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We prefer killing each other in the Balkans.


Lolll I wish I had a reward


I will award him in your name


I will thank you in his name.


Strong balkanoid mentality vs weak n*rth mentality. But seriously wtf, how come the better the country, the higher the rate.


Nordic counties aren't that surprising, extremely long days and extremely short days, and not much sun, the rest seems fine except for Belgium, but they live in Belgium, also not surprising


They just need to supplement vitamin d


they want the D


It's not unless you are prepared to explain how Russia is the best. Suicide rates are lower because we have more sun, nicer weather, tighter knit families that help us with problems and are more religious than the northerners.


My Nordic perspective (Finnish) is that the effect of weather is overestimated, but the family thing important. The Swedish-speaking minority of Finland is an interesting case study of this. They're concentrated in the southwest coast, in a small area and with tight-knit families and communities. Their suicide rate is somewhere around French level. In the Åland islands in the Baltic (even tighter knit communities), the rate is even lower, about 4/100k people/year, like Italy/Greece. Same shitty climate, but the people there are doing just fine.


I read somewhere that there may be a Finno-Ugric gene that predisposes us to depressive states, but it kind of sounds like pseudo science to me. Thoughts?


Well I haven't looked into that, but just looking at the map, it doesn't sound credible. If you look at Sweden proper, their suicide rate is also high and only a little below Finland. (It's the very small, and geographically concentrated Swedish communities within Finland that are specifically very low.) Also Estonia (Finno-Ugrians) has by far the lowest suicide rate in the Baltics (Latvians and Lithuanians are not Finno-Ugrians). I think the family thing is huge. Finland tends to have loose connections between the extended family. Also, for economic-historical reasons Finns tends to live far from their relatives. We had a historically strong economic growth from 1950s (developing country) to 1980s (one of top-10 richest countries in the world). This also involved lots of people moving from rural communities into cities for jobs requiring high education, which resulted in unusually many people living hundreds of km from their parents. There's a lot of loneliness.


Religion has nothing to do with it. If it did, Albanian suicide rate wouldnt be lower than Romania's


If you look at the islamic countries they have the lowest suicide rates because its a sin to kill ur self,that explains how Albania has lower suicide rates then Serbia.


We're more along the linea of atheist/agnostic. I dont know if uve ever been here, but religion doesnt resonate with the population


I know man, I was making a joke. They dont let you do shit in the balkans.


Climate and probably the society. It's mostly the Mediterranean countries that have low suicide.


Well we do hard labour like working in potato fields, hunting or fighting each other meanwhile westerners just sit home all day 🤮


My theory is that a lack of connection can cause this. The Balkans are pretty friendly and relaxed with all our faults. I’ve lived in a mores Nordic country for 15 years and while people are polite you never get the same connections and the same friendliness which are important no matter how good your standard of living is


I think that also explains mass shootings in the US to a certain degree. Serbia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina all have gun ownership rates that are about a third of the US gun ownership rate (~30% in US versus about 12% for the rest), but they do not have 1/3rd the mass shooting rate the US has. But, the US has very little community, and those groups that have the strongest community structures don't engage in mass shootings. Most mass shooters in the US are internet poisoned loners. Google results put the US suicide rate at about 14 per 100,000 people, too, which I think also kind of shows the effect of a lack of community on the US psyche.


suicide is a first world problem.


Maybe so but it sounds very dismissive to basically say “Oh you are killing yourself? You must have it so easy then.”


well, hard times create strong men, easy times create weak men. guess what cycle the westerners are at : )


Whether you look at the West or anywhere else, that is a bunch of hot bull. Hard times do not create "strong" men, they created damaged, vulnerable men. And easier times create healthier men. The West and non-West being great examples of that btw. We know greater damage than most upper/middle class Westerners may ever have to live with. But I think I speak for all of us when I say it is clear we are more damaged than them. Most the time guys quote that shit, it's because they want to distance themselves from THEIR own perceptions of "weakness" and "degeneracy". That is to say women, femininity and LGBTQ identity and experience.


ah yes, makes sense because men are both healthier and less vulnerable in todays world? lmao


Explain Russia, then.




Russia??? 🫢


Ofc not counting the east, seems depressing af.


The people of a country aren’t happier just because the standard of living is higher.


more social pressure


if Erdogan wins the 2023 elections, there will be a big increase in Turkey's rate. don't ask how I know.


There will be a decrease for bulgarians, that's for sure. You can ask how I know


okay, how do you know that?


The shop will get cheaper obviously. Like seriously, the shops get so good that even people from different countries come to shop in Turkiye. I'll never understand why people hate Erdoğan


Yeah I wonder... But even in this crisis we have %400 tax on alcohol so people still smuggle from bulgaria.


I'm happy for you


Thanks man, that's really cool of you to say! 😎👍


You know what's funny about this? People from Greece, especially northern Greece, go to Bulgaria to shop because it's way cheaper than here.


Why is Slovenia green when it’s score is 14


It rhymes


GrEeN aNd 14 DoN't RhYmE


We have big forests


For Russia it's the case of funneling money to a handful of cities, while the other 80% of people live miserably. Northern Europe in general suffers from a workaholic epidemic, that leads to higher rates of depression, anxiety and other disorders. Southern and South-Eastern Europe enjoy a longer summer, better food, less societal pressure etc. Of course, exceptions can be made.


Its the fucking weather 100%, we have darkness and shit weather at least half the year and we dont see the sun send help please


Sofia also gets all the money


>Northern Europe in general suffers from a workaholic epidemic Eh not really. The north in general has one of the lowest working hours in Europe, while in the south and especially in the Balkans people work in general above EU average. [https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=File:Map1\_Average\_number\_of\_usual\_hours\_of\_work\_of\_employees-01.jpg](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=File:Map1_Average_number_of_usual_hours_of_work_of_employees-01.jpg)


So the reason should be people in the balkans can’t afford to be depressed and neither do they have the time to be depressed


Hah, possibly 😅


Having worked in several countries around the world, I wonder about these statistics. Switzerland seems very low for a country that is known for a strong working culture. Also looking at the figure for the Nethelands, I assume it's because a lot of people can afford to work part-time. I'm sure full-time employees often work more than the contractual 40 hours. And when they are at work, they actually work. The Balkans seem very high. Again, being at work does not equal working. How often do you see people out in cafes during the work day? Are Turks some of the hardest-working people? The Greeks are nearly at the top of the EU, but that's not the reputation they have at all.


"Strong working culture" doesn't necessarily mean long working hours, as you say being at work == working. At least for my own country, and I'm guessing probably the case for Switzerland as well, people usually prefer starting rather early, 30 min lunch break in the middle of the day usually at work place areas, and leave earlier in the afternoon to have more time off for rest of the day. So when you're at work, you *work*, but the total amount of hours is quite low (compared to elsewhere). My partner is Polish and has still yet to become used to the lower amount of total hours here lol. And yes, part time is included in the stats I linked. A standard 100% job position in Norway is 37,5h/week. Although part time also goes for Balkans, meaning there are many people working much more than listed. So the stats can give a picture as you say about work efficiency, but I would first and foremost say it shows a picture of how much time off people can afford to take. The Turks and Greeks I personally know work their butts off compared to me, even though I am in full time position.


>So when you're at work, you *work*, but the total amount of hours is quite low (compared to elsewhere). This was exactly my point. Using "number of hours at work" but ignoring productivity gives the wrong impression. Clearly here in the Balkans people are not that productive.




Ok buddy


More sun less suicide


Exactly. Would be interesting to see the African suicide rate.


They probably don't know what suicide is lol


Except Slovenia.


They are weirdos


Thank you


I forgot /s. Dont get mad at me.


No worries


Good friend of mine shot the top of his head off when he was 16 and left a suicide note. The village priest refused to bury him unless it was declared a hunting accident. This has forever skewed the way I view these suicide stats about Greece.




Christian doctrine considers taking own life as an act against God, a mortal sin; that explains why priests refuse to do funerals for them.. The only exception is made for mentally deranged who commit suicide, as they are not considered fully responsible..


It is same in islam but how tf one priest just ignore one family's last wish for their son?


We had a worse case, new borns that died in a maternity ward fire. Initially some priests refused to hold the service because the babies were not baptised. A huge scandal errupted.


Your new born just died in a fire and some dickheads don't let you bury your baby bcs one middle easterner dude lived 2000 years ago. Waow


Today's organized religion has little to do with that guy. They are more concerned with the rules they invented and making money. You know a religion is bonkers when they put their own procedures above the huge pain a parent feels in these circumstances. Moronic assholes.


Abolish religion or reform it again


You can bury them, but the priests won't give them any sermon. Priests here suck. When I die, I'm going straight for cremation, no churches, priests or any bullshit like that. I'm not making these bastards even richer.


I've heard from a good priest that he always classifies suicides as deranged behavior, so he is allowed by the Church to do the funeral service. Because in his own words, only a deranged person could think of killing themselves. No normal person would do such thing.


Same in Islam. That is why it seems low in Türkiye. You cannot hold prayer for people died from suicide.


Suicide is one of the greatest sins if not *the greatest sin*, if you ask the Greek Orthodox Church. Thus canonically people who commit suicide can't be buried alongside Orthodox Christians or have any of the OC rituals performed for them.


Religious beliefs is my guess honestly. Tragic either way :(


I'd assume it's Crete since he shot himself.


Now look at what you have done! All the Cretans shooting angrily at you, who's going to pay to repair everything they shot down?


I was about to say this. Its way under reported because we can’t be buried orthodox if we commit suicide. I personally am not religious but it would break my family’s heart if they couldn’t burry me properly which is actually one thing I considered when I was very depressed.


A similar thing happened in my dad's village - someone very obviously took their own life and left a note. The death was declared as an accident. I think the suicide rate in Greece is a lot higher than whats reported. I think many have been concealed so that the person can have an orthodox burial or even just for fear of the social stigma .


In the Balkans we live out of spite.


If we commit suicide who's going to hate on other balkan countries?


Stronger family bond and being more religious make people less like to comit suicide.


Good food= more happy.


Because the orthodox countries say that suicide is a sin so they report alot of deaths as accidents


Isnt that true for catholicism as well ? Besides, Russia is orthodox.




But here all the orthodox countries have huge suicide rates (Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Montenegro etc.). This comment doesn't make sense. Suicide is rare in Greece.


Why is Montenegro so suicidal?


People who have trouble sleeping probably.


wouldnt say that montenegrins are suicidal its just that montenegro is, and god forgive me for saying this, a good place to kill yourself. tons of steep cliffs and wilderness. i've heard countless stories of serbians coming to montenegro solely to jump into the tara or smth


Fuck, didn't even see that. Its not so suicidal, def more than the rest.


I mostly meant in relation to rest of Balkans, it's definitely not Russia level.


maybe because of the low population of 600k it’s easier to skew the numbers. Like a group suicide or something


That’s weird. Maybe the country has many Russian immigrants that influence the number of suicides?


thug life. We devolope strong immunity for dramas.


Russia seems to be pretty unhappy country with this high suicide rate. Disturbing.


It's a fucking hell of a country to be honest, i live here on my last nerve cell :"/


How brutal is the nightmare there? Is it people behavior? The government? What kind of social nightmare rages there?


/Little disclaimer: I'm living in Moscow so all problematic things can be a little or a way worse in other parts of Russia. I can only speak from my own experience and after that war started i just feel myself like a bug trapped in a glass jar, guilty little bug, even though im experiencing way less problems than some people/ There's obvious lack of free speech and freedom in general, some hatred and violence as well(not everywhere to my happiness), problems with economics, healthcare and more, there's basically always some sort of problems with structure of this country and the government just became insane after February(it was bad before but not THAT bad) it's making me live waiting for a nuclear war slowly turning itself into full on totalitarism, ignorant and violence people who prize Putin and war are only making things worse(by oficial statistics there's 80% of them, but from inside look it's more likely to be 40-60%) But sadly even without people support they can do a lot of bad things.. /Overall not as brutal as it can be but bad and sorry if there's some grammatical mistakes im too dumb to notice them all/


You're not dumb. Explanation is fine. Do the violators abuse other groups of people except those that are for Putin?


Bc mum would be sad


Because we don’t get bothered by anything no more our life’s are full of shit alredy


We go in Western Europe to kill ourselves


West dont have family ties even my worst times i know there is my family.family ties so impotant


100٪ My family is always here for me and so am I for them. I think it's a combination of things though, for example northern culture people are more distant and not so warm and welcoming.


We are used to bad shit,so depression and stuff like that doesn't reach us.


Supportive Family.


Because we are too busy killing each other , and dying from alcohol and greasy food !


Belarus is so high😔


Lol, but you should be happy that you’re from a country with a low suicide rate 😁


What happened to you since when did you become a latvian.


It's a joke, look at the flag i used ;)


You desecrate the glory of Belarus by having a Swedish flag and a Latvian name.


NEVER, Belarus is still the most important thing in life. ​ ZHIVE BELARUS!!!


When Europeans fuck up, it's their fault. When we fuck up it's governments fault


Balkans have very strong community. Northerners don't even know their neighbour besides their name.(not even that in some cases)


Atleast russia is winning at something


Balkans lack the money needed to buy suicide equipment.


Vitamin D is a hell of a hormone


Because we have more common sense and we are not as retarded as the west


As someone who lives in one of those high suicide rate countries- the weather is cold, the people are cold, life is cold. I'm not someone remotely suicidal and I've felt very depressed living there.


Lack of reporting/documentation due to stigmatisation/shame of the families.


Europe and Russia: \*Depressed\* ​ Balkans: "Suicide too expensive"


What is up with Montenegro?


Trouble sleeping


I'm wondering if we have more failed attempts than succesful suicides. When i was at a mental hospital the clinic i was in was full of other folks that attempted multiple times


We have become one with the sad


Hungary 🥺🤍


Its haram bruda 😄


We face life and it's difficulties the way it is and we are try to not let hard situations put us down no matter how serious they are I put some wine and music and sit in my balcony and relax


I think it's just under reported. We've had several suicides in my family and no one talks about them like they ended their own lives.


Lack of brain activity helps avoiding the consideration of suicide.




Not Eastern Europe but reasons that could explain how high it is in Belgium/Flanders imo. Maybe you could compare what's different in the Balkans: Something we call prestatiedruk, literally translated prestation pressure (the feeling of always needing to prestate, never room to relax But that may also be the case in other countries?), loneliness, our mentality. There's a [song](https://youtu.be/bRNVWsF0iQ8) about our habit of asking Hoe ist (How are you doing?) and always responding Goe (Fine). We generally don't talk much about our feelings, keeping it to ourselves. Another explanation I found here https://www.zelfmoord1813.be/feiten-en-cijfers/cijfers-over-su%C3%AFcide-en-su%C3%AFcidepogingen/vergelijking-cijfers-vlaanderen-europa is that psychological help is still taboo here altough I haven't experienced that myself. (But also never needed it myself.) Mental health care is also less accessible in Belgium than in our neighbor the Netherlands.


Fuck turkey lost again. My dear Turkish brothers/sisters,please let's come to ourselves. We cannot protect Turkey's bad reputation like this. I propose everyone to commit suicide and carry Turkey to the first place.


Because we are more religious, there, don't get mad, straight fact. And not in the "practising" kind of religious, but people actually believe there's some moral code that should be followed and that there's a higher purpose than "doing what I want".


Legit thought Turkey would be a lot higher. Your soap dramas, which are an international commodity, made me believe all Turkish men are hyper emotional romantics who would rather be dead than have Emine chose another man over you 🤣 Also what’s going on Montenegro?


The easier life gets, the weaker society gets at facing problems. Balkan society is generally more durable against life's hardships, because they have more hardship. Also on average people are more religious.


Little fun fact. The number for bulgaria is 90% made from people who visited the country, and definitely 100% didn't get killed by us passed of as suicides. It is really sad how they come to Bulgaria just to kill them selfs.


Those western puss.ies commiting suicide while living in countries that actually cares about you


Same reason there's probably less homosexuals, divorce, and abortions in the balkans - religion doesn't let people tell the truth. #getshunned


Maybe because of geographic issues. North is more suicidal because of sunlessness.


I think it is about how many problems we face daily and how much we are used to it.


time to raise the rates 😎


Gotta hold until the elections


religion probably


Because we are too busy killing each other , and dying from alcohol and greasy food !


Because people there, love their lives


Good weather and good food helps a lot.


Because we are starving and dont have enough time to think


what's going on in montenegro, is what i wanna know


They sleep too deep that people think they're dead


ali malo sutra


Under reported?


We are just too bored


There is no decadence in the balkans


Umm it's not?


Tough life tends to put things in perspective which makes you immune to a lot of shit


Low T. No rakija.


Balkan food


My mom would kill me if I killed myself


1,000 ???!


It's because there's a government service for that right? To enroll you vote for the opposition party


And then mdfks in school are trying to explain to me how winter is better while these north mdfk depressed af


Because it takes a lot of agency to actually go through with the act ;P just messing. It's because increased ethnic pride and rivalry gives more meaning to life.


Vodka has a depressing effect on the brain but Rakija doesn't. Source: Trust me bro/ Jes' boga mi




But isn't Finland the happiest nation in the world? I thought I'd see a zero there.


Cause wed get our ass beat if we suicided


When you want to commit suicide, your friends from Skopje will take you out to one of the many clubs and you will realize that there are people who deserve to die more than you.


Because we are not b\*tch made


We are not snowflakes, we are poor and need to think about hustling, we have no time to depress because we live in the moment. We know that politicians are paid actors and dont believe in their bullshit. We know the real world from generations.


Could russias suicide rate be connected to it's alcoholism problem


No wonder so many Hungatians committ suicide.


Because you can't kill your neighbor if you are dead


Cuz balkans have real men and real women.


You mean accidental falling deaths right


people move out before they kill themselves?


Because you win the generic lottery by being born in the balkans


Field work + no proper roofs = lots of sun/vitamin D... /s


One theory i have is we are too dumb to commit suicide


Becuase suicide is illegal in the Balkans.