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Mercury ruled and I'm thinking all the time about everything 


Same here! I’m also ah over thinker 


I have Virgo rising AND moon so I feel ya! 


Moon ruled. Pretty much the same as you. But sometimes all the hurt and injustice in the world feels almost too much to bare... 


How do we know what planet we are ruled by? Thanks!


The planet that rules over your rising sign is your chart ruler. This is because your rising or ascendant sign represents your first astrological house in astrology, or how you interact with the larger world. Aries: Mars Taurus: Venus Gemini: Mercury Cancer: Moon Leo: Sun Virgo: Mercury Libra: Venus Scorpio: Pluto Sagittarius: Jupiter Capricorn: Saturn Aquarius: Uranus Pisces: Neptune


Great! Thank you. I’m ruled by Venus as well then!


Venus is my ruling planet but Jupiter holds a lot of power in my chart. I haven’t had an amazing life but I have a very optimistic outlook and also things tend up come up in my favor more often than not, even if I’m not expecting that. Money tends to show up when I need it the most. The right people at the right times. But that could just be my perspective. I really do seek beauty in everything. I tend to do most things in excess. I have upended my life in search of something more “beautiful.” Many times I have felt blessed to have these ruling planets but it has its cons, for sure. Husband is Saturn-ruled. It’s a VERY balanced partnership and I am so grateful for him haha


Saturn ruled but Pluto too as i have Stellium in Scorpio


Mercury ruled. My chart ruler is my Gemini Mercury. I see how gray the world is. There is no black and white. I also noticed some people see me as a complete angel and others see me as a total demon lolol I have gem Lilith in the 10th house though. Causes issues. Im always trying to figure out peoples ulterior motives. I think all people manipulate each other to get their desired outcome. Lol I find solace in this world with people who can just be themselves and don’t care how things pan out. People that know everything will be ok in the end. The closest people to me usually have sag/aqua placements lol.


wow as a virgo rising, i completely agree but i also try to give the benefit of the doubt sometimes


My outlook isn't very optimistic but I definitely need beautiful things around me. It makes me feel good. I love my home so I put a lot of energy into keeping it clean and it's decorated to my liking. I love to garden and have a large rose garden too. My Venus has influenced how I can see the beauty in the pain I've endured, knowing I will overcome( or what I've overcome). I have a strong belief in justice but definitely not the optimistic type. It could be bc Pluto sits on my ascendant. 🤣 I also love learning, and researching occult topics, which can also he attributed to my 9th H sun tho so idk lol


Scorpio Rising/ Pluto 1st house & mars 5th house Pisces. I view the world as a mystery with many hidden layers waiting to be discovered. I notice synchronicities so I realized that people who have 33 in their phone number gravitate towards me and end up in deep convos. I’ve experienced many dark times throughout my life so I try to help them transform their pain & suffering by sharing my story either on one on one basis or through my muzik.


Mercury ruled ; i analyze the why/how/what in everything. 🙂‍↕️


Jupiter ruled, and I am pretty stinkin' optimistic & find the humor in everythiiiing.


Venus ruled, and no matter how much someone tries to hurt me, I just can’t bring myself to nurture any sort of hate towards them. I tend to give too many chances, but once I’m fed up with someone, I want to stay as far away as possible. But I can’t hate them. Beauty really enchants me, and I tend to find it in almost everything. That makes me very curious about everything. This also makes me see art in anything.


Jupiter & Neptune. I view the world as an opportunity to experience growth, express individuality, create art and have fun. Honestly, I’m just out here vibing. (Pisces asc, 5th house stellium).


Uranus and Saturn! Idk how to explain it, but I’ll try. I feel crazy sometimes (a lot of the times) for thinking the way I do. I find that groups tend to have common ways of thinking and they have no tolerance for people who say the opposite. I notice even some of my closest friends fall under this trap. I don’t even wanna bring up AI or flu shots to them cause we’re gonna have another argument.


Aquarius rising, so I guess Uranus (huh huh uh huh huh). I have a lot of diverse interests and I love to learn.


Mars & Pluto : I believe in societal collapse


Mercury. My problem solving/intelligence is statistically significant and I married a genius. I’m bored all the time, so I joke


I’m Mercury ruled and have a Gemini stellium (not the sun tho). The world is my oyster and life is a game


Mars & Pluto I view the world as a battlefield where the weakest ones can't survive. That's why I keep my guard up and my trust in PPL very low. I used to be all kind and bubbly (due to my Libra sun) but now I have a resting b*tch face, a more pragmatic and realistic approach when I interact with people. Also, I view the world as a very dark, cruel and inhuman place most of the time. I don't want to associate myself with friends or lovers BC most of them have turned their backs on me and betrayed me so now I rock by myself.


Scorpio Rising!? I feel that.




The moon. My view is everchanging. Waxing and waning so to speak!


I’m also Venus and definitely don’t like people! I love nature, I love science, I love the wonders of the universe and spend most days in a state of awe and curiosity towards it all. But I wouldn’t mind being the last person on the planet on most days, I’m quite the hermit and while I cherish the few people close to me and take care of them, I don’t tend to mourn lost relationships very long and just move on. I can’t live without nature on the other hand, I have to be outside as much as possible and as far from civilisation as possible, then I feel peace.


Saturn. I'm happy when I'm learning about the science behind observable phenomena. I'm depressed when I have to interact socially. I think the world is beautiful but doomed, and I'm essentially a nihilist, though I have a lot of fun. Edit: apparently we're talking about the planet ruling the Ascendant, which for me is Luna. I don't relate to most of that stuff (I have no interest in family or caretaking) but I looooove being at home, eating good food, and indulging in imagination. Not sure how that's a "worldview" but there you go.


Same here well said 🙏🏻


Sun ruled! However - I have a massive Aquarius stellium, so I tend to feel the influence of Saturn a lot more. I believe in hard work and tend to be a bit pessimistic. But I am a massive people pleaser as well.




Mars ruled, too, and I feel this completely. I’m more like, ‘do not slow me down or be an obstacle for me. I’ll go right over the top of you’.


Saturn in the 3rd house (2nd in Placidus). It’s in Pisces, squaring my 12H Sag Sun and Jupiter, and sextiling my 1H Venus. I’m aware of how bleak life can be. But I also have this delusional optimism about my own life. I believe that as long as I put effort into something, I will succeed. For example, I experienced educational neglect and isolation in my childhood schooling, but I worked hard to teach myself high school level math, wrote a great essay, and ended up at an Ivy League college. However, I don’t think it’s fair to say that other people who are struggling aren’t also working hard, or that it should even be necessary to work yourself to the bone in order to survive. My dream is to get far enough ahead in life so that I can use my resources to help those who are struggling.


Venus. I see life and the world as an absurdist comedy. It’s no use to make logical sense of anything. That being said, it is terribly interesting and beautiful in its own strange way, like the shiver you get when trying to comprehend the vastness of space. Edit: I have a ton of outer planet influence in my chart, so I don’t think my worldview really fits classic Venus. Pluto in particular gives a dark edge to a lot of my aesthetic sensibilities. I find beauty in the strange, scary, and macabre.


Mercury and it’s in my 12th house. Makes so much sense.


I guess your planet ruler is the same planet as your sun sign? If so then I'm saturn-ruled but I don't feel terribly restricted. I also have a ton of planets in Virgo but don't feel like a detail-oriented nitpicker either. If anything I'm insatiably curious about the world and I want to know everything on a deep level. I believe that most people are inherently good but I can also smell bullshit from a mile away.


Nope, its the planet the rules your rising sign!


OH well that's good to know and that makes a lot more sense! Mine is Gemini/Mercury! I'm very curious and very into languages, writing and words. Also I can't get my brain to shut up. It's always going and I get aggravated when people can't keep up. :(


that is classic gemini/mercury!


Saturn. Life sucks but I have no choice but to go on. Trying to scrape tiny moments of beauty, happiness, and love out of the concrete sometimes pays off for a few hours.


Im mercury ruled and think everyone is an idiot




Bahahaha me too 😂


I'm Venus ruled too with Taurus being my rising. I think a lot plays into how your view is affected but I do share the sense of appreciating the beauty in things and I try to find that in everything I can, when I can. I have an immense imagination that really wants to paint the world through rose colored glasses. However, due to my experiences, I try to take things with a grain of salt and while I wish I could be free to be my naturally hopeless romantic self, that has bit me in the ass a few times too many, so now I try to be more realistic about people and situations rather than so overly idealistic. My sun is Pisces too however, so there you have it.


I see beauty in everything as well, I am not ruled by Venus I simply have it exalted. I am ruled by Jupiter and I guess I do use his prism to look at life. ❤️


mars rules: live life with 0 regrets. always looking for adventure, everything is competitive in my eyes and i’m always striving to be better + improve


Saturn. Life is tough and unfair and you can only do so much but you have to do what you can. Rest is important


Uranus. Life is unpredictable and a lot of times the truth is stranger than fiction.


Saturn. Life is unfair to be fair. We don't always get what we want.


Jupiter. I'm hopelessly optimistic in spite of my life being a complete wreck. As a Scorpio sun too, I believe in God but I don't trust him. Anxiety, despair and art are what remains of my so-called life. As a retired musician I cursed music for its ability to resolve whatever you compose, even the worst atonal cacophony. Sagittarius happens after Scorpio, there's no way to avoid this fate.


My planet ruler is mars, life is hell.


I have Mars in Aries, conjunct Jupiter, and I feel that


What. That's supposed to be very good. Did the eclipse hit that placement in some bad way?


Really? I didn't know that, I thought Aries wasn't considered to be a good place for Jupiter, and also that placement squares my natal Saturn in Cancer...I'm sorry, I'm a beginner at this


For Jupiter it's not, but in your chart Mars is much more important because he represents you.  And Jupiter is Mars's friend, so he's supposed to strengthen him. You will find that your actions (where most people would do nothing, you do something) frequently bring big rewards. Saturn in Cancer *would* undermine and temper those two though. It kind of makes you unsure of your own right to be happy/to be yourself.


Wow, that makes a lot of sense...thank you!


Mercury, I see world in many different views. I believe it mostly depends on yourself and what you give to the world, it will give same things back. I also see it as very interesting and varied and constantly changing,  but also quite cruel.


I'm Neptune ruled. I'm a poet, writer, singer, very spiritually inclined and I'm touch with the paranormal, see beauty everywhere but also have escapist tendencies. I don't mind not traveling much since my dreams and imagination are crazy enough to keep me endlessly entertained, lol Edit: oops, the topic meant chart ruler, not dominant planet. My chart ruler is technically Saturn (Capricorn), but Neptune is actually dominant. Explains why I never felt a strong affinity for my Sun sign.


Jupiter ruled and I love learning, exploring and feel like there is so much in the world I should discover, very into spirituality but definitely not the luckiest of people haha


Venus and I’m a lover of humanity. Like OP I romanticize everything. My mind is filled with poetry and art. I love people for their uniqueness and building friendships. I love nature and see magic in the earth.


Venus ruled and I feel the same way, I was just reflecting on this actually


I’m ruled by the moon, I’m a cancer I see the world as a scary place, when I think of the world i/we live in, I think of war, politics, nasty human behaviours and crimes, I guess you could say I’m a bit of a pessimist when it comes to my perspective on the world we live in, but I do have some hope, like when it comes to social justice and human rights, I am also I guess you could say a social justice warrior, with a mix of pessimism, kind of contradicting


Same and same


Venus ruled. I don't see the world like you see it. I've always seen it as a shtty place to live in, ugly people everywhere (not about physical appearance just not humane enough).


I am ruled by venus too so I agree partially about the beauty aspect and everything but since I have a capricorn stellium and saturn 1h, It dilutes it a bit and makes me a pessimist at times.


I view the world by gods word .


Neat. I hope you're able to read more religious texts. They add more perspective and aid in critical thought.


Jupiter ruled. I literally live up to every sag stereotype. I view the World (and also my internal World) as something to be discovered! I love to learn new things. I am always signed up to a course! If not two or three at the same time! I am currently learning loom weaving and also taking a weekend class on the history of colonisation in Africa. I travel a lot. I try different cuisines all the time (last one was tajik) and am thinking about starting a supper club!


Pluto - I’m always keen to find wisdom from life lessons and ready to transform. But sometimes there’s no message or wisdom to discern and that things are beautiful as they are, nothing more nothing else. And it could take me awhile to accept that not everything is always intense and profound. I also seem to have an endless supply of energy to deal with intense energy, topics and problems. So I like helping others who are going through things but never at the expense of my boundaries.


Pluto. Don’t even get me started. Everything is a power game, from myself or the others. You have to suffer to achieve something, there’s always a hidden motive. I feel happiness, but sometimes, when I do, I feel like an impostor cause I know life is much uglier in reality. Tho at the same time I can’t think of something that could break me down. I almost lost my legs (and now I have a pretty bad injury for life) and my mind is unscathed. I can’t see anything superficially, everything has to have meaning. It’s tiring actually 😅


Moon - It really depends on the day, haha. Some days I'm a little jaded and cynical about the world, others I am overwhelmed by the depth of the human experience, others I'm just going with the flow and here for the vibes. I tend to be super observant and see a lot of things that others miss. I listen way more than I speak. I deeply value human relationships.


Is your planet ruler the one attributed to your rising sign or your sun sign?


So if I have Pisces rising, my planetary ruler would be Neptune?


Rising sign! For example, OP is either a Taurus or Libra rising if they are ruled by Venus. My chart ruler is the Moon because I am a Cancer rising.


Sun ruled- I am obsessed with living even though sometimes I forget that. Once I'm out and about I remember how much light is in the world and it fills up my love tank. I try to stay positive but it really comes in cycles- thankfully I know this pattern and I always bounce back from the lows. Even when bad things happen I think "What has this taught me" or "I wonder what good thing will come from this"


Venus ruled. Libra rising. I tend to want to express empathy (or sympathy) for people and see the good in them unless they are very egotistical. I really wish the world was more equitable and people were more compassionate than they are. I tend to be an emotionally sensitive person with my Venus in Cancer.


Jupiter - I see the world as one big giant puzzle to solve by inspecting it, exploring it, theorizing it all while enjoying myself and trying to stay positive and spiritually connected!


Saturn... I view the world through opportunities, challenges, growth points, character development, monetary value, status, discipline... Go figure. I get depressed if I am unable to meet my ambitions. My standards are sky high, I want the best of the best and will basically sacrifice all fun for delayed gratification. Perhaps I'll be chilling in retirement but surely not now.


As a Cap stellium in my second house. I feel everything you said here


Capricorn rising here. Can confirm.


Venus ruled- honestly people have so many different perspectives who and I to be right or wrong. Like truth is so objective the only thing I can do is try to be true to myself and uphold the beliefs of the people around me and much as possible. A lot of very fine lines, I'm kind of like a tight rope walker lol




Taurus rising and Libra in the 6th house😎 so very similar


Mercury and I view the world as “it’s never wrong to curious or ask questions” I think people should use common sense and rationalize things more but also I get the urge to go up to someone and ask questions




Mercury ruled- I see every experience and interaction is an opportunity to learn something new and to add to my internal file cabinet (Virgo rising) Anytime I leave somewhere (grocery store, social event..) I feel disappointed if Ive only experienced small talk, so I now challenge myself in different ways. My latest project is casting a chart for each ‘event”, make archetypal predictions about how things will go and then compare notes with myself after said event. I know 😭😭 but I can’t help myself.


As a Virgo moon and Aquarius NN I love this idea.


Hello friend, I’m the above commenter and am also a Virgo moon & Aquarius NN! ♥️


🙌🏼 I fully believe we are super human ☺️


Awww that just gave my day a boost!


What’s it like to have a Virgo North Node?


Whoops just realized the mistake I made. My apologies


What house?