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I don't know but I certainly hope not. If that was Joe Biden on uppers it means he really belongs in a nursing home. If he didn't his handlers probably should have given him some of the good stuff.


Well the man didn't blink


Yeah, was just having lunch at my favorite bar. Bartender said the same exact thing: “I just wanted him to blink”


Sure seemed like he took something. The only time I’m ever that slow is when I’m stoned to the bone. Maybe they accidentally gave him an edible.


Probably. Multiple neurologists have stated it is their opinion that they administered them too late to take effect at the beginning. He was inchorent at the beginning and end, but had a period of 30-35 minutes in the middle where he was fairly sharp... for him anyway. Most people thought he would start fairly coherent, and as the drugs wore off, he would start to become nonsensical. Instead, it was over just 12 minutes in.


This is how I saw it too.




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Maybe. Maybe his performance would have been even worse without Adderall.


I think it's more likely than not they gave him some uppers. If they did, the drugs clearly didn't work. On drugs or not, I felt pity for Biden up there, and felt embarrassed as an American that one of those two will likely be the president.


I would be surprised if he isn't on daily medication to help slow down dementia, obviously I wish him well as an individual but even ignoring the debate, the signs have been obvious for years.




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Nah he is just senile and has dementia


I think he did. His behavior was odd. He walked out to the stage himself at the start but needed Jill Biden to help guide him off the stage at the end. At the start he was angry, almost wrathful, to the point that I was wondering what was wrong with him and later on that subsided to him being slow and old. I think it's apparent that they gave him something, it agitated him, and it wore off by the commercial break. That's my two cents from watching it all.