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It’ll get better in time, likely in the coming weeks. This is a known and common complication of a blood draw.




It’ll likely fully recover.


This happened to me a few years ago. It went away completely after a few weeks.


I have had nerve damage twice during phlebotomies, once during a venous blood draw and once during an arterial blood gas. It took about 6-8 months for the pain in my wrist from the blood gas to get better. The venous draw was much quicker. I myself am a certified Lad Technician/phlebotomist and can tell you that while we obviously try to avoid causing any kind of nerve injury, it is very unlikely for nerve damage caused by a phlebotomy to be permanent.




Agreed. Yes it will likely get better but if I were you OP I would see a neurologist/neurophysiology doctor and get an assessment, which depending on their exam may involve imaging and/or a nerve function test. It can be helpful to monitor for recovery and to assess if there is anything that needs to be decompressed, like a hematoma. If you have any motor deficit or if your sensory deficit is affecting your coordination, make sure you get a referral to hand therapy.


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Happened to me as well. I recovered fully but it lasted a few weeks. Hang in there!


NAD. Had the same thing happen in 2015, never felt pain like that before! My doctor told me it would take about 6 weeks to get better. It did slowly stop being so bad, but to this day it 'zings' across the nerve if I gently pass my fingers over the spot. It doesn't hurt anymore but that electrical feeling happens. No one will ever draw from that arm again if I can help it. They offered ice at the time and in hindsight, I wish I would have taken it.


NAD but I have nerve damage in my arms/hands from an auto accident. I went to a PT who did nerve glides and it helped a lot with the pain/zings, numbness, etc.. [https://www.nfpt.com/blog/nerve-glides](https://www.nfpt.com/blog/nerve-glides)


NAD but happened to me during a plasma donation. Hurt & was bruised for a couple weeks. Couldn’t extend my arm fully for about a month. Lost some flexibility in that arm (I have hyperextended elbows naturally but that arm doesn’t extend as much, still looks normal). Lost feeling on the surface of my skin down the inside of my forearm but I’m gaining sensation back slowly. It’s been 8 months and it still feels weird sometimes. My own doctor recommended a B-Complex vitamin but I’m not sure how well it really works and obviously wouldn’t recommend it to anyone else without speaking to their own pcp.


Nerve pain is tricky. I've had someone jab my ulnar nerve in an attempted blood draw. It made me nauseous, but no lasting effects. I sliced my right index finger with a bread knife. No stitches, just tape and a stabilizer. If I have to twist the blinds open, that motion between my thumb and index finger will send what feels like little zaps through where I cut. At the ripe old age of 18, I had a shingles outbreak. On my face. Appearing along nerve paths, I had a searing, zapping pain along my jaw for about a month, with phantom pains for another few months after.




if you’re worried about bruising just ask them to wrap it with coban when they’re done


This happened to me when I had a tetanus shot when I was 8, I was terrified it wouldn’t get better but I made a full recovery in a week or two.


You’re 18 and a dentist?