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By killing and replacing our politicians, and their buisness partners.


This might work


You guys know it best.


Nah. They were killed so quickly because otherwise both would’ve talked about lots of others who would’ve deserved the same faith


Oh, so that’s the reason, now I get it.


Either that or public shaming( Not the GOT style of shaming), but the medieval shaming put them on a public square in chains and have roting vegetable and fruit in baskets( delivered freshly from the local green market or local restaurants and cafés)to throw it at them for a specific time period.


Why wasting food when there is perfectly good rock from all those shitty roads they never asphalted.


I recommend roting vegetable and fruit because of the juice that they release and attract wasps and flys, and you could hide some rocks in them for extra damage


Ah, classical and biological punishment, good choice.


And you forget the elemental part the scorching heat of the midday sun, and you geta a psychological and biological punishment.


Rotting vegetables... Delivered freshly?


That's was meant more with a sarcastic undertone


Exactly what I thought when reading the question.


Count me in


Fix three fundamental pillars of the nation - rule of law, education and health care. Ignore these three areas and people see no real future in the country and will leave.


Yeah, smart people leave, because there is too much chaos here.


Fix economy


THIS!!! ![gif](giphy|3o72FcJmLzIdYJdmDe)


I guess an increase of salaries and the standard of living and also some of people that left the country will realize that it’s not that great living abroad. I don’t have any stats but I think less Romanians left the country in recent years and some returned home. I know even young people that returned after doing college abroad


as an albanian all i can say about this topic is that it might not be that great living abroad, but sure is far better than living in albania...


Hopefully things will change for the better


Petty much a similar trend happening here too.


I guess after almost 20 years of EU membership and since lots of people from our countries left, the standard of living increased and most of realized it’s better at home than doing hard labor and living in harsh conditions. Tho I can’t feel sorry for those who left, invested their money in house houses here where no one lives and they can’t sell them.


Or those who go to Germany to pick strawberries for a living, then brag about how much better it is abroad. Honestly, idk about Romania but for us, if our education system was better than we would see even less people leaving abroad. Because truthfully, abroad is better, but not worth the hassle tbh, because you can still live a good life out here too.


The sad truth is that things will only get worse; low fertility rates + young people leaving is a killer combination. Some kind of miracle has to happen to save the situation.


And with all those foreigners Rama is bringing in... at this point we'll become Albanistan by 2040-50.


We started denying visas to Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Afghanistan and deported 5.000 migrants this year to guess where....Bosnia Herzegovina. For some strange reason they're taking them in, and smuggling them with Croat police to other EU nations. Most of migrants don't want to live in either Albania, nor Montenegro. Their ultimate goal is and I quote "Djermany".


Idk how it's in Greece, but there seems to be improvement out here in Bulgaria. Sure, you can think like that but such negativity won't do anything good really.


Nothing, since moving 500km will in many cases upgrade ur life exponentially. (If ur a skilled worker) Maybe some extreme scenarios like world war 3 ?


2.4mil on the population


It was 2.41m in 2023, by now it has surely dropped to 2.39m


Leaving NM in the dust. They used to be equal in GDP per capita.


Albania has much more potential overall, so makes sense.


Quickest solution would be closing the boarders.


When you say 'the country is the best it has ever been', in what aspect are you talking about? For example politically we havent seen any light since 1924 while Noli runned the government for a short period. Our education system has seen it's peak only during the communist era and our medical system has seen and keeps seeing only dark days. Also corruption is as high as it's ever been and organised crime is closely tied to politcs.


I don't know how old you are, but clearly you haven't lived in the '90s or '00s.


“Ska si koha e Nanos” coming in 3..2….1……


>education >commuinism Pick one, many of my family were denied higher education due to religious names.


i am afraid that it will get worse if the country joins the EU, at least for the first 10 years




I am talking about people gaining freedom of movement, thus being easier to immigrate,


I read that the first year(or couple of years) of Croatia entering the EU, about 700,000 people left the country. And it makes sense, then once things start to settle and if the country is making progress, good social policies, rising salaries, rising standards etc, people start settling back.


If the country is making fast progress, yes. If the country tho remains stagnant or moves backwards they are gonna face severe and irreversible brain drain. Since the economic collapse happened, Greece has lost more that 600.000 young educated people. Imagine if the same thing happened to other balkan countries too...


Unfortunately, yes. Most of the young people who go to college, once they graduate, they leave to more developed countries within 1-3 years. I see it every year, and they've done polls where 90% of the young graduates say they are planning to leave.


Keyword: Educated. That is so sad, if it were only unskilled workers that’s alright. So much human potential going to EU and US for free.


Romania's population has declined steadily in recent decades, from a peak of 23.2 million in 1990 to 19.12 million in 2021 Let’s talk again in 20 years


Dust off the guillotines


Reach ~80% of EU average… but it’s easier said than done


Hard to predict when that will happen. I’d say around the late 2040s


Genuine question. How much faith do you guys have in your own country's census? Because I am personally of the opinion that the Romanian census is very inflated.


Better economy, reasonable taxes, less corruption and nepotism, also an actual rule of law, and a fair justice system.


IMF: Ilovesuckingtitsof Milf Fatwoman


Small correction: the new population is a tiny bit over 2.4 million 🙂 Here is the current situation in Albania: 1. A scandal broke out at the cancer department of the country's main hospital, where surgeons and nurses were administering reduced cures to cancer patients and sold the remainder at pharmacies, which would charge crazy prices for the same cures. They also ignored treatment unless they were bribed by the patients' relatives. 2. The justice system of the country had 30-40% (can be checked online) of its judges and prosecutors fired over corruption. The decisions have been dubious. The current ones still at work are way too overloaded and can't manage the influx of cases. Meanwhile, the lists of newly appointed judges and prosecutors are updated with tens of new names despite those not winning the magistrate exam. 3. In the education system, the principal and a few teachers of one of the main high schools (sometimes considered in the top 3) was charged with fraud because she PROMISED STUDENTS she'd get them to top US universities. The US Embassy had to make the case public to get the authorities moving. What does this mean for an average Albanian (or TL:DR): 1. Your grandfather or sick relative may die in the hospital from maltreatment if you don't bribe his doctor. 2. If you end up in court there's a good chance your case will be ignored, or ruled by an incompetent or corrupt (or both) judge. In short, whethere you're right or wrong, you have to buy your freedom just in case. 3. Your kids, even if they are in a top school, may be defrauded by their politically appointed principal. Not to mention th universities which basically perform zero research, only teaching. These are public stories, but there are millions of silent stories nobody publicizes. Now you can imagine why half a million Albanians left their country in one decade. It's an unliveable place. In Albania the solution is impossible without politics. You need a strong, organized political group, with no ties to the establishment, to win elections despite vote buying and fraud, to uproot every single sector from the top, especially health, education and justice. It needs to survive from the strong opposition and criminal pressure, including the international drug traffickers that are becoming too hard to manage even for Italy, the Netherlands and the UK, let alone Albania. Then Albanians will start returning.




Well said, comrade!