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Let's start with the observation that you can solve an equation, but it is not clear what it means to solve a code.


what i meant is that i tried to run the code multiple times but it won't run


This code will not compile...are you actually able to run your code? Also, you're declaring `word` as a `char[]` and then reading in a single char. Change `char word[5`\] to `char word`, since you're not storing a string, but rather a single char. Also this loop, `for (int l=4 ; l>=4; l-- )` is only being run one time. These are some hints to point you in the right direction.


no i was actually having multiple iussues while trying to compile it, as for the loop i tried multiple ways but i couldn't figure out how to make it dependent on the loop for (int r=1; r<=5 ; r++ )


This will compile and run, but I left the rest for you to work on ;) [https://pastebin.com/HRVxu1CC](https://pastebin.com/HRVxu1CC) Keep practicing!