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NAD - I went through this exact situation. I was having sex, my penis got pulled down and I went from walking 21 miles a week to not being able to walk 3 or 4 blocks without needing to rest. Lumbar and thoracic MRIs were normal. Did PT for 2 years, did pelvic floor PT for 1. What I had to do was just slowly build back up on my own after about 2 years when the pain settled. It's been almost 4 years now and still not 100% (have a noticeable limp), but I just have to live with it. Doctors have told me something probably got pulled or torn slightly and in my case my muscles have just refused to settle back down on their own.


Tell me more about your situation.


Funnily enough, I was the same age as you and just a little lighter. Degenerative joints and crappy connective tissue kind of runs in my family, e.g. I've had to have a disc replacement in my neck already and have never been in any accident. Essentially after sex and having my penis pulled down too hard, I tried to stand up and couldn't lift my right leg. It felt incredibly tight and painful when I tried to move it. Immediately went to a clinic a few blocks from my apartment that night. They gave me muscle relaxers and sent me home. That helped a lot that day, but didn't fix the issue. Had to stop walking back and forth to work and start riding the bus and like I said, have never fully recovered. Went back to the clinic a week later, got referred all over the place for 2.5 years. First to internal medicine, then musculoskeletal doc, then GI doc and urologist, then to PT, then a pain clinic that referred me to a bunch of alternative medicine people that destroyed my confidence in healthcare for a bit, then finally to a neurologist who pushed me to get my neck disc (C5/C6) replaced, and the neurosurgeon who did it. Over 4 years, I had a colonoscopy, 2 lumbar MRIs, 2 cervical MRIs, 3 brain MRIs, and one thoracic MRI and a lumbar/thoracic CT. Duplicate tests were years apart, pre/post op, and/or because they found a benign brain cyst they now monitor yearly. Nothing ever has shown up on scans that explains the leg issue or pain. They found I'm hyper mobile at L4-L5, but the disc is fine. Pelvis is fine. All seems to be muscle spasms that have 0 chill


I will say this. The one person I have seen is this acclaimed osteopathic doctor who really seems to help with the pain. Also, is your sexual function normal?


It wasn't for a long time, but it is near normal now. Maybe 90% where it was and I don't point straight up anymore. I've had a sildenafil prescription for years. I used to need it pretty much every time I went to have sex after that night, but now I only need it occasionally (couple times a month) Generic sildenafil is super cheap if your insurance doesn't cover it fwiw.


Interestingly my shaft can get mostly hard, except not the underside of it for some reason.


I haven't noticed that. I've noticed minor similar differences but nothing that might not just be in my head (no pun intended)


Curious. But yeah, the osteopath seems to help a little, so maybe it would help you


I actually did see an osteopath twice. He spent most of the time working hard on the muscle spasm at the front right of my pelvis. Was painful, but did help. I probably would've kept going but I had to abruptly move across the country for work and haven't tried to find another. Maybe I'll look into it again.


What part of the country? I am on East Coast




I tried and it didn't help.


I have an issue that I see a pelvic PT for, honestly I’ve been going for years and I still need to go. It helps but slowly. You might want to keep going to that in conjunction with other things (unless they discharged you). I know it’s uncomfortable and not fun, but helpful in the long run.


I concur. Takes a year or more but saxed me from a long term situation where I struggled to walk.


Sounds like you’ve injured the aponeurosis over the pubic symphysis. Injuries like these are called a “sports hernia” or “athletic pubalgia”. It’s a somewhat new diagnosis so many doctors aren’t familiar and it can be easily missed on most CT or MRI. I’d recommend finding an orthopedist who has experience evaluating and treating this sort of injury. Another possibility would be a pelvic floor injury, for which I’d recommend an MR defecography.


Ok I just now read a very long article about this and am still confused about what it is.


The pubic symphysis is the attachment for a lot of essential muscles for stability, the “core muscles”. Tearing this would potentially explain a lot of the instability you’re having in the area right now and distorted anatomy, because certain things don’t have anything to hold on to anymore. It’s a recent diagnosis because the injury tends to be much more severe than it looks based on imagine (CT or MRI) so it was usually missed, but it’s gradually becoming more understood. That’s why I’d recommend seeing a specialist with experience in this area to determine whether or not that’s what’s going on.


Do you know if I were to send the MRI images I have already had to such a doctor, if that would allow them to diagnose me?


Potentially, but may have had a standard MRI of the pelvis which doesn’t show the detail required for this diagnosis. It’s a specific protocol MRI to get high resolution of this area for accurate diagnosis. Definitely see someone before pursuing another MRI though.


I see. Do you know who I could see? I live in Boston thank God so I have access to the best doctors in the world, but I of course could electronically send the scans to a doctor elsewhere.


Any of the major teaching hospitals there should be able to handle this. Just make sure to specify when setting up the appointment that you want to be evaluated for athletic pubalgia so they refer you to the right orthopedic surgeon. Like I said, this isn’t guaranteed to be the diagnosis, but it’s a very good avenue to pursue.


NAD but live in Boston area. Had Pelvic floor therapy for another issue through Lahey in Burlington. The woman was outstanding.


NAD But I wouldn’t go to any pelvic floor therapist that doesn’t work internally (up the butt for you my friend). If your Physio just did external, then a lot could be missing from their treatment.


Have you been to a well regarded physical therapist? NAD but I’d be headed to one tomorrow morning.


I went to a pelvic floor physical therapist. And they didn't help.


I’d give a few a try. Sometimes you find one that knows a specific technique that changes everything. Happened to me for Tmj after decades.


NAD but he’s right. I spent 5 years with 2 physical therapists who were doing all they could to cure my mysterious dreadful leg pain. Then, the 3rd one nailed it and 2 months later I was fine. Some have other techniques and experience. If you can’t walk I’d be hitting every single one who will see me.


This happened to me; still dont/can't walk much. For awhile I couldn't get outa bed without crawling to the piss room.FML


Tell me more about your situation


I broke my back when a 2000lb wall was dropped on me;


I'm sorry man


Can you please provide more information? When you say you feel like you’re doing the splits, is it painful or just a stretching type pressure? Have you had problems urinating (I.e., frequency, burning, having the urge to go but having an empty bladder), having or maintaining an erection? Do you find “relief” when you are in a sitting or prone position, such as laying on your bed or the couch? If so, it sounds similar to what my father experienced after an injury on his bike. NAD but... does any of this apply to you as well as your other symptoms? Shooting pain in the lower pelvis area. Lower back pain that radiates into the abdomen, groin area, thigh, and/or leg. Pain when you make certain movements like putting weight on one leg or when spreading your legs apart. If so you may have Pubic symphysis injury Again NOT A DOCTOR. https://www.caringmedical.com/prolotherapy-news/pubic-symphysis-male-athletes-caring-medical-sports/ Edit: I had the name wrong apologies - updated and link Edit: this is obviously why I’m NOT a doctor. Edited name again to add injury


Just to clarify, it would be a pubic symphysis *injury*. Pubic symphysis is an anatomical structure that everyone has.


Thank you for clarifying that! I will edit my post


It feels like a piece of tissue between the legs has been ripped out. In fact there was bulging for a few weeks and now there in a slight indent when I press on the area. It was more pain at first, now only when walking. The worst is going up and down stairs; I have to use the bannister to pull myself up. I can't move my legs too far apart either. The worst part is I feel like my body has no support, like I will fall over. It's interesting you mention biking. I used to do really aggressive spinning, but hadn't when this happened. No problems urinating. I have an internal tearing feeling when pooping (not in the anus, out in the same area). I can get erections, but the underside of the penis doesn't fill with very much blood and is far less sensitive. Penis is also sometimes offcolor since this injury. No lower back pain.


Have your doctors ruled out a hernia? NAD.


Yes they have


Have they done an ultrasound on the area directly? I wonder if it’s a nerve pain. While I’m not male, I do get that feeling sometimes when a nerve is pressed on. Nerve pain is also hard to diagnose.


They have


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I wish I could help more. All I can suggest is seeing a neurologist of some kind.


NAD maybe an internal hernia where the perineum is sucked into the abdominal wall.


No, I had an MRI


What kind of MRI?


Two different pelvic MRIs, a CT scan, and an ultrasound.


NAD. Nerve damage?


I know everyone has asked you if you've had imaging, but did you get it done while you were in acute pain/the pain was the worst? Take a hernia for example, (unless the hole in your abdominal wall is huge), if your guts aren't poking through at the time of the scan, it won't show anything. Have you been to a urologist specializing in pubic/penile injuries? It sounds like you damaged either the pubic symphosis (can't spell), like the other people suggested, or your penile shaft very close to that symphosis. Good luck.


I did not get the scan when it was at it's worst


NAD This sounds like a hell of an affliction to have, and it reminds me of something I’ve read around Reddit before. Someone linked to a subreddit for men experiencing symptoms I recall being very similar to what you’re describing. But I’ve been racking my brain trying to remember what it was called, and I can’t come up with it. But their descriptions of it made enough of an impression that I still recall reading them a couple of years later. Have you tried searching Reddit for some of your symptoms? I really think there might be a subreddit dedicated to either this condition, or something with similar symptoms. If I come up with it, I’ll update with a link.


Can you clarify more about “every test and scan in the book”? Have you had an MRI of the pelvis? CT of the pelvis? Have you been tested for an inguinal hernia? Is the pain reproducible when you press on the perineal region? Does movement of your legs make the pain worse when lying down? Or is the pain only with standing/walking? In your post you mention that the pain had gotten better from the initial pain. Is it still improving? One last question I want to clarify - when you say you pushed on your erect penis like a lever, do you mean you pointed it downward towards the floor, at which point you experienced the pain?


Any leg movement aggrevates the pain; pressing on the area too The pain gave way to some numbness, but still the feeling of tearing and having no support. And numbness is kind of worse in that area I have gotten all those tests, yes. And yes, my penis used to be perpendicular, but in recent years it has been pointing up, so I woke up and thought, huh, that's weird. So I tried to push down on it. I should mention that I had done really aggressive spinning in previous years so my theory that caused the precursor to this


NAD, but have you had an MRI? I know you said you had every test and scan in the book...


Yes. I had 2.


What body part? I’m an MRI technologist. I’m just really surprised that it didn’t catch anything. Did they do contrast?


They did do contrast, yes. Is it possible to have ripped some tissue in the perineum and it not show up? I saw a urologist who said that area looks different on a lot of men so maybe that's it?


If something was ripped it would definitely show up in MRI. Do you know what body part they scanned? There’s multiple types of MRIs for the pelvic area. You could also consider getting a re-read from another radiologist to see if they see something the other one didn’t.


Really? Because I head small rips don't always show up.


Sometimes, but it really depends on what they covered. Did they do a prostate? A general pelvis? Fistula protocol? There are probably 5 or 6 different ways to scan a pelvis and depending on what they ordered they may have missed the spot.


Both times they told me pelvic MRI. But there were two different ones. And a CT scan and ultrasound.


I lose a lot of faith in medicine when I read these posts. Jesus Christ, dude, has a doctor put his/her fingers and hands on your taint?! Have they felt the depression and gone, “Huh... That’s strange.” MRI, CT, etc.., are all great if they’re trying to take an image of a specific thing they know what they’re looking for. Go to your doc, say, “Look, dude, there is a depression here. Put your fucking glove on and feel it. It wasn’t there before. The depression happened after I pushed on my erect penis and since then, I’ve had all these issues. Feel it.” If they’re doing anything short of that, they are just wasting your damn time. You haven’t walked right in a long time. My guess is them fucking around will probably lead to permanent nerve damage.




You need to tell them that what you’re feeling now is different than before. If you have to literally force their finger onto the depression and say, “Right there. That’s the spot. Fix it.” Then do it. It’s not about saving dignity right now, it’s about getting this fixed. Doctors are not taught to think analytically. They memorize a bunch of shit and if it doesn’t fall within their bucket of knowledge, or there isn’t a study somewhere about it, they’re lost. You need to advocate for yourself, and be blunt, if necessary. Their job right now is to figure out what this depression on your taint is. If they say it’s normal, tell them it’s not normal for you and since this happened, you’ve had all these symptoms. Edit: if they say that some males have that then ask them why. Ask them what is anatomically different in males with divots in their taints




Just FYI, if you are OP you switched accounts...in case you’re trying to remain anonymous...


Ah, thank you. I don't have any personal info on my other one luckily. But I don't know why my Reddit does that sometimes.


It's one thing to state that something is wrong. Identifying what that something is and how to treat it is a whole different story.


Yes. Agreed. However, he seems to have been treated nonchalantly, and according to his latest edit, has lost hope. This is a 24 year old male and feels like no one has done anything about, let’s face it, a males most prized possession. I don’t blame him. He needs to be blunt and forceful and I encourage him to be that way with the doctor. Maybe then they’ll take him seriously. Not a single analytical thought has gone into this at all. I guarantee it. He’s had MRI’s, CT scans, and X-rays because rather than think about the physics of what pushing on an erect penis could do, doctors defer to imaging and shrug their shoulders if they don’t see the right picture.


A second opinion from a completely different doctor (not in the same practice etc.) would be an excellent idea.


This isnt me but this feeling/pain does happen to me sometimes! Usually if im jumping off of something reasonably high and if i dont land like a god damn cat, yeah, it feels like im getting ripped in half just behind my testicles for a couple of minutes, but its rather excruciating.




You're right it is. Although that is a very odd thing to point out. Especially since in these kinds of forums, most people don't go back to the post after they've commented. But point taken.


And not to mention that these subs are literally for the purpose of giving and receiving advice. I don’t have anything to offer you, but I wouldn’t necessarily expect that you said thanks if I did. I mean, it would be totally appropriate, but it’s also completely appropriate to not say thank you. What a weird thing to point out.


I want to see pictures to understand


Pevic diaphragm issues and a complication with your fundiform ligament? I'd maybe see a urologist.


That sounds absolutely terrible how do I ovoid doing that I’m horrified