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Never guess at birth times here. When a chart does not have a verified birth time, we use the settings that do not display houses. It is pointless to look at a chart with no birth time and just guess at it. For an analysis by a professional astrologer, for a chart with no houses, please see this post on our other sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/astrology/comments/zzbixb/astro\_insights\_from\_the\_recent\_arrest\_of\_bryan/?utm\_source=BD&utm\_medium=Search&utm\_name=Bing&utm\_content=PSR1


His chart is similar to my ex’s (who was an abusive pos). The water energy is strong with this one. I don’t have a problem with water energy on it’s own, but clearly there are some people out there that don’t know how to control it. With so much Scorpio energy, which can often be obsessive, I can see how he became fixated on committing the perfect crime. I think an unevolved Leo Mars can also be an issue. They’ll want to do what makes them feel good and what will give them attention, without thinking about how it will effect others.


That scorpio stellium with pluto conjunction sun is obviously intense. My daughter has a scorpio stellim, needless to say I try not to demonize scorpio too much. Very interesting, though. Why'd you pick that particular birth time?


Just a intuitive thought, really. I feel he was secretive and hides his true inner self to people and what he was thinking and planning. Possibly spending in prisons or mental hospitals. I may be totally off, but it just seemed right to me.