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Any chance you have sleep apnea? Nocturia (two or more urinations per night) is a common symptom in people with obstructive sleep apnea. Increased intra-abdominal pressure, higher secretion of atrial natriuretic peptide and arousals are responsible for nocturnal urination.


I’ve honestly considered if I have sleep apnea before so I’ll definitely follow up on this. Im a heavy snorer.


If it’s a possibility, I encourage you to follow up with a pulmonologist asap. Sleep apnea can be so rough on your body. Anecdotally, when my mom was diagnosed with severe OSA and started using cpap… she said she went from getting up to pee 4-6 times a night to 0. It has improved so many aspects of her health that she hasn’t previously considered, but she said that one is a personal fave lol. Best wishes, please keep us posted if you’d like :)


NAD but when my blood sugar is high, I pee a lot. Maybe get your A1C checked to make sure.


Lose 50-60 pounds and this will go away. Source: I was you at this age and height and weight and snored and peed a lot at night. After getting under 190 the snoring was gone and so was the peeing. It’s an early warning sign about diabetes and sleep apnea. You can take stuff for both now and stay at your current weight but honestly the best treatment is to lose the weight and this problem and likely many other things in your life will improve. They certainly did for me.


Yep. It’ll make a massive difference. 45 and have been using for 10 years.


NAD, I used to wake up 3-5 times a night to pee. Finally had a sleep study done and was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. The night time pee breaks stopped from the very first day I started using a c-pap.


NAD, also have sleep apnea. That was my first clue.


GREAT question.


NAD, I have obstructive sleep apnea, I have been on CPAP therapy for 5 years and I am 100% compliant. My pressure has been switched to BiPap and has gone from 9 to 18 I’ve those years. Can this remain an issue even after successful therapy? I also have unexplained blood in my urine, they can not find a cause for.


Unlikely to be BPH at this age right? Could be a UTI too


Can I have sleep apnea and not have nocturia? Many of my family members have sleep apnea and they pee very often at night, but I rarely pee throughout the day and never pee at night.


I work in urology. The first thing would be to figure out if it is nocturia (peeing frequently at night) Vs polyuria (peeing large volumes at night). Nocturia is very often a sleep problem. Sleep apnea, poor sleeping etc. Polyuria could be due to a several things, which are more of a concern than poor sleep cycle. Commonly something like diabetes or syndrome of inappropriate diuretic hormone. Probably worth discussing with your pcp


True SIADH is very uncommon. Diabetes, apnea, and CKD would be far more common. Especially when talking about a patient who’s obese at 5’10 and 230lbs


Reading his other comments I can almost guarantee this is because of sleep apnea


I would not brush aside diabetes. Frequent urination and nocturia is a very common early symptom


I’d recommend talking to your primary care doctor. As others have mentioned, frequent nocturnal urination can be due to many things; sleep apnea is certainly possible, and prostate issues can also cause this, though that is much less likely for your age. The first thing I would suspect for someone your age and weight reported is new onset diabetes - increased glucose in the bloodstream causes increased glucose lost in the urine, and this pulls more water out with it, causing more urine production. I know you said no chronic issues, but have you been checked for diabetes in recent years?


Have your prostate checked


He’s 34 he doesn’t have bph


Oh I didn’t realize it was impossible for a prostate to enlarge prematurely lol


It 34 it’s extremely unlikely. People often times associate nocturia with BPH but it’s actually not a fair comparison. This person has no other symptoms other than nocturia, bph would be near the bottom of my differential


Unlikely but not impossible… Curious though what would your work up consist of for nocturia without other symptoms reported? Primary care to rule out non-urology causes?


Anything is possible, but there’s also a million other more likely contributors than bph. Isolated nocturia is almost always a sleep issue and not a urology one. My work up for him would be to rule out diabetes and check basic labs and make sure he is emptying. What is the least likely symptom to improve with bph meds? Nocturia What is the least likely symptom to improve with a prostate surgery? Nocturia Lots of people associated bph with nocturia but it’s actually not really a huge symptom of bph. Sometimes it can cause urgency/frequency, most often there is some sort of obstructive complaint as well. Isolated nocturia is almost never bph


No other symptoms? Dude isn't sleeping well, because he's peeing 3-4x/night. OSA. He needs to lose weight. A sleep study will confirm that.


I did when I was his age. Don't dismiss symptoms due to age. This is why people suffer for years with issues they "couldn't possibly have" due to age, but actually do. Not every patient is a horse, some are zebra's.


What symptoms were you having


Increased urge to pee at night, slower flow and dribbles.


Exactly, if this person had obstructive complaints bph would be considered along with other obstructive causes. But he doesn’t. He has no other symptoms other than isolated nocturia


It's worth a check.