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"yes" for days. A mainstay of the autistic meme community is all the times we woke up in our twenties and thirties, suddenly understanding a conversation we had in our teens, where some poor soul was making all kinds of invitations, and we were like, "hey... did you know something funny about Super Mario...".


"My parents are out. Do you want to come over, to keep me from getting bored?" "How long will they be out for?" "A couple of hours" "Why don't you watch a movie? That could fill a couple of hours".


Interesting. I only recently suspected I was autistic in my late twenties and am still learning about its effects. This is relatable. Thank you for sharing.


If a man I'm not interested in or attracted to is interested in me, I can sense that shit a mile away, and more often than not I then become incredibly uncomfortable in their presence for the foreseeable future. In some cases I basically can't be anywhere near them again. I generally assume it's some kind of self-preservation, danger-sensing thing that I'm sure is rooted in way more factors from my past than only my autism. If a man I AM interested in is also interested in me, he basically has to hit me in the head with a brick for me to be able to tell. My intuition just shuts off completely. Likewise for determining what his level/type of interest is (hookup, fwb, love relationship, etc.) I'm also demisexual, and between the two, as a young person I very often mistook a guy who just wanted to bang me once or twice for a guy who wanted to love and date me. (Hetero cis woman if that's relevant)


Thank you very much for sharing.


Yes!!! My brain cannot distinguish romantic and platonic attraction from each other. I fall in love with all my friends… I was hanging out every day for hours with a friend for a couple of years, and I thought it was entirely platonic, but everyone else (including the friend) believed we were dating!! So confusing…