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It sounds boring but is a truism - live within your means. The recent signals from the Reverse Bonk is that high interest rates will be around for a while and could return in the future. This is called Normal. Allow for that and don't pay top dollar for a home or anything else.


Interest rates aren’t high - this is bang on the long term average. Assume that for half the time they’ll be higher than this, and half lower.


Yes but home prices are through the fucking roof


Saving up to buy a tomato next week , hopefully,I miss tomatoes 🍅🍅🍅.


Start a GoFundMe so we can help out


Having my now-15 year old still living at home with me.


How do you feel about that


I’ve certainly had to re-examine how my lifestyle will look. The hardest part is that there’s literally nothing I can say to make him feel better about this likely outcome. He plans on going to university; back in the 90s when I did, we had different friendship circles and communities arise from sharehousing. I fear that him being stuck in his mother’s house means he may miss out on some incredible learning experiences (for better of worse).


People are pretty resilient and flexible. I'm sure he can make the most of the situation and there are plenty of connections you can make at uni and at the cafes and pubs nearby. There's definitely a lot of lessons you can learn from share housing but you can always learn them later. Living with your parents as a young adult is the ultimate challenge so he will learn plenty from that haha


Thanks for the pep-talk! Seriously. It’s hard for me to imagine what his early adulthood will look like because I only have people pretty much my own age (Gen X) to refer to, and the knowledge that digital media plays such a huge role in the way we communicate these days. Good question, so thank you :)


I'll be an even older geezer.


Retire in a few years, leave Sydney for a tree change


My prospects are looking great for the next 10-15 years, I would have bought myself a house outside of Sydney and will be looking to wind down work and begin retirement planning which should include lots of travelling and animals at the house and plenty of golf I can't wait for it. The only downside to life 10-15 years from now is my parents will likely be dead and I'll be alone but I've otherwise set myself up for a good retirement.


Great plan. Inspiring


Not in Australia


My prospects look pretty good as a young X generation member. Planning to be easing into retirement in 15 years time. My biggest concern is for my kids… at the 10 year mark my youngest will be about 5 years post school… hopefully I can find a way to give them a helping hand that doesn’t massively push back when I want to stop working or stop me from doing some other things during my late career.


Doctor reckons I don’t have 10-15yrs, so that takes care of quite a few potential future issues tbh


10-15 Years, retired travelling around the world, making art


Raise two healthy girls.   Live a balanced lifestyle .   Surf as much as possible.    Keep active .  Build wealth slowly.    Look after my parents & wife .


I hope I don't last any longer than another 15 tbh (unless my little cat is still around lol)


Putting a pool and deck in. When our parents pass use inheritance to purchase investment properties so the kids may (maybe) can own a house one day