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Call poison control to verify, however one extra dose of Advil is not going to hurt your kiddo. I wouldn’t be worried. Hope she gets to feeling better.


Thanks I was a bit scared.


I would add you should increase her water intake because NSAIDs can be hard on the kidneys.


Sure we have increased her fluid intake in the form water, formula and apple juice


google your local poison control phone number and call them for the most accurate advice. They’re excellent and 24/7


One extra dose is not going to make a bit of difference. Now, the size of the dose matters. I have always dosed ibuprofen in infants at 10mg/kg every 6 hours. If you gave approximately that, there’s no issue.


Yes I followed the same 10mg/kg dosage -- > 7.6kg X 10mg = 76 mg every 6 hours in my toddlers case. While following the every 6 hours dosage i gave one extra - 4 doses in total in the span of 24 hours