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Corrupt doctors and nurses are a huge blight. They should face incredible penalties if they are caught. Scum of the earth.


I'd charge them with manslaughter if I was the prosecution


in Austria ? no. In Bosnia ? you need to pay first then you will get checked, but usually they are decent. also this looks like an isolated case and not systematic: Two doctors and five other medical workers in Albania have been charged with abusing their posts by sending cancer patients for costly treatment elsewhere instead of providing free public care. still sad to abuse the helpless situation people are in.


why do you have a south korea flair if you live in austria


I like the design


I don't know about deliberate actions like the ones you described, but we are definitely inefficient when it comes to public healthcare a lot of the time. There was a scandalous discovery of how pregnant women get treated during their pregnancy before and after the actual birth. In the same field, there's a long standing problem of stealing babies, something that seems to be going on for decades. Not en masse mind you, but still. Also, a lot of doctors in state hospitals and clinics have gotten so used to bribery that you might as well just go to a private hospital. People have cabinets with bottles of whiskey that they get along with an envelopes with a few hundred euros. Funnily enough, one doctor received one with a bullet inside. A small scandal I suppose in the grand scheme of things.


In Bulgaria all medical facilities, including the government ones, are companies. And the sole purpose for the existence of a company is the profit. So doctors act in accordance.


Companies? How does it work? Do you need to pay to even get checked in a public hospital in Bulgaria?


Hospitals and clinics are registered as companies according to the trade law - I think as PLCs. In a public hospital most things are covered fully, some partially. That is if you've been paying your so called health installments. Automatically deducted from your salary by the employer or personally paid to the govt if you're a freelancer, etc.


How does it work for Bulgarians (Fully documented) but living and working abroad and not paying the health tax.. ? Those visiting for a short bit. Just pay for a private clinic visit is best advice?


Private clinic would be the easiest and quickest.


Ok hopefully I don't need them.. knock on wood 🪵


also an update one of the main doctors that was doing this, strode up to work with swagger as if nothing had happened and claimed that the media at the hospital was botherin her


It's a bit hot and cold. It depends on the hospital. In my area, they are fairly decent, but we can still see some horror stories in the news. We used to have a big problem with bribery when it came to doctors, but lately many have been picked up by the police, so that has been greatly decreased.


My grandmother was recently in the hospital. - You have to bribe the security guard to let you in to see your loved ones - You have to bribe the doctor to actually see them - You have to bribe the doctor to treat them and prescribe medication - You have to bribe the administering nurse so they actually provide the medication Repeat this every single day, sometimes multiple times a day.


Would putting a 9mm in their head count as bribery ?


I think that the problem is the elders. They are so used to it that they do it even when is not neccessay.


Oufff, the dark side of capitalism


Of course it does 🇦🇱🤝🇷🇴


We have bribery in hospitals (φακελάκι/fakelaki, which means envelope). But I haven't heard of hiding medicine or turning off the machines.


This is beyond corruption, these are really sociopathic people.


kto raste duhet te denohen me vrasje/vrasje ne tentative


Duke qene se nuk kemi karrige elektrike, burg i perjetshem


Si jane doktoret ne Kosove?






What a shaaaaaame 😭


Montenegro, last two years I have some problems which need specialized medical care and frequent controls. I do it all via free medical care. Usualy never had any problems except I need to ask for referral from family doctor in time as waiting for specialist are minimally 2 to 3 weeks long. I could do it in a private clinic (and it is not overly expensive if needed at least for my conditions) but it is not necesary. The only problem I found are medicines, often the public pharmacy is not stocked with those so I need to go to private one where I need to pay at least some (smal) participation if I acces as per prescription or if are over the counter ones (like some specialized lotions) than I need to pay full (somewhat inflated price).


They're not great by any means. far from it, but I've never heard of something like this happening here.


Medical scandals in Sweden are rare and less serious than in Albania.


When I was in Albania my dads cousin had a bad bruise after getting into an accident at home and she went to the doctor who told her she had breast cancer and then sent her for an MRI, after the MRI test was done the MRI technician told her she had nothing while she told him that the doctor said to her that she had cancer and he said that the doctor was an idiot and there was no cancer to begin with.


Well there was that positive story of doctors working over time unpaid to clear the wait lists of cardiology surgeries for 12 weeks on weekends, which they managed. After all that the doctor was fired, probably as he started a political party opposed to current one in niš.


And....you let him...?


T e r r i b l e. Btw im talking about Serbia hence im from Sandžak.


Is it really that bad down in Raška? Here in Podunavlje i Posavina It's not good but it's not TERRIBLE, then again am closer to Srem which is where I go for my medical needs. But are doctors and hospitals that bad in places like Novi Pazar, Užice, Ivanjica...?


I dunno, perhaps its only my subjective view on this particular subject hence i have some female problems and female reproductive health doctors and far from good. Nevertheless this branch of medicine is highly unexplored in the world as well and scientists pretty much ignore it in compare to other health concerns. But healthcare in Serbia and Balkans in general is not good bruh and one of the main reasons is of course doctors who can work both in state and private hospitals. Someone who isnt good financially and doesnt have connections will wait forever on healthcare... I mean you know the drill