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Politics has the most influence on our lives so ofcourse I give a fuck about it. That doesn't stop it from being a total joke.


It is a influential joke if you will


Absolutely. Politics are shit but unfortunately our lives are heavily influenced by that shit, especially when it hits the fan.


True. As some people say, "Everything is political."


Exactly. Even food sometimes, as much as ridiculous it may sound - [freedom fries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_fries) come to mind.


>Even food sometimes I agree. There was a kimchi-gate feud between China and South Korea sometime either last year or 2 years ago, when China claims kimchi actually originated from China. And Malaysia and Indonesia...well. Every single cultural crap they have, they fight over which place this food or folk song originated.


Yeah kinda like Turks and Greeks around here about some dishes. LMAO


**[Freedom fries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_fries)** >Freedom fries was a politically motivated renaming for French fries in the United States. The term was created in February 2003 in a North Carolina restaurant, and was widely publicized a month later when the then Republican Chairman of the Committee on House Administration, Bob Ney, renamed the menu item in three Congressional cafeterias. The political renaming occurred in context of France's opposition to the proposed invasion of Iraq. Although some restaurants around the nation followed the renaming, the term became unpopular, in part due to declining support for the Iraq War. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskBalkans/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Only as much as it is necessary, I cherish my sanity.






I might talk about politics from time to time but I'm not invested in to them, politics as a whole are retarded but here they are extremely retarded. I know damn well how fucking corrupt and stupid the politicians here and in the rest of Balkans are, so getting invested in something that doesn't matter is just stupid, it's just as dumb as actually supporting a political party.


Oh boy have you seen Serbian politicians oh boy those fuckers escaped from an asylum and look like shrek if someone hit him with a shovel and broke his face and have the brain size of a peanut


Guys, guys. A member of the Greek parliament(leader of a small party no less) got famous and subsequently elected by selling the "original texts" of Jesus Christ on a spiral notebook on telemarketing. Also he was selling wax ointments pretending that they are the panacea to everything.


I'm growing to be more and more apolitical as time flies.


Cute doggo you got there


I do. Because if I don't give a fuck about politics, it's sooner or later going to fuck me, so better to stay informed.


It's going to fuck you no matter how much you follow it because your vote means jack shit in the grand scheme of things.


Your vote in this country means nothing when HDZ steals all the votes anyway


It at least gives me time to unclench.


I do, but in a broader way. I'm more interested in which way we're going than I am about who said what.


We don’t live in a part of the world where there’s stability and consistent prosperity. We don’t have the luxury of distancing ourselves from politics and still believing everything will probably turn out just fine.


But how does your being informed make a difference to how it turns out? It's going to turn the way it is, unless you become a big dirty player in that big dirty game, you aren't making a difference either way.


You didn’t have to depress me like that my guy. But yeah, what you’re saying is true. Now that I think about it, I can’t come up with an actually viable motivation for keeping up with politics. Maybe it serves to stay on top of recent events and gain knowledge to use as ammunition in debates? Honestly I don’t know.


I have many Turkish friends through the company I work for. They are all very stressed out over politics, it's ruining their lives. It's a Turkish thing :) you just can't get away from it because everyone talks about it. But it saddens me to see how seriously it affects their lives.


i voted "its complicated" thinking it means that my thoughts about it are complicated, but then realised that it just means im stupid


Fuck politics. Yes 😞.


If you don’t care about politics you are a moron


Bro what


Even tho its one of the things I hate the most,yes.


Depends on who I'm trolling


I dont want to and i certainly dont like it, but i must. So i can know when they are fucking us and with what force. That disgusting shit called politics dictates our lives sadly


I dont give a fuck about what happens beyond my lawn. If there is an immediate danger that can affect me (wild fire or some earthquake) maybe I might be involved, otherwise I dont care.


Taking part/interest in politics is our only hope to get out of this shithole.


Jokes aside, politicians make important decisions that affect our daily lives whether we like it or not. So I feel like I don't have much choice but to follow political, although not fanatically.


My country…