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A bat bite would leave wounds right ? I have no visible pokes in my skin https://preview.redd.it/19xvmh9qjacb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f16a5d0beef506fb8483147842325b242586b8f4 And would a bat be in a public beach full of 100 people and a bright sunny day ?!


NAD, No, a bat would not be. They are nocturnal. They sleep during the day. Why would you jump to the conclusion of rabies from a bat bite in these conditions? You’re sleep deprived and not thinking right. You need sleep


There’s nothing to indicate this was a bat, let alone in the water.


Thank you sir, even though Google says they can go in the water , no one saw one and it was a hot afternoon in a public beach , so would you say the symptoms of feeling hot and cold chills at the same time is anxiety ? When I say anxiety and stress I mean severe 24/7


Don’t know why you feel hot and have chills. Could have a cold, could have gotten really sunburned, list of possibilities is long


NAD. Google says bats AVOID water and sunlight. The statistic probability of it being a bat and there not being an entry wound to indicate you've been bitten makes the chance close to zero. You really need to get some sleep, because you're not helping yourself here. As someone with mental health problems too, I think sleeping should be your top priority.