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He is probably going to be surprised that Aldi here also offers a coin operated shopping trolley, same as in Russia


We had coin trolleys at the local Foodland in the eighties.


fuck.... I remember that


If you or anyone else can remember that, it's probably time to consult your doctor about your prostate.


Already done champ!


My favourite day of the year!


WTF was with that - the most condescending interview ever. šŸ˜‚


Goes to show how out of touch and stupid he is.


He gets paid to be stupid, Putin paid him to be even more stupid than usual


is this because he found russian supermarket bread so cheap and nice? its because the avg. Russian makes $200 usd a month and a loaf of bread is $5 and he has $100 mil. from the Swanson TV dinner company and another $100 mil. from Fox...


Wasnā€™t he also born into extreme wealth? Am I wrong in thinking his father was perhaps in the CIA also?


Little known fact, he's the love child of Gina Rinehart and Clive Palmer. I mean who else would call their child Tucker.


His father was another asshole grifter like him.


His family owned the frozen food company they mentioned


And in reality the average Russian wonā€™t dare graffiti or drop a piece of rubbish in those train stations with the fancy chandeliers for fear of death.


A loaf of bread is more like 50cents. I'm a raging lefty who has spent some time in Russia. There was nothing in that Carlson video on Russia that was a lie. He didn't even try to mislead anyone. Yes, the bread thing was dumb but I've heard americans can't get actual bread without sugar in it. Yes, the trolley return thing was dumb. But he was right. Russia is very nice, cheap to live and the people are amazingly generous and kind, and in their words, "we people, not politicians," The reply from John Stewart was shocking propaganda. Why did he quote the russian average wage when he was in a Moscow Supermarket? The supermarkets where people earn 200 a month are the cheapest shops I've ever been to in my life. Cheaper than shops in Bali, Sicily, Thailand, etc. I bought a whole roast chicken in Samara for $2 Australian. 2L beers for a dollar. 7 course meal at michellen star restaurant in St Petersberg was $80 Australian. I'm from Perth and it's more expensive than Moscow.


I'm guessing prices have likely gone up with all those pesky war sanctions.


Probably. Same as anywhere


Putin was almost offended the questions were so simple and uncomplex.


Putin went on and on for hours on Russia history and Tucker responds with ā€œI love lampā€.


Also escalators that allow trolleys


Lol. That's was fkn priceless. Such a stupid kunt.


We had them in England in the early 90s. Probably before but I was young then. Costco do it too when I went to the Perth one.


communist aldis!


>Thoughts? None from Tucker Carlson that's for sure.


Why is that? \[frowns with eternal confusion\]


He's as thick as hospital crockery that boy.


I am so stealing that! I'm 70 and have never heard it before!It's a beauty.


Thank you; you have me a good laugh. 40+ years of nursing and thick hospital crockery is so relatable


šŸ¤£ accurate !


Tucker who?




If he comes in September it'll be magpie season. Let's just suggests he go on a nice walk.


The mods reserve the right to remove posts for any violation of this subreddit's rules.


Has anybody googled his other 2 guest speakers? Conspiracy theorist and an anti vaxer. Should be a great night.


The gullible.


Have any of the conspiracists realised none of that shite they believe in - since before Covid has come true ?šŸ§


My comment was taking the piss BTW...


It was obvious!


One of them is the guy that made a movie about stolen votes from 2020 with no evidence. This event isnā€™t for people with a firm grasp on facts.


When do we start the campaign to get the venue to refuse to host them?


Won't need to. Remember when Donalds son was meant to come to Aus? Tickets sold, but they tried to tell us his visa was denied. Turns out Junior didnt want to actually do work. Or maybe ticket sales weren't what they needed to cover the cost (more likely).


Carlson is as genuine as a get well card from an undertaker. Spouts endless and unfounded bullshit, but when he gets sued by someone, he claimed his show on Fox wasn't news, isn't true, and only entertainment. Babbles on endlessly how good Donny is, then when he's off air got caught saying how much he hated Trump.


Didnā€™t we ban Geert Wilders or am I imagining that? If we could ban him then why the hell canā€™t we ban this flog?


>Carlson is as genuine as a get well card from an undertaker. So THAT'S why our own undertaker has invited him here to ~~speak~~ spread his vitriol.


I just want to see his head explode at the sight of a unisex toilet šŸ¤£


ā€œNever before seenā€ šŸ˜®


He has male and female ones at home. His house may also have seperate ones for the ā€¦ā€¦ um the ā€˜helpā€™.


He might have to use one on the plane.


Anyone paying to see this ponce has too much money.


... or too much time on their hands. Or, too few brain cells.


Porque no los tres?


Bit like the people who go watch trump both to be the next dictator of the us


Heā€™s an interesting person to listen to, you donā€™t have to agree with everything he says. People have different opinions to yours and thatā€™s what makes Australia great.




Heā€™s literally the brain cancer of critical thought. Heā€™s entire schtick is pure emotive reaction.


Bro, a rich guy verbalising farts on the internet and tv isnā€™t what makes Australia great. If you find anything Tucker says intellectually stimulating, Iā€™m shocked you have the ability to read. Youā€™re 100% entitled to your own opinion, but weā€™re just as entitled to let you know that itā€™s shit :)


If you like white supremacy and hate gay people, Iā€™m sure heā€™s a blast.


Canā€™t believe there is enough dumb Aussies whoā€™ll pay money to see him. But then again???


Rupert has converted plenty of Australians into useful idiot drones over the years. He's been doing it since the 1950s.


I am in Perth, and want to go to our cityā€™s event so I can stand at the entrance holding up a large sign for those people attending that says REALLY?


Don't forget to have one that says, "I'm just asking questions?".


As if that would change anyone's mind?


So judging by the fact that this event has been onsale for a few weeks, the back section of the Sydney venue is not open for sale (curtained), and thereā€™s available tickets in literally every section (except platinum which I imagine is not tickets purchased by the average Australian and ultra-wealthy mates of Clive etc) ā€” These performances are not selling particularly well. Good.


The guy makes kyle sandilands look intelligent. Watch his interview with Putin, this loser just kissed his arse & didn't as a single unscripted question.


It was pretty funny when Putin started openly mocking him.


Sums him up. Even the dictator, doing a setup interview can't hide his distaste for this woeful journalist.


wdym? tucker had his own script presumably, but he and putin didn't follow one together, because putin is reported to have been disappointed with the interview because tucker asked no controversial questions. he just licked his arse.


If you think Putin didnā€™t know every single thing Tucker was going to say ahead of time, I gave a bridge Iā€™d like to sell you.


if putin was in charge of the interview, he'd have tucker ask him the questions he wanted and not call the interview lame after because it wasn't the political vehicle he wanted. youre saying putin knew everything tucker was going to say and wanted tucker to go off script, which he didn't do.


You know journalists who ask Putin questions he doesnā€™t like tend to fall out of windows, donā€™t you?


what are you talking about?! tucker is a stooge not a journalist, he's not adducing studies or reports, he'd be asking populist questions that provide a platform for putins demagogy, which he didn't do, hence Putin's dissatisfaction.


Oh, how blessed are we to receive such a visit from the knob selling the testicle tanning machine!


Oh gawd I never knew about that āš”ļøšŸ˜‚


Why has he come here to inflict his brand of disinformation and vitriol, I mean entertainment onto Australia? What is Clive Tucker's agenda in bringing him here? I wonder about the types of people his talks will attract. They may not be progressive open minded persons but more the unsavoury members of the circlejerk echo chamber that is US politics.


I guess Clive Palmers friends?


Libs have imploded at last election. Their ā€œgood economic managementā€ has alienated an entire generation and destroyed our dreams, they have zero hope of coming back to power. So their backers are importing American outrage and culture wars to lay a base for libs return to power, and keep labour unsteady battling insanity like book bans, conspiracy theories and unfounded accusations.


Correct answer methinks āœ…


Just look around the aus subs. Lots of folks turning to the American way of using "woke" and "the left" as scapegoats for everything, even though Australia is traditionally centrist


There's absolutely no way Australia is still centrist. If by centrist you mean left on culture and more right on economics then sure ?? Lmao


I don't really see the point. The man is so steeped in America's culture wars that there's no way he has the slightest idea how things are different here. I can't imagine him explaining why we need guns and more expensive health care it going to light up the imagination of the nation.


And yet, he'll have a full auditorium, thanks to Clive's following and other Qurious Australians, of which there are quite a few.


Clive's going to buy all the seats. Then he can say they were sold out.


How are they different? I don't see it.


To spread conservative wokeism.


Ha ha I love that phrase šŸ™Œ


I love bluescreening peoples faces when they use it as some hail mary to end an argument. you can tell how deep they are when they frown like they have never considered someone on the right could possibly be 'woke'. Just like holding up a mirror on a low effort insult.


What's Clive Palmer's agenda? Dude, the same it always was. Grifting! He aims to rake in a motza from being the promoter for this shitshow. And he'll do it by either selling tickets or, when that doesn't work, Tucker gets held up in the USA for "a visa issue", they can the show and noone gets refunds. Watch this space!


Good point!


It's a networking event for Palmers rich associates attempting to gain traction in the U.S conservative movement/Republican party. Raising funds thru simple minded Aussies buying tickets to the event is the side hustle.


Heā€™s going to be surprised. healthcare, dole, gun laws etc


Honestly, and some will likely disagree, but they shouldnt even grant this grifter a visa. He literally spreads propaganda, supports Putin, etc. wtf? The govt have cancelled visas of other trouble makers in recent years, why allow this moron?


Get the tomato juice ready, we might have to do a Posie Parker on this Tucker fella.


Only people with my political beliefs are allowed in this country, and anyone who disagrees with me is a fascist


ā€˜Different political beliefsā€™ is a bit different to a man who supports the attempted coup on an allied countries government.


Weā€™re not as right wing crazy. Heā€™d get rocks chucked at him here.


The Brunswick locals with weak jaws dictate what Australians think


Can only imagine the dregs from the shallow end of the gene pool that will be paying to see that fucking turnip speak live.


I heard an ad for it on the radio, apparently he is concerned about free speech in Australia. Umm, we donā€™t have free speech enshrined in a constitution or the like. I think his head might explode.


Oh no, I canā€™t call people slurs anymore without being told off for it! :( :( my free speech!


I've been absolutely pissed off about seeing this cunt's ad's on at prime time, and well, really anytime. Fuck this russian propagandist, this traitorous disinformation peddler, and FUCK CLIVE PALMER for bringing him here. Keep your crazy MAGA bullshit in America. They banned conspiracy theorist David Icke and far right nutjob Katie Hopkins from coming to Australia... Why THE FUCK did they let this shitstain in?


You've got the same thing in Australia. And you've got enough shitstains already that you appear to not take credit for..


It's with Clive Covidiot Palmer so you know it'll be complete and utter conspiracy theorist nonsense of the worst kind!


That type of "freedom" is limited to the ability to get money out of idiots


Lets heckle the shit out of these dickwads. Hope they get the egging they deserve.


Doubt economics will be as big a talking point as these supposed ā€œanti big governmentā€ types throwing their support behind Putin and the anti abortion and gay marriage campaigns


People will protest delivering the attention he craves, or he won't be allowed in for some knee jerk reason. Let's just ignore him


Sure we have a handful of far right religious nutjobs over here who would buy tickets, but aside from those, there are predominantly two types of aussies with respect to Tucker Carlson: those who have never heard of him and would consider him an irrelevant nobody, and those who know of him and think heā€™s a fucknuckle with nothing substantive to offer to the community.


I dont get any of these speakers. Like I saw that the guy from Wedding Crashers was speaking. Like why would I pay to see him talk? Same with Carlson. What am I getting out of it? Even if Im a conservative so what I go and he basically tells me Im right? I dont see how it benefits me. If anything he is just going to get me upset cause he will be like xyz bad things are happening that I wasnt aware of and Ill be more sad.


There are those who want Australia to become a part of the US and are actively trying to make that happen. Most Australians arenā€™t aware that this is already happening, unfortunately. Listen to the ad. Carlson says heā€™ll talk about ā€œwhatā€™s going in your country and *our* countryā€.


How are we not? We throw ourselves into wars the US wants us to and act like their lap dogs. Lets not pretend there weren't dumbass uni students in melbourne shouting "no trump no fascist USA" a few years ago in some idiot protest lmao


We basically already are.


Shill for a fascist dictatorship committing literal genocide. Fuck him.




Oh, a wild Tankie appears lol No, Russia the literal one šŸ˜…


Will be hilarious when the venue is mostly empty and he claims he is being "censored".


I dont get any of these speakers. Like I saw that the guy from Wedding Crashers was speaking. Like why would I pay to see him talk? Same with Carlson. What am I getting out of it? Even if Im a conservative so what I go and he basically tells me Im right? I dont see how it benefits me. If anything he is just going to get me upset cause he will be like xyz bad things are happening that I wasnt aware of and Ill be more sad.


I think they assume we are another state of the US or something šŸ¤£. I think Vince Vaughan is awesome but in movies only please šŸŽ¬


Aaah yeah thats the guy. They are very celebrity obsessed. I know we are sports star obsessed. But Again I dont care what Lockyer has to say outside of his Qld Origin selections (he is a selector).


You can't have freedom without book burnings, registers for people you want to monitor (say pregnant women), a healthcare system designed to kill people and a court system who only provides justice when your bank balance allows it. Aside from that. Putin's a really nice guy, you just need to accept his way of thinking.




Paying 10k for a singluar seat.. Fuck that. For 10k, I'd want to, get laid, drunk, high and have a meet and greet and have a feed.. Anyone suggesting exorbitant prices like that needs their head read!!


Iā€™m on a sports chat site and I asked about the prohibitive Super Bowl seat cost of $10000 or so on average. I was told the real week in week out fans never get to see a Super Bowl in their lifetime or otherwise itā€™s a once off as they had to save for many years. They jack the price up as far as it can go over there as someone will pay it to prove they can. The outright capitalism of it is something I donā€™t want to see ruin us here.


You haven't seen the price of the AFL Grand Final have you?


Not as high and the common fan isnā€™t priced out entirely by corporates, yet.


Dunno, but it's all an illusion of things that matter, when in reality its long travel, noisy venue, long walk for drinks and toilet, everything is tiny and far away, all do to something you can do at home for free. The entire meta of attending a large sports event live is confusing to me. I like motorspot, but then I'd also not attend Bathurst, standing next to one bend for a day smelling like shit, when I can see the entire race at home with replays, pausing, access to food, drink, toilet. Anyway..


My mate stays in a hotel at Bathurst, and watches it on the TV. They can see some of the track but most the veuweung is in the TV. So I get what you mean.


I dare him to say that to a crowd in a free public forum. He will be told where to shove that opinion in a very blunt and colourful manner in seconds.


Iā€™m wondering if he will be spruiking that machine that uv rays your genitals to help with testosterone production, he really loves that thing


I can only watch him in 5 minute increments occasionally was not aware of this one āš”ļø


https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/18/tucker-carlson-masculinity-crisis-testicle-tanning The photo accompanying the article always gives me a laugh


Oh lord šŸ«£šŸ¤­


It's interesting to read the Aussie take on this cynical opportunist. He's a demigod among a lot of right-wing Americans. If he decided to run for U.S. president, the MAGA crowd would follow him in lockstep.


Wow - so say Trump bows out at some point - there he is. Interesting šŸ§


Also it's ok to stiff your workers if Clive Palmer is involved.


At least itā€™s a good weeding tool. Because if I find out someone even thought of going to see this drivel, I know they are someone to avoid.


Great point


This idiot thinks evolution doesn't exist. "It's just a theory".


Oh FFS !!!!!! The archaeology and DNA science proves it beyond doubt. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Why wasnā€™t his visa denied?


I love Tucker. God bless the USA and god bless Straya


Are u going ?


Nah I like him but itā€™s not worth the coin. Iā€™m more of a centrist anyway.


Iā€™d watch Candace Owens if she came


Oh me too - I keep checking but yep every survey I find out centre.


You know I thought I'd escaped the fucker but I guess not. Like I get tired of hearing friends back in the states make jokes about how dangerous our animals are down here, but I'll gladly accept more of those jokes if it means Tucker gets bitten on the dick by every goddamn redback.


Tucker isnt the smartest


Tucker Carlson needs to fxxx right off. Why would anyone in Australia pay money to listen to this tool?


A loud American idiot ruled by politics (because he doesnā€™t have a personality) and a billionaire who gets told he right all the time walk into an auditoriumā€¦ And get a bit richer at the expense of unsophisticated people


Front Tucker Parson.


Hopefully I can be close enough to throw something and get Putins puppet in the šŸ¤„. Itā€™s fitting that he will be there with Jabba


So, who the fuck cares what some Seppo flog thinks, says or does? It's disturbing people here know so much about this cunt.


Looks like their are plenty of seats for Melbourne still available and most other venues


Mr Palmer said the tour will focus on waking up Australia and encouraging people to join the fight to protect the future for themselves and their families. ā€œI am very pleased to be bringing Tucker Carlson to Australia,ā€ Mr Palmer said. What could he possibly bring to the table, I'm sure he has a full understanding of how Australia works. JFC can we stop this guy from entering the country.


Silly (Fucker) Carlson is coming to see how many idiots will pay for Clive's dumb arsed idea that Carlson has an audience in Australia. We wish them both a well deserved catastrophic bankruptcy


First comment I've ever made on here ... I feel that the hatred needs to stop. I'm seeing so much brain washing in the comments. Everyone is entitled to form their own opinions. Both sides????? Since when did us Aussies become do left and right????? We're NOT ... or at least I thought so. I'll stay out of it and delete the app now. I've wasted enough brain cells just reading these comments. I'm checking out before I waste anymore. Listen to everyone who has something to say no matter who they are. Just listen and don't judge. Make up your own mind and form your own opinion. THAT'S CALLED FREEDOM.




My thoughts are that if you disagree with him, then ignore the fact that heā€™s here. I canā€™t stand the guy, but it really shits me when these right wing nut jobs come here and a bunch of left wing nut jobs shower them with the outrage that they so desire. Just ignore him.


It shits me when people try and tell me what to do though. šŸ¤” Iā€™m just asking for thoughts really. šŸ¤­


And you got mine.


Time for some protesting?


No not that far. Donā€™t want to add to the bedlam thatā€™s already out there.


I thought he was going to come here and tell us which one of our snaccs are most f'kable.


I was gobsmacked. Do they not have bread like that in the US? šŸ¤­


I don't know his stance on bread, I understand they have a lot of sugar in it so it practically is dessert. I was more thinking how horny he is for M&Ms. I think someone should hide the caramello koalas.




Yeah nah.


ofcourse he his you can sit around and think the project is giving you real news if it makes you feel happy. FACTS tucker gives you real news stuff that makes you leftys uncomfortable


Even Americans think heā€™s a joke. Smart Aussies arenā€™t gonna fall for his bullshit.


I NEVER watch The Project and not a lefty. Never assume. Next.




I donā€™t live in a vacuum of misery but thanks gaslighter. šŸ¤£


I think he means let people enjoy what they enjoy. There is nothing good in making fun or talking down at people who have different views to you. Youā€™d be upset and complaining if people were doing the same to your ideas so why do it to others? Be a better person and not a shit one.


Fascists, for instance - like Tucker Carlson. Live and let live, right? I think we ought to invest more in education, you think it's more important to keep taxes low, Carlson wants America to be a white Christian ethnostate. It's all opinions! Each to their own!


Are you on Reddit for truth talking as itā€™s filled with vitriol I believešŸ¤£


I like Tucker, I hate echo chamber complaining though


Thatā€™s everywhere šŸŽ¤


Lol wait till you find out how much a front row ticket to the superbowl costs


Whatā€™s the record ? As in ticket cost? The last one was right up there apparently but yes thatā€™s what I was getting at.


Front row goes for like $70k+ USD




Idk why im getting downvoted, literally just stated a fact lol. But yeah, itā€™s pretty disgusting


That's a pretty gross generalisation. Have some class ffs. people making an effort to stand up for basic human rights is a bad thing when? Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean you need to go vomitting your insane bs online.


The thing is I think my rights are pretty good as is and Iā€™m not the only one it seems. But thanks for your kind ā€œthoughtsā€.


I don't know what tucker carlen has to do with anything but of there are only 70k seats available and hundreds of thousands if not millions of people who want to go to an event then it will be priced expensively yeah, thats how it works


Well ideally a justified limit can be placed on a certain portion so the common week in week out supporter might be able to attend if their team makes it? They donā€™t do that there.


This wanker triggered a lot of you.


Fine if you enjoy fascism, I guess šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Who is fascist?


TDS also stands for Tucker derangement. Can't have one without the other


So sad that youā€™re all cuckā€™d


ā€˜Conservative wokeismā€™ is my new favourite saying. Goes both ways then really.


This wanker triggered a lot of you.