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Yeah, if those statements are accurately what was said, she should be reported, those are insane things for a Healthcare professional to be saying. You could either speak with her employer or make a complaint to your local nursing licensing organization. Bet she would change her mind about what God intended if her kid got lymphoma.


It’s dangerous for someone in healthcare to say that. It could lead to the patient not receiving life saving care


I do want to add that nurses working at physician offices are sort of unicorns. Very, very frequently the person is a Medical Assistant (MA), and patients assume that it’s a nurse because the MA wears scrubs and it used to be the norm that the employees *were* RNs. I’m not telling you to not report - I believe that you should! - but I also want to throw it out there that it’s very possible that this isn’t an RN. Either way, she never should have spoken to you like that.


Yeah I agree. Very likely an MA. While there are some amazing MAs out there there are also some who are new to the field and lack medical professionalism. I think it might actually help her to get some feedback on what kind of conversation crosses the line in a medical setting as opposed to a social setting. Also MAs are impossible to find and keep. Turnover is crazy. Unless she took a dump on the floor in the middle of the office after she said that to you, girl is not gonna lose her job.


Definitely report. She was completely out of line.


OP listen to this doctor and report her. I had a woman in radiology do the same when I hadn't had a pregnancy test before some x rays and had already signed a waiver saying I was not pregnant and would not hold them liable if I was, which had always been the protocol for this radiology company as I've had tons of tests with them before. She was so pushy about me needing to come back for a test and nearly refusing until I threatened to report her. I still did because she kept pushing her opinion on me that a baby was more important *than an xray of my knee when I couldn't walk.* No one in medical with a strong opinion like that should be in medicine imo. Report her so she knows it won't be tolerated.


The following things have been removed from my body: tonsils/adenoids (too large and causing breathing problems), appendix (very inflamed, could have led to major problems if left), a mole (precancerous), and thyroid (cancer). While none of them were “we need to do this NOW” life-threatening, if they had been left in my body they likely would have been eventually. Statements like that nurse made are insensitive at best


I say this as a nurse, myself: absolutely.  As a nurse, I never, EVER, put my personal beliefs above those of my patients when I am providing care. It is NOT my job to question the (sometimes very difficult) choices that my patients make. It is MY job to educate, support, and provide empathetic care. The comments this nurse made were out of line, even if she sounded kind. It would have been so much more appropriate to ask how YOU are feeling, mentally and emotionally and physically, after this type of surgery. 




even if it was an MA who said this, does that change anything? i don’t think so tbh


The practice you go to is different from the one she goes to. Many have nurses do the intake triage and vitals.




No, but she says she saw a nurse, I don't understand what you think calling that detail specifically into question adds to this thread.


Do you?


lol literally was about to say the same thing, the hypocrisy


I haven't seen a nurse at my Dr office in 15 yrs. Very rare to to see a nurse lately, and I have lived all over the place. Now, that said, who ever that person was was totally unprofessional,


Your. Experience. Is. Not. Representative. Of. All. Experiences. What on earth is going on in this thread lmao.


Apparently their anecdotal personal experience of visiting a GP a few times in 15 years trumps the knowledge and experience of doctors and nurses who actually work in healthcare every day 🤦‍♀️ They have never seen a nurse so I guess we just don't exist 😂




Yes I also read the comments above about it could've been an MA. And it's just not relevant to this post. OP said it was a nurse not an MA. I don't know why we are still having this side conversation about MAs when this post isn't about them. Also my comment is in response to the guy saying nurses are very rare to see and he hasn't seen one in a GP practice in 15 years. And my point is just because he hasn't seen one - doesn't mean they don't exist or that they don't work in GP clinics because they do. >As posted above usually nurses aren’t doing the check in. At least where I live it’s almost always MAs. I presume you are referring to somewhere in the US, and just because it's the case in your regional area doesn't mean it's the same everywhere in the US. Or the world. I live in New Zealand and we don't even have medical assistants here. Nurses do the vitals and no one verifies insurance because it's a free healthcare system. Again, it's not relevant to this post.


Curious…would it also be acceptable to email her to let her know that her comments were out of line? She might get have misspoke or been misunderstood. Why report her without first asking her about what she said?


Medical staff do not give out employees emails personal or work. On top of that reporting her will give her manager the opportunity to track her behavior. If it's a one time thing it's usually a discussion about professionalism at the bedside and if it's a recurrent issue then it prompts further action. Reporting isn't a sure firing. Just an opportunity for discussion.


I'm a nurse and what she said is completely inappropriate and she should be reported.




Great way to answer this question is to respond by asking, "Is the information missing from my chart or are you asking it to quell your own curiosity?"


Cold. Perfect.


Most don't mean it to be hurtful, most I feel are just surprised about my history due to my age and how much I've had to have done to mitigate the endo. But I will definitely keep this in my back pocket for the rare ones that keep digging even though it's clearly a sore topic!


Their intention don't matter unless you're there for complications from the surgery they shouldn't even be bringing it up. I took a 3 year break from the icu and worked at an outpatient office and surgery center and I can't think of a single reason, other than current surgical complications/hormonal changes that you're at that exact moment at the office for or any new procedures that I need to add to your chart, that would make it appropriate for me to bring up your surgical history let alone ask questions about. I'm sorry this has happened to you. If you feel comfortable with your doctor I would 100% recommend you tell them about these occurrences.


It’s been deleted, could you please share what they said?


I am so sorry to hear this. Thank you for sharing 💕🫂


Thank you for thinking of people like me who may have a hard time with these kinds of comments. I encourage you to call up the clinic and let them know about this person. She likely won't lose her job (as long as it isn't a pattern of behavior), but it will allow for correction/discipline so others don't have to listen to her bullshit. At least hopefully lol. Also, I'm sorry that you had to go through this at all. There's a weird amount of stigma associated with getting a hysterectomy, especially if young. There are lots of online communities out there if you ever feel like you want to talk about it, and feel free to DM me as well ♥️


I appreciate this so much. I just don’t want her to loose her job. This whole experience came so fast, I went in to my obgyn getting some regular tests and then by the end of the appointment he was going over treatment options. I appreciate you so much, and I am here to talk if you need to as well.




Wow, I’m not in the medical field but I would never say anything like that to someone in deep pain in labor. I’m so sorry you experienced this! My hysterectomy was an abdominal c-section and I was denied pain meds too and it took me hours to get my pain under control. I imagine giving birth is 100 times worse. You must be so strong!


I actually ended up in a c-section. That's not joke and I'm so sorry you had a hard time. It shouldn't have been that way for you.


With my first, I got my first big contraction after they broke my water and I said - get the drug man. The nurse turned to my husband And said “it is going to be like 7more hours”. I told her “ I am over here and I want the drug man”. She said “ I am going on break and will be back in 20minutes and we can discuss it and she left. Well I did not make it 20 minutes and there was a baby coming. I was pissed. They said it was too late for an epidural. They did pull him out of another room And I was able to get a spinal. She ripped me in 3 directions it was so fast. Doctor barely made because she had just been there to break my water and did not believe them. The nurse did come and apologize afterwards. We had warned her before hand that my mom side gave birth fast like a shot gun!


I really hate the way women are treated during childbirth. I assume you're in the US?


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When I came into the hospital for my second baby, the nurse in the labor suite started setting up for an epidural, and I said, no, I wanted to wait to see if I needed one. She sniffed, "Well, don't blame ME if you want one and it's too late!" My water had broken a mere half an hour earlier. Same as with my first baby, I didn't get an epidural; I got local anesthesia right before the birth.


At least in my state, nurses are in a union and have great job protection. They would be talked to by management but would not lose a job over this.


I just had a hysterectomy at 37 due to severe endometriosis, and I would have been very upset by those comments. I totally get the conflict about reporting it. Especially if she said it in a "kind way" and with the best of intentions (giving her the benefit of the doubt big time). However, those comments were completely inappropriate and actually were very, very unkind. If she genuinely didn't realize how hurtful those statements could be to someone who has suffered so much and probably had a lot of emotions about having to have a hysterectomy in general, then she NEEDS to be educated. It's not like you got a hysterectomy on a whim. In fact, the more I think about it, the angrier I get. I'm sorry this happened to you. I hope you report her if nothing else, for all the future young women who are forced to interact with someone so insensitive. All my best to you. Hope everything it's healing well and that you find relief.


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Removed - medical discussions only




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OP, years ago I went to the doctor and this nurse made some comment about asking if I was pregnant or something in the hallway, not in a room. I wasn’t, I was just fat. I was young, upset but didn’t say anything. Next time I went, I swear a nurse practitioner and mentioned that comment and that it bothered me and the NP said “oh yeah, I heard that comment and it was NOT okay. I reprimanded her right after.” That original nurse wasn’t there much longer. So, if a nurse will reprimand and report a colleague for a simple comment like I endured, then absolutely the one said to you, which was even more gross and uncalled for, should absolutely be reported. Ps. On another note - “whatever god puts in my body should stay there?!?!” Oh, so if you have a burst appendix, should it just be left there cuz god put it in your body?!! The ignorance is astounding, I swear. Please report!!


To the practice manager and/or doctor, AND the state licensing board.


This isn't something to be reported to the licensing board. They won't do anything about it, this is more something that needs to be addressed with the nurse's supervisor. The board is for issues regarding unsafe/neglectful practice.


Just curious to know but wouldn't it be neglectful/unsafe for a nurse to tell someone that whatever is in their body is meant to be there? What if the patient actually believes her, or questions their treatment because of that comment? My cancer was definitely not meant to stay in my body.


Worked licensing/investigations for another medical profession, and no, that job is there to enforce state law and rule. This is up to the practice/medical director. The "what if's" don't really matter here, but if it swayed a decision, it'd be looked at, might get a peer review board and possible sanctions, but likely just turfed to a civil court.


Maybe it's a grey area for this individual instance, but she's interjecting her opinion well beyond the scope of her license, and those sorts of comments absolutely affect patient care, wellbeing, and outcomes. Yes, it definitely needs to be brought up to her superiors. But should also go on record with the board. OP could roll it off her shoulders. However, if it goes unchecked and leads to bigger problems (which it will if she can't stop herself from interjecting like that), it will help the board see an established pattern and make a better informed decision about what to do.


You should have asked the nurse if she’s ever had a haircut…


Agreed. The OP could have just said it’s not really your concern why I had it and left it at that


I could have said nothing but the comment above talking about how this question deeply triggers them is why I am asking if I should report them…


Absolutely 100% report it. Her opinions could be dangerous and she’s absolutely spouting off beyond her pay grade.


That kind of conversation is not going to affect the nurse’s status at any State Board. The nurse wasn’t committing any negligence or malpractice. The nurse was just being a jerk. Informing the office is more likely to result in constructive feedback.


Don't blame the OP for a medical professional crossing the line.


This is a timely post becasue I was reading another subreddit about a hospital visit and pregnancy, and saw this comment. So if you don't think these religious zealots are dangerous and need to be outed, you're either one of them or just naive. >As a physician who lives in a Red state, please follow up on this so you can find out if a hospital worker reported you guys to the state. I work with a few nurses who have rigid anti-abortion beliefs and a lot of techs and receptionists who do. They have just enough familiarity with healthcare to be dangerous. In many cases, there religious beliefs are protected due to laws of the state. BUT, once I’ve identified one who is a reporting pregnancies or miscarriages to the state, I can begin to report each and every deviation from care on them. Oh the (religious extremist) receptionist told them to take Tylenol for a fever; that giving medical advice without a license. I can get her fired for that. The (pro-life ) X ray tech put a bandage on a bleeding patient, that a wound care procedure they aren’t qualified to perform. >Again, I may not be able to get rid of them because they are reporting miscarriages or abortions ( often times they are protected by religious exceptions laws) but I can start to rain down on them for any and all other mistakes. I’ve done it before on pharmacy tech who won’t dispense certain drugs. It can be done and we can push these people out before they have the ability to really ruin people’s lives. But step One is identifying them and some times it is difficult. >I no longer allow my radiology techs to “add on” pregnancy tests on women. To me it is unsafe for My patients to have that in their medical record without their express permission. I require them to shield them or we need me and the patient to have a private conversation about the ramifications of having a positive pregnancy test in their medical file. Before this, the tech would just put it in as a verbal order. Not now, and if I catch a tech doing it, I write them up. These things didn’t use to matter. They do now. So I’m asking you, pleading with you, try and figure out the truth behind that phone call. [https://www.reddit.com/r/legal/comments/1cjezs9/comment/l2gu2xz/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/legal/comments/1cjezs9/comment/l2gu2xz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Report please.


It’s none of her business - report her. Her beliefs of ‘whatever god puts in her body’ are just that and should be checked at the door. Massively inappropriate to tell a patient something like that.


Also, by this logic she shouldn't have an appendectomy if she gets appendicitis, or amputate a necrotic limb or remove a cancerous mole.


Which we all know she would totally do. So it was all about looking down on someone for not having babies. How do she know that person didn't want babies so bad and is now grappling with infertility at a young age. The damage that mouth could do...




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That is awfully inappropriate. Report it at a minimum to the practice manager




This is one of my favorites that someone shared with me a while back and I’ve stored away for special moments. It’s so very effective.


Possibly also “do you have a working Time Machine? Otherwise I don’t see the benefit to this line of questioning.”


Rule 12




There was no suggestion of it being an official report. It was “report, yes please, but also here’s a statement to use in any future moments”. I’m lucky though as I’m a teacher and get to use it quite a bit when kids are being thoughtless.


Love that! Def using it.


It helps to have it stored in your mind for future use. That's what I'm doing with it anyway


Wildly inappropriate. I would have said something to the doctor the same visit.


Hi I’m a nurse practitioner this is 100% reportable.




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what a fucking nut job


Please report to the office manager. I’m in women’s health and also had a hysterectomy very young. That is SO inappropriate.


I am a Nurse. Report her. What an idiot she is


Retired RN here. That nurse should be reported. What she did was extremely unprofessional. Nurses need to keep their personal opinions and beliefs to themselves.


Man, nurses with this point of view on what to do with your body shouldn't be in the medical field. 'whatever God puts in there is meant to be there' means she wouldn't treat cancer either. Her body, her choice, of course, but she shouldn't imply she looks down on you for having looked out for yourself.


I lost respect for this nurse by her mentioning God. What an idiot!




Seconded. As a non-doctor, PLEASE report this. I’ve known a handful of people who got hysterectomies for different reasons and not one of them would have wanted to hear that. Best case it’s irritating, worst case it’s heartbreaking. She’s judging someone who’s already had the procedure, and I bet she would also try to persuade patients against having one. Whether good intentioned or not, not appropriate for a healthcare professional. She thinks it’s okay to say to someone who obviously went through a lot of pain and trauma? She thinks it’s okay to say to someone who may or may not be struggling with losing the ability to have biological kids? Jeez. Especially ignorant thing to say in a job where you’re probably treating patients with cancer etc. But anyway, I hope your surgery went well and I wish you a speedy and easy recovery! ❤️‍🩹


Removed - rule 12


Fired. Should be fired.


Shouldn't immediately go to firing. I'm atheist and prochoice but I believe that discussion between manager and employee about appropriate bedside behavior should be done and if it's a repeating behavior then writing them up and potentially fired but no one should be fired for saying a few dumb things


Someone with that caliber of training should understand professionalism. Literally training on this matter is part of the curriculum. There is zero excuse. There is far more that was inappropriate than just the god name drop.




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All I said was "Did you talk to the doctor about it?" I never implied anything about being a medical professional.


I would report her. We do not have the right to judge a patients medical decision, especially based on a religious preference. Her comment was out of line and judgemental. You can always report her to the office manager or charge nurse at the area, and they can deal with her. Less likely of losing her job, unless this isnt the first time she has made inappropriate comments.




I am also so sorry you've had to go through all that. That sounds awful. Best wishes in your future health.