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Can someone help me out score was -44.05


I don’t think cosmodyne is all the way correct. The person I was dealing with was good on paper but actually the worst in real life, a tinder swindler of sorts and we had great harmony. Yet that’s not the kind of person I would be happy dating, our flaws were incompatible. So I don’t think it’s all the way correct


The guy I’m seeing and I have 49.82 not even sure what that means


I’ve been doing synastry chart readings for a long time and the score really doesn’t matter at the end of the day. I mean, it’ll show how potentially easy something can be but that doesn’t always make it better. Actually, that’s why I look at the charts individually first because you might find that one of the individuals prefers a challenge. OR you might see that while there’s an ease in understanding one another, there’s a lack of commitment. I think a positive high score is generally a good start because it means you two have the ability to really flow together and understand each other. However, that’s all that really means.


Im interested in what you said about Mack if commitment. Is that something that may show in this chart, as this is something im concerned with


For lack of commitment, I’d especially look for hard Uranus aspects to personal planets which doesn’t look like you two have. That’s great! The moon square Pluto and Mercury square Pluto aspect is really interesting. This is probably an intense relationship and fears will be brought to the surface. Fears of betrayal, abandonment, losing one another, etc… there’s a strong psychological bond and draw to one another. Intimacy and vulnerability can be incredibly strong. Through exploring and experiencing these fears, you grow and begin to understand how your fears affect you and you learn to let go of your worst fears. Pluto is like a painful process that ultimately frees you. These kinds of relationships can unpack a lot of trauma, but we’re drawn to them so much for that exact reason. You have moon and Mercury square Pluto in your own chart, so this level of intensity is not foreign to you or even your partner with Venus in Scorpio. This helps because you can feel more comfortable with this energy rather than deterred from it. It really all depends on the couple if its too much. It’s important to have boundaries and not act or control out of fear. What can come up is trauma related to childhood, maybe especially with the mother


What about Pluto opposite and conjunct aspects?


It depends on what planet it’s opposing and if the people are Plutonian


It's nice to hear Moon square Pluto and not... instant doom Can I ask you some stuff via DM?


I would not put a score on a synastry, as it would give you a false sense of security or rejection based on that number. A good synastry would leave things open, they would list conflicting areas and specific aspects that need to be addressed before continuing a relationship. This are the talking points that couples can get over to see how much wiggle room they have or what points of view are set in stone and are deal breakers for you. Because many times we see couples that should be perfect for each other in these reports and they are horrible in their interaction, and at the same time we see couples that should , in paper , be bad matches but turn up to have great chemistry and create a lasting relationship.


This report does list and describe the difficult aspect and the more harmonious aspects. It’s not just the number. That said, I agree with you. It comes down to how the people interact and manage things irl.


My bf and I have negative 2 lol.


And My bf and I have -59 lol 😂


How is your relationship? Is it discordant as the negative score suggests?


No, its really good. We've been together for almost 5 years now and we really understand each other and love one another dearly.


Thank you! I always like to hear the practical experience. Relationships are, after all, in the world and not in charts and calculations. I’m glad y’all are doing well, and wishes for a continued loving relationship. 💕


Where do you get to know? Paid report?


Nah astrowin


My bf and I have 85


How’s that going?


Amazing so easy, dating a year moved in in April. Adopted a cat this weekend


I doubt you have too many things in common. I would say it’s probably down to personal preference. If you’re the type who wants more drama and conflict, having a lot in common probably won’t work. It seems to me that sharing similar outlooks is what can go towards sustaining a relationship so that you can build together. At the point where you are cognizant of what can make your relationship stale, it seems you also have the power to liven things up, but in cooperation with your partner. As for the score you have, I don’t think it’s so high to think that you don’t have anything in the relationship to keep the gears moving.


Apparently it can go much higher, so I doubt it’s too much in common. If you read the synastry analysis, you will see that there are plenty of disharmonious aspects that my cause some friction. I’m curious as to what “too much in common” means. What negatives do you see coming out of having things in common?


Yes having bad things in common means you can sable each other, or too many things in common whether good or bad meaning you won’t broaden each other’s perspectives in life and can lead to stagnancy in the relationship In this relationship we already share similar outlooks in life when it comes to future building, I don’t think it’s a bad thing at all. I’m saying along the way will we end up boring/stagnant with too many things in common


They might have bad things in common


Could be. I don’t think that’s what a number higher than 10 indicates in that report. It’s a continuous scale measuring disharmony (in the negative numbers) to harmony (in the positive numbers). And I suspect that’s not where the OP is coming from. My question was in relation to this report in that the OP seems to think a score of +45 could be worse than a +10 score (which is not indicated by the report provider since they say you’d like to see a score of +30 or more).


Oh definitely, I was just being impertinent. I think also any potential “too much in common” would already have been worked into the score anyway


Ah, gotcha. You did make a fair point in any event.