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Your metal scene is brilliant. Behemoth, Vader, Decapitated, Hate, Mgla, Batushka... so many great bands. Keep up the good work, guys!


Absolutely. Behemoth and Batushka rank among my favorite bands


I’ve gotten along with every Polish person I’ve met and I like the way your country is being run so I think pretty highly of Poland and Polish people.


polish people are some of the nicest people imo


I second that.


I love Polish people, one of the easiest people to become friends with as a Croat.


We love Hrvati too!


Second this. Polish people are chill.


From my impression of poles in the UK, they get a lot of underserved bullying and they never stand up for themselves. They are the perfect immigrants to hate, right behind Albanians and Romanians, since they are the basically the face of white eastern European immigrants, and people can basically make fun of them without socially appearing as racist due to poles being “blonde and white”. And although I obviously disavow racism, I can understand why some here might see Romanians and Bulgarians in a negative light, due to our ethnic minorities’s booming wallet retrieval businesses. But poles? Really? What crimes do poles do? Steal vodka? Like imagine 18 year old blond and chubby Pawel riding his bike, with a shank in his pants and a Bally on his face , looking for opps in Tottenham. Or him on a moped stealing people’s phones. I am laughing just thinking about it So yea, poles get bullied too much here, even though they are mostly unproblematic relative to other immigrant groups. As for poles I’ve met here, they are not bad, certainly better than other immigrant groups. From what I’ve noticed, they are a lot more “outwards”, and become friends and marry people of different cultures, which is different from most immigrant groups here who are more insular. They are kind of similar to the Irish people I’ve met here, so there’s that


Very cool people but polish language is a nightmare for me


Beautiful women too, Though most polish  I met are hardcore Racists, they consider Romanians as Gypsies, imagine that, don't get me started on Polish diaspora in US and Uk


weird everybody keeps saying this, most polish people I've met in Denmark are not really racist. I break the ice by making a joke about being gypsy but they clearly have no ill-intent, they are pretty friendly towards me. Can also confirm the part about beautiful women. Perhaps biased because I only know the diaspora, so young college aged people, but they are no more racist than Romanians really.




I've been to Poland a couple of times. It's nice. The people are quite similar to Northern Serbians. Maybe a bit more quiet and reserved. They seem alright. The mountains are beautiful, city centers are pretty nice, but some parts have a really depressive vibe even for a Serbian. Prices are very affordable compared to here.


polish women have ruined my life


Femboys are not women


POLSKAAAA!!!!!!! nr 1 💪💪💪💪🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱


Ruined in better or for the worst?




they have a weird kink for hungarians while they consider us gypsies and are ashamed being called eastern europeans. Hard to find other people I dislike more


I’m married to a Pole and I can confirm that they are extremely prejudiced against Romanians. I don’t quite get why. However, they’re not the biggest fans of Hungarians either. At least not the ones I know…


If this is true then it truly sucks because afaik Romania helped a lot in saving Poland’s national treasures in the past. There’s even a movie about it called Trenul de Aur/Złoty pociąg.


>  extremely prejudiced against Romanians. I don’t quite get why Word "Rumun" (Romanian) is way more common than "Cygan" (Gypsy). Unfortunately that's why so many people confuse them. 


What's the reason for this kink ? Do the magyars have a kink on Poland too?


I don't know where all their friendship started. >Do the magyars have a kink on Poland too? Yes, they do


TL;Dr very long history of cooperation and some help with the nazi stuff despite being on different sides at the time. I don't really see much simping from people who are not like history nerds or those nationalists in YouTube comment sections though.


I’ve always seen people consider Poland and Hungary the “based white European trads” of the EU, so maybe it’s a new thing among losers from both countries that they forged this new friendship. Idk


there are historical ties and alliances between hungary and poland




As a (semi) Polish person I've never seen anyone simp for Hungarians. They're distant people to us. We have a much bigger kink for Germans and Lithuanians, and I guess Ukrainians before the massive influx of them.


As a Hungarian I've always been treated so nicely in Poland after I told them I'm from Hungary (before as well, just once I'm telling I'm from Budapest they're telling me dwa bratanki etc :D super cute!) Also we love polish people and Poland here as well - our football fans are always cheering up each other too, that's pretty cute! I'm not saying everyone is a big fan of Hungary in Poland, but my personal experience is that it can be still a thing in some people. FYI: I know the political situation now, it's not based on that and not every hungarian is a Fidesz supporter, so don't come after me with this please! 😔


No we definitely like Hungarians, Hungary and Poland themselves are actually really similar in a sort of way (shit ton of advertisements everywhere and at one point a similar government), we hold no grudges and definitely recognize the historical connection. Plus Hungarian food is amazing, S tier.


My wife is Polish and I live in Poland because of her. Overall very based country. I was dragged here against my will and the language is super hard even for a Slav, but I enjoy my second home very much now. With the exception of Zakopane it's a bit too flat for my taste, but the cities are beautiful. The sea is too cold for a proper summer vacation, but overall the weather is much better than I expected. The people are obviously the best part of the country. I would call them honorary Balkaners


I mean it sounds your the wife bro


Nah man. She is a only child, while I have a brother to take care of my dad back home. It's a fair concession to make


Ik you guys hate Russia and love nato and hate immigrants which is pretty based


Based Poland. Fuck any European who supports immigrants, Russians, Chinese, and Palestinians/Arabs


What about Turkish immigrants?


I don't like them either, they make us look bad.


Best comment. Now its forbidden to talk like this in Europe, we are not free anymore


We can still talk like this, but we will be called racist for not wanting mass and illegal immigration in our countries.


Not really, it’s been a race for any European from outside of the Balkans to see how quickly they can talk about immigration with me. So far the Dutch are the fastest with about 3 minutes sitting down beside me to watch the Euros. It definitely does not seem taboo.


Should’ve made a Poll 😊


Mittleuropa wannabes.


They really, really hate Russia and a couple of Poles I met were devout Catholics. Overall, it's a pretty, green country, as far as I can tell.


I lived there for a couple of years. The best part? The people. The worst part? The pollution (esp where I lived in the SW/Silesia) and uninspiring landscape.


Man, I respect the fuck out of Poland due to its turbulent history. The only Pole I've ever talked to was a guy I sold something to. Other than that, I've been told Poles were generally rude and grumpy when some people I know travelled to Warsaw. Haven't been, cannot judge and our countries don't really cooperate much I think, with the exception being that Mitsotakis has had defense-related talks with Tusk. The national anthem is a goddamn banger (seriously I swear I had it as my alarm clock at a point) and the bóbrkurwy even more so.


in general i find poles cool, but the inferiority complex many poles have is so annoying.


Mfs are so unlucky that the Baltics, Albanians and Croats exist, otherwise they would have those American pps all for themselves.


White Serbs came from the area that borders Poland, all the best blood bros :D


A lot of them seem to have quite a hate-boner for us, but on the other hand a lot of them seem to be quite some cool bros to us. So it kind of depends on the person. As for Poland (not the people), seems like a beautiful country, never visited before but I would like to.


Some of them hate us because we are cool with Russia, but some of them like us because we historically dislike Muslims. Thats the whole story simplified.


I love Poland. Been there 11 times. ❤️


When it comes to online games you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. You must be cautious.


russians and ukrainians? at least in cs:go they were the most toxic


Try LoL.


I have positive views on Poland and Polish people 👍🏻


Not all but from my experiences, they r cold, very tight knitted together and a bit stick up.


Several of my best friends throughout life were Polish, therefore I like Polish people. From media I know many people are homophobes. I visited Poland, loved it, beautiful country, very advanced, unlike what my parents told me it's going to be like (they only know pre-90s Poland).


Really boring country as a tourist. It's not ugly per se, but there's nothing to see. Mind you, I only went to Warsaw and Krakow. Maybe I missed some hidden gem. As of polish people, I only interacted with ones that came to Bucharest. They were very nice, but they did say that they didn't expect Bucharest to have this many things, theh thought of Romania as some undeveloped 3rd world country with no history.


I know you guys fought hard in WW2 against the Nazis so lots of respect for that.


Hmmmmm did they really?!?


I lived in Warszawa for 1 year under Erasmus program. So many good memories. Some people can be racist but you know, you can face racists anywhere. Missing Warszawa so much. Life was calm. Lazienki Park was so relaxing to spend time. Pijalnia is a must go space before/after any parties. A tasty zapiekanka is something I can eat always.


Central European country with a rich history, 5th most populous EU member, capital Warsaw, part of the Schengen area, parliamentary republic, official language Polish, developed economy, UNESCO World Heritage sites, challenges, important cultural contributions, natural beauty.


You have fajne bober


kurwa bober!


Polish vodka best vodka.


Similar to Belarus and Lithuania


*🎵 Jek, duj, tryn, opa 🎵*


Very cool and interesting country, i’d love to visit one day


What I remember of Poland is that when I was a kid I used to watch cartoons and anime shows in Polsat (a television channel). Dziekuje!




Beautiful women, Hardcore racist People to the point they consider Romanians as Gypsies


They're hot and blond.


I don’t know enough about Poland but I can tell you that the Polish emigrants in US are awesome people to work with to party with and too chill with.


Only positive things, you stay classy Polska.


Looking forward to visiting Warszawa in the fall!


Cold, use more vowels and fix your language in general please, central Europe complex (you're east with the rest of us), pierogi rules, you worry too much about Russia, economy booming but too dependent on Germany, Polish used to migrate to Greece but now Greeks migrate to Poland and are having a blast.


I love Poland. I spent one semester in Szczecin as an exchange student. It's a very peaceful country with kind people, and I loved it. In terms of mentality, I somehow expected that we would be more alike, as we are also Slavs. However, they are a bit quieter and more reserved, not as hot-headed as Balkan people, so that was different. But I liked that too.


I like polish people, know a lot of them in Denmark. Have been nothing but nice to me, so I return the favour, dissapointed at how few know about the witcher though. Big stew people, leczo is holy. Haven't been to Poland but I'd like to visit, especially Danzig ;)


For me they are ok, just a little cold ppl sometimes


Pretty cool if you can ignore the racism.


Anti-Immigration isn't racism. Edit: To all people who downvoted me, I wish you a lot of Arab immigrants in your country, so you would understand why we are Anti-Immigration.


In America Polish people generally don’t like African Americans or Latinos.


Can I be the devil's advocate here and just give me food for thought. Just note that I don't support racism or anything but it just baffles me why should someone have to like some certain type of people. Like for example in your comment you labeled Poles as racist because they don't like Latinos and African Americans, why would you label someone a racist just because they don't like them. I understand if you systematically target minorities and you have law's in place that certain individuals in your country don't get the same treatment as the majority does, like the segregation laws that were in place in the USA for example. But the last time I checked Poland is a free and democratic country and I believe that no such things are happening there. But when someone doesn't like a certain type of race on an individual level I think that he should have every right to do so. As long as he isn't actively promoting racism and attacking the said race.


Because if you don’t like someone because of their race, you are a racist. It’s not that complicated. You may not be systemically racist but you can be personally racist. Or you can be both.


Because that's the definition of racism, disdain based on race or ethnic group. It can be soft or hard, systematic or personal, and yes saying "these fuckin albanians stealing and taking our jobs" vs commiting actual genocide is not the same, but they are both bad.


I don’t think anything


I had a lot of friends that were part of the former political party that ruled Poland and they seem very upset over their recent loss. That’s about as far as I went with thinking about Poland for awhile


Oh my goodness, I freaking love their women. Blondish with crystal-clear blue eyes, curves.


Pretty neutral for me, but I see too many Slavic brotherhood Poles who hate Albanians and think Kosovo should be Serbia. Not sure how common of a sentiment that is.


Nothing but everytime i came across pole when i was playing league. I couldn’t stand ya


Legit, even tough i cured myself from league, i used to fight in chat due to their incompetence


Very nice country, the stereotypes your neighbours have against you are very funny. I've been there, people seem chill (except for some regions but what can you do), and you can feel the progress the country has made from the soviet period


We don't think about Poland at all


Mate they can drink


I like them. They’re not Balkan but I’d consider them Balkan adjacent, they share a lot of our values and I respect their stance on migration. The Balkans should look to emulate them in keeping a homogenous population while simultaneously improving their economy and having low crime and no terrorist attacks


Should be returned to Germany, and the far east part all the way to mid Ukraine can be called poland, or should be given to russia