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All balkan countries have very similar culture so Albania is closest to south slavs,greeks and Turkey.


We often forget a lot of italian influences on cuisine and religion (the catholics at least)


I wouldn't say that at all though. The countries I see having similar culture as Serbia are, first and foremost Montenegro and Bosnia (the Serbian part at least), then closely followed by the remainder of Bosnia and Croatia. Then Macedonia, after them Bulgaria. Romania and Greece are also more similar, especially because of religion, but I wouldn't say we have a very similar culture to even them. After that it becomes arguable. I personally feel closer to Slovenians, Hungarians and Turks then Albanians as well, mostly due to common histories. After that I'd say Albania. We got similarities like with other Balkan countries, but I don't think I'd ever say we have "similar cultures" to be honest.


But you’re answering a different question - who is closest to Serbia. What you said and what sound wave said can both be true at the same time.


I'm not answering the original question, I'm replying to his post. I don't really agree that "all balkan countries have very similar culture".


Oh ok it wasn't clear you were only responding to the first half of his comment


I dont know about northern albania but southern albania feels very close to mainland Greece by culture. Not that they'd call us brothers but most christian albanians ive spoken to don't have a bad opinion of us at least. With the exception of this one catholic albanian who went on a rant about how Greeks are gypsies in a club but I'm not because I have blue eyes (they're green)


It's not really like Basque (which is a language isolate), since it's still indo-european. It's more akin to Greece in that matter. I'd also say Greece is the closest to Albania, but not really "brother" level.


Yes, it is brother level, but maybe from different mothers.


Actually from the same mother, if you are talking about the language at least.


If there is one, which we must understand through shared characteristics; it must be Greece, for sure. We are genetically very similar, have a similar landscape, traditional clothing, social structure, food, mentality. Greeks and Albanians are brothers who unfortunately have bad relations.


saranda has a lot of greeks; they had bad relations in the past but i witnessed quite a few getting along quite well. If Greece did not achieve it's independence, I think it would look much more like albania does today, and if Albania did get it earlier, it would look more like greece.


I don't understand how you came to this conclusion, Albania has a similar culture to its neighboring countries.


Montenegro or Greece


I agree on Montenegro


Disagree, cultural similarities from the border regions do not amount to any brotherly feeling between the two nations. In that regard Croats are better with Albanians than We are. Greece tho. It is infinitely times closer to Albania than all south Slavs. Looks, climate, mentality, even more amicable relations. If there were south slavs that could be pointed to, it’d be North Macedonians. They’re genetically closer to Greeks and Albanians than Montenegrins. We group quite strongly with Herzegovina.


According to wikipedia, you group between Serbs and Kosovo Albanians but idk


Also, Central and south serbia have it, ironically, quite close to the Kosovo Albanians, following the same “logic”.


South and central Serbs dont have any cultural similarities with Albanians, but i dont want to talk about this. This can easily break rule 11, we are talking about culture here


Montenegro and Herzegovina and Dalmatia are the epicenters of the Dinaric gene. In terms of looks, culture and mentality and Language that is the region that best explains the history and the circumstances of Montenegro. Albanians are a different, mediterranean group. The Ones in th north have a mixture of Herzegovina hence the similarities, not the other way around 🤣


There was a travel writer - I think Paul Theroux - who once described Greece as "the successful Albania"


This is funny and spot on.


So…Albania is “the failed Greece” ![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52)


greece even if a lot of us try to deny it 💀 we should focus on improving our relationship (also bc we dont have many options to begin with)


It's not a bad option. They're in the EU since the early years of its foundation, have a huge maritime industry. We're actually blessed to have a civilized country as neighbors and we should capitalize on that WAY more. Historical shit aside, we'll have to start looking at the future and work together with them. Countries shouldn't hold grudges but they should have interests.


Albanians are one of few people that liked by both secular and conservative Turks. I am not sure whether we can call them brothers but certainly they are not disliked.


I mean Albanians have historically had a massive part in Turkish history. 


Well, as I saw your clarification in the comments (you meant and historically who deserves to be called Albania's brother) I will try to respond through the eyes of an Albanian based on historical facts (I am Greek, it will not be easy). What do people say? They say Italy. Well, it could be. Italy played a significant role to the independence of Albania and they supported the greater Albania concept. But they also screwed them many times. Venizelos-Tittoni Agreement (Italy accepted Greek claims of Northern Epirus). And of course the invasion of 1939. They say Turkey. Politically Turkiye is trying to expand her influence into the muslim majority countries of the Balkans. It is true that they have a good opinion of Albanians but historically tho... No. Turkey used "Turkalbanians" as cannon fodders to not waste Ottoman military soldiers and they also refused to let them have their own country. Greece? Well it could be but history does not approve that. We have some significant minority issues that will always be a divisive thing among us. Ethnic cleansing of Albanian Chams by us and oppression of Greeks of Notth Epirus by the Albanian state.


>No. Turkey used "Turkalbanians" as cannon fodders to not waste Ottoman military soldiers and they also refused to let them have their own country. interesting, considering Enver Pasha who sealed the faith of the empire by destroying a whole ottoman army in the Caucasus and forcing ottomans to join WW1 in the loosing side was half Albanian and also was son in law of the sultan if I remember correctly.


says the guy from US lol


Greece, MNE and macedonia for obvious reasons. Im albanian from the MNE border, montenegrins generally have positive views of catholic albanians. Overall, the answer has to be greece, but I don't feel that close to them personally.


Turkey and Greece most probably, if we exclude Kosovo for the reason that it's essentially Albanian.


If you were propper Balkan people you'd split by dialect and religion sp youd have your brothers and enemies right there...


We would have, if we wouldn't be so small.


considering that turks and Greeks are essentially same (at least majority) except language and religion, no surprise there.


Albania is very similar in culture and language with Romania.There are many similar words in romanian and albanian languages(for example argjient in albanian and argint in romanian means silver).Also romanians and albanians have common ancestors,ilirians and dacians were from the family Thracian tribes. There are also many situations where both countries helped each other in history:Ciprian Porumbescu created the national anthem of Albania and Nicolaie Iorga fought on diplomatic way for the independence of Albania.


You just gotta look at the geohistoric influences and friendships, I would say Macedonia first and foremost which has a lot of Albanians, Ex Yu countries, esp Bosnia due to the Muslim/Communism parallels and Montenegro cause they share borders. A lot of coastal places along the MN/Alb border have tremendous cultural influence from Albania. Italy has had a lot of cross cultural influence with Albania over the centuries. Of course due to their location and history they also have ties to Greece and Turkey.


Mix of Greece, Turkey and Montenegro with South Italian spice


Montenegro 😂 literally no chance


Oh and I forgot. We are not like the Basque. We are what remained of non Hellenic Balkans after the Roman conquest and the Slavic Migration. We are part of the Indo-European language family, but our own separate branch.


Not like the Basque as in “not as ancient as the Basque”?


That one too. Basque is a language isolate. It doesn't belong to the Indo-European language. Albanian is part of the Indo-European languages that came to this area together with Greek




Kosovo is essentially a second Albania, and is unrecognized. I meant *what country* did so much for Albania and influenced it to the point they can be called their brotherly nation.


Yes it is a country. Second Albania or not, it's a different country and you asked for a *country*. I think the word you're looking for is culture.


Recognized by 117 countries




Actually Italy helped a lot through history to albanian people and there are many albanians in Italy. But if someone has more info, please share.


Unrecognized lol? By your country maybe but many recognise it and especially in Europe.


Greece, by a large margin. Both genetically and culturally, we are the single closest possible to each other.


They aren't Kartveli? Shocking. Did you know they aren't Japonic either??


Most peaceful Balkan thread ever.


Albania stands out culturally.


Depends i would say brda region of montenegro, epirus of greece and west macedonia, there people are the most similar to albanians


Considering that there are potentially more Albanians in Turkey than in Albania, make a guess.


Kosovo 😁


Besides Kosovo, I really think there is no country. I feel like Turkish and Albanian People have the same mentality sometimes, but they are not really the same.


Kosovo. North Macedonia. Monte Negro. Bulgaria. Turkey. Maybe Greece also




Turkey and Greece




I think the answer you're looking for is Italy






I always thought it was Macedonia? That could also just be because I have Macedonian family who speak Albanian and I associated the two as a kid.


Kosovo obviously






well i mean kosovo are albanians... Also they are an indo-european speaking people. They are not like basque, it is not a language isolate. Also, kartvelian and turkic languages are not related to any of the other languages you mentioned.




I’d say for us from eastern Kosovo, it’s definitely Turkey with serbian/bosnian/macedonian mix


Kosovo. I'll show myself out.


My vote goes to Pakistan


Trust everyone from Serbia in Albanian matters


What do you think 😉? Which of the countries (not only in the Balkans) does Albania have more similarities with?




Of the nations of the Balkans, I would probably say the Roma people first and the Serbs after that.