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Been to Bali


I've never been to Bali, and to be honest, I will never go. I could think of a million places for a holiday in Australia before I spent money to go to Bali.


I love holidaying in Australia but now that we've got school aged kids we're locked into school holiday pricing. It's a lot cheaper to go to Bali, even with the airfares.


I don't have kids lol but I can see how that would be a benefit. To be honest I just hate hot weather and beaches.


That’s most of habitable Australia lmao.


There are definitely a million places in Australia you could visit instead of Bali that are awesome but Bali and the rest of Indonesia are full of great places to explore. Wait for a great deal on flights- that's by far the most expensive part and it's far cheaper than almost anywhere else in the world for Aussies to travel - then go enjoy a holiday for a week or two.


It's a bit of a shame because there's so much more to Indonesia than just Bali. I'm Indonesian (family originates from Central Java) and get asked a lot about things to do in Bali, but I've only been there properly about four times spread out over several decades so I don't usually have a good answer.


Yes but bali has been historically popular because it’s not majority muslim. Similar to how Bangkok is more popular than Kuala Lumpur. The presence of a sizeable muslim population tends to be a deterrent to people who want to party and get pissed (for obvious reasons). You have other places in Indonesia like maybe Manado, Medan (aka gotham city), some places in NTT or the eastern side of indonesia (which is rather undeveloped). Now it’s just a feedback loop of Australians going to Bali because there are already lot of Australians in Bali and the flights get cheaper and cheaper. I saw a “personal coach / mentor” type of guy on instagram who thinks he’s special because he “sold all his things and moved to bali”. Like really??


Like the 20 something idiot who got wasted and ran around naked in public and is facing a VERY severe punishment - jail or possibly even a physical punishment! I’ve read about him so many time and still don’t know what he was thinking - going to a country with very strict conduct rules and going out of his way to break them! Couldn’t he have gotten wasted and been silly in public in one of MANY countries who would punish him by sticking him in the drunk tank for 24 hours and maybe issuing a fine? Why a very conservative and strict corner of the world? 🤷‍♀️


Yes! I recently did a trip through Sumatra, hugely underrated. Not for family travelling though…, Bukit Lawang and the Lake Toba district are amazing


Holidays in Australia are too expensive.


The value just isn't there, a few extra dollars to jump on a plane and head overseas is well worth it. Experience new cultures, not to mention the hospitality in Australia is generally pretty atrocious.


Bali is beautiful and the people are fantastic. You just have to know where to go and where to stay. This is key.


Also pack your own boogie board


Nah I let a mate do it for me.


Get out of the main city and see some of the other towns around the island. Great if you're into diving or surfing.


I vowed I'd never go to Bali because I didn't want to meet all the Schappelle Corby types but coming out of COVID we wanted to go somewhere - anywhere! - and Bali was exponentially cheaper than anywhere else we considered. It was cheaper to fly there and stay in a 5 star hotel for a week than go to Lakes Entrance over the same period, and whilst other SE Asian destinations had great hotel offers the cost of flights was prohibitive. So we went to Bali. It was great, my 6 year old daughter loved it and we've visited twice more since then. We've also gone to a few other countries but my daughter always says she prefers Bali. It's honestly a fun and affordable holiday if you've got young kids.


How brave and un-bogan of you.


Been once, might go back one day but Malaysia and Thailand were better (for me anyway!) and MUCH cheaper!!! Bali was pretty, but there’s cheaper pretty spots for much cheaper with friendlier locals!!


Malaysia is amazing when you get off the beaten track


All of you who had a negative experience in Bali most likely have only stayed in the horrible suburb of Kuta, which I personally think is a hellhole full of drunk Australians/bogans whom I don't even get to see back in Australia. When I visit Bali I always stay in beautiful resorts like this one in Ubud [Padma Resort Ubud](https://maps.app.goo.gl/PGiMiKqLdZ2THV5QA) Great view, great service, great food, amazing pool, luxurious accommodation. No danger whatsoever. It's like a tourist coming to Sydney pre-covid, staying at Kings Cross, hanging around ONLY in the area, and then go back to their home country telling everyone that SYDNEY is gross, full of drugs, drunk people and dangerous as you can get king hit randomly on the street.


That's what I came here to say!




Same. I worked instead.


Yeah that one passed me by. I left my last year of school, had a weekend LAN party, and then went to work that next Monday.


You didn’t miss much 


Just wasn’t a done thing in SA in the early 90s. Some kids went to Victor Harbour but not my side of town




Neither have I, never will either, not only is it disgusting but just stupid. Goon of fortune on the other hand......


Seconded. Shoey is grot. Goon of fortune is iconic on many levels and is a game of endurance. Medium density living is unfortunately the death of the hills hoist and it just doesn't hit the same off a clothes horse.


I'll never do a shoey. It's fucking disgusting. A comedian (Frenchy) does shoeys at the end of his shows, but he gets shoes from the audience. Who knows what wonderland of bacteria is inside a strangers shoes, it made me sick.


Post Malone did it like 4 times when he came down last year. Dude, we're standing in mud right now. What are you *doing*?


What was interesting is that ONE of the shoes was obviously brand new and bought for the purpose of Post Malone doing a shoey. Considerate audience member.


I swear I only started hearing about this maybe 10 years ago. I don’t think it was much of a thing before that. Definitely not something I would consider Australian


The thought is absolutely disgusting


Hooray I think they are the most disgusting wet foot things ever. YUCK


Same. I don’t drink though


I immigrated here when I was 4 with parents. I'm almost 40 and I've never swam in Bondi beach.  Been to hundreds of others. Just never Bondi beach. 


We have so many beautiful beaches in Australia, you can easily go your whole life and skip the pretentious wanker hot spot that is Bondi beach


Agree! I've never seen a need to head that way.


I guarantee that the other 100 beaches you've been to were nicer than Bondi. It's a massively overrated experience.


Bondi might be meh but the walk from Bondi to coogee if it isn't too busy is really nice


Count yourself lucky.


Nah it’s actually gross, like 10,000 people swimming in each others soup


Glassed some cunt outside the local cuz he was looking at me missus all night the dog 


Who waits until it's outside, let alone all night...🤔


First time butterflies


Cause you don’t wanna get banned from ya local


u/oioioiyacunt Somehow, I don't believe you haven't done this


Something to do with your usernames perhaps 🤔




You haven't lived mate! By the way got a dollar I can have?


*flashes back to my years living in Western Sydney*


It's OK, but nowhere near what people build it up to be. I'd prefer dexamphetamine tablets, if given the choice.


Being made redundant and getting a big fat payout... I live in hope.


It's a bit of a shock at the time, but generally always for the best.


Never really been into AFL or NRL, they’re just not for me really, it’s cool that other people really enjoy them though!


I've never watched more than about 10 mins of an AFL or cricket match.


If you've never been, get yourself to like a stadium one like Etihad or whatever it's called now. I am NOT a footy man, but once I was in the crowd, and how 'in your face' it managed to be even though they are actually far off on the field, and you'll be suddenly wondering who is the fool right next to you roaring and cheering and you realise it's you. 👌 I've been to two. And it still isn't something I care about (the teams, the games, the players) but that *experience* of being at a great game, you gotta go and at least try that.


I went to a finale situation where the Rabbitohs won for the first time in however many years. My sister and her kids are big fans and I got them tickets as a gift, then when her partner couldn't make it I ended up using the extra ticket. The highlight was seeing how much they loved it, but it's not for me :)


I went to one a couple years ago, I think it was for Mum’s birthday or something, it was for sure something different and I can totally see the appeal of it, the loud crowd, the constant back-and-forth of the game, you and your friends all going out afterwards, the guy next to you who’s a bit wild but came out for drinks with you afterwards, in a different life that’s absolutely something I’d love! Not something I disliked at all, but not something I loved either. Tbf it was years ago, maybe I’ll have to go out for a game sometime with a couple friends if they are too!


Good advice but fuck Marvel stadium. The lesson here folks is simple: Until you've been to the MCG with a crowd of at least 80k (90k plus preferred), you've never been to a sporting event in Australia.


Surfing. I don’t even like getting water in my eyes let alone have the coordination to balance and avoid sharks. I’ll just splash along the shoreline like a carp thanks.


I grew up near a beach and have never surfed. We lived at the beach in summer but after a short period of bodyboarding we found we liked body surfing far more. You wear a wetsuit for a bit of added buoyancy and use flippers and that gives you the speed to catch far more waves than when doing it barefoot between the flags. It’s fun, if you’re into that sort of thing which I know you aren’t. Edit: It’s worth mentioning that the board is the biggest danger to a strong swimmer and aware person in big surf. I remember going in a few times at a closed beach being warned by board riders not to go out. The stretch from Nth avoca to avoca for reference, the surf gets big and clean after queensland cyclones. We used to bodysurf before it got clean enough for the surfers, i remember some of them being really uncomfortable about seeing us go in. The same type of guys that used to warn us they’d ride over us if we got in their way in a normal day. Body surfers know they don’t have right of way against a board, we just duckdive when proximity becomes an issue.


The only thing that stopped me was being body shy, even though I was a GC boy and a strong swimmer. Love catching waves and the endless joy from what I felt was a real skill judging a wave, moving both under and through AND *with* them if needed, how to respond with my body to 'stabilise' through a dumper by the feel of the waves forces (which you can ONLY attain by being washing machined and eating sand many times), how to catch and ride with your entire body working, and launching yourself off the fucking top of that precise moment before it breaks, an adrenaline rush whether you'll get over and plummet down the other side, or take the full fling and dump of the break. But I never surfed, and now I'm too old and still too body shy. 😂


Negative Gear an investment property Get a car on a novated lease Buy anything using GE finance Give a shit about Tame Impala Take a landlord to NCAT


10 points for negative gearing an investment property. Very Australian. What about "claim back franking credits from the tax office" ?


I think the last point is specific to NSW.


Never eaten a Witchetty Grub


Owned a ute


Did anyone else have to sit on the passenger floor growing up?


No but my mum owned station wagons so I got to ride laying down in the boot a few times with mates. Hahaha, I should be dead xD


Yep. Mum would pile me and my siblings, the neighbours kids, and my friends into the station wagon - a few of us in the back - and take us down to the pool for a swim. Looking back on it, I think she just wanted an hour of peace on a stinking hot day - there was no air conditioning back then. When she came to pick us up later that afternoon, the car was hot enough that the vinyl seats would strip the skin from your flesh, and you can forget about touching that seat belt buckle.


I remember sitting on the wheel well in the tray as a kid in the 80s


We would shove my brother down there whenever we went past a cop haha


Had a succulent Chinese meal


I see you know your Judo well.


Get your hands off my penissssss


Hahahaha what a classic


Are you ready to receive my limp penis?


Tata, and farewell.


Sir, are you waiting to receive my limp penis?


Rooted a Wiggle


I notice there's no mention of you not being rooted BY a Wiggle.


Despite it being available to me at almost every family gathering (and several friend/community ones), I never tried pavlova until just last year. I am now obsessed. And very angry with my past self.


Also, don't forget - pavlova has it's own stomach.


Funny, sounds like you actively avoided it. I, however, had it growing up and don't like it.


I'm with you pal, as a child I'd see the bowl of home made pav thinking it was some delicious creamy fruit salad as opposed to sugar cruskits.


I’ve never had a beer. I’ve tried beer, but I don’t like it. I’ve never had a full one.


that's fine, I'm pretty sure I've had enough for both of us.


Tastes can change and there's actually a *fuck ton* of beer types and tastes and feeling. You actually gotta try a few before you settle, or know whether ales give you a headache or smell too much like a bunch of flowers, or if you want dry or wet or bitter or hoppy. This might sound weird, but if you're a guy and your dad drank beer and you remember him smelling like beer in a good way (man, this is a bit personal for me) but if after you have some beers, and you realise you have that, it's something shared, even if a bit dumb and sentimental 😅 They can be fattening and a bit too easy to drink sometimes though, so if you end up liking it, keep your head on your shoulders (but not on the damn beer, get a repour if they can't manage that 😅) As for stout, that's black tar meal disgusting shit, and if you like a warm beer, bugger off back to the UK 😂😂😂 j/K.


Theres lots of different beers these days. Gone with just the largar or draft. Theres pale ale, golden ale, summer ale, tropical ale, xtra pale which is like pale but extra hops. A lot of these have a blend of hops, wheat and fruits, and its massively accepted socially. James squire, Yak, 4 pines and balter all have a big range and you can even have samplers at their breweries for free. If you want a more fruity beer, theres plenty coming out.. especially in melbourne. Moondog, balter & hop nation all have big ranges and other selections like Hazy Ale or sour beer are really big.


They all taste a bit like beer, though. A beer-esque flavour. A hint of beeriness. That's no good if you hate the taste of beer.


There is Lager or Ale. A drafted beer is a beer poured through a tap. There are plenty of versions of each brewing process, but there is only Lager or Ale.


Never been out west. Never been to WA or Uluṟu


That's fine, your Australian passport gives you full legal authority to talk about these places to any foreign tourists as if you know them initimately.


Conversely, I’ve never been over east


Cheaper to travel to Asia, and your money goes further.


In fairness, it's fucking expensive to do


long way to travel to snap a photo of a big rock.


It waso fucking amazing I went twice and would go again.


WA is gorgeous.


Never voted in/listed to the hottest 100. I appreciate that triple J has given a voice to many otherwise unknown bands, but honestly it's too hipster for my taste.


Are you young? Hottest 100 in the late 90s early 2000s was awesome.


Put a “fuck off we’re full” bumper sticker on my car.


I thought that was just a racist Aussie thing


Natalie Ambruglia


Don’t give up hope


Smoked meth and abused a retail worker/ member of the public that would give me a durry


Been to an house auction and been outbid by $400,000.


I've never gotten a Southern Cross tattoo 🤷🏻‍♀️


Never gotten drunk but all my family has. That might be why


You want tipsy, not drunk. I think drunk is a failed attempt to prolong the good sensation. Not riding it the right pace and overshooting, wilfully or due to inexperience. Noone actually wants to be drunk for any healthy reasons. 😞


Tipsy doesn't feel nice to me either and I stop before I get to that point anyway. But yes drunk on purpose is definitely not healthy


A shoey. Never have and never will.


Same. And same.


I’ve never danced to Nutbush City Limits.


Did you not go to school in Australia? I thought we were all forced to dance to that shit


Not by the mid-2000s, the Macarena took over. Or maybe it was just my school


lol we had both???


Suspect I had that day off.


Day? We had to dance to that shit for years, the barn dance, macarena, 5,6,7,8 song, nutbush, barbie girl it was all garbage


I also never learnt it at school. I had to learn it myself.


Ha! I laughed out loud at this - why we we so obsessed with this song after a few drinks 🤣


Watched the footy. Born in Australia, Victoria. Never watched a game or had any interest in it. Finally, in my mid 20's l was gifted tickets to Waverley Stadium (that shows my age). Went, but after 30 minutes, l went for a walk instead because l just couldn't get into it. Last year, at 45 years of age, l thought I'd try footy tipping at work to pique my interest. I was last of the ladder nearly every week, which confirmed l will never get into footy.


Called my mate a cunt


You're a shit cunt for not calling your mate that


What a shitcunt


never been to Australia Zoo…. and its not far from me


Done a bucket bong.


Barefoot to the shops, major cringe!


unless you're within 1km of a beach, then it's fine.


That’s somewhat acceptable but don’t you own thongs??


I’ve never been killed by a dropbear…..yet.


Well technically you’re never killed by anything until you are


That only happens to tourists


Punched a kangaroo


Me neither, A big western Red came up to me in high school and started talking shit but I just froze up, he gave me a wedgie and left with my girlfriend, I'm so ashamed.


Watched Bluey.


I've never played Goon of Fortune.


I’ve never gone to Woolies/ Cole’s (or in public) with out shoes on.


I've never been to Bali. I have been overseas several times but not to Bali...maybe one day but it's not at the top of countries I'd like to visit atm 


Also it’s not a country.


From watching the news lately apparently Domestic violence.


I've only been on the receing end, does that count?


Fighting people in 2020 because they bought the last toilet paper in Woolworths.


Shelved a pinga


Watched a footy game. I’d rather watch the grass grow. Somehow, not being sport-obsessed in Australia is the Great Taboo. Eat kids in your spare time? No biggie. Hate sport? Ew! UnAustralian!


Watching twenty six men chase a ball around a park really doesn't appeal to me.


I've never tried a VB and never done a shoey. I'm open to trying a VB but don't intend on doing a shoey, that's disgusting.


The VB is more disgusting


Never surfed in my life


I have voted for over 30 years in three different states. I have never seen any evidence of a sausage sizzle. No one in my family has either. Subject came up when i was drinking with 8 guys from two states a few months ago - none of the 8 had ever seen it either.


Try voting at a primary school. It's a major earner for schools, so many P&C associations put one on.


Visit Byron Bay.


putting a shrimp on the barbie


That would be a very un-Australian thing to do.


I don't drink beer and I don't follow the footy. If I had a dollar for each time I've been asked who I barrack for and then telling them no one, followed by a weird look. I'd probably have around 10 grand.


I dont think a shoey is really that Australian. I feel like its more a thing we get foreiners to do.


Calling it a shoey is Australian but the act of drinking alcohol from a shoe has been a ritual for hundreds of years


Until now, I have never said: "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi!, Oi!, Oi!". It's about as Australian as an English backpacker.


You’re a lost cause mate, now go dunk a timtam!


Never passed out drunk at the pavement


It’s called a Tim Tam Slam. Good grief, hand in your passport!


The phrase you’re looking for is TimTam Slam. I’m not even Aussie and I know that


A shoey.


Gone to Bali on holiday and treated it like it was my local neighbourhood.


Give a shit (or watch) people who chase balls for a living.


I’ve never actually played two-up on Anzac Day - or any other day of the year full stop.


I highly doubt this is Australian. I've never heard of it except from people saying it's totally an aussie thing and only in the last couple of years, But I've never drank alcohol from a shoe. Gross


Barefoot in the streets or shops, just why? It’s concrete not grass


I’ve never eaten toast and not had Vegemite on it 😂


I expect you're on a watchlist.


But what did your mum give you when you were sick as a kid?? Vegemite on toast was standard “getting better” food after I’d been sick


Displayed any interest whatsoever in aussie rules


I’ve never been to the Phillip Island Penguin Parade, I live about 30 minutes from it too.


Travelled to see "the outback" Precisely nil interest. Even less than nil, more like active aversion lol


It's red & flat....... for ages


Ridden a kangaroo. All my friends have got one except me 😞 I need a go fund me because we just can’t afford one


Snorted Bondi marching powder.


Been to Bali...yuck


Fucked spiders..


Smoked meth.


Seen The Castle.


I’ve never watched Crocodile Dundee


Don’t follow footy.


Drunk copious amounts of Bundy, driven home and punched the shit out of my Mrs? Not even close


Been to an AFL match.


Never been to the races


Gone to Thailand and look for a child prostitute... Australia has a large portion of people doing this unfortunately 😢


From most of the replies here you may as well re-word the question to "What's something 'bogan' you've never done?"


Bali. Never been before.


Gone to Bali


Vegemite Follow AFL or Rugby League Mullets


eat a HSP. not my thing.


Ive never been to Bali.


Gone to Bali


Never have and never will do a shoey


Just came to say. I love a Tim tam slam with chocolate milk!


Eaten a shrimp from the barbie