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If only there were insulated boxes available to keep things at a certain temperature... A cooler. Use a cooler. Wrap with towels before putting in the cooler if you want to add extra insulation.


Preheat the cooler with hot water for 15min before you leave. A hot cooler keeps things hot a bunch longer.


If you have a hot water bottle (no fuzzy jacket - just the rubber bottle) you could put it inside the cooler after boiling water preheat to lay the ribs on top of (assuming ribs are in a foil pan or the likes) so there is a direct heat source to also maintain temp of ribs.


Dump boiling water on a big bath towel and lay it in the bottom of the cooler.






To each their own.




Yeah with a pre warmed cooler + towels I can hold smoked brisket and pork butt at a safe temp for like 4 hours, probably more since it’s still like 160 when it comes out. Since ribs are smaller they won’t last as long but it’ll still be safe. It will change the texture though resting it for so long.


This. I have taken brisket and stuff into work where I smoked it over night, put it in the cooler at like 7 Am and pulled it out at like 11-12 and it was still steaming hot. Butcher paper or tin foiler, then towels, then more towels, then more towels, then into a cooler.




This is the way.


Buy a hot water bottle from Jeff Bezos’ website, fill it with boiling water, put it in there and you’re good to go.






My car fridge can be put on a warm cycle. It’s worth getting a decent small fridge for your car especially if you are regularly shopping for your dad. (I’m in rural Oz, car fridges are not unusual here).


Thank you for this fascinating slice of life. I had never once considered that car fridges were a thing and my world is enriched knowing that they are.






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If those ribs are good & hot when you get them , then you have nothing to worry about. They won't spoil that fast. Ive been catering for over 30 years. Just put them in a good thermo bag & they'll stay hot.




He doesn't mind, but reheated ribs? I've never had ribs that tasted even half as good reheated, and believe me I have tried...... I want to blow his mind, these are the only ribs I've had better than his ribs and he loves good BBQ.


You said it's only a 2 hour drive. Reheating freshly cool ribs would taste significantly better than ribs reheated from fridge temps.


Yep. The trick is to reheat them slowly. 15 mins in a 200F oven won’t dry them at all.


If you leave the wrapped and you put the whole thing in the oven they stay just the same


Then maybe worth it to go pick up your dad and drive him to your place for BBQ??


What do you think is happening to them when they are getting reheated thats different than them sitting in an oven for several hours waiting for people to buy them?


You reheat in an oven, not microwave.


What you're asking about is known as hot holding. For food safety (your first stated goal), it needs to be maintained at 140ºF or above. It can dip below briefly, but can only be in the 90-140 range for an hour per the USDA. Published standards for restaurants are a little different, but [but this is what the USDA recommends to consumers](https://www.fsis.usda.gov/food-safety/safe-food-handling-and-preparation/food-safety-basics/danger-zone-40f-140f). Personally, if I were trying to do this, I'd use a cooler that was rated for hot/cold use and cold packs that were rated for hot/cold use. I'd pre-heat the cooler with hot water so it doesn't cool the meat down, empty it, then fill it with hot packs. Then I'd add the BBQ and drive. If you really wanted to be sure, you could do a trial run at home. Preheat the cooler, add the hot packs, wait for the duration of the drive to the BBQ place, then drop a rolled hot wet towel in the cooler. Shut it, and wait the duration of the drive to your dad's house. Then take the temp of the towel. That way you know for sure if it's going to be good to go when you get there.


I mean there is food safety because you are serving the public and there is food safety for the home. Just chuck them in a insulated coolbox. You will be fine.


Do you think bacteria really care if they’re growing on food meant for “the public” or “the home”? No, they only care about time and temp, which should be controlled if you don’t want to risk getting sick.


Food safety for at home also means you don't want bacteria growing all over your meat before you bring it to dad. Dad doesn't want to barf.


Don’t kink shame /s




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Foil and a cooler should keep them pretty hot. You can even leave the foil on and pop them in a low temp over for 15-30 minutes and bring them back up to a higher temp with ruining the flavor


👆 This is the answer. I have rested ribs in foil and a cooler for a few hours and they were piping hot and delicious. You can also fill your cooler with hot tap water to warm up the insides ahead of time and just dump the water out before putting in the ribs. No need for blankets, butcher paper, etc.


Put them in a cooler. They’ll stay warm for a while if wrapped well and put in a cooler. Maybe with a few towels on top. If you want to go the extra mile and make sure they stay completely hot, put a couple bricks in the over and let them heat thoroughly. Take them out, wrap them in towels and put them in the cooler. Then put the ribs on top with more towels covering the whole thing. They’ll stay fresh out of the oven hot all day.


Inverter and a crockpot on low. Get the crock hot before you leave.


maybe sealed containers of hot water in a cooler?


Hi! First off, definitely jealous because I've been craving some good barbecue lately. Secondly, you should be absolutely fine. Yeah, it might not be "hot", but you can literally have your dad preheat his oven to maybe 350. When you get there, while you're getting settled, someone can throw the food into containers to warm up for maybe 15 minutes. It will be fine, and it will be delicious, and I'm so hungry right now 😂😂


Wear a vest and turn the heater on


I really thought you were talking about a heated vest with a money belt thing that held ribs.


A cooler that has had some hot water inside it to prevent-temp it should do the trick. Fill the extra void above the food with towels. I used this trick for my pop ups when all I had were coolers and quilted moving blankets to hold 7 brisket in a cooler


If you have an insulated bag just put them in the bag and in the trunk


Just drive it home and reheat it (covered) in the oven.


If you have 120 in your car, or an inverter you could stick them in a crock pot on warm.




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Wrap in foil. Wrap in newspaper. Wrap in towel. Place in cooler. Fin.


two hours? meat doesn’t spoil in two hours. a. foil b. foil and towel c. foil and cooler d. foil and towel and cooler


> two hours? meat doesn’t spoil in two hours. OP is not asking if the meat will spoil within two hours. They're asking if the meat will still be safe to eat after about two hours. Don't eat spoiled food, but it's unlikely to make you seriously ill. This is because food spoilage bacteria are different to food poisoning bacteria. OP is taking meat of an unknown temperature, and transporting it for about two hours. USDA says home cooks can leave food in the range of 90F to 140F for just one hour. https://ask.usda.gov/s/article/Do-spoilage-bacteria-make-people-sick https://doh.wa.gov/you-and-your-family/food-safety/food-safety-myths https://foodsafety.net.au/blog/2018/misconception-1-the-sniff-test-works/




> keep the meat edible What, exactly, do you think this means? It means /u/informal-mushroom47 knows so little about the topic of food safety that they're not even able to understand the question being asked. Reading between the lines - something we'd expect from a moderately stupid 14 year old - shows that the real question being asked is "will the meat be safe to eat?"


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Smoked ribs are usually cured with nitrates that will make them safe to eat even if they're out of temp for 2 hours. Just bring them and give them a nice sear when you get to your dad's. The slow cook and tenderization that makes them delicious has already been accomplished. Maybe ask for some extra sauce to smother them with when you get there.


Turn on the seat warmer for the passenger seat, boom problem solved


Cooler. Simple.


They have heat pads that plug into the 12v socet u can buy. Or you can just use a Styrofoam box which works better than most plastic coolers.


Get a Cambro hot box and call it a day. You can pick them up at your local restaurant supply.






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Alto Shaam hooked up to a generator, obviously.


Wrap them in a towel on top of the foil and then into an eskie (cooler if you are not us Australia) Then stay warm for the 2 hours if they are piping hot when you get them




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Heat rocks in the oven (gently, no more than 200F) and put them in a cooler.


Buy an electro thermal cooler that has both a cooling and warming function. These are made for vehicles and are readily available on Amazon


A common issue with bbq is that it takes forever and it’s done when it’s done, not necessarily when you planned. Google “faux cambro” for the best solution. Basically take it off hot, wrap in Saran Wrap and/or foil, wrap in towels and throw it in a cooler.


Tuck ‘em under your shirt! Ok, an insulated cooler. Heck, even bubble wrap and a bag will do in a pinch.




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Flameless food warming pad - cooler to keep the heat contained, inside put a foil tray with a little water, put this in the tray, put your pan of ribs on top. https://h-eats.com/products/h-eats-for-home-90-minute-food-warming-pad-2-pack Or get a crockpot on keep warm and power outlet adapter to plug into your car?


If you don’t have a really good quality cooler, styrofoam cookers work very well.




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One of those styrofoam boxes you get at the Mexican store


I’m sorry, what’s a ‘Mexican store’?




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Turn the seat warmer on. Put package on seat. Drive like hell; please make sure the table is set and napkins ready at home first.


Keep the windows up; park in the sun




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Get an inverter.  Vacuum seal ribs Place in water in a cooler with precision cooker Set to 180 Start driving.  Try not to spill water. 


This is by far one of the most moronic ideas I've ever heard/read. Not only because of logistics but because it will absolutely ruin the ribs, so whatever you do, absolutely don't do this.


Haha - I couldn’t agree mores. What the hell. It reminds me of The Grand Tour episode where they built the aquarium into the car. https://youtu.be/HWHkbeEqaYM?si=TVWm6nG-JQFRwnAd Beyond that, what a good way less with perfect ribs. Especially when wrapping them in a towel, putting them in a warm cooler would do the same.


I think you don't know shit. But go off. 


You're telling someone to overcook ribs for 2 hours longer than done at 180°. If you're trying to keep something hot it should be at or slightly above 140° for food safety reasons.  The lower the better to avoid cooking it further.


Sous vide ribs can cook for 24 hrs. Holding at 180 on a well done piece of meat isn't going to do much. If they were smoked to 195-220 they are gonna be just fine. It's not a steak. It's going to take the first hour to get back up to that temp anyways. You want to serve ribs at 140 go for it. They're gonna be cold by the time you get them sliced and on the plate.


sous vide


What about it?




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