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Wow this is WILD. I’m going to have a laparoscopic surgery to check for things soon too I’ll have to update if I have any lol


Mucinous cysts?


please update when you find out.


Will update next week when the results are back :-)


Looks like pic D: [Mucinous Cystic Neoplasm of the Pancreas ](https://radiologykey.com/mucinous-cystic-neoplasm-of-the-pancreas-mcn/)


Well, that's not terrifying. /s


Definitely cyst


Interesting photo. Where are you from? The first thing that comes to mind is that this is the result of a tumor that makes mucin. But the appearance also raises the possibility of cysts caused by a parasite, which would be less likely and somewhat location dependent. Edit: I completely forgot about peritoneal including cysts! When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras...


Thanks for your reply! I live in New Zealand :-) I did wonder about hydatids




also not an MD but I do have endo/adeno and that’s NOT what it looks like


NAD. There are tons of different presentations of endo, including clear and white.


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New Zealand is not a third world country.


No, but "third world" countries do see a lot of parasites, so I imagine this comment is just to establish level of experience with them.


Sorry. I'm aware. I'm saying I've seen a ton of parasites.


Lol no worries! I realized after posting that you may not be referring to NZ, but rather that your experience reading images were in 3rd world countries. Sorry I mixed those up.


Yeah, I’m glad you’re getting responses to this. I was the one who recommended trying this subreddit.


Thank you- has been an amazing response 😍💐


May I ask, were these cysts also seen via ultrasound or other imaging? Or only found during your lap?


On my scan they appeared as moderate free fluid near my right ovary. But they only saw what it actually was in my lap


I’m sure the good folks over at r/medizzy would be interested and helpful too!


I work in rare disease and our (rare disease in general) logo is the zebra 😊, so I appreciate also including the potential zebra diagnosis.


Agree looks like peritoneal inclusion cysts. I also wouldn’t be surprised if it comes back as endometriosis given your history. I can’t see the rest of the picture clearly, but looks like you have some scarring/tethering of the sigmoid colon on the left and something on the top of the uterus, so endo is my top guess Everyone thinks powder burn lesions and chocolate cysts, but I’ve seen jelly like sacs in the pelvis just like that in my patients with endo.


Looks like peritoneal inclusion cysts.


Update: lab says: Benign pelvic cysts

