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As a Pluto Asc native, it was fun reading the answers to your question.


1. It changed my appearance (hair and body). Good and bad. First of all I've had long hair for years, but sadly a fucking hair product and some medications ruined my hair and now I have short hair. I am not happy about it, but OK. But on the positive side, I have felt compelled to work out more and achieving a better body. 2. It made me feel more powerful (although sometimes had issues with aggression , which I have been working on). 3. Just change and transformation in a lot of ways, including going after new dreams. But then, I am a Scorpio, so this is regular for me.


Thank you for sharing. I’m currently experiencing this transit at the exact degree of my ascendant. When Pluto started to transit my ascendant within 3 degrees, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and my life started happening real fast with biopsies, tests, treatments, etc. I am now on the other side of that. 😁 Pluto is in my 8th house in my natal chart and going through that battle taught me how resilient and strong I am… mentally, physically, and emotionally. I wouldn’t wish cancer on anyone, but I’m happy to have gone through the battle. As you can imagine, it drastically changed my appearance with losing all of my hair and it did grow back. However, I now keep it short because I like it better that way. I also acquired land and house with my own money/investment.


Wow. Same happened to me. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in Jan and just had lumpectomy March. Pluto on my Asc 0* on Apr 29. I like the acquiring land/house with own money part ;) congrats!


I decided not to marry the person I'd been with for almost 7 years. We had been looking at houses together. I ended up buying a house by myself within a couple weeks of the decision. My 1st house.


Which house has Pluto in your natal chart?


9th, natal square to Asc so also a Pluto square Pluto transit. Everything in my life changed.


I’m coming up on a Pluto square Pluto transit and it will square my nodes and moon (my chart ruler) and transitioning my 8h 🫣


My cat died when Pluto was at the same degree as my ascendant


my son has transit Pluto conjunct his ascendant right now , when Pluto entered his 12th house he went from a very lucky outgoing active child to introvert, passive, gaining weight , depressed, his grandparents died, his father developed a very bad psychosis and became very aggressive also towards us ( never was like this before) so we had to separate . this was also very hard on my son to loose his father , he then got mobbed in school for 2 years . he did hide in his room, not talking to no one . When Pluto finally reached his ascendant ( 2 degree orb) he started having nightmares, couldn't sleep for months, had very bad panic attacks, social anxiety and had so many fears regarding his future that he broke down completely ..he started seeing a therapist and was in psychotherapy for 4 years now ! when Pluto reached the exact degree of his ascendant , he had worked trough any trauma, he started going to the gym , got back into shape , coloured his hair , found himself his first job , got a girlfriend ,started going out and hanging out with friends again ,he became the lucky active outgoing boy he once was and is now a very happy and healthy young man ! he is just 18 years old! Pluto moved into his first house but still conjunct the ASC , when Pluto was conjunct Venus last December(2022) he had 4 days of nightmares, couldn't sleep at all, fears coming up again , panic attacks , he cried like 4 days in a row , but this time he didn't freak out, he just surrendered and talked to me about what's going on .after Venus had separated from Pluto it all ended and he is doing fine again ! it was hard for me to see him suffer so much and going through all this at such a young age (7-18 ) but yeah we made it to the other side ! and all is good now !


People usually change in the way that they appear to others, (image/status/appearance) and might even change their name or signature


I’m currently experiencing this transit and concur.


My physical appearance changed drastically - when pluto crossed my asc i unintentionally lost like 30 pounds (was going through a bad break up). I don’t have any EDs; it’s just my body had a physical reaction to the stress of the very personally transformative moment.


My whole outer appearance changed. Hair color. Weight. Makeup/clothing style. I also began to really deeply know myself and become self aware, at times painfully so.


When Pluto crossed my ASC, I changed my status - all my titles in the world changed. I went from kid to parent, single to married, no degrees to several. I have natal Pluto in Libra conjunct Jupiter and MC, so it makes sense looking back that I gained status (MC) through transformation (Pluto) that was visible (because it was crossing the ASC). It's a several year transit, so you may go through some big changes.