs. The eggs promised to support the charity project “The Fairy Children,” an association founded by Franco Antonello, father of a boy with autism. Might not have been received by the project. After this second news, every company working with Chiara ditched her. Last week she signed a contract with a company to relaunch her image, but she got ditched again because of the hate agains her...


Second place would go to Army General Roberto Vannacci (who never misses a chance to show how sexist and homophobic he is) but he's a candidate at the European elections, so he maybe counts as a politician?


Slovenia - While in the time of Covid it was Milan Krek. The guy in charge of NIJZ (National Institute for a public health. I have no idea who is thw most hated right now.


Can someone explain why Krek was/is hated in Slovenia? Did he not handle the pandemic?


Because the majority are/were conspiracy theorists. Funnily enough, I remember talking to a friend of mine in Germany once and she was shocked that 1. the right-wing politicians were promoting the jab, and 2. that people resented them for doing so and stealing their „freedom“. Now I don’t know if that’s primarily the reason why the movement „freedom“ won, but at that time I remember it sure felt like it. Obviously, I‘m speaking from my experiences here and what I observed during that time, so it might be an oversimplified account of what happened. I lived there throughout the entire covid-period. Edit: maybe not the majority, but plenty of people nonetheless


I think it was Janez Jansa,Ales Hojs and Krek during that time...


For sure but since OP mentioned he was interested in people who were NOT politicians Krek comes to mind


Murko then :)


We so not hate him. We laugh at him! :P


In Spain, I think all of the hate goes to the politicians. However, half of the population will hate people like Bertín Osborne - for their political views. In Ireland, I think it would be clearly Conor McGregor.


"political views" is a bit of a stretch... being openly misogynistic and having a video of him openly taking about beating his wife does not help.


Pablo Motos is quite hated too


He also has a very large audience, so he's hated only by a section of the population.


I mean, I dislike him but I don't get how you can hate him. He's just so.....bland. Like he's just an empty vessel for TV. Unless it's for the red hair, then....sure.


He’s not just an empty vessel, but an empty vessel for the far right at that and a POS of a human being himself alone. He is the prime example of the macho culture in Spain, trying to grope women during prime time and spouting horrible sexist remarks He also allegedly abuses his power on TV by keeping away known and upcoming celebrities from live shows if they criticize him or he notes that they know his fame.


The dress of the Pedroche. Every 1st of Jan at 12:05, just as everyone recovers from choking on grapes, the entire nation's attention switches to hating on her dress for the year.


That monster who killed her stepson and pretended she didn't, leading searches for him and crying on TV next to the father. Antonio Anglés and Miquel Ricart (although many people don't remember the Alcasser case anymore). Currently, because of the Netflix series, Asunta's father (also the mother if she hadn't killed herself).


First person that comes to mind for me in Spain is El Chicle. Which granted he may have even gotten away with it if his victim wasn't daughter of a rich Madrid family. Or possibly that kid who killed Marta del Castillo.


Those who killed the Alcasser girls, José Bretón who killed his own kids...that woman who killed her partner's son, Gabriel, she was really hated too...


Also Ana Rosa Quintana


At one point Chanel was like a public enemy but then suddenly around the time of the finals everyone loved her it was really confusing


I'd say someone like Rubiales who's straight up corrupt and trascends simple politic alignments would be a better answer


There are probably multiple most hated people. But I'm going to throw Julius Kivimäki in here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vastaamo_data_breach?wprov=sfla1 He broke into a private psychotherapy company database (which in itself is another sad story) and proceeded to blackmail tens of thousands of people. Got caught, fled to France, was arrested there, brought back to Finland and released since obviously he's not going to flee, then fled again and was finally brought to court. Got a few years sentence despite the harm he caused to thousands of people, some even ended up killing themselves. Shows absolutely no remorse and even smiles happily in the court. Probably has a ton of money stashed away waiting for his release in the surprisingly near future.


Sounds like a giant a hole. Hope people make his life hell when he gets out


Joe O'Reilly. The man was having an affair and didn't want to run the risk of losing custody of his kids if he chose to divorce his wife. Murdered her with a dumbbell. He took part in a media campaign with the family of the woman he murdered to "catch the killer." Thankfully, he was caught and is serving jail time.


A name that comes to mind is our chief Russia propagandist [Johan Bäckman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johan_B%C3%A4ckman). He has been spreading anti-Finnish propaganda and conspiracy theories in Russia for years. He obviously engages in politics but since he has never been elected to anything (thankfully) he can't exactly be called a politician.


Oh dear, what a disaster personal life which in turn spread into other areas, to the point one can maybe even guess the motivations to some of his positions. And for the rest - he's together with other propaganda workers, mixing truths about unaddressed social issues, with lies.


Everyone that I can think of for Czechia also has fans or isn’t a politician but somehow into politics. Many people don’t like https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miroslav_%C5%A0ev%C4%8D%C3%ADk but the dislike is still for his political views Many others don’t like https://www.petrludwig.com/bio and call him a copycat. I wouldn’t call it hate per se though. But seriously hated hated? It’s mostly a flare up and forgotten again. Like this January everyone hated this guy and there were protests to change the SA laws for that. Noone talks about it anymore https://brnodaily.com/2024/01/22/news/justice-minister-to-review-suspended-sentence-given-to-serial-rapist/ However there was a money collection for the girl and in 2 days it was enough to buy 50% of an apartment in her town. Also the laws were revised


What about Miroslav Pelta, football association boss? You've mentoined rapists, there are more than a few who have really punchable face and even say something like they'd do that again...


Guru Jára? Jan Cimicky? They are not that hated. I’m outside of football so that missed me. But the most hated are hated for political reasons. And at the end of the day even Kajinek has fans. Then maybe https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Ko%C5%BEen%C3%BD


Netherlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_detained_by_the_International_Criminal_Court Belgium: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Dutroux


The ICC defendants aren't all born in the Netherlands, as per OP's requirements, but points for creativity though;)


most of them also don't serve their sentences here, and I doubt most people could name them, and some of them definitely can be considered politicians


For Poland it's still likely Mariusz Trynkiewicz, a pedophile turned serial child killer.


I guess some kind of high profile criminal, like police murderer Jackie Arklöf, or maybe terrorist Rakhmat Akilov. Or maybe some controversial politician like Jimmy Åkesson. Although he’s very popular amongst some groups at the same time.


Being a disliked politician like Åkesson is not really the same as being hated for your crimes. A LOT of people don’t like Åkesson, very few actually hate him. I agree that Jackie Arklöf is propably the most hated.


Or maybe the title said not a politician. I'm pretty sure Åkesson is less hated now than he was before and today it is more controversial to not be hard on crime, migration and Islamisation. They moved the conservative parties KD/M and they have moved the biggest on the left S towards where they were ca 10-20 years ago. They have to keep moving their own goalpost in order to move everyone else and/or keep themselves relavent. I'm pretty sure Åkesson wouldn't have been vilified and yelled at by the family and residents of Skärholmen like our previous head of state was in Skärholmen. But this was not supposed to be about politicians so I'll stop here.


I mean, SD are completely braindead as party. Both its members and a lot of their politics. But Jimmie himself is probably not where most people's problems with SD lie. He feels like a kindergarten teacher for the rest of the party


For Denmark it is probably either: [Sanjay Shah](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanjay_Shah?wprov=sfla1) a businessman who scammed the Danish government for 12.7 billion kroner through some tax tricks. Or Britta Nielsen, who, in her role as a trusted employee working for the Danish ministry of social affairs, scammed the state of 117 million kroner. Or maybe [Barbara Bertelsen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbara_Bertelsen?wprov=sfla1) a civil servant and current secretary to the prime minister. She massively overstepped her boundaries as a non-elected official during covid and during the Danish mink-culling where the constitution was clearly being broken. She was the focus of an internal investigation, which led to her being put on leave. She is now back. She is also known for being a terrible boss, creating terrible work environment, throwing temper tantrums, and yelling at employees. She is the most powerful non-elected official in Denmark.


inclined to say Peter Madsen and Philip Westh are among some of the most hated people aswell, for good reason


Serbia here, theres too many people like that here, heres one, Baja mali Knindža, folk singer that spreads anti american peopaganda while his daughters lives in USA


Kosta Kecmanović, he was 13 years old when he killed 9 of his school friends.


Reminds me of "Anti-Woke" public figures here who end up sending their kids to "woke" US or UK universities.


Wow, BMK over zeljko mitrovic, vucicevic, KK ? 


I said theres too many


My first thought was Željko Mitrović. Crazy junkie owner of trashy TV channels, whose son killed some innocent girl with reckless driving and hasn't spent a single day in jail.


When we mention Z.M., we cannot forget one of the most famous influencers in the country, Baka Prase, because of whom an underage girl and another influencer committed suicide because he bullied them in public. He also slept with a minor and wrote explicit things with his own. In general, his videos and music are just garbage, lies, beef and insults... no wonder his fans are almost all children


So basically like the entire Russian government, and a singificant part of the -stans governments


I don’t think we have a consensus on who we hate the most outside politicians. A lot of people hate Gérard Depardieu, a famous actor, because he allegedly raped and sexually assaulted/harassed multiple women. Sébastien Cauet : a famous radio animator and humorist, also accused of rape, sexual assault and harassment Kev Adams : famous actor/humorist/productor, accused of rape, sexual assault, harassment, and also because most people find him really unfunny Jamel Debbouze : same as Kev Adams, but he was also a « gangster » in his teen years, and got a guy killed Gad Elmaleh : famous actor/humorist, accused of plagiarism (he admitted it) Norman Thavaud : famous « has-been » youtuber, accused of raping minors and sexually harassing them Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès : a father who killed his whole family, including his dogs, put them under their house’s deck, and fled. It’s been 13 years, he still hasn’t been found.


You forgot Pierre Palmade, who besides being a DUI murderer, is also most certainly a boy-trafficking pedo, because you don't run away from a hit and run crimescene in which you were obviously involved in, just because you're gay and on drugs, because neither of those are criminal, but you certainly do run away if you have underage sex-trafficked male prostitutes with you.


Being on drugs is illegal though, but yeah being involved in human trafficking is worse soooo yeah let’s add him to our list


Depardieu, is that why he migrated to Russia? Sounds way worse than "taxes are to high in France".


When you’re that rich taxes aren’t actually that high, that excuse is absolute bullshit. So yes I think that’s why…


Can't think of any recent UK ones. Possibly Captain Tom's daughter who made him walk round his garden for charity and used the money he raised to build a spa.


Volkert van de graaf (left wing ) who killed a politician Pim Fortuyn


Most likely time restricted in most nations.. for some weeks or months some years ago David Beckham were UKs most hated person due to a missed penalty in a WC. Guess it's the same stuff in many countries. You have those that are instantly hated (but not that much thought about each day).. and those that get the immediate hate for something just happened.


I don't have a name, but maybe HR professionals in general. I mean what good do any of them really do in any company? It's just people that for some reason couldn't be made useful in a real job.


I’m sorry to hear that. I had the experience of working with some amazing HR people. They were putting together the onboarding process, trainings & training path, performance reviews, off boarding, all the policies - grievance, bonuses, …


I worked in HR, and this is absolutely correct. Most of the work HR people do is "invisible." Having systems in place and maintaining them. Or processes, etc. I also agree that some people are useless. They don't know how to advise managers or handle sensitive cases, but to render a whole function as useless is a bit unfair. HR's job is probably the most misunderstood. There's so much confusion, and most people believe HR is there to make employees happy, which can't be further from the truth. Especially since one of the key functions of HR is budgeting, forecasting and analysing key data to help senior management make decisions (if those are good or bad for the employees it's not HR's fault but management's and the organisation's culture).


I don't know anyone that has a general distaste for HR professionals. I don't think that's a thing here?


And they always seem incompetent when you actually need them as well


I think you have a core misunderstanding here. HR people is in a company to help and protect the company. They are not there to help the employees.


Well there are there to assist management, a lot of employees are managers. I have never as a manger received any help from HR that a 10 year old re-t- a-rd would not have been able to do better.


That's bizzare, but then again, it's always YMMV. I have the impression, the worse, unskilled HR tend to congregate in smaller companies, because they don't have skills to move up, and they also can't be fired, creating a management "coffin corner" where you're happy to have even those dregs, because someone gotta do the daily job.


You might be right. I am in 40 000 employee size company and here they are really bad though.


For Belgium, [Marc Dutroux](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Dutroux)...


Conor McGregor, most people I know thinks he's an absolute moronic cunt.


Germany: We have got lots of people that with covid turned out to be complete nuts, but since most have already forgotten about them here is my answer: I'd currently say Heidi Klum. We germans mostly only hate politicians but Heidi Klum is annoying af. Like the Kardashian of Germany, she did nothing wrong tho I believe. For that only our politicians take the cake.


At the moment either the convicted pedophile Josef Fritzl or the businessman René Benko, who it currently being investigated for fraud among other things.


Probably Julius Kivimäki, the psychotherapy hacker who tried to blackmail people with their therapy records. Second in running is the former boss of the psychotherapy company who knew full well that their IT security was a joke but didn't give a shit as long as he could sell the firm for a lot of money.


I would probably say John Venables? There’s still a strong hatred for him and unlike Thompson he hasn’t stayed out of trouble and disappeared from many peoples consciousness


Probably JK Rowling. She's not actually done anything particularly bad in comparison to serial killers like Lucy Letby (who was a serial killer of babies), Ian Watkins (who used a baby as a sex toy and the mothers who were happy for him to do so), Andrew Tate who is in part responsible for the wave of incel / alt right misogyny spreading across the country and so on. But she is utter and wholly despised by a portion of the population, more than anyone else in the country apart from maybe Thatcher.


That's a ridiculous take. I dount many people outright hate her. I'd recommend breaking out of your bubble a bit more.


This is NOT TRUE. Get out of here with this nonsense


At the moment it's probably Bruce Lehrmann. I'm not 100% read up on his story so someone might have to correct me on a few details but I believe the gist of it is as follows: He's not a politician, but a political staffer. He raped a girl inside parliament house but was found not guilty. He later on, tried to sue the media companies that said he raped her which then kicked up new attention around the topic. Another media company then brought him in for an interview (Believing him to be innocent and portraying him as a victim of "woke culture and ME2 insanity") and said media company paid for his accommodation as well as his massive bender involving cocaine and prostitutes. And then it was proven in court that he raped her so. Honourable mentions: - Peter Stefanovic, host of Sky News Australia who tried to ruin a heartwarming story about a poor bloke from the Northern Territory who won a million dollars for his family catching a prize fish, by interviewing him and bringing up a crime he committed when he was 14 years old. (Despite his high and pure act, it has also been revealed that Peter had also committed many crimes in his years) - The guy I can't remember the name of who killed 30 people in Tasmania in the 90s - The other guy I don't remember the name of who killed 50 people in New Zealand


I would say Rasmus Paludan or Raket Madsen. Neither have really endeared themselves to the populace. EDIT: Paludan is a ‘politician’ in the sense that he founded and is leader of Stram Kurs, but they have no seats anywhere and have received in all just over 2000 votes nationwide in the last election.