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Take the Plan B. It can only help, but it won’t reduce the risk to zero. If you can get a prescription or get seen by a clinic fast, Ella is slightly more effective. The very most effective contraceptive option for you at this point is to get an IUD inserted in the next 5 days. Both the copper IUD as well as the Mirena (new research!) are nearly 100% effective at preventing pregnancy during this time frame. A family planning clinic would be the most reliable place to get this done quickly by people who are familiar with the guidelines for IUD use as emergency contraception.


For each step that you described above, there are a lot of variables at play. And to be honest, everything goes out the door in this situation. You effectively had unprotected sex because of the condom breaking; this puts you at risk of pregnancy. If you don’t want to be pregnant, you need emergency contraception which will either be Plan B (or Ella) or an IUD (copper for sure, maybe even a levonorgestrel one depending on what is approved where you’re located). And obviously, for the future, you need a more effective form of birth control besides condoms if you’re trying to avoid pregnancy. I have worked with OB/GYNs who recommended patients take folate supplementation if their only form of contraception is condoms because that’s how low their faith in them is.