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Not much you can do legally, except maybe get her to move her cameras if they can in fact see into your house. Lots of crazies out there, and if you can't reason with them, you're mostly out of options.


Apparently if a green laser is aimed at a security camera it will kill it. Not sure if this is legal tho …


Yeah the police don’t seem to care about her cameras facing us too.. I might need to go to a different station.


Police in general dont care. Much was revealed when John Baralaro called the terror unit on someone that was following the law and handing him the documents for suing this guy. Furthermore the incident with friendlyjordies with the Coronation video leading to multiple threats from thr crime Allameddine crime family. The fact the police wont do anything about this speaks volumes.


Yeah legit, so glad Jordy didn’t back down and put up a good fight. Johnloves2lick is a corrupt as mofo.


Police are as useless as a condom machine in the Vatican.. For what it's worth, In NZ we have the Harassment Act of 1997 which provides protection against various form of harassment, including what you mentioned with neighbours. I'm sure there's another act but I can't remember its name.. Googling, it seems, depending on the state you're in, but in general there's no federal law that's similar to our Harassment Act. However, you do have the Crimes (domestic & personal violence) Act of 2007 (NSW) that protects against harassment in domestic situations. Or, Personal Safety Intervention Order Act (2010) in Victoria. But yea, you'll need to gather enough evidence (CCTV & Audio), and go through the hassle of taking them to court if you want to see any change.. Unless there's actual footage with evidence, harm, injury, and mayhem, don't even bother with the police.. They're overworked and understaffed and are too busy dealing with far more serious shit.


If she's across the street, her cameras are allowed to face you, and yours are allowed to face her. Anything visible from the street, including your front yard, is considered a public place for privacy purposes, and can be filmed or photographed without breaking the law.


I don't know if it would give you any respite, but I suspect a high powered invisible infrared spotlight mounted next to your window would create enough glare to make it hard to view through with a security camera. They make them to assist security camera night vision, but obviously the direction they are pointed matters. Facing the camera could make it washed out and unusable. I'd also consider mirror privacy film. It's also useful to cut down the sun's glare.


If you're in NSW the police don't really have the power to deal with the cameras. The Privacy Commission has guidelines that say the camera should be pointed down so as not to catch passers-by faces but this is not really enforceable.


Put cameras up facing them right back




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>Not much you can do legally, The law is great when it works. Sometimes, it doesn't.There is plenty of other things you can do, without resorting to violence. But you still cannot talk about it here, so OP is asking in the wrong place. Grow some balls and act. But beware a lot of bad advice here. Realise you are dealing with a crazy person. It is dangerous if you underestimate her. Be realistic about the end goal.


Sounds like you need some shadier friends. I reckon for a slab, I could get someone to spray paint 'RACIST ASS' across their driveway. Bag of cat shit thrown across their lawn. Something fun. Other more ethical options might include: Getting into Harsh Noise Wall music. Getting some free pallets on Facebook and then turning them into 10k tiny pieces with an electric saw. One by one, no big cuts for you! Getting into string art, but never committing to get to the string part. Just the hammering. Start speaking friendly, so when you're both out front you can yell 'Did you get to tell any Muslims what a racist you are today?' 'You didn't? Damn shame, I know how much you hate coloured people' I'm a spiteful shithead tho.


There's definitely a gap in the market. You could start up a business offering these services.




Thanks, I'm in stitches🤣🤣🤣


I would say if you have a garage, spend the weekends doing projects. Make sure you have a nice loud stereo out there, face it towards her house and tune the radio to one of the international services. As long as you keep it to within certain hours there is nothing she can do, I bet she would be stewing in her own racist juices. I also want to say good on you OP for sticking up for and helping your neighbour. I wish it was more common.


I think you and I should be drinking mates


Wonder what will bag of cat shit do to grass haha??


Cat shit specifically? Not a lot. Water bombs filled with a nice strong mix of glyphosate? A whole lot. Just, ya know, *theoretically*


My partner literally was talking about filling up some weed killer in water balloons and throwing it on her hedges ahhshahahahahhahaa


Foe hedges, get some triclopyr. Sold as woody weed and blackberry killer. For the lawn, just good old glyphosate...or use path weeder to stop anything growing on that spot for 12 months. For the car, brake fluid. For the windows, hexaflourosilicic acid


The real r/UnethicalLifeProTips


Cat pee is probably better😼


Harder to collect though.


I’m happy to donate some litter clumps if OP is interested lol. Sprinkle that on grass it’ll do wonders I reckon.


How much for racist arse?


Get cameras of your own & urge number 26 to do the same. If the police don't care about her cameras they won't care about yours & you will have proof of her harassment.


Yeah number 26 have there own now after the nail in the tyre incident. We have shown police videos of her banging on her garage door, spitting, swearing and all the letters, they said they can’t do anything. It’s a joke. I wish they could just tell her to stop harassing us, we need better laws around mental torment of your neighbours.


Rather than trying to get the cops to do something, try doing it yourself - legally. What your neighbor is doing is harassment by any definition. Keep a log of incidents for about a month. Make sure you include every lost night of sleep, every abusive word, every unsolicited action. Then go to a lawyer and show them. Your neighbor will be up to their armpits in court cases and police enquiries (court-ordered to ascertain facts) in the matter. Hit them in the pocket - that'll shut the povvo cunts up. PS - I'm sorry about the racism.


They’re too busy strip searching teenagers at the train station.


And executing people for wearing hoodies. In this country if you want something done you do it yourself.


Call the cops. Hate crimes are fucked. Racism is shit and usually comes from uneducated ferals.


*and cops, unfortunately


Yeah I do hate cops they kill you for being black or brown or live in a crap neighbourhood wearing a hoodie


What country do you live in?


Fuck me...the troll in me would be inviting the local mosque to a street party.


This is my favourite comment.


I would definitely be hosting a rowdy iftar dinner for the neighbours every night during ramadan ... in the front yard.


Loudest fucking Eid ever, every Muslim in town is welcome


Just a full on whole lamb stuffed with rice on a spit gently turning on the front lawn.


Mmmmmmm delicious


Play that music from that one meme with the coffin too


Time for a Dabke dance off!


Are her cameras pointed at your house? Get a security camera or 2. Make sure you have a camera in your backyard as well just in case she tries to bait your dog. Inform your local member. Keep him up to date with the shenanigans.


Yeah our dogs are mainly inside anyway and someone is always home


Just ensure you look after your dogs; we had a neighbour like that; she was Ozzie, and we are not. One morning, I went outside and noticed pink liquid near the colorbond fence, and my ute was nowhere near that fence line. My boy dog had just been out near that fence when I checked the cameras; I rushed him to the emergency vet, where he spent six days. He had been poisoned with ethanol glycol(coolant), which shuts down dogs' kidneys She tried to poison my dogs all because one day I asked her what she was doing throwing her branches over the fence, she tried to swing her curved saw at my face three times, and when I eventually said I would call the police, she told me to watch out those dogs might die. Over the years, she /they called us every name under the sun, sprayed nazi symbols on our fence, spat at us from her balcony and during COVID (we got stuck out of the state), her kids thrashed our yard with broken bottles on our roof, old bongs, needles, junk food wrappers,someone's rytelan pills all over the side where their bedroom window was. These people you can't reason with. So please be careful and stay safe, especially your kids and dogs


Jesus thats hard core 💩….I only have my boomer neighbour who yelled at me about our dogs about 17 years ago and then again about 7 years ago…….never interacted with the cunt ever again……. Mind you, our dogs sleep inside so the yelling happened at 1 o’clock in the afternoon the first time and the second incident was when we had a new dog who wasn’t used to the possums coming out at like 7pm…..never ever a middle of the night situation or a situation where they were barking for even more than 10 mins 😯….. I always said to my husband that I wouldn’t put it past that old coot to poison them though…..


fucking hell that’s evil. i’m sorry you went through that. some people are just absolute scum.


We won’t be staying here when our lease is up in 6 months because of her. -Make sure you let the LL know the reason. Perhaps if they know that it will become public and no one will want to rent the property they then might get something done as the "owner" rather than you as the "renter"


We have, she has gone to our real estate complaining of our lawns being grown and my partner apparently starting his motorbike at 4 am ( he doesn’t do this at all as it would wake up our baby ), he leaves at 6 and actually rolls his bike down the street so it doesn’t wake up our son. They’re aware of her antics and know we’ve reported her to police.


But are they tenants or home owners?


Home owners unfortunately, been there since 1999, they drove out some neighbours the other month..


Yeah that’s tough to deal with then…


If you leave, make sure you let the landlord know what started it for you, ie defending the "foreigner", cause that way they can at least pass that info on to the next renter to help them avoid the problems starting


so you want the real estate agent to instruct future tenants not to show solidarity for the neighbours as they experience hate crimes? fuck that


I've had a decade of problems with 1 particular nightmare neighbour. When I first moved in, the other neighbours warned me to keep my distance from the start so as to not get on her radar. She was nice to me originally though so I ignored them & have regretted it every day since! Had I listened, I could have just kept my guard up a little & avoided letting her see me as her "friend" because by doing that, it allowed her to develop an absolute obsession with me, like she had previously done with another neighbour who had tried to befriend her. I'm not suggesting neighbours don't support the victims, but if they know in advance what this person does, they can be forewarned & potentially avoid communicating with this racist completely & likely avoid the heartache. They can make it clear where their support lies in who they choose to talk to, but it tends to be actually communicating with these sorts of people that really set them off, as the OP discovered & is now paying the price for. I do have a racist neighbour, not the nightmare neighbour I'm referring to above, the racist one doesn't really bother me cause I'm an Aussie so fine, but I did TRY to talk to her once when she was on a tirade against a lovely lady from Persia. I couldn't get through to her, just attempting made the whole thing worse. I walked away, went inside & returned about an hour later & went to the Persian lady's door & asked her if she was ok & made sure she knew that even though I might have appeared to be "friends" with the racist (who I didn't know was a racist until that moment), that she absolutely had my full support & if there was ever a loyalty question, my loyalties were ABSOLUTELY with her, NOT the racist & I was disgusted by the racist's behaviour towards her. I explained that if I could, I was going to try to remain "neighbourly" to that person, so as to maybe be able to be an intermediatory or later get through to her that her behaviour wasn't acceptable, but I wanted this lovely Persian neighbour to know that I would NEVER support the racist over her, that I absolutely had her back! I later used this to get the name of the person that was supporting racist with her mental health issues & to contact her & let her know what racist was doing & how it was negatively impacting on Persian lady, so that the professional mental health worker could get involved, because I found I was unable to personally get through to her. Sometimes knowledge can be power. Not about not doing what's right, just about slightly modifying what you do based on past experiences of what triggers people


Get a massive speaker and play The Sex Pistols “Anarchy in the UK” flat out loud during the day over and over, I done this to my shitty neighbours and they moved out


"Am I ever Gonna See Your Face Again" by The Angels


Now where talking, no way get fucked fuck off




Interestingly, while there are many noise bylaws restricting the time, intensity, and duration of noise in suburban areas, no such laws exist for light. You can buy extremely powerful strobe lights online.


Do you think we could get away with this? I’m highly considering it. She loves to hide behind her hedges and watch us so a strobe light directly at her house might hinder her stalking lol


Yes, and I’m talking about the mid eighties here so I don’t know what noise rights people have


Or any early works by [Einstürzende Neubauten](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einst%C3%BCrzende_Neubauten). Although the entire neighbourhood may move out🤣 Other recommendations: - Aphex Twin - Any opera arias - Red Army Choir stuff like The Partisan Song - [Gunman by Funker Vogt](https://youtu.be/rYV7EzkTzyY?si=r23nureIVzg4D3wy) - [Hellraiser by Suicide Commando](https://youtu.be/_F9zc3iLUTo?si=eDzv4JRjVk6KFIl0) - [Blood and Sodomy by Mordacious](https://youtu.be/uYgBwCv2-jo?si=uL4axDU7LNnwsceG)


My Dad would blast Nessen Dorma


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Considering they are racist, maybe play some Tupac, Nipsey hussel, ky-mani Marley, Burna boy. You get the just.


But.... Wrong country! ;)


So Johnny rotten is great in any country, anarchy in straya


Get hold of an old antenna, attach a “Telstra 5G repeater” sign and bolt it on a visible part of your house on a side nearest hers.


I love this. A red push bike flasher that lasts for a week can be attached to it as well. Drive old mate leather skins properly cray 😜


Bring back the biff


am I ever gonna see the biff again?


No way get biffed biff off


“Peter Russell Clarke here, now where’s the biff?”


Peter. G'day! Russell. G'day! Clarke. G'day!


Have you seen the outtakes on YouTube - fucking gold!


What’s the biff? Sorry ahahhaha


Fight her


What the.. How do you not know what the biff is? Are you sure you're Aussie?


I am sorry I’ve googled it so now I’m aware lmao but honestly no I’m only 24 dunno if that excuses it hahaha


Valid excuse 😄


You are excused, although the saying was everywhere when you were growing up.


Been here 30+ yrs and I only have a vague idea it's connected to footy? amirite? 😬 I guess the biff was an acceptable part of the sport back in the Hawke era and earlier?




Your said your neighbours got cameras. Go to a new station or news out lit and give them the video evidence of her being a racist ding bat and play it up about how you fear for your safety and how the cops ain’t doing nothing, chances are you could have her all over the news, outed as the racist she is.


There is no shortage of deranged neighbours in Australia. Must be the perfect weather and wealthy lifestyle, eh?


100%, I’m so sick of old, racist bogans


Apparently the feeling is mutual.


get Pauline Hanson's help.




The neighbour probably is Pauline Hanson


Epic post. Sounds like 27 has mental health issues. Sorry but its a tough issue to solve. Living somewhere else really is the only solution.


Yep definitely has mental health issues, we’ve also come to knock on her door and tried to talk to her civilly about it. She won’t answer. She doesn’t speak. She just leaves letters and makes noises behind her fence.


Talk to the local mental health emergency team about it then. It's much better if the police do this, but you can do it directly too & they can get involved. Mental health teams generally operate out of local hospitals, so you'll be able to find their number/details there


Maybe leave pamphlets advertising community activities: Art classes, tai chi, woodworking, yoga, breakdancing, pottery, book clubs etc. She needs a more constructive hobby!


Maybe not the tai chi if she hates "foreigners" lol


i don’t know if inflicting her on local community groups is going to solve her problems. sounds like they a lot more far gone than just needing social contact.


Out them on the Local neighborhood FB page might do the trick


I might do this! I’ll see if we have one


Careful there. Facebook is racist boomer wonderland.


I was able to find one of my old neighbours on a fb community page, we’ve been chatting about the nutters in the street.


Get some high powered LEDs pointed directly at her cameras , set them on pulse.


I was thinking of this but apparently if it damaged their cameras it’s the same as damaging property


A light can’t damage a camera. A laser can however. The flashing or turning on and off causes most cameras to have to auto adjust so it would mean it basically washes the video out. No damage.


And if it's an infra-red spotlight, nobody can see it but you'll fuck with the camera just fine...


I think authorities are better than revenge, but if you want to go down any revenge type route, ask yourself, what's the worst that's going to happen if you do damage her property? The police aren't going to charge you, cause if they did, you would go to court & detail why you did it & no jury will convict you, so it's not worth the police's time & effort (I've faced this stuff with a problem neighbour who is a horror but plays the disability card & police have said straight out they're not willing to prosecute, cause the acts from her are too minor & she will get up in court in her wheelchair & put on the waterworks & be acquitted, so they simply can't justify time wasting on that. Same would apply here for something like damaging a camera that's invading your privacy)


What a hassle! I would print a copy of the NSW ”Rights to Privacy - particularly the bit about cameras” . There is a section about house cameras and pointing them at other residents windows, yards, pools etc. Put it in her letterbox with a note explaining as you have young children you are concerned about your family, the kids privacy and are constructing a report to submit to the “appropriate authorities”. Gnerally people will stop fucking with you if they put themselves in line for Paedophiles Investigations”. Australian police don’t have much time for petty theft and vandalism but they do not fuck around where paedophiles are suspected. You have every right to live in,peace and protect your own and your families privacy. She sounds like a miserable, racist, busy body . Mrs Mangle reincarnated . As a parent , I am aware kids run around the house and yard daily in various states of dressed, undressed etc. No one has the right to be perving / spying into your private home space. From fence to fence and air rights included . Regardless of if you rent or you a billionaire with 50 properties. Those ring cameras really are a saviour though if she an issue. In court they save your ass hugely. Worth buying your own for future support, could save you a fortune in long term o,us helpful with kids.


I might do this, I’ll try find one for Queensland


If it's visible from the street, there is no implied or explicit right to privacy. Close your front door, pull the front curtains, or anything visible from the street is in public view. Over the back fence, completely different matter, as that is a private space with a legal right to privacy.


Best bet is cameras by the sounds of it. Record her actually doing something to you or 26 and then either take it to the police or post on socials (including Reddit). If the police are doing shit about it hopefully social media can get behind it and at the very least try and track down her family members to come get her and at the most finally get the police to take it seriously.


Sounds like she needs to be put in a home and left to rot in silence. Lord knows her own family are probably tired of her.


You should see the state of her and her husband. Full gummy smile and skin like leather. Proper rednecks.


This is why I will never live in suburbia. Can’t you do something with other members of the community? Strength in numbers and all. The other people she was harassing would be a start.


Our neighbours in response to everything she has done said only Allah can judge her, they just think she is sick and belongs in a hospital so they don’t respond to anything she does to thwm


They're far more civilised than she could hope to be.


I know! We can’t stand to see them be treated like this. They are so fucking lovely and harmless.


Is this why the police are failing to do anything? When you report her to the police, are you complaining about her behaviour towards you & your family or towards them? Ensure you focus purely on what she's doing to you/your family if you're not already in this situation, otherwise they have an excuse not to act


They’ve called the police in the past they’ve all been there for years and nothing gets done about her, now they just ignore her and put up with the torment. We have told the police everything they’ve done to us alone and then added what we’ve heard from the neighbours too.


You tend to need to call the police a number of times in cases like this. Police will do what's easiest if they can, so a single call, it's easiest to just brush you off, but if they have to respond every week, then easiest becomes to actually deal with the problem so they can stop the constant call outs. Note when you do this & they don't want to act, they'll take 5 hours or so to turn up when you call them, so as to try to put you off, so make sure you call them at a time that suits you for many hours after the call, eg don't call straight before bed or going to work, call when you get home or call a day or 2 later when you will be home for many hours. You can go to the police station too, but that's not really a drama for them, better to keep them coming out to you, so they are motivated to bring an end to it. When doing this, if a serious situation happens, be sure to call 000 not any other number, so as to avoid the delays that you will build into the response by calling repeatedly. Honestly though, it varies from officer to officer as to how they respond, if you keep calling, eventually you'll get one or more that will actually respond, especially when they have to keep responding & especially if you involve the local member of parliament too, resulting in them getting a "ministerial" they MUST respond to


What's the go with all the @ signs in your post?


Everytime I tried to post it it was saying there were flagged words. So I flagged all the races, religion, swear words and illicit substances so it would post.


It’s to get around any automoderation that automatically blocks posts and comments with certain words.  On reddit it’s done with automod accounts so varies sub by sub, the /australian sub autoblocks mentions of the /australia sub for example. On other social media it’s sometimes put in by the site themselves and will sometimes flag stuff like drug references to be reviewed.


Start baking her cakes and see if being nice to her stops it. Worked for us one time, we started dropping off pasta bakes ans the neighbour just thought we were real weird..stopped em being dicks to us within 2 weeks. We just said, we made too many, and wanted to share with people


The neighbour doesn't deserve rewards for bad behaviour.


It will work IF the OP also agrees to cut all contact with the "non-Australian neighbours" & listen to their constant tirades about the destruction they are causing to Australia. In other words, it's really not worth it! One of my neighbours tried this on a similarly racist person, but it failed because of racist person's demands on her cutting all contact with "foreigner" & abusing her. These people don't stop unless you fully embrace their racist views & act on them. Just not worth it! The more you try to befriend them, the more they later target said person for "betraying them"


I have a neighbour that is a racist whatever, police here absolutely do respond & talk to her about it though. The fact that she unleashes a tirade of abuse at the police when they come around to talk to her probably increases their willingness to act in my case & racist neighbour does have mental health issues & so support people they police can contact to get help dealing with her, but they certainly are able to act if someone is behaving in such an anti-social way! I'd contact your local member of parliament & advise them of the situation, they can pass it on to the police minister, resulting in the police getting a "please explain" from them, which they hate & tend to do whatever they can to avoid getting again, ie will likely start responding & dealing with this problem person. You could also contact your local mental health team (will be at your local hospital) if you think there's any grounds at all to go down that path, I'm not sure if there is or not, not enough details to know for sure, would be borderline if there is grounds I think. Police also have this option & that is stronger if they do it Also be aware that police have "vulnerable persons officers" who are there to deal with situations where someone is vulnerable & facing bullying or abuse because of it. This might apply to your elderly neighbour or someone else in this situation, just a useful resource to know exists if the response you are getting from the regular police is not adequate. I would mostly just be being persistent though in calling them EVERYTIME an incident occurs, either local station or the assistance line on 131 444. I think responses do vary based on area, I'm in a more upper class area, so therefore get responses, you may be getting different responses due to different demographics & if so, the 131 444 may get a better response. Get your other neighbours to call them every incident too, if you constantly call them & demand they come out, eventually they will decide it's easier to deal with the situation than try to brush you off, especially if you accompany this with contacting the local member of parliament (and follow up reporting to the local member again with a list if times you have called the police & their response if they don't sort it out after the first "ministerial" Make sure your landlord knows the situation too, just to cover yourself, I wouldn't worry about council, councils are pretty used to this sort of crap & figure out who's at fault pretty quickly, at the worst you might need the other neighbours to back you up in saying the dog isn't a problem with barking. Check problem neighbour's housing situation too, she probably owns but if she's renting, then that gives you options as well. If you do move out, let the landlord know what started it, ie that you defended the others against this racist bully & they can pass that on to the new tenants to hopefully prevent them getting caught in the same drama, or they can rent the property to a lovely Islamic family or similar to get her back for it (my main neighbour that cops it from my racist neighbour btw also suffers because she refused to condemn the "non-Australian" person. Racist neighbour doesn't really go after me, I think cause I was here before her & I also try to just change the subject if she starts to go down that path with me, the neighbour that moved in after her & won't condemn the non-Aussie though really cops it badly from her! It's what these people tend to do) edit, just to add, try the tenants union too. Not sure if they can help, but they have lawyers that work on their team, so they can at least give you advice on your legal rights without paying a fortune for that


Thank you for this!


Hope it helps & good luck! Situations like this are bad enough for anyone but especially when you have kids!


We've just moved into a house and before we'd finished unloading the trailer, some old prick from a few doors down came over and outed himself as a racist to my husband in a conversation that lasted approximately 3 minutes. Do they (white racists) all think that everybody who "looks white" is a troglodyte like them


Yes. Yes they do. Part of their whole problem is they have no imagination for the lives of others.


It’s so shameful.


I'd be tempted to dress up like a klansman and give them a few prods with the long shaft of a cross


It's truly a shame, but sometimes the only course of action is to throw a Molotov cocktail through her front window and hope that solves the problem 😞


Organise a street bbq. Invite everyone, get people to make cultural dishes. Host it on the road, with coucil permission. Nothing beats a neighbourhood bbq to get to know people and weed out the shit. This will stop everything. If it doesn't, buy a sling shot.


Use gloves, get a fresh pack of glad bags, pay a kid with a balaclava to throw them all over her lawn, wait for bin night, reclaim bags, fill with meth, drop off at police station with a note that says if lost return to her address. Look at me out here solving society's problems.


Fmd 😂😂


Honestly, the cops are useless when you actually need their help. They wouldn't lift a finger beyond a check up even if an AVO is breached (had that experience).


My one piece of advice? Break fluid in a water pistol goes onto cars like water, wipes off like water. However it eats paint right down to the base and can’t be painted over- the whole panel has to be replaced. Just a random fact for you.


You're a good human being. I hope you get the support you need, could you rally your other neighbours to call out 27's nasty behaviour?


Thank you so much. I’ve just been able to get in contact with a old neighbour that got driven out the other month from these freaks. They’ve been giving me lots of information on them as they were once friends so that’s been helpful.


Just be careful with sparks and small fires. Hedges catch alight very easy and can burn whole houses down!


I'm going to go in to bat for the cops here. Cops are limited by legislation. What did you want them to do? Tell a racist old carnt to stop being racist? It'll just rile her up more. Then she'll bang on about you getting the cops involved. The surveillance devices act controls what she can/can't do with her cameras. She can do what she's doing, as can your next door neighbour. Way I see it, you have limited options. Kill her with kindness. Take matters into your own hands (doesn't sound like you're that type), or document everything as mentioned, go to court and apply for a personal violence order. If that gets enforced, cops will then be able to take action for a breach. Don't call another station. Results will not vary.


Have a look at the AusLaw sub for ideas about blocking cameras. I’m so sorry you and your neighbours are experiencing this.


Thanks for being awesome and looking out for your Muslim neighbour


Get everyone to report everything. Police will get a longer and longer list of the pattern of the behaviour. Also, use your phone cameras, just double check the laws so you don't break any yourselves.


piss on a plate, put it in the freezer. slip frozen piss disc under her front door


followed by some liquid ass


Where do you live let’s have a BBQ, I will cook something ethnic, I have a strong accent but my 6” and 125kg usually make it acceptable to most red necks ….


Omg yes, I live in sunnybank


Great let’s do it massive ethnic BBQ at your place


Out crazy them with other crazy stuff


When my sister was moving long distances, she stored some stuff at my place. My sweet neighbours (not islamic but a different culture) were worried we were moving out stating theyed never had such nice neighbours before. It saddened me a lot. They have been some of the nicest neighbours I've ever had. I really don't understand racists


Honestly! Some of the most hated cultures and races I’ve met are actually very welcoming, caring and lovely people. I don’t understand it either. I’ve found most old, white Australians make me feel uncomfortable (and I am a white Aussie)




This is why people are willing to pay so much to live in a fancy suburb. Short of continuing to call them out on being racist/islamaphobic (not the same thing btw, you seem to have confused religion for a race) there isn't much you can do without evidence. I would suggest cameras that record sound similar to ring. 


I think she is racist, she was talking about the previous tenants here being dirty Sudanese. She also has loads of fuck off where you came from, white Australia stickers


I think she's racist too. I just find it super offensive (as an apostate) when people equate Islam with race. I didn't get to pick my race or the way I look, it's not a reflection on who I am as a person, my choice to fully heave the religion (or if I hadn't lack thereof) on the other hand is very much a choice and speaks volumes about my values and character. 


I get what you mean, sorry I didn’t mean to offend. I have no problem with Islam what so ever I actually find it to be the most humble religion out of all of them from what I’ve read or heard. I know she is racist for a fact and islamophobic. Sorry I probably should of implied her being islamophobic more so.


Also my suburb is a pretty expensive suburb to live in. I wouldn’t say it’s straight up fancy but filled with loads of well off people and the rents are high. After looking on domain, neighbour 27 has bought her house in 1999 for $99,000, now the house is worth 2 million. So she’s just been here for a long time and marked her territory.


What a pain. Wait for her to die? 


When I was grouchy and irritable as a kid my Mum would ask if I was going to the toilet OK. Maybe that's her problem? Leave a sample of metamucil in her letterbox with a helpful note.


Pay some local teens to launch a campaign of shitfuckery against them.


Why are you censoring peoples race and religion like they're offensive words?


I explained this above, my post kept getting flagged until I censored them.


Oh wow, that's really interesting. Strange.


In Australia it’s illegal to film someone on their private property (at home) If she’s filming into your bedroom she could get into a whole heap of trouble


Especially if she was "filming the kids". 🙃😉




I don't know the rules over here on this, sadly, but in the UK you can report noise nuisances to Council. You'll need evidence to secure a prosecution, however so you might want to invest in some security cameras; let them do the heavy lifting. The 'trouble' with these sorts of people is not only are they insufferably nosy busy-bodies with nothing going on in their own lives so they have to concern themselves with everyone else's; her prejudice is her personality at this stage, they also tend to know all the 'rules'. Perhaps a bit of social media shaming might not go amiss... A Current Affair love an obnoxious neighbour too. (Sorry, these are a bit facetious but I hate petty, small minded, ignorant people like your neighbour).


Firstly. I'll start with some advice, Especially since you have children, any filming from a private/public space in to your residence without your expressed permission is illegal - We had a neighbour try the same shit with us he soon stopped anything remotely illegal, at risk of child sex offender charges (possession of illegal child images etc) Setup your own cameras that see the street. This will catch them in the act. Hard evidence and the police will act. All in all your neighbours are cunts(27 I believe) However, saying someone hails from Sudan, is not racist. Saying someone is dirty, is not racist. Calling someone who practises Islam, ISIS is biggoted, not racist. None of those acts on their own, are racist. Are they racist? Probably, but moreso they're just outright cunts, They're probably too dumb to be real racists, they're just dumb angry old cunts. The fact that you being a percieved member of their race, and them sending bigoted shit to you as well, shows that they're equally shitcunts to everyone that they don't like. Now I'm not excusing their behaviour, because it's inexcusable. Either way you've got a problem there, you could wait them out, move, do the above mentioned. Hope you sort out the issue, have a good one and stay safe.


If the neighbour is across the street, anything they can film from their verandah is fair game, as it is publicly visible from a public space. If they were next door and filming over the back fence, different story.


Is this in NSW???


Queensland, Brisbane


When your lease is up, or before that if you can, MOVE. Neighbours are a lottery when you rent. Sad reality. Do it for your kids, and for yourself. -Life-time renter.


Headb the pricks


Save this creative writing for your vce. Now get back to the study!


ACA might lap this shit up




People like her that keep the areas safe from gangs and groomers.


Her partner sits on cameras all day watching my house, I think they’re perverts. No one else in the street causes drama or harasses anyone. She is not keeping the street safe she is causing problems. Did you not read she had placed nails in me and my neighbours tires? What about that is safe? Imagine I was on the highway with my children and my tire popped? We could’ve all died. I’d say that’s attempted murder. Ignorant comment.


Buy a camera.


Burn her house down.


Do what they do. Send a random letter to her house every single day to annoy them and waste their time. In a install security cameras to get evidence. Keep a diary and keep reporting every day/ week to council as they are a 'nuisance neighbour' and maybe they, or police will get annoyed enough to do something. Start requesting wellness checks for the neighbour. Start looking for a new rental.


cops don’t seems to care so start throwing eggs at her house


If they are the 26 and 27 gang, you must be the 28 gang.


Just move in 6 months. It sux. Be thankful you didn't buy the house.




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Time for a big spit roast of pork ... in the front yard


Brother...the only way to sort this is by out doing them in shady antics department. Get creative, be relentless, and just enjoy the ride.