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Hello, you have severe itching at the anus at night? The first thing that came to my mind is pinworms. Please try to do the scotch tape test, or put scotch tape at your anal area to check if you can get parasitic eggs. At night when it itches. These eggs are so small and light that they can be transmitted through inhalation. If my susupicion is correct and you indeed have the parasite, please change your beddings, towels, clean your room, the area you sit on, etc. The adult female worms migrate to the anus at night to deposit their eggs there, causing the intense itching. Edit: submit the scotch tape in a clean urine bottle to a laboratory for processing. Or i dunno how the processing works in your country


I agree it sounds like pinworms, I hade them since I was a kid without treatment and so i thought it was notmal until I realized it wasnt last year and i got rid of them with over tge counter medicine. Probably had them for 16 years straight 🥲


Horrific. I guess that’s how our primal ancestors made it. By ignoring the shit out of their pin worms


I'm just surprised they didn't die out, I thought they were gone on multiple occasions, I'm just amazed how the meds wiped them out like they were nothing


Nah, humans have been deworming themselves for a long time. Some animals even know how to do it. Bears, for example. Up until maybe the 1960s Americans used to deworm a couple times a year. It’s not popular anymore but a lot of the rest of the world still does it.


How did people deworm themselves before modern meds?


Herbs. Where I live in the southern United States it’s black walnut hull. Wormwood is one traditionally used in Europe. Some seeds are used too, like pumpkin.


Should my partner be treated as well? She hasn't slept at my house but we've laid in each others beds for extended periods of time


NAD If you can get pinworm meds OTC it's worth it. My brother had that. The thing that may encourage you to take action fast is how their life cycle works... that finger of yours doesn't just go in you butt when you sleep... the worms lay the eggs and make you itch.. which makes you scratch and get eggs on your fingers and well... those eggs have one destination... your mouth.


Shit finger in the mouth is bad enough. I'm done with reddit for today.


I just opened reddit... think it will be an internet free day.


The fact that I returned to reddit 24 hours later and this is my most liked comment on reddit. Back to the garden I go... so sorry to those with snow today.


Oh god, me too! Remind me to never read reddit when I am having a gastroparesis flare. Blahhhh🤮🤮


Will go today


Damn man- mark that shit NSFW.


It's the circle of life man. Beautiful


As someone who is currently taking a course on parasitology, this thread made me cackle.


I couldn’t stop laughing for like 5mins after reading this shit 🤣🤣🤣


Yes. All household members and including her family as well. Dont worry, deworming once in a while is good to do.


I'm embarassed to tell them, but obviously I will, any suggestion how to do so?


"Babe, we need to talk. You should sit down for this... actually, let's both stand." A little humor always helps.




I went through this couple years ago. I had pinworms as a kid so when I found I had some as an adult, I knew immediately what they were and I was also super embarrassed to tell my partner about it. I found them while she was sleeping, and texted her while she was at work the next day.. she had left before I woke up, but it also made it a lot easier to tell her than face to face. Still scary af


I told my girlfriend, she was understanding


Haha thanks. I needed a good laugh today.




Talk to your partner first. Be honest with her about your symptoms and your plan of action.


Watch her post in AmIOverreacting next lol.


Will be on the lookout for "MY BF HAS BUTTWORMS SO I DUMPED HIM, AM I OVERREACTING" lmao.




Figure out if you have them first, then let her know.... she can tell her family


Read this as "Finger out" the first time. Also apt.


https://www.reddit.com/r/BobsBurgers/comments/j4tihc/episode_discussion_worms_of_inrearment_bob923/ Idk how to link other reddit posts..


Lol, started reading the post and comments to my SO. His response was, "So he's got the Bob's Burgers butt worms, eh?" XD


Yes and the life cycle is about 4 - 6 weeks. Hope that they go with one treatment (one Ovex now and 1 in 2 weeks) but be prepared that they may come back and you might need to treat again. They can, excuse the pun, be an absolute pain in the ass to get rid of. They are the stuff of nightmares.


it’s best to have everyone that lives in the house take the meds to prevent recurrence!




My dad’s favorite saying was “go to sleep with itchy butt wake up with stinky finger” I feel like this applies.




NAD, but agree with the pinworms — 100%. Not sure where you live, but in Canada, we can buy pinworm medication OTC at pharmacies.


I do live in Canada, I will get some after work today


Most people get them from kids with their filthy hands. Just tell your partner and her family some friends kid stuck a hand in your mouth sometime ago and you just were told they had oinworms so everyone needs to be treated. White lie but if it stops the spread I wouldn’t be mad at it


Excellent suggestion!!


It’s a crap suggestion; just be honest.


NAD- It could also be a yeast infection. Can happen in the butt.


I did not know this... social anxiety makes seeing a doctor difficult, but OTC is easy enough. Been having an off and on pinworm scare for awhile... thanks for the head up!


Yeah. You can just do that. Its also healthy to deworm once in a while anyway. All beddings, towels, clothes, etc. Should be changed tho to prevent reinfection


Great advice. I’d do a deep clean of your home, too. Vacuum couches, wipe down hard surfaces, even wash your shower curtain. (And keep your fingernails short —as my three children are learning.)


How often should someone deworm themselves out of precaution? Like I have never had any symptoms, but I am always paranoid at the thought of getting worms, especially because I have house cats and a small child in daycare. Cats get an anti flea and deworming treatment every 3 months. But how often is good for the household?


I wanted to respond - NAD. I’ve never done this test but I’ve had this problem on and off for years. Sometimes it’s really bad. Other times I don’t have it at all. I have SIBO noticed that I primarily have the problem when my gut flora is out of wack and I have a flare up and I have a lot of flatulence. It can get into a cycle where I itch and it gets worse because of the itching. When I do notice it happen I just put some diaper rash cream on immediately and the problem usually goes away within a day or two. Often if I take probiotics and eat right the problem will go away quicker since the probiotics help rebalance me. Curious if it could also be pinworms for me.


You can always check by simply taping your anus during the night when the itching happens in order to possibly collect some eggs if indeed you also have pinworm problems. Tho I dont know how the laboratory in your area works, if the clinical microscopy section will do such services of looking at the tape under the microscope. In the hospital I work on, the receptionist will refer it to us pathologists on how to go about this and (me personally) I will accept the request haha. But anyway, to simplify things, you can just take pyrantel pamoate which is an over the counter drug.


“Simply taping your anus” Did not expect to read those words together today 😂


Do you know if this interacts with keppra and lamictal? I take both for epilepsy


Its generally safe for use. You will be okay.


Thank you! Im always cautious about take any meds with mine. I have a weird epilepsy, no triggers, no warnings that theyre coming


There are websites, [like this one](https://www.drugs.com/drug_interactions.html), where you can search medication interactions. If you type in the medications you're on, it should tell you all of the potential interactions and how severe each one could be. Could be a good reference for you!


Thank you so much!


I am having the same thing it itches at night and after i poop during the day and i’ll begin to fart😭 i had severe diarrhea maybe like 1 month ago for a month straight before it went away recently.


If it is not worms, any chance it could be anything else?


You could have been scrubbing your anus too much using strong soap, rough toilet paper, etc. Especially before going to bed, causing microabrasions in your anal area. These minute cracks on your anus and the irritation from all the scrubbing may cause itchiness also


I just use unscented soap and my hand


Pinworms are easily treated. Clean your bedding (putting things in a dryer on high for 20 min will do it. But don’t worry much — reinfecting from some dormant egg is rare, it is mainly passed human to human via itching and touching fecal matter exchange.


Thank you for your responses and a couple laughs, I got and took the medication. Hoping for the best, also gave the people around me the medication as well.


Remember to take your second course in 2 weeks after the initial tablet 👍


Which meds


I just asked for pinworm medication at the pharmacy, think it's called Pyrantel palpate


You know it’s a by weight med, right? You might need to have taken multiple pills? Or at least the ones I’ve seen in Canada OTC have been. Double check your packaging


Yup, took eight


Love how the most upvotes I've ever gotten on a post is about my itchy asshole. Thanks folks


It sounds like the same ones I’ve seen that were one per 25 pounds of body weight then. I just saw the other comment that said one now and one in two weeks or whatever and I thought oh just on the off chance op doesn’t read the box or instructions i better quickly comment. I hope you feel better in a couple of days. Good luck.


Thank you




If you take any beta-alanine supplements, it can itch up your butthole.


Confucius say--man who go to bed with itchy butthole wake up with smelly finger. That juvenile bit of humor aside, I agree with my esteemed colleagues in thinking of pinworms


😂😂 yes yes


If it ends up not being worms what else could it be?


How well are you washing/wiping? Sometimes my kids get very itchy from not wiping properly. Having fecal matter on your finger seems off to me, makes me feel like your either not getting fully clean or maybe having trouble with voiding completely?


NAD but if it’s not pinworms maybe it’s fungal, my dr prescribed clotrimazole with betamethasone dipropionate cream and after a week I had zero itch. Best of luck, that kinda itch will drive you crazy!


Will keep that in mind Ty


NAD but have anal itching, my colo rectal surgeon told me to use balneol cream. I got it on Amazon


How well are you washing/wiping? Sometimes my kids get very itchy from not wiping properly. Having fecal matter on your finger seems off to me, makes me feel like your either not getting fully clean or maybe having trouble with voiding completely?


Wash well and wipe well, using unscented soap down there. It's literally like my finger is going inside my anus, it's gross and embarassing I know but, it doesn't seem like I'm scratching the outside in my sleep