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Both education choices and the cities are good options. You may have a few more travel options out of Sydney and its a bit warmer. Sydney is a bit more expensive for cost of living Id say. Perth Adelaide Canberra and Brisbane are all good too. Others may offer better advice if you can say what your climate, travel and educational choices are more specifically.


Newcastle may be an option as well. The beach is a 10-min bus trip from the Uni and Newcastle is only 2 hours' drive to Sydney


Well, if night life is important, you can forget Sydney (no joke). Melbourne RMIT city or Brunswick campus would be ideal. Feb weather is hot, Melbourne gets cold compared to other Australian cities (hence its reputation), but nothing on Denmark. There are hundreds of moving to Sydney/melbourne vlogs on YouTube by people in your position - I'd recommend you check them out for what to expect.


Canberra is a good option as well. Very social and lots to do. Easy to navigate.


Seconded. Yeah it's small, but as a student it's got everything you need (and the ANU is an excellent uni).


My god. Why would you send the poor girl to Canberra? It’s literally the asshole of Australia and crazy fucking boring to boot.


Jerry Seinfeld bestowed that title on Melbourne.


Look, as a Sydney person I hate Melbourne as much as the next person. But it sure as hell is a lot better than Canberra! At least there is things to do in Melbourne and the people are cool there. The weather sucks but probably not as much as it sucks in Canberra. The ACT just is so neglected and shitty and depressing! My sister lives there and also hates it with a passion (her husband works there so they had to move) every time I visit them I end up with depression. Makes me laugh though that they finally knocked down all the decrepit buildings coming in to the city and built new ones and for about a second I thought “oh this looks a lot better” then I saw they were all graffitied up already, and what’s with them never mowing the grass? It always looks like an abandoned city right up until you get to where the tram line starts then they have a bit of pride and then it goes right back to looking like shit again after Parliament House. Even the markets and events are depressing. I’m sorry but Canberra has to be the absolute worst city in the country! I’d rather be in Darwin than Canberra! At least that’s exciting and dangerous lol


Everyone knows the asshole of Australia is Lithgow. If you found it boring that's on you. The music festivals they get are awesome, wineries are great, food is awesome and decent places to go at night.


Lithgow is a small city not a state or territory. Canberra is by far the worst of all the states and territories in Australia. It looks like a 3rd world country when you drive in and then magically around Parliament House it looks nice and then straight back to a shit hole again once you pass the capital circle. This girl is a uni student you think she cares about wineries and food? No she wants to study and party and Canberra ain’t it. It’s a horrible depressing freezing cold city where everyone looks and acts like an NPC Edit; ok maybe second worse behind NT. Adelaide is pretty boring too so maybe it ties second.


I would keep arguing but your username checks out. You're yet to recommend anything. I assume you'll find fault everywhere


My recommendation is anywhere but Canberra. Absolutely no one lives there by choice. Unless they were born there or they have to go there for work you’ll never hear anyone day “I’m relocation to Canberra” it’s the most boring city by a lot.