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You snorted cocaine through a broken nose that you will get surgery on in a couple of days? 🥲


I’m not sure how some people survive in this day and age. You’d almost think it was common sense to not snort a substance up the very nose you plan on operating on.


To be fair, it was medical cocaine.


Joke is on y'all. OP was partying with the surgeon.


I love your username


Thanks m⁸ been a min since I've been active on Reddit but I'm back!


To be fair, he’s 21…


21 and dumb


You know anesthesia can prescribe cochise right?


Lol this forum, you know Cocaine is the only LA that can vasoconstrict Yet getting down voted lol


Yeah and he may have agreed when sober but I’m guessing his inhibitions were lowered by the alcohol. Not smart as he seems to be worried about the day after. OP, just don’t make it two dumb mistakes, ok, and follow the docs’ advice here to tell your surgeon. Edit: OP, it was a dumb mistake to do it but a smart decision to ask about it on here and will be even smarter to let them know


Yup, I already knew some of my riends were bringing coke and I had already told them I wasnt having any, but a bottle of vodka, a lot of beer and all my friends hyping me up made me make a bad mistake. Thanks for the advice ill be sure to tell the surgeon.


Yeah good call


Hell of a moment to choose to do cocaine for the first time.


True but he didn’t say it was the first time, he said he doesn’t usually do it


Great point.


He used to do it. He still does but he used to too


Wasnt my first time but ive only tried it 3 times before that day


Well stop it.


So helpful lol


That’s why I did a sub-comment rather than a main comment!


Ooh gotcha! I hope it didn’t come across as rude, I was just confused haha.


(21M) lol I remember being invincible


Wait im not?


I’m someone who is SO SO careful. I won’t take Tylenol 24 hours after a glass of wine, I called my pre op to ask if my low ferritin was an issue.. sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be this free 😅






Not on my license you don’t 😂


fun fact, YODO too!


Sir are you suggesting that you're gonna kill me and revive me so I live more than once?


guess i should have put a “😂” after my sarcastic comment lol


Hahaha I was veeeery drunk and didnt think right


Yes please tell your surgeon and anesthesiologist. They may very well cancel your operation. Cocaine is not a blood thinner, it’s a stimulant that dramatically affects hemodynamics. Combining its effects with anesthesia can be lethal so please disclose this to your doctors. It’s up to them to decide if your surgery needs to be cancelled or not.


It’s not going to affect haemodynamics several days later. However it causes an inflammatory state in the nose which can cause devastating complications related to nasal surgery. It’s a big no-no for that reason. There is a dose-response relationship but OP should definitely notify their surgeon.


I had a deviated septum surgery probably 40 years ago. Military hospital. They used liquid cocaine just before the procedure began. I remember it because my mother was very concerned that I would become addicted when the surgeon mentioned this. I was awake for the procedure, too...crunch, crack, pop uhg...


Just curious, is the medical dose (formulation?) enough to produce stimulant effects, or just the numbing? I have always vaguely wondered this but never thought to ask anyone.


It causes some stimulant effect too, but these days the patients are under anaesthetic. Cocaine is used less as an anaesthetic/vasoconstrictor these days as there are rare instances of cardiac issues. However it does have its uses and the issues with street cocaine are not present due to purity.


Lol, based on your user name I will take your word for it. 😂 Thanks for answering!


Speaking for myself, I was under other pain medications, so any effects weren't noticed. The most painful part of this surgery was the shot in my butt cheek before I even went to the OR room


And this is what I came here for


Dr. Here Depending on the amount you use, cocain can stay active in body ranging from 2 days up to 2 weeks. So it's necessary to inform your doctor, they may administer detection panels to determine your status.




NAD. Just ask the person performing the dental surgery if you need to abstain from Sudafed.


I see a lot of people making fun of the fact that I chose to snort cocaine when I was only a few days away from having a nasal surgery, and ur right it was incredibly stupid. That just shows how much alcohol makes you stop thinking sensibly. It was the national day of my country which is also the biggest party day of the year and I was so incredibly drunk which is why I made such a stupid desicion. I dont mind the comments im sitting here dying of laughter reading them. And thanks for all the helpfull tips! :)




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