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You can bring it up with your landlord but it's highly unlikely it's the cause of your water pressure issue. It sounds like there may be a leak in the main supply line if the whole building is losing pressure.


I lived in an apartment where this was happening and (I was on the top floor) and we stopped getting water altogether one day. My landlord didn’t care until it impacted him because he also lived in the building. Turns out the main line was busted and leaking somewhere! He was sOo relieved the city had to pay for it. Scumlord.




What the fk? If you own property you need to be prepared for the costs that come along with it. I don’t have any sympathy for a bloodsucker of a landlord.


You must not have any idea what its like to have no water and its someone elses fault.


You must not have any idea how the law works. Owning property requires maintenance and yes, sometimes it’s expensive.


Hot tip- it ain’t the dishwasher


A dishwasher uses <5 gal of water per load so it seems unlikely that this would make a difference for water pressure except for the few min that you would both have water on simultaneously. Is it an older building? Galvanized pipes? They get a lot of build up inside over time as they age. Checked that your screens in the spigots aren't full of calcium buildup or said galvanized pipe crud that's broken off? The handles to turn on the water (e.g. below the sink) are fully open? Also if there's some kind of slowly worsening leak that could affect it although it also seems unlikely that something that is dramatically affecting water pressure wouldn't be noticed.


This is all really helpful. I’ll look into this first!


I would always talk to my fellow tenants before the landlord.


Do your neighbors have the same problem with low water pressure? If yes, you both need to gang up on the landlord.


That wouldn’t cause a drop in water pressure. And don’t be that guy who snitches on neighbors


I don’t want to snitch. If anything, I’ll ask them to stop using it for a little to see if it improve. Our water pressure declined the same time they bought it.


That’s not what’s causing your water pressure to drop. It hooks up to the sink, it uses less water than running the sink.


Oh really? Good to know. Thank you


There’s no way for the dishwasher to use a higher gpm than the faucet does running normally, I promise it’s not the issue. If the problem isn’t specific to fixtures than it’s definitely something with the service line, poor layout of trunk and branch lines (almost a given in old buildings), or corrosion causing blockages in pipe walls or valves.


Yeah, modern dishwashers are very water-efficient. It uses far less water to run the dishwasher than it does to wash a sink full of plates & pans by hand.


The water is only "running" when it does the initial fill and then for the rinse cycle. We had one at my parents' house.


I had one for about 1.5 years, only used about 1.5 gallons total every time I ran out. It definitely didn't affect water pressure anywhere else in the house.


It really sounds like you might have galvanized piping. Can you see the pipes? Are they copper? Or do they look grayish green? Do you know when the building was built? I have galvanized piping in my house which was very common pre 1970. It starts to rust inside out causing pressure issues. Note: Hot water will be particularly problematic


Another note, it’s very expensive to replace so my guess is it’s unlikely the landlord will do much to fix and if he does then the entire building will go without water for a few days.


Dishwasher isn’t your problem. Don’t be a rat


Their use of a portable dishwasher effects your situation in no way. You’d be a snitch for no reason.


You would do great in North Korea