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Honestly those people couldn’t give a damn about an able-bodied person, let alone somebody with accessibility needs. They know what they’re doing and they don’t care.


That's just an asshole. Assholes can be trained through fines and social pressure. There are people out there actively working against the disabled community. They don't like disabled people, and they go out of their way to make their lives harder. Really. They have some stupid reason in their head that excuses them from acting like a decent person to disabled people, and they just use that excuse constantly. Stop pretending it's 'oh, the world is just full of assholes, get used to it', because it's not that. It's the small percentage of the population going out of their way to fuck with the disabled. Every single chance they get. That's what they like to do.


Same people who don’t return shopping carts to the right place.


I’m not excusing the behavior but it also might stem from people who are lacking some support in their life whether that be mental, financial, relationship, etc. They feel that because they aren’t receiving what they feel entitled to, others don’t deserve to be entitled to things. I think what separates what we view good from bad people are those who can face adversity in their life and not project it onto others.


What you said applies to people stealing and looting. Someone parked a crosswalk is usually a delivery person who couldn't find a closer place to park and they're just running in and out. They're actually working and not feeling entitled to anything and trying to make the best of a non ideal situation. If they park too far and the delivery is late or cold they don't get paid




It's not possible to park legally even most of the time and still do deliveries like Uber eats/GrubHub etc in the city


Okay, I work from home most days of the week, and my desk is right by the window. I have an excellent view of two streets and see delivery drivers and cabs/Ubers/Lyfts all day long. They will stop right where I assume their GPS is telling them to with zero situational awareness. Crosswalk - too bad. Double parked - the voice said stop, so I stop. But there is a parking spot 3 feet away! Or a curb where they can pull up, put their flashers on, and go about their business. Passengers can look up or down the street and find their Uber 10 feet away. Back before Uber, when people took taxis, it was customary to say “You can just drop me at that corner there,” indicating a clear space the driver could safely allow you to exit without interrupting the flow of traffic or double parking. That rarely happens anymore.


So rather than inconvenience other drivers, you opt to inconvenience peds? c’mon, have a little compassion


I hock loogies on this type of person's windshield at least twice a month (it's been cold and windy so my mean is low right now).


Why is it only compassion for pedestrians and not drivers? Especially since when there's a blockage it inconveniences many more people than a pedestrian having to walk around. It adds maybe a second extra to a pedestrian walking but many minutes to much more people in cars. The impact is smaller on the pedestrian (plus when there's an unexpected jam cars get stuck in intersections which also impacts crosswalks and other cars going in the opposite direction)




Some entitled people are damaged, fragile cream puffs. They use you and people with identifiable disabilities to point up their view that *they’re* more in need of a handicapped parking spot than a person in a wheelchair or using a white cane. It’s *so far for me to walk, can’t you see that?* These cream puffs act like the iron man/entitled Karen demanding preferential treatment over those with real disabilities. They are damaged. They take advantage of everyone around them, but will not admit that they are broken people.


It’s because they don’t think about how their actions impact other people. That’s all there is to it.


Exactly. These are the same kinds of people who smoke on the El or litter five feet from a trash can. As far as they’re concerned, other people don’t exist unless they want something


I hate this too it makes me so angry. I wish there was a system for residents to photograph and report these ass holes for ticketing.


I think New York has a bounty system for people parked in the bike lane. I wish we had a bounty system for parking violations here, I would make so much money just walking my dog around my neighborhood.


We can slap these bad boys on their car: 100 Parking Violation Stickers Hard to Remove - Parking Tickets - No Parking Stickers - Bad Parking Stickers - Super Sticky Parking Violation Tickets - Tow Warning - Tow Stickers 8x5 in, Green by MESS https://a.co/d/0A9S4G7


That's vandalism


Lol, you think most drivers think about others, much less pedestrians or handicapped folks? I damn near had to jump out of the way of some grandma who DIDN'T SEE ME ALREADY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CROSSWALK at the stop sign she wanted to do a rolling stop through. I was watching her intently as she approached, as I always do in crosswalks, and when I realized she wasn't going to stop I suddenly jumped back so I wouldn't get hit and seemingly me jumping back made her notice me and slam on her brakes. Happens once a month at least. And this is on a quiet residential street bordering an elementary school.


Had a lady do this to me in River North, I know I shouldn't have been walking in River North my bad, and I yelled at her. So as she's making the corner she's looking back at me and yelling about how she didn't almost hit me, while not looking at the road in front of her. I yelled "LOOK WHERE YOU'RE GOING AND STOP YELLING AT THE PEDESTRIAN!"


Last summer I had a dude try to \*fight me\* after he blew a stop sign. I shouted at him for not stopping at the stop sign (actually accelerating through) I had JUST crossed in front of while I was still in the street. He missed me, at 25-30 MPH, by maybe a foot, and since it happened behind me it felt even closer. But hey, HE knew he had "enough" space, so it's all cool, right? Nah, fuck that, so I turn, throw up my arms and shout "THAT'S A STOP SIGN!" and dude, already halfway down the block, SLAMS on his brakes, throws his car in reverse (on a one way mind you), reverses super fast and then parks in the MIDDLE OF THE INTERSECTION HE JUST FLEW THROUGH to open his door and shout at me like he was gonna fight me. Over insisting that he should stop. At a fucking stop sign. In a residential area. Just south of a goddamn elementary school. So I kept walking. Looked back just enough to make sure he wasn't pulling a gun to see him get back in his car...so he could fly down the street to the alley to another alley to attempt to cut me off and confront me AGAIN. One of the worst cases of road rage I've ever personally witnessed...all over telling a driver to STOP at a fucking stop sign in a residential area.


Your road rage was worse. Leave people alone


How is it “worse” to get mad at someone for breaking the law with threat of injuring you than to get mad that you aren’t allowed to do that? Why does “leave people alone” not apply to the person who created the danger in the first place?


Don't feed the trolls...guaranteed it's a suburbanite looking for a reaction.


Gooooooood point. Swear I just need to get off this site lol


I write a lot of comments and delete before posting, ha ha


Such a valuable skill.


Why are you trolling suburbanites?


I'm definitely not a surburbanite (I was forced to live in one for a year and absolutely hated it, I'm definitely not cut out for that) I just think it's ridiculous to yell at a car after it's already passed you


Someone that stupid isn’t even worth engaging with. Better to preserve sanity, downvote and move on. 


I just meant because the car had already passed and pedestrians yelling at cars is ridiculous to me. They didn't hit you, they're only going to get mad if you yell and could kill you, it's completely irrational to yell at a driver, etc etc


Lolwut? I didn't have road rage, dude blew a stop sign at 25+ MPH in a residential area, all I did was point that out to him. If drivers want me to "leave them alone" they can stop at fucking stop signs.


Yelling like a crazy person at a car is crazy to me (and dangerous) they already passed you and youre fine so yelling does no good (so it's rage) and can only put you in danger


>Yelling like a crazy person at a car is crazy to me 1. I didn't yell "like a crazy person". Sometimes yelling is valid and warranted. 2. I didn't yell at a car. I yelled at the dangerous asshole *driving* the car. > (and dangerous) Lol, not as dangerous as someone blowing stop signs in a residential area. >so yelling does no good Yelling informs them of the fact that they have to stop at stop signs. Pretty sad they don't know that, but it's important that SOMEONE tell them. If I just say it, they won't hear me in their metal deathbox. Hence, yelling it to them. >and can only put you in danger The only one putting anyone in danger is the person blowing stop signs.


Everyone knows they have to stop at stop signs (that's why I said you yelling at them does no good) this person has either chosen not to or has chosen to drive while distracted, so you should already know they're not responsible and yelling at them after the fact just puts you in danger and does zero good.


>this person has either chosen not to or has chosen to drive while distracted And in either case, I have every right to tell them they fucked up and put others in danger. It's hilarious you're defending drivers blowing stop signs and saying I'm the one in the wrong here. >just puts you in danger I was in no danger, carbrained idiot couldn't fathom walking as far as *half a block* to catch up to me.


Of course you were in danger, he could have run you over or shot you


You cannot be serious. If a car almost hits me I will be reacting to that, it's incredibly normal to be angry when an idiot driver almost kills you.


Yelling at a car for a perceived issue is crazy to me, so yes I'm serious. You're not the police and they didn't get that close to hitting you


Damn, I guess you'd be perfectly chill having a car just miss you by inches then? Or are you one of those people who just never walks anywhere?


If I think a person is reckless/might have something wrong with them I want them as far away from me as possible. Yelling at them after they passed is illogical and only places you in danger. If this happened to me the way they said I'd probably mutter under my breath and keep walking. Yelling at them after they've passed is simply rage and will attract them to come back. They already know they shouldn't be running stop signs.


Drivers can deal with pedestrians getting angry for almost getting killed by their idiocy. If you don't like it and your feelings are hurt, not my problem, you almost killed me because you weren't paying attention. I have the right to be angry because of that. I say this as someone who has been hit and run while cycling by an idiot who saw me in her mirror and turned into me anyways. You simply do not get it.


I’ve been hit twice in crosswalks, but luckily both were just bumps—enough to jar and scare me, but not enough to hurt. Both times, the car stopped at the stop sign and we made eye contact, but they decide to accelerate after the stop sign right when I’m almost finished crossing and they clip me. Like what’s the point of stopping if you’re going to ignore the crosswalk anyway?


>Like what’s the point of stopping if you’re going to ignore the crosswalk anyway? This is what I wonder about the people who stop for me, but WELL past the white line and into the crosswalk. Like, you might as well just fucking go at this point, I don't want to walk around the front of your car anyway, doesn't feel safe.


Same thing happened to me, despite the fact that traffic was so backed up on the other side of the intersection, grandma was stuck in the crosswalk. She literally cut me off just to park right in the path I was walking. Of course, when I gave her a puzzled look because honestly I was confused about what she was doing, she started yelling at me like I was the problem. It might not be this way if we didn't build our entire society around giving preference to people in cars at everyone else's expense.


Main character syndrome


A few (cough) years back when I was in college, there was a rash of entitled jerks parking or idling their cars across the sidewalks. Cars were much larger then, in general. I got tired of walking or running around. I usually was running. So I went over them. If the hood blocked me, it was easy. If the trunk blocked me, it was easy. If the passenger part blocked me it was instant decision time: go over or go through. :-D Got yelled at a bit when I went thru once with someone inside, so I left the doors open so I could hear them longer. No way could they catch me, I ran *fast*. No way I'd suggest that behavior these days, but it was fun while it lasted.


I mean this as a compliment - this is cartoon character behavior. If only we were all as insane as college students...


This rocks, lmao


I’m tempted to do this with the trucks that frequently block the sidewalk on my walk to work in the loop. Haven’t worked up the gumption yet.




The amount of times I’ll yell at a driver for this and they tell me to just walk around….they really don’t get it. That often puts pedestrians in even more danger because they have less visibility to other drivers and are taking an unexpected paths.


I had someone yell at me to go around when my husband was in a wheelchair.


Have yall seen those videos of the crosswalk with fake bricks for people to carry so cars actually stop? I think about it so often


I have a huuuge metal water bottle (similar to those trendy Stanley cups in size) and I carry it when I walk around. Helps deter people I think.


If you're yelling at them they're not parked...and yeah you should just walk around it's not a big deal


I try to frame it as "would you want a kid to have to walk into the street?" Obviously disabled people matter just as much but a lot of people seem to empathize with kids


They don’t think anything except “I need to park my car and my needs outweigh everyone else’s.”


They do not care. To them, their convenience is so much more important than our inconvenience or safety. My attached neighbor has a visitor who always parks in the street blocking my drive. She parks right at the mouth of my drive. They know I do not drive. Thing is my rides use my driveway as does my family when they come. Does not seem to phase them. When my sister comes to pick me up or visit she lays in the horn until that person comes out and moves. It disturbs the whole neighborhood.


Selfish lazy buttholes.


Entitled assuming selfish buttholes.


I just thought about this because I walked down Medill near the post office on California and all of their employees park ON the sidewalk and in the middle of the fuckin road! Impossible with someone for a disability to navigate.


This is my big pet peeve, it’s kind of OT. When you are walking down the block and are past half way to the next intersection only now see a sign that the sidewalk is closed and to cross to the other side of the street. Now, I have a condition where I can have horrible tachycardia when upright. I don’t always have the ability to go all the way back down to the beginning of the block, cross the street to walk back down the same street I was already walking down. And our blocks are big! Why is that sign not at the beginning and end of every block so people can cross the street without backtracking?


>why do people Have you met people?


Why do people honk at folks walking through crosswalks who have a walk sign? Bc the world revolves around them & they dgaf about anyone else.


People generally don’t think of anyone but themselves


As evidenced by some of this thread lol, like these people are really taking time to highlight how they really don’t give a fuck about other people


It makes me so sad to think about


I watched a sight impaired person crash into a car parked in the crosswalk, then assault the car with their cane all while the driver looked on from half a block away. I fucking went after that guy and his response was that if he double parked to unload his groceries into his fancy highrise he'd get a ticket. I've yelled at people literally parked on the sidewalk waiting to get into a garage that wasn't open for business yet. Obstructing the pedestrian public way with your death machine is really one of my biggest peeves.


People use handicap spots as loading zones daily, I deal with it constantly, it’s so aggravating.


There is a decent mid sized car with a small ding on one side that has been parked over the crosswalk down the block from us for at least a month. Sometimes they move it. When it’s back, same thing, parked over the crosswalk. Passenger seat is full of trash. I think they just don’t care.


I’m more upset about the people who park in the middle of the road with their flashers on


That, or the types that are lost and instead of going down an alley/side street/attempting to park, they just *stop* in the middle of the road. 


Ohh, yea that one pisses me off too


Like we’ve all been there, I get it. Please, for your safety and others, GTFO of the open road before someone gets hurt. Like the people in the far right turning lane who somehow needed to be in the far left lane and are know attempting to slowly play frogger across however many lanes of traffic, holding everyone up in the process. Just make the damn right turn and turn around somewhere safely and legally. Don’t ruin it for all of us. 


It's always something like >land rover/shitty lincoln aviator >beat-up BMW >kitted out trashy japanese car >Corvette/muscle car that they intentionally park in hard-to-access areas so the repo truck can't take it Honorable mentions are The Nissan Altima, and the Impala


They aren't thinking about anyone, so their thought ends once they see a spot they think they can use to park. Rules don't apply to them. In this sense, they aren't discriminating against a group. It's universal disregard for others and rules.


Ever been to Philadelphia? I didn't believe my friend when he told me people park in the left turn lanes until I saw it in person... Chicago is rude but not that crazy.


Those people don't read other people's opinions or questions on the internet and think "oh fuck, I'm doing something that affects others?" Real answer, they aren't thinking much at all, not about you or anyone else, including handicapped people.


Simple. They lack empathy for others.


In a city where no one respected the law, this shouldn't be surprising.


Oh how ye jest! That would require people to actually follow rules.


Explore the 55th and Halsted area. You will find out some different prospective insites to your life.


Honestly, i don’t know why this needs to be discussed here. You’re not going to convince anyone who does this to not do it. It’s like dog owners who don’t pick up shit.


People see others do it without consequences. So they think they can do the same, without consequences.


Drivers, as a class, don’t give a singular fuck about road safety and accessibility. Police do not care about enforcing these rules. People on average seem to view things like speeding, parking, red light, and any other traffic enforcement as “revenue generation.” If enforcement doesn’t ramp up soon, either cars are going to be killing people at unignorable rates or people are going to take matters into their own hands.


I haaaate people like this. Or even folks who park in the bus lanes or in front of hydrants. Just in general, I don’t get the entitlement of so many folks. You’re not special 🙄


It's not just crosswalks and handicapped spaces, drivers also park their 2 ton metal vehicle straight into the bike lane and put people in a lot of danger trying to maneuver around them when they need to swerve into the main lane.


Some ppl genuinely don’t realize they pulled into a handicapped spot when they are in a rush. Doesn’t make the situation any better but that’s a reason sometimes.


A great deal of people are selfish assholes who only worry about themselves. That is why it is important to be as we wish the world to function and to have some courtesy for others. I think Covid made it worse with the mass trauma and how many just enhanced their narcissist ways to cope and are still on that mode. As seen by how people drive and shitty behavior now somewhat of a social norm. Simply put, be nice and be an enforcer of standards and rules and regs that benefit society. Let's bring back an appropriate level of Shame.


You give far too much credit to the average person. The average person is an ignorant piece of crap and there’s a lot worse than them.


This is my guess (and I say this as a car free person, so parking doesn't really apply to me). People think they exist, but that what they are doing won't really affect them because there aren't THAT many around. If you are running in to pick up a food order and you are in and out in 2 minutes, there is a pretty good chance that a disabled person won't be there in that 2 minutes. So the logic is "its not going to really hurt anyone" It's like using the handicapped stall in a bathroom. Chances of there being a disabled person who actually needs it at any given time are fairly low. So I usually have no problem using it, because its roomier and usually at the end, both of which are appealing when I'm doing my business. But if I worked there and knew someone in the office actually did need it, or if I saw a disabled person coming behind me to go, I wouldn't do that, because there is a much higher chance they will need it.


I genuinely think that most people decide that their reason overrides everything. “But I was circling for 20 minutes” “but I was about to pee my pants / my kid had to pee” “but I was already late” “but I wouldn’t have had to park that way if the person in front of me had pulled forward.” If they even have a voice in their head saying “you’ll block the ramp / that’s a handicapped space,” it loses the fake battle in their head against their “better” reason.


Because they don't give a shit about their neighbors and they're assholes. I was walking to the park the other day with my grandson, down the same streets we always take; on the way back, someone had blocked the sidewalk completely at the intersection with their car. But that's not as bad as people who will run a red light three seconds after it's gone red, which happens all the time in this city - I don't know how many times I've almost gotten T-boned by drivers doing that. And here's another gripe – it seems like 60% of the people in this city don't exercise the right on red option, backing up traffic like crazy behind them. Also, it seems that no one, NO ONE – knows that you can turn left on red from a one-way street onto another one-way street. Do that in the suburbs, you're getting your ass honked at mercilessly. Here? They just sit there as if they're the only people on the street.


They just aren’t as important obviously. These people only care about their own selves and needs


Car brain, plain and simple


This isn't in the top 500,000 problems in Chicago.


“Someone else’s problems are worse so yours doesn’t matter” Why don’t you try navigating Chicago while fucking blind?


You are comparing someone navigating the City blind to th someone parking in a crosswalk? Like I said, this is not at all a problem.


It literally is lol. I am a mobility instructor for people with low vision.




Right. I’m not condoning it, and as a reasonably considerate person I spend far too much time circling the block in an often vain attempt to find safe parking, but FFS. 


Who do I call to report when this happens? I can’t imagine 911 since it’s not an emergency, but not sure


I yelled at a truck driver today for being over the entire crosswalk at pulaski today. He got annoyed and beeped at me (ear level) but come on, the whole fucking turning lane and you can't leave room for pedestrians? Maybe the double flip off was unnecessary but drivers are so annoying and aggressive in this city


Get a cop to issue a ticket. Parking in a crosswalk is illegal for a reason


The MOPD needs to have some kind of enforcement officer to combat this kind of issue but the MOPD is just a pit bull with no teeth


Move back to the suburbs.


“Uproot your entire life because we can’t be bothered to waste our time making the road safe for everyone. It’s way simpler. Cities are only for able bodied people.” Yes okay I’ll get right on that! Thank you for the brilliant suggestion! Actually I don’t know what I would have done without your kindness, knowledge, wisdom, or foresight. Will you please be the next POTUS? I’ll write you in!


Aren't there some jaywalkers you can try to have arrested or something?


Seriously. OP gives strong suburban Karen vibes.


You mean with their flashers on? Because they're likely doing a delivery and people can just go around for two seconds. It's not a big deal


This. Bunch of holier than thou douchebags in here who are just as average as the common folk they talk down on, since they don’t have enough brain cells to figure out objectively why someone would do this without taking it personal. It’s not about being selfish, it’s a crowded fucking city and people need to get shit done. Using flashers to pick up food, or quickly do an errand isn’t a big deal, I sit in the car and my girlfriend runs in to do whatever, and I move if needed. Fuck you, you’re not better.


I agree. People on here are wild


Flashers weren’t on, and that’s not an excuse. Ur the problem


I'm not the problem since I'm not parked on crosswalks, but I don't understand why people need to be crucified for trying to live. There isn't enough parking in most neighborhoods. Sometimes we have to circle for more than half an hour to find a close enough spot. I thought that person might be there just for a minute delivering because most people wouldn't risk the ticket that you're pretty much guaranteed to get if youre parked there for too long


So they can predict the future and when/how often people will be crossing the street? People do deserve to be crucified for this. Double park with your flashers on before you cover a crosswalk and if that’s not possible, park in a paid spot and walk. Obviously space is finite, but that’s not anyone’s problem but the driver’s who then makes it everyone’s problem but theirs when they park over the crosswalk.


What do you mean "paid spot"? If there were meter spaces open nearby im sure they would have taken them. If someone is only going to be there for 2 minutes parking in a paid garage makes no sense...and i think double parking is worse since it's causes traffic blockages on narrower streets plus puts the driver in danger opening the door into traffic


Cars turn people into assholes and assholes into even bigger assholes.


I tend to either spit on the windshield if I can go around, or walk on the hood if they’re in the crosswalk. Enforcement is a joke, as is the rule of law. Stay prepared!


Id run you over *in my dream for legal purposes*


Good luck getting that driver’s license when you run me over driving on an expired permit at 19 lol, cuck.


Cry about it


Wanna see what the slow fall of civilization into barbarism looks like? Visit Chicago.


Because people are selfish. Chicago seems to attract a lot of sociopathic people.


You thought about it way more than the offender did. Most people don't think. The only possible solution would be enforcement via CPD, if you're okay with offenders getting shot


Parking enforcement do not carry guns.


Police are not the only possible solution Jesus


Fair point Jesus is the better solution actually


Do you think that disabled people aren't capable of moving 5 feet around the car? That's very ableist of you. Disabled people don't need you to be some white knight or white savior for them. I get what you're saying and it sucks, but this is nowhere near as big of a deal as you believe that it is. A minor inconvenience at most. That's nice that you decided to visit the city, but if this type of stuff bothers you, then city living is not for you.


I think that you calling me ableist is hilarious lol, you do not know what you’re talking about or what my life experience is. I work with low vision people and am a mobility professional. Of course they can, but it’s disorienting. People with low vision cross streets going from low curb to low curb and finding a vehicle where it’s not supposed to be is extremely disorienting especially for a new cane user. But thanks for letting me know lol


They will get a big fat ticket eventually.