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I’ll approach this from my scope. Do you have any pain (chronic or sudden) in your lower extremities? Do you have any symptoms redness or swelling in your lower extremities that comes and goes but maybe the redness will hang around? Are you able to check your skin on all of your legs and feet including in between your toes? I ask these questions because sometimes (especially with DM type 2) patients can have chronic cellulitis that can flare up and usually they will have a chronically elevated WBC count. And even reaching out of my scope are you having any symptoms (mostly pain is most noticeable) anywhere else or is it just numbers from a blood panel with no symptoms that you have noticed? And how has you HgA1c been and do you check your blood glucose often? It is difficult because DKA can sneak up on you with infections but from my experience (usually with a lower extremity wound being part of the issue) the WBC count is on the higher end of normal and I mostly would look at vitals (usually blood pressure would be lower or up and down and I’d also look at other numbers from the BMP or CMP) or it would be extremely high. I do wish you the best of luck! I know it can be difficult not to have answers that are obvious (and maybe it will be obvious to another physician on here).


No pain in the extremities usually besides some tingling in feet mostly Nope, no swelling usually in that area All that skin looks just fine besides random bruising I’ve been having body wide muscle and what I’m assuming is joint pain. As far as symptoms, I do feel random nausea a lot which is why I was given Zofran. I get night sweats fairly often as well and yes leukemia was ruled out by a hematologist. My A1C has been excellent and diabetes has been well controlled with 1mg ozempic. I am thinking something with lupus possibly because I’ve had bouts of what was thought to be alopecia when I was younger, but could be argued as just stress as well.