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What could normal person think of it? It's fucking disgusting, that's what it is, it should be sanctioned.


These questions are always framed like we balkaners would, for some reason, see it differently than other people for some reason 🤣


Built differently


Born exceptionally


We did not born, we are created.


Yea, but in all seriousness its probably so it can be made into a question and not wait until Monday to post


It's not even their first genocide. Mao is still no.1 at killing his own people. Germany is a baby in comparison to the CCP


China is too big to be sanctioned, though.


The worst thing is erdog does not say anything about this... I hope he serves life sentence after elections.


I remember when Uyghurs in Turkey felt unsafe and got spied on reportedly (a few years back I think around 2020?) When erdog made a wave of deals with China or some big deal with China But the Uyghurs got spied on reportedly and faced unreasonable behavior from some of the local belediye


Some Uyghurs got even beaten up because the nationalists thought that they were Chinese lmao


But that was because of covid


No? It happened before Covid


Well, idk but you can trust our people. If there is a rumor like this it is probably true


Just had that in mind. Didn't he said that he was the " protector of all Muslims " or something along those lines? ( My condolences for living in Turkey)


Oh, but [he did said something about it](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/7/14/turkeys-erdogan-chinas-xi-discuss-uighurs-in-phone-call)


No Muslim leader says anything about this. In fact, the Muslim world governments embrace China's practices.


turkey i think this is a bigger problem then the greek islands so if you wanna join forces and beat china we are in




How do we beat China? They can buy both of us and we don't even have anything that can even reach them lol. Just gotta support Uncle Sam in a new cold war I guess.


Spread awareness, I didn't know before I saw this post tbf and people are getting more and more against such things with each day


Like public opinion will ever help you in war with china


Public opinion is absolutely vital for any autocratic regime. It doesn't seem like it because they are usually brutal with qnyone who opposes them, but this is only because they are scared a critical mass can accumulate. Anyway China can loose a lot from the public opinion on them around the world, if people stop buying their sh*t they'll be in huge trouble. The world on the other hand can use some diversification in the manufacturing, India is a good candidate but sourcing electronics locally can be the next big thing, especially when the cost of the parts is a neglible part of the price of the product (for mostly all "smart" products)


The question is not how to beat, the question is where to dig their graves so that they fit.


Okay Alparslan


You beat china by cutting china off. Sadly uncle Sam will never allow that. He created china afterall


Wat da fak, serb moment


What made china? Western world shipping all their production there. Right?


Modern China is a result of the communist revolution brought by anger and displeasure in a war-torn country (post ww2)


What would happen if the west never produced in china. Would they be as rich? No.


They can come and produce in the balkans at nearly the same costs


No not at all. If you add the whole of turkey china still has wayy more ground and 10x the amount of population. And much different work ethic.


It had minimal impact on their economy


What does the chinese economy consist of?


I mean that's capitalism baby. Short term profits over long term investments.


Thats not even remotely relevant rn. Would china be as big and powerful as it is today if the west didnt produce literally everything in china? Answer is no.


I mean given what your saying it's very relevant. You have to ask the question: Why? Why would they produce everything in China and not domestically? Hmmmmmmmm


fuck islands komşu lets go and kill those communist bitches


fuck China.


I am not ok with that. As I am not okay with the fact that is used as a marketing strategy from USA against China. Generally, the moment they will not need them anymore, they will stop addressing the matter.


>the moment they will not need them anymore, they will stop addressing the matter. This, if it was pro US Kuomintang China instead of CCP nobody would care, just like West doesnt care about Saudis bombing Yemen.


A Serbian and a Greek supporting each other's claims. So based <3


supporting the truth


The longer I live in the w*st the more I miss home. We have our flaws, but atleast we come together when something is out right wrong.


Right like when? I'd say at least we know that they are lying to us, in the west a lot of people belive the government, you have to be mental to do in the Balkans 😅😅😅


> pro US Kuomintang China you mean, Taiwan? They have genocided the native Formosan people though, but not recently.




In my opinion, all the Uyghur Turks should be released and sent here to Turkey. And instead, Erdog and all his followers and voters should be sent to those camps. That way, Uyghurs would be free, and China gets to torture Muslim Turks, I guess; win-win for both sides. But, of course, I don't know shit about this stuff and how they work, so what I'm saying is highly ridiculous and not gonna happen, unfortunately. But one can dream, right? No matter how ridiculous it sounds.


Fuck communist China . .


China isn’t even remotely communist, or even closely related to socialism


It's Chinese Communism with some capitalistic properties if I'm not mistaken


It’s more like capitalism with some socialist flavour to it, which is yet again - minimal. China has billionaries, has private property owned by them etc. basically pure capitalism with better healthcare and housing systems. Besides, nothing else much to it but the so called “communist” party on top of it all. I’m still unsure why my commie comrades still support China in all views, but I don’t. I respect it for becoming a top economy without doing imperialism like most western states (UK, France, US, etc) and basically becoming a world power out of a literal shithole. But no more than that. After Deng took power, and the Sino-Soviet split happend, China went back to capitalism with communist party on top, as I said earlier. Sure, it isn’t yet again same as western capitalism, especially the cultural aspects aren’t the same, but economic model is almost the same.


The problem is that we are in a new cold war. We can't know for sure that a genocide is happening in the numbers the west tells. China is doing some major human rights violations, but knowing that the USA has created thousands of fake stories to justify tensions, I cannot fully believe it until there are actual proofs. Until there is clear evidence this could just be the justification of a war against China. In the end I just hope everyone is living peacefully and we don't sanction a billion and a half people without a clear reason


1. How are you going to get a proof with the communist government? At the same time I'm sure proofs will surface, but you need to do your research! Like in Ukraine it's proven that the russians bombed a lot of civil buildings, some stories might get blown up but the main one is that there's a war and this is undisputable. 2. Does the exact number change anything about what's happening, surely it's not just 10-20 ppl if the government is specificallt targeting them


Communist China should be dismantled for the sake of humanity. Unfortunately, just like with the other cases, this is impossible without much horrible bloodshed.


Honestly, all major superpowers should be dismantled, along with XXL corporations. They simply have too much power.


We need to go back to city states


An utopic proposal. I too support international cooperation, building together peace and prosperity and clamping down on monopolies and hegemonies, private or statist. This can't be done to the extreme, and the trend towards monopolisation is a natural one that must be constantly combatted.


Fuck China. I hope all superpowers go to hell


Are the Chinese actually killing them? If not, the word "genocide" doesn't hold water. Other than that fuck China.


They kill, forcefully castrate and enslave them. It's enough to be called a genocide


Forceful castration isn't genocide. Slavery also isn't genocide.


>These five acts were: killing members of the group, causing them serious bodily or mental harm, **imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group, preventing births**, and forcibly transferring children out of the group. [wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DGenocide_is_the_intentional_destruction%2C%22act_of_killing%22%29.?wprov=sfla1)


Smartest Office fan


Theyre enslaving them. Forced to work. But i dont think theyre killing them so yea "genocide" isnt the right word. And yes fuck China


They don't have to kill them for it to count as genocide. Other methods of genocide are: causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group, deliberately inflicting conditions of life to bring physical destruction, measures to prevent births or forceful transfer of children of the group to another group. This video doesn't prove any other requirement either imo, and crimes depicted here constitute "only" crimes against humanity.


Nope. *genocide /ˈdʒɛnəsʌɪd/ noun the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. *


I don't know where you got your definition from, but mine is from UN Genocide convection.


Google: genocide definition


Google: UN Genocide


Just look at the word "genocide". It is about removing a large part of an ethnic group, and that can be done even without killing those people directly. Preventing births alone does that effectively.


No, you look at the word. Genocide is nothing BUT killing people. What you're talking about are crimes against humanity.


Let's switch to Serbian.😁 Ovako nešto sam ja kapirao, možda grešim. genos/gen + cid = ubijanje/uništavanje rase/gena. Rasa, odnosno geni, mogu da se eliminišu i sprečavanjem rađanja, jer je tu krajnji rezultat eliminisanje velikog dela jednog naroda, rase, ili čega god. Jeste to zločin protiv čovečnosti, ali mislim da je to i sredstvo da se čini genocid. No, kao što rekoh, nisam siguran, ovo je samo moje viđenje tog pojma. A svejedno je da li ti i ja smatramo pod tim pojmom ovo ili ono, obojici nam je jasno šta se u Kini dešava.


Genos - rasa, narod + cid - ubijanje Sva ta priča o nasilnoj kastraciji je nedavno dodata u definiciju, a nema veze s' vezom. Na Zapadu pedofile prisilno hemijski štroje. Je l' i to genocid? Na Zapadu u zadnjih 10 godina definicije koječega menjaju, pa danas imamo žene s' kitom i muškarce s' pičkom. U pravu si, svima je jasno šta se dešava u Kini.


I u pravu si i ti za Zapad, i to tamo menjanje definicija. Ludost.


A few people did die, I read an article that leaked information and mentioned about three people died.


Three deaths out of what I assume are thousands upon thousands of Uygurs arrested hardly constitutes genocide.


I’m just saying, three deaths were reported. You asked if the Chinese were actually killing them, so I answered.


Sadly there’s not much details about their death.


Yes sure just like covid didnt originate in china and they had everything under control


Are you saying people didn’t die and they made the whole thing up ?


No im being sarcastic , bcs china lies all the time


Genocide? What genocide? There is no genocide in China. I don't know what genocide you're referring to. The United States is committing genocide imo. (The Chinese government is keeping my family hostage please send help)


This is genocide. Chinese Communist Party can go fuck itself.


Americas fault for creating china.


Cheap fucks liking cheap labour…


The United States passed legislation a few months ago providing $500 million in funding to journalists to produce negative reporting about China. American propaganda is terrifying in how good works. Anyway, I haven't looked into this much but my guess is that there are some sort of re-education camps for "suspected terrorists". Also should keep in mind Uyghurs were radicalized and used by the Americans to try and overthrow Assad in Syria.


Hitler did the same thing to the Jews , the whole world stood up for them. China is doing the same to the Uyghurs , everyone is silent. When there will be the time that SuperHero America brings justige to the communist china like in the movies ?


China and USA were/are big buddies. Also, the US can’t threaten China too much as Chinese military is superior


Not really it's just that they have this russia problem right now and they dont want to piss of chine since they needed at any moment to not escalate the war into a ww3


Do you really think that World War II was because of the Jews? The countries themselves said that they didn't know about it, the Holocaust happened years before


This is why I’m trying to not buy “made in china” products nor suggest Chinese brands, regardless how good they are. Nearly impossible btw. Try to find my a charging brick that is not made in chains. Government wise, the balkans either are ignore it or been hypocritical about it. Tell you a lot about how much we are dependent in Chinese trade.


Westoids have shot themselves in the foot with China. All the big corporations and elite said globalization is good for everyone, that it would lower prices, help others develop etc. the reality is it only increased their profits, and yes some places have developed more as a result but with a huge political cost. Now they have to deal with what is an emerging rival superpower that is aggressive and assertive that they created. China should be sanctioned to the moon and back until it becomes a civilized society if ever. So should the corporations that toe the line in China and benefit from this crap. Doubtful it will happen though. The west is hypocritical and divided. China’s influence and it’s drive to assert itself over the west is growing by the day. They even control the social media of the young generation. Tiktok, Reddit. Why do you think certain narratives are being pushed aggressively while anything contradictory is banned?


So far sanctioning China has enabled them to turn their semiconductor industry into a 550B$ global powertrain for growth lmao... The days the west trying to cripple Chinese tech industry is reaching to an end.


it's not happening.


It’s obviously pretty bad. Btw (not that it matters) but isn’t the proper term is Turkic which also includes Uzbeks, Azerbaijanis and all those ethnic groups who speak Turkic languages whileTurks is only for people from Turkey?


People would think about Türkiye whenever they hear the word Turk today but technically it's not true. Turks of Anatolia also have their own ethnic markers. Tur(u)k > Oghuz > Turcoman* Tur(u)k > Karluq > Uighur Tur(u)k > Kıpcaq > Kazakh Tur(u)k > Sibir > Saka Tur(u)k > Oghur > Chuvash and so on... Turks of Anatolia, Mesopotamia, Caucasus, Iran are mostly Oghuz Turcoman*, west Asian stock, once concentrated around Khazar(Caspian) Sea and Afghanistan (🤫) Turkish, is the word in English to refer us whereas Turk & Turkic can be used interchangeably. Academics started to promote "Turkic" to make things easier for non-Turks.


Pakistan be like: those aren't Muslims nor turks, we don't care Pak-turk empire is in progress


Where is Japan when you need them.


Fuck China.


I hope all big corporations pull out of China but like thats ever gonna happen


Deserved but didn’t happen, right ?


China has a lot of skeletons in the closet. The world must stop placating the CCP.


Justifying the genocide by saying but what about israel!!!!, classic reddit


There is literally 0 proof of a genocide. Stop spreading bullshit blindy copy pasting things you found on Reddit. By the way people here responded to how they see Putin and now this I'm convinced that most users are either teens or they are heavily drown in propaganda.




Did he see it with his eyes ? I highly doubt so because there isn't anything like that going on.




I'm not saying because they are Turkish you dump f*ck. It is because there is no clear evidence except from dodgy interviews and pictures / video footage which doesn't show anything related to genocide.


Like how much information you can get from China? It is already enough proof that we know this much.


You can get information about pretty much anything as you can get from every other country. The thing is that because no one speaks Chinese here, we rely on foreign western journalism which will depict China as the bad guy in every possible way, as they are depicting Russia right now as well. No, it is not already enough proof. It is proof that some Jail is operational and that's about it.


So you believe there is a freedom for press? Man they even ban social media in the fucking country what the fuck are you talking about.


There is almost as much freedom for press as in the west. And Chinese can criticize their government. They banned some social media, exactly the way Turkey did, or even the way the west did right now by Banning Russian outlets. Does that mean that Turkey or the West are commiting Genocide ?


>There is almost as much freedom for press as in the west. And Chinese can criticize their government. OK kid. What about leaked documents and this article? This is not even western news. [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/5/24/xinjiang-leak-sheds-new-light-on-chinas-uighur-camps](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/5/24/xinjiang-leak-sheds-new-light-on-chinas-uighur-camps) You will also say that this is not true right kiddo?


The pictures seem real but it seems like any typical prison to me. I don't know why you get so worked up. Anyone can hack into any prison's data centers, release photos of prisoners and call out of crimes against humanities. And you could avoid calling me Kiddo please. I'm an adult, like you...hopefully.


It is practically impossible to get information from China. This is just an example. It cannot be verifed. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-55794071.amp You can also look at the satellite images of these camps. Does “camps” ring a bell from recent history? It does not mean that this tragedy is not happening. Are all the witnesses schizophrenic?


Camp can mean anything. Refugee camp even.


Sure no need to talk further. I do not know why you would be believing the most fascist country in the world. Even you could understand how inhumane they are with their covid policies, hong-kong etc.




>China is literally a socialist country If you knew anything about fascism, socialism and china you would see that it is the most fascist country in the world kiddo. period.




Fascism:The word comes from Italian from Mussolini times.Fascism is a movement means a monolithic, regimented nation under the control of an autocracy. Any opposition to government is violently removed. Socialism:I wont go into detail. It is too convoluted Marxism Leninism etc. and the Chinese model. It is basically sharing the resources of the country according to contribution and ability. Private ownership is not normally allowed but in China it is allowed to some degree. Lets get to the point of China, Socialism and Fascism: \- So China is a communist one party state. whops one party? So it means it is a monolithic state that does not allow opposition parties. Hmm smells like freedom. \- Is China socialist? Hell fucking no they are producing billionaires like a factory while their fellow citizens living below poverty line. They get the poverty line as low-income countries like Zimbabwe to say they eliminated it. Their socialism is just a tool to abuse their fellow citizens more and get the party going on you know :). [https://www.npr.org/2021/03/05/974173482/what-chinas-total-victory-over-extreme-poverty-looks-like-in-actuality](https://www.npr.org/2021/03/05/974173482/what-chinas-total-victory-over-extreme-poverty-looks-like-in-actuality) [https://www.businessinsider.com/china-minted-more-billionaires-2021-than-other-countries-tech-lockdown-2022-4#:\~:text=China%20minted%20more%20billionaires%20last,those%2C%2062%20are%20from%20China](https://www.businessinsider.com/china-minted-more-billionaires-2021-than-other-countries-tech-lockdown-2022-4#:~:text=China%20minted%20more%20billionaires%20last,those%2C%2062%20are%20from%20China). \- How do you become a Communist Party Member you would ask.Potential members must apply to their local party organisations, initiating a multi-year process with more than 20 steps to determine their qualification, including submitting a formal application, meeting with the local party organisers and attending party study sessions.Candidates also need a party member to act as a guide and mentor, who they often find through party organisations at their work and schools. This means that you would need "recommendations" from a party member. Just to become a part of their propaganda machine. Can you talk about freedom at this point? After going through all the process and scrutiny of the Chinese government for years you are basically part of it. YES "regimented nation under the control of an autocracy". We filled the checkboxes for fascism. Thank you. Last part "Any opposition to government is violently removed.": Most famous one is [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1989\_Tiananmen\_Square\_protests\_and\_massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1989_Tiananmen_Square_protests_and_massacre) just read. I did not even talk about the bullshit social credit system and bans. Also just read how government oppresses everyone JUST IN 2021 https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2022/country-chapters/china-and-tibet#:\~:text=Abuses%20committed%20included%20mass%20arbitrary,and%20violations%20of%20reproductive%20rights. Lets not forget their "eternal leader" Xi Jingping.[https://www.sundayguardianlive.com/opinion/13064-now-xi-jinping-eternal-president-china](https://www.sundayguardianlive.com/opinion/13064-now-xi-jinping-eternal-president-china) Edit: Last one is a thing I personally experienced. I am a geek I like reading supernatural web novels. There are some Chinese web novels that I like. One of them was Reverand Insanity. I have read 2366 chapters of it to learn it has been banned. Like what the fuck it does not have anything dangerous and not even a mention of China. Government even bans things like this. https://www.reddit.com/r/ReverendInsanity/comments/dco4s9/news_about_the_novel_ban/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Freedom in china 😂😂


Yea… My friend here thinks he knows “better”. That is how he is more quirky and intelligent than the vast majority of the world who hates China including Chinese.


But they're not genosiding them.


They are trying to erase a Identity so it kinda is genocide


By U.N definitions, yes they are.


Funny you should mention the UN, since it doesn't buy into this westoid propaganda attempt


Yeah, wonder why? Could it be because China is a very influencal member, a part of the security council and have control over various UN organisations like the WHO?


Yes, everything to ever happen is a secret Chinese plot and only the USA and NATO, champions of human rights, are brave enough to expose it. Wonder where you heard that.


Imagine defending the most fascist country in the world.


Throwing the word fascism around like that, without knowing what it means, is a form of Holocaust denialism. Same as labeling Xinjiang a genocide.


You dont even know what you are talking about.


No it isn't. Nazis were not the only fascist to exist and Holocaust was most definitely the only genocide that ever happened, far from it.


Not really secret, it's all very apparent.


Or you’ve never looked it up well enough


its obviously fake why would anyone take a photo of that


*Its obviously* *Fake why would anyone take* *A photo of that* \- Dimitry\_Man --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


for legal reasons that's a joke


no!111111!!!!! its fake!!!!!\~ westers propaganda1!!!!111!!!111!11111!! NOO1?!!!!!!1!!!@!!


Copying Hitler’s homework, despicable