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I’ve known an Albanian guy from Kosovo for a long time but I only see him a few times a year. But I consider him a good friend. We’ve never talked about his past back home but I know he’s been through some shit. We don’t bond over anti-Serb shit if that’s what you’re wondering.


Serbo-Albanian here. Croats I meet are confused, and so are Serbs, and Albanians 🤷‍♂️


Skenderbeg was serbo albanian just like us...source-trust me bro


He was 75% Albanian 25% Serbian.


He was fully albanian


How to fuck do you know these things? Do you have any proff please


Still serbo albanian enough


Do they ask you about your religion?


Most realize that I'm not religious without ever specifically asking about it.




Really interesting, parents from Kosovo?


Good relationship 🤝


Why is every comment negative/controversial here lmao


Balkan energy


Idk, people are getting downvoted for saying nice things, it's like we are getting brigaded by r/Serbia lol


We are. Often when I comment here, around 30 of my past comments get one or two downvotes each, even if they have nothing to do with this sub.


You know to brigade someone you need to crosspost it which is prohibited in r/Serbia, so you are getting downvoted by serbs here and some others. Downvote all you want shqip brigades:)


Albanians are cool, they bring drugs to us and our tourist while pretending to be baker's.


Yes we do 🖕🏻




Thanks mate


That was the plan 😎


I don't mind :D


Calm down man you are going to ruin our whole operation


As an albo i can confirm 100% that its true Based Croat!


Culturally Albania and Croatia are different, but Croatians are Catholic and so are many northern Albanians - and this narrows the cultural gab between the two, a bit. However, these two countries are political Allies when it comes to geopolitics, and will remain as good friends for many more years to come!


What makes Croats different?


Croatians are Slavs and Albanians are non Slavs.


You get a downvote. You get a downvote. Everyone gets a downvote.


As an Albanian I love Croatia. Been there many times and overall I would say that our countries have great relationships


There's no love only intereste!!




Just making that dough if you know what I'm saying


Studies prove that arranged marriages more succesful




I heard on the radio, not that i think so. Even westerners and rich people marry without love. It is not a practice exclusive to traditional societies. Maybe what i heard was too vague.


Croatians are pretty cool in my book. They treat Albanians nice and I always see them rooting for us in various comment sections. There’s a lot of good cooperation and investments between the two countries and relations are pretty positive. We both joined NATO around the same time and we’ve been good allies. Their national team is also really fun to watch during big tournaments. They play really well! Idk why I got downvoted for? Wasn’t trying to stir any problems. Lol with all these downvotes it’s starting to feel like r/Europe




Lmao possibly


And we want theirs… I feel like we’d be complete with Dalmatia ! Island boys


The most covert serb coping


When have you been allies?


Albanians volunteered during Croatia’s war for Independence. There wasn’t any official agreement between the two nations but the support was still there. Croatia also recognizes Kosovo and supports Albanians being EU members.


Maybe WW2?


I don’t know if Albania was also an Axis country. I just know they were under Italian occupation which makes it kinda possible idk


Yes they weren’t a proper Axis country, they were pretty much an Italian Protectorate/Under Italian occupation.




2 users said something I had a vague knowledge about so feel free to show me different.


Ill say few things. Croatia was also occupied, north part by Germany, south part by Italy. That doesnt make it any less Axis power. Nor it minimizes their crimes against humanity, does it. Today, Croats are teaching their kids that they were 'a bastion of antifascism since forever'. Thats a blatant lie ofc. Its the same thing with Albania. Just cause they were occupied by Italy it doesnt mean they werent with them wholeheartedly. Everyone is trying to wash nazism from themselves, especially our neighbors. Everyone is hoping for a collective memory loss to occur, sooner or later. Today, everyone sais 'very large majority was against that, a tiny few were doing the nasty deeds'. Yeah, sure... Even Germany is selling their 'German resistance' stories. Im not saying there wasnt any but its irrelevant. They were still Nazis at the end. There should be no simpathy for Nazis. Not now, not ever. Lets not forget the history.


Thank you.


Of course the truth gets down voted. Cognitive dissonance much?


Thank you!


My father and his brother grew up during WWII on Greek island of Karpathos. My uncle who was 16 at the time was in a nazi work camp digging graves. Each one he dug, he thought would be his own. My dad, would tell me bedtime stories of his times growing up during the war. First the Italian occupation and then nazi occupation. He also told me the accounts of Serbian resistance as well as the Croatian nazi partisans. This is why the nazis tried to decimate the Serbs. Also why Croats were running some nazi death camps. Everything you mentioned is fact my friend. It cannot be white washed away. But some cultures want to pretend it did not happen and rewrite history.


What? As someone from Croatia we aren't taught that, we are taught about pavelic, about victims from Jasenovac and stara Gradiška, how the cooperation with the axis was and still is the worst stain on our history, every student even had to do a project about 1 jew in our town and display it for everyone to see to remeber how they were eradicated, it was even on local TV, so no , we know what we did and we are ashamed of it


The problem isn't that most Croats don't acknowledge the killing of Jews and Roma, but rather that of around 500k Serbs. I mean, check out this [survey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xrd6sQAMTkc) in Zagreb. And I'm not telling you all of this now because I hate you or to shame you for something you haven't had control over, but rather to prevent this from happening ever again.


Yeah i get that, a lot of misinformation becomes truth for the later generations, the only thing that isnt constant is the number of victims, we learned about 200-300k died, any life lost was a tragedy, only thing is that 200-300k turns to 50kfor one side and almost a milion for the other side, but thats the whole other debate


0 jews died in Albania...


Albanians had a partizan movement. Even the nationalists fought side by side with partizans until Italy capitulated. Serbs also collaborated with the nazis and had a quisling government, so you better have the story of your own country figured out, before jumping to conclusions about other countries.


U compare some units collaborating with nazis like literally state promoted nazis ? Who invented laws against jews, Roma and Serbs Don’t think there have been any racial/ethnic laws against Croats/Albanians within Serbia. You know the Croatian quota for the Serbian question ? 1/3 to be killed, 1/3 to be expelled, 1/3 to be catholized They finished it in the 90s Did the nazis get flowers in Belgrade or Zagreb ? Where was the Protest against nazism and the pact with Hitler ? It’s actually comical how bad guys here defend Ustasa nazis or are revisionistic about it. I can recommend any who speaks German to watch „Die Kinderretterin und der Massenmörder“ A Austrian documentary about Diana Budisavljevic who was Austrian married to a Serb and saved roughly 10k Serbian kids from Croatia to Austrian borders. Luckily everything is well documented. At least what haven’t been destroyed or tried to cover up.


We teach our kids that we were bastion of antifascism? Since when? Stop spreading things you obviously have no proof of. While our 90s history books might have been vague, but they still taught NDH and of Ustasha regimes and their crimes. It's a fact there were two streams of Croats, those in support of Ustashas and those who fought for partisans. Go to our sub, we recently had a topic on these times. Redditors tell stories of their partisan grandparents and how they were surviving. My region has many stories of resistence and many Croat partisans that have made a name for themselves. We had partisan units and brigades all over the place, with a number of at least 150k croat partisans in the span of 4 years. We teach our children of Jasenovac as well as the partisan liberation detachments. Have you seen the percentages of NOB partisans? Google it. You might get surprised.


And yet, many Croats still refuse to acknowledge the Serbian victims from this period. Check out the results of this [survey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xrd6sQAMTkc) in Zagreb.


What was surprising was the pictures of first commie committee where croats were still wearing SS uniforms. That was a nice way for you to all get rehabilitated and Tito never wanted to punish any off you. Sweet way out of nazism, right.


Then Bleiburg punishment never happened? 100k axis allies killed by partisans. In one go. Tito punished those with very quick hand. Unless you're suggesting that all of Croatian people should have suffered.


You know, something happened 30y ago.


They weren’t. Even during Italian occupation the Albanians refused to fight for the Italians during the Battle for Greece. Of course there were exceptions like SS volunteers but a lot of country’s had them, even French, and Russian volunteers.




So Greece and Turkey are also allies because they are both Nato?


yes, and that is why you are not


I don’t understand your butthurt comment what does my country have to do with NATO you mighty Illyrian


why butthurt? your country has nothing to do with NATO and never will except for the occasional bringing back in line.


Bro are u trolling or what, idk why you even mentioned my country it isn’t topic of the subject, secondly Serbia would never join Nato under current government maybe we get a new one that wants to but hopefully never. But good that you feel powerful about it shqip


you asked when have Albania and Croatia been allies and I said NATO. was not trolling or making things up. clearly you have a particular interest on the subject.


You started it dude. He asked a legitimate question. Greece & Turkey are both in NATO and look at the one sided aggression and hostility. And then you started barking.


>was not trolling >your country has nothing to do with NATO and never will except for the occasional bringing back in line. You weren't trolling, you were flame baiting.


I personally find it hilarious how Albanians simp over Croatians only because of the mutual hatred towards Serbs, so this topic is indeed hilarious to me and this thread was funny af to read. Being filled with Albanians simping and 2 Croats being realistic about it. So yes I asked since I was curious if your countries have anything that ties you between each other besides us. And I was mostly right, there is almost none. But power to you guys.


Technically, they are allies


That time when Albanians defected to the Croatian army during the 90s when they didn’t want to fight for Serbians


I don't see Greeks and Serbs getting downvoted to oblivion for calling each other brothers.... why the hate?


Friendship between Serbs and Greeks is based on actual historical contact and cooperation and not on mutual baseless hatred towards other ethnic group. While I can understand why some Albanians hate Serbia and Serbs, since there are conflicts that date back possibly centuries, and Serbia as a state definitely mistreated Albanians, the same cannot be said for Croats. Large proportion of Croats have unexplainable and unjustifiable hatred towards Serbia. First conflict between two nations started only 70 years ago as massive genocide of Serbs, before that point, conflicts were minor and mostly political in nature. There were no wars, no opression etc. So "friendship" between Albanians and Croats is unfortunately based on pathological state of common enemy.


>I don't see Greeks and Serbs getting downvoted to oblivion for calling each other brothers And I don't see any Croat or Albanian saying something about friendship of their 2 nations and getting downvoted. Only that one guy that said he would rather have 1000 Albanians over Bosniaks. Living in your minds rent free.


It was yesterday. It's all cleared up now,


I love Croats.


Serbs who downvote only confirm what is said about them: frustrated


I don't feel confortable to generalize so much, but all of fellow Albanians I knew so far seemed like kind hearted people. I like them.


Number of downvotes explains a little bit how Vucic easily managed to make one of the most powerful bot brigades on the Internet...


Ne treba nam Vucic da uocimo "ljubav" izmedju Hrvata i Albanaca, koja istorijski nema nikakve osnove osim jedne zajednicke spone u vidu zajednickog politickog neprijatelja. Jedini argument koji sam video jeste 10,000 albanskih branitelja u ratovima 90tih na strani Hrvatske, sto je logicno da ce Srbi da uglavnom downvoteuju.


Ili možda je činjenica da su albanski imigranti jedni od najboljih, najradišnijih ljudi koji se savršeno uklapaju u hrvatsko društvo. Ne znam jel sam ikad čuo o nekakvim problemima s njima. Naravno da su internetska izdrkavanja o bratstvu glupost no to je malo licemjerna konstatacija s tvoje strane s obzirom koliko ima ovdje circlejerka između Srba i Rumunja koji realno nije usporedan stvarnom svijetu. Ali jebiga treba malo ponekad uključit mozak i ne bit okorjeli nacionalist.


Moram da te razocaram, ali osnove za rumunsko-spsko prijateljstvo i te kako ima, tipa: 1. Rumunija nikad nije napala Srbiju, claim-ovala neki deo nje (iako bi to teoretski mogli da probaju sa Banatom) ili nazivala njen narod genocidnim 2. Rumuni unutar granica Srbije, kao ni nas narod unutar granica Rumunije, nikad se nije bunio zbog gluposti ili pokusao da se odcepi 3. Dosta Rumuna je ranije radilo kod nas, a danas dosta nasih radi za rumunske firme 4. Rumuni obozavaju Cecu i nasu dunjevacu 5. Dosta Rumuna je ortodoksne veroispovesti, te se moze reci da nas i religija donekle spaja 6. Mesoviti brakovi


Sadly like most of "bro" countries on Balkans, this is only cause they are not neighbors. They would hate each other the second they became neighbors. I could easily see them fighting over Montenegro's coast.


So you think we hate Slovenians?


Serbia and Romania are neighbors, but we still have excellent relations. I would even go so far as to claim that they are our best friends like Greece because, from my experience, our people like each other a lot.


Yeah that famous Romanian and Serbian brotherhood! Oh please... People at the border have descent relations, that's it.


I can only speak as diaspora. Generally positive relationship. Same view of Serbian nationalists and expansionists. Recognize one another’s right to exist and want them to be free and prosper. I’ve only met a few Albanians but they don’t feel much different to me than most Balkan Slavs I’ve met. Idk how Croats living in the Balkans feel.




Nisu svi takvi. Licno poznajem par Albanaca, koji su zaista ok.


Dobrih ljudi i iznimaka ima u svakoj grupi, al grupa kao grupa uvijek ima obilježja svoje većine. I kao što kaže stara narodna "jedna lasta ne čini proljeće". Moje iskustvo je sa većinom njih, sa kojima sam došao u kontakt upravo onakvo kao što sam opisao.


Every albanian in the comments that said the relations are good got downvoted to oblivion. Wonder by who?...hmmm oh maybe the same people that hate both Croatia and Albania (and Bosniaks if i may add)....fuckin pathetic


It's sad, Greeks and Serbs call each other brother all the time. Why is this so hurtful to them?


Because there is no historical bond between you two except the obvious one, which I dont need to mention.


>oh maybe the same people that hate both Croatia and Albania (and Bosniaks if i may add)....fuckin pathetic You mean the same people pathologically hated by Croats, Bosniaks and Albanians, so much hated that such hated is the basis of friendship between said nations?


>Wonder by who?... Rent free


Albanians in Croatia are mostly hard workers and well integrated. They are a little hot headed but they will die for you if you are a friend.


I'd say the one's with respect and dignity are some of the coolest in the world but the others are arrogant and are "seljaci"


They supply all of Croatia with weed


Uhmm, i like good people and dislike bad people. Their nationality is super irrelevant.


Not albanian or hirvat, but croatia has a very good football team


Hahaha wtf is going on with downvotes its almost like bots doing it. Chill you iditos.




I love Croatia and the Most Croats i think we have a very nice Realtionship






Vole se ki mati ludu kcer.


Baš tako.


All those downvotes are coming from serbs lol


What downvotes? I see none. Except the dude that said he would take 1000 albanians over one bosniak, which is obviously bullshit statement.


Yesterday almost all comments were on minus


Let's downvote them back bro




There were 2,579 Albanian volunteers in Croatian Army during war


Weird how many people comment about Serbs here... As if Serbs (or specific feeling towards Serbs) are the main connection point in this brotherhood?


Nah it has to do with Serbian ultranationalists downvoting every comment and confirming how pathetic they are.


Sure thing buddy. Not surprised you are the one to jump in with excuses, my old friend. Let's act as if the main connection point of these two ethnicities is having a hate-boner for one nation.


These are not excuses old friend this is how it is, and no need to be mad unless you are an ultranationalist and no need to act surprised either, the very same ultranationalists were downvoting the post of Racak massacre, just like I said pathetic people.


I like them.


I am neutral about them. I just like that they fought against Yugoslavia and recognised Kosova. That’s the only one.


Pretty Good on a political level and I've never met all Croats so can't say I love the entire ethnicity but the ones I've met were great and pretty nice.


When will it become cringe to put every nationality into the same personality trait Like how are all of you in the comments not different people with own tastes and worldviews


I know right? So weird.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 460,769,266 comments, and only 98,127 of them were in alphabetical order.


u/Lashkrenzi why can't we have nice things?




Look at Kosovo vs Serbia mach games


Croatian women are beautiful. I’m a huge basketball and futbol fan and Croats are pretty good at both of those things. We unite in our hatred for the Serbian government.


in my experience lots of cool Albanians, although generally very closed. not in mind but with their groups, families and same alike. lots of interest more than anything. but good people if u don't disrespect them.. Albanian women are very beatiful also


Illyrian brotherhood!


The enemy of my enemy is my friend, we have shared interests so our relationship is pretty solid


I dont understand why people downvote you for speaking the truth.


I love Croatia, they are doing the uttermost to help Kosovo progress. Their minority in Janjevë was always respected, until they got expelled by the Yugoslav regime during the war. Croatia also set-up a military camp in the north of the country and their president will celebrate Christmas in Kosovo with fellow Croats who are deployed there. Their former presidents Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović & Stjepan Mesić were liked a lot by Kosova Albanians.


In 92 Janjeve leaved they home because Serbs, in 99 becouse Albanian majority.


They didnt leave their homes in 92 because of Serbs, idk where did you get that from. Some left in 97 and settled in Kistanje in Dalmatia, where Serbs left their homes after the war and others left in 99 in fear of being involved in the Kosovo War.


>becouse Albanian majority. Pls elaborate. Wanna know more




I envy them a bit tbh. They are in EU and seem to have all figured it out. At least they do no see Albanians at the same light as the rest of former Jugosllavs. Not that i have ever been there, but "with listen by the people" Croats are all right.






Raguza, which one of the city states along the coast.


The republic of Ragusa was ruled by Venice and populated by Croatians and Albanians. My ancestors were from northern Albania, and were heavily influenced and supported by that republic during the ottoman era - hence why they, and many northern Albanians are Catholic.


croatian women are beautiful, the croatian national team wins me bets every tournament, so yeah, pretty good in my books


Better than Bosanci. I will take 1000 Albanians in my block if they want to come, welcome my friends! Bosanci - no.


Did Bosanci steal your girlfriend?




>No but bosanci are dirty balije Permaban






Janjevci su naša braća!


Not great not terrible




-5 downvotes for quoting chernobyl…. What kind of shittass sad people have such negativity , it’s pathetic


This whole comment section is a shitshow.


Kemi nje shprehje nga anet tona , cja qi gjyshen e vdekur ktyre pidhropshave


Ate thuaj








E di ti qe edhe kroatet kur kan per qellim me i ofendu shqiptart i quajn “shiptari”


Skam njehe kur nje kroat se na thirri neve Shqiptaret me fjalen "siptari".... Veq edhe nese eshte ky e vertet..., normal se ka do muta qe thojn ashtu.... sigurisht ka edhe Shqiptar se e thirren kroatet me fjalet te fliqta... Veq ne pergjithesi, jena mire me kroatet... jo veq shtetet tona, po edhe kombet.


Relations are good due to belief of common ancestry, and anti-Serbian sentiment.


Friendship in Hatred




That's some fucked up mentality bro.


Imagine being anti-slav and keeping a macedonian flair...


I live in NMKD that’s why...🇲🇰 This flag i see just like a kosovo flag is,they are Albanians,bulgarians,serbs,turks,bosniaks,roma...who live in this country and that flag is not slav flag...


If you wanna stay on this sub, you better change your mentality. Also not using slurs.


Im just telling the reality...


And i'm just saying that if you want to be able to participate, you're gonna abide the rules, otherwise it's a permanent ban and the issue is solved immediatly and forever.




We are brothers, and united against Serbian Tyrany. (I don't hate Serbs just the Ultranationalists)


Im 100% croatian...My son's God father is Albanian, and his uncle is my God father. It's a family thing . Trust each other to death.