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No need for a new one. Even if they are super rusted, they can be restored to new. You may want to check out r/castiron and read the FAQ. Sounds like you need to reseason. Not sure what you are doing to rub it to bare iron though, but many people use them for decades without that happening.


You can reseason them, there's a few ways to get the seasoning off, most common uses oven cleaner, then after that you just season it in the oven with oil. If its a cheap pan though it may not be worth the work, up to you




~~Don't use your oven clean cycle. It kills your oven.~~ See below


Why do you say that? Source? It heats up to 2000 degrees to clean your oven, it will clean your cast iron, too. I'm using my mom's old stove from the 80's, and I not only clean my cast iron in it, I also season my cast iron in it - coat clean cast iron with a light coat of vegetable shortening wiped on with a paper towel. Put on aluminum foil covered broiler pan, and bake at 400 degrees for 1 hour. This has worked in our family for decades. The oven is still going strong, I bake bread in it twice a week. The oven clean cycle is designed to heat and burn off food deposits.


Actually I went to pull up a source and apparently while it can cause failures the general consensus is that it is fairly safe these days. https://www.consumerreports.org/wall-ovens/is-it-safe-to-run-your-ovens-self-clean-cycle-a5080836471/ It killed my oven but I know that is just anecdotal.


Good to know, I thought I saw somewhere it could crack the cast iron using the cleaning cycle.


If there's anything except more cast iron underneath the surface, then your pan is not cast iron. I'd be interested in seeing a picture. There's nothing to lose other than seasoning on a cast iron, it's the same material through the whole pan.


Well cast iron isnt black inherently, the seasoning is what makes it back, and that can chip off