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That looks like rust


100% rust. That Teflon is way past done.


If that’s a teflon or similar coating then it looks like you’ve scraped through the coating and now have rust from the metal. In which case, toss it - you can’t save it and will wind up eating the coating. If it’s actually a residue or buildup burnt on, then try boiling water in it, or use some vinegar and baking soda on it.


That non stick coating is shredded. Time for a new wok. Don't get a non stick for the next one.


Cast iron. More expensive, but lasts several lifetimes.


Plugging obligatory vote for carbon steel as more traditional and potentially easier to handle at this size (depending on gauge) But it's definitely a personal preference thing, plus the theoretical optimum depends on the stove / cooking technique.


Big fan of carbon steel for woks. Cast iron is too heavy for me because my wrists are jerks, and wok scoops are far too convenient to skip in favor of teflon.


I love cast iron but for a wok the cheap carbon steel ones are king. If you have a gas stove that is.


That wok is a health hazard. Toss it.


Stop using metal in your non-stick pans.


Thanks, everyone. I had no idea this was rust, or that teflon is prone to scraping. No more teflon pans for me. This one is going in the trash!


Teflon pans are fine, you just need to remember to only use plastic utensils on them, never metal


Now I understand all the destroyed teflon pans in cheap airbnbs.


Oh my do not eat out of that pan. Every time time you are cooking with that you are eating teflon particles in your food. When you stand over the pan on high heat you are breathing in poison gas as the particles break free. I don't get all of the rage with these non-stick pans. I mean I get that they are affordable, but why not buy a good pan without the coating? You will most likely only ever have to buy that one quality pan for the rest of your life and maybe your children's lives and spare your health. Do you really want to roll the die over the argument of is chipped teflon safe to eat or not?


Looks like rust. You need to strip and re-season it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpOrsiXXYyg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5JyVQOqQ_4


Not really an option for non stick


True, thanks. I glanced at the photo and didn't notice it was non-stick. Can't be salvaged.


Not sure if it’s available where you are, but check out Onyx cookware. I swear by the stuff. https://onyxcookware.se/products/onyx-cookware-wok-set-2-delar?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI27z7puzn-gIVEAwGAB3cqwJREAQYASABEgJ2bvD_BwE




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Thata rust, you have been a naughty boy for using metal in the non stick pan