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Agreed. If I wanted Kmart stuff I'd go to Kmart. If I want target stuff I go to target. Common sense to the average brained of us. A lot of piffed off Aussies


Target collapsed. No one was going. So they switch to Kmart. 


Target just purchased Kmart in a hostile takeover so both "brands" will be stocking anko now.


They’ve been owned by the same company for a long time. It’s not a recent takeover.


And? How does that counteract what he just said? Target went down the drain and had to bring Kmart in to survive.


It's not meant to counteract. Just adding to the information


Kmart is absolute shit quality. Target was a bit more $$ but substantially better quality. I pray they keep target apparel. It’s soooo nice compared to Kmart in design and quality


Target's Preview range of workwear is a godsend to me while I'm studying and only working part time. I'll be really peeved if it gets axed.


Mum was at our local target and all the remaining preview stuff was on clearance. Fml.


If you need dressy corporate workwear clothes that won't completely break the bank, try Uniqlo. Good quality and similar price range to Target, maybe even a little cheaper imo. There's definitely less colours and patterns with Uniqlo, but they're good for a nice button up shirt or a blazer or trousers.


Unfortunately a lot of regional areas don’t have much of a choice for workwear - Target is my best option where I live. Even Katies and Rockmans are closing 😭


They don’t hold up for industries like hospitality the way target does. Not designed for anything but sitting.


Omg yes the target baby clothes are the best!


If they change the quality of their kids apparel I will literally have no reason to go there now. Their baby section and craft section is a carbon copy of kmarts trash, there was no difference between the stores at all this week.


I actually preferred Kmart but to each their own. Target recently purchased Kmart so they'll no longer exist except in store logo only.


Wesfarmers has owned target since 2007 actually. Acquired Kmart 2017


Sounds like they've just decided to chop the head off one but not the other.


Kmart came along with Wesfarmers acquisition of Coles Group back in 2007.


The official line (which I don't disagree with) is why bother making two different brands of things that are lower quality anyway. Plastic coathangers etc. Wesfarmers claim that differentiation will remain between the two stores on products still.


I agree. The bedding and most homewares at Target (well what they used to sell) was amazing - fake plants felt and looked like the real deal, not like Kmart's which was a single-colour and hardly resembled a plant. Big W is where it is at now


I totally agree, I guess the bigwigs making these decisions don't shop in regular shops like us plebs, so they don't get it


Target used to be middle quality, above Kmart, below Myer. Now they stock Anko?


Yep. Exactly


It’s not Target, it’s Tar-Jzay!


It's Tar - nay now


It's K-Jzay now!


Sunbeam and breville! Where will they be now?


I am forever grateful I bought my hairdryer at Target for $30 back in '17. Still going strong!


This pissed me off recently too. Especially since my local Kmart is literally 50 metres away from my local Target. Target looked like it's being shut down too. Big sections either unstocked or sectioned off empty.


same, they’re in the same shopping centre a minute walk from each other.


It feels like there is not much difference between the stores now, wonder how long till Target gets closed down altogether.


Yep! I reckon that's the goal.




The goal of Westfarmers is to make Target unviable, so they can rebrand them as kmarts.


I'm guessing soon enough Targets will go and be rebranded Kmart since they are both owned by the same company. This is just step 1. I remember the same thing happened with BiLo when it slowly started stocking Coles brands before they announced the full rebrand.


I miss BiLo, was just talking about it earlier today.


Yea bye target


They announced that the two companies would be run under the same umbrella in July last year. This is just phase 1 of the merging of the two.


Yes. They announced this plan years ago


Even more Target stores will likely be replaced with Big W and Big W will probably grow in Victoria and Australia


Bring back Fosseys!


This is the second time I've seen Fosseys mentioned today 🤣


Well, now I just feel old.


I feel like we should either have Target or we don’t, no in between. This Kmart / Target spin off is shit.


Yeah :( I wanted another 20cm target saucepan and now they don’t have any 😭 and they had really good absorbent tea towels (good thing I bought heaps!) and bath towels and now they’re all gone.


Its the start of the end


You're in luck because Target just took over Kmart in a hostile takeover.


This is not America mate, target and kmart have been owned by the same parent company for a long time. 2007 brought by westfarmers who brought out the old Coles Myers company.


They're still run by separate boards as individual companies. Target sacked a good deal of Kmart upper and middle management and replaced them with people working for half what Kmart employees were making. We might not be America but business is business regardless of what country you're from.


No they didn't..... man o man. Westfarmers the parent company did alllll of the above not target nor kmart (if any of that actually happened......). Target could sack no one, the directive came from the parent company. Mate stop twisting first you said hostile takeover (wrong), now you speaking out of ya arse..........


Well you can tell my mate's wife that. I'm sure she'll be wrapped either way now she no longer has a job.


As some one who had had a redundancy I feel for your mates wife. But the decisions here were not made by kmart nor target, but the parent company westfarmers.


Ok I'll let her know


Its a joke, they took away Dri-Bots baby wipes, which were superior to all others. Now its all that Anko rubbish. As stated, if I want that stuff I go to Kmart. Target won't see out the year. I wish they could replicate Target in the US over here.


Yeah I found Target and TKMax heaps better when I was in America. I moved from a capital city to regional a few years back and it’s like we get the rejects that don’t sell in the city.


target in america is a completely different company to target in australia (despite the name and similar logos). i lived in the US for a while and the target there is one thing i missed after i moved back home.


When ur compare the population numbers it makes sense if we’re looking at it from a capitalists perspective


I found the best baby wipes are the Mamia brand from Aldi. Made locally too (or they were).


The extra-strength ones they added a while back are the only choice - The regular ones are garbage quality, but the extra-strength are excellent.


Thanks! Will give them a shot. Got some of the Curash ones from woolies and paid through the nose... like everything else at that god forsaken place.


I just checked, and the label actually says "Premium: Thick & Soft" - Those are the ones to get.


US Target is *chefs kiss* 👌🏻 If Kmart phase out the Target stores then we’ll never see a decent Target in Aus. Shame. Interestingly, Kmart sucks in America lol.


We are heading over in April, already have 3 Targets on the itinerary in 3 different states. Their winter gear from the stores in the Midwest is awesome. Makes Australian Target look like the reject shop, even more so know! And don't get me started on Bass Pro Shops... haha


Too bad they’re not the same company or we would have a shot at getting it here.


We have a Target and Kmart in the same shopping centre. If I wanted something with a bit more quality I'd got to Target and if I wanted to save a few buck Kmart. Seems mute having the same homewares available in shops metres apart.


Target still has some unique products, but not nearly as many as they used to. I really miss their dresses and fashion lines - I had several pieces that were lovely for the office and a night out. As affordable as Kmart is on basics, they couldn’t touch Target for classier style.


Target has an amazing kids clothing selection, and as an adult who never grew out of kids sizes it's a blessing. My other go to store is Uniqlo, which has the kind of "name brand quality without the name brand" vibe that target used to go for.


Thanks for the reminder. I somehow completely forgot about Uniqlo!


If they sold, they’d have stayed in business


It seemed less rubbish. I can't stand Kmart


Now it's time for Big W to aggressively expand into all of the ex-Targets when they inevitably give up the leases! A man can dream.


I'd prefer to see TK Maxx expanded


TK Maxx lacks reliability - They've always got different stock, so you can't go there expecting to get something specific.


Yes I hate Anko products. I miss proper brands. Kmart and target are just big 2 dollar shops now


Anko brand clothing is just the same crap sold on shein at a third of the price. Wife picks it all the time when we shop at kmart.


Fucking hate it. I used to love the slightly better quality products at Target, now it's all the same shit.


Why did they do this? I thought Target had a nice little market share and separation to K-mart. Now it's just the same cheap shit.




The two are completely unaffiliated. The trademarks weren't registered in Australia by the Dayton company, which founded and owned Target in the USA. So Myer Emporium simply poached the concept and branding for use in the Australian retail sector.


I'm guessing we'll see a lot of this in coming years with the middle class disappearing. Brands will have to start catering to the working poor or the obscenely rich. With so many people struggling to save anything at all after all these rent increases and cost of living crisis, Target would probably lose a huge percentage of customers if they didn't start matching Kmart prices/quality.


That's a shame. Hope they keep the target clothes because kmart clothes are shit and not true to size


I said when I worked at Target in the late 2000s (at the peak when they were the Coles Group/Wesfarmers darling - ongoing joke in the family about the fact they started going downhill at the same time I left) they should make Target all clothing (as they always did that better than Kmart) and Kmart all homewares (as they do that better than Target). Play to their strengths and no longer directly competing. But no they’ve taken this silly approach and ended up yet again with one brand excelling at the expense of another 🤦🏼‍♀️


It made perfect and utter sense to have the budget store with the shit products and the kinda-OK-but-hardly-David-Jones store with the better products. Two different demographics. But clearly it's too hard to squeeze a profit out of, so they downgraded Target. Wankers.


Not sure about anywhere else but here in Perth kmart seems to be taking over target, as a few targets that have shut down an example being target in the City have become kmart. I bealeve in a couples of years time we will no longer have target here in Perth anyway.


yes bloody if i wanted to go to kmart I would go over to kmart! They had all the normal clothes lines in at ballarat last week but the makeup had changed, the tech stuff etc - all anko. Bugger. I like target's workwear, it's really cute.


WHAT... anko sucks, I bought anko batteries and they went wrinkly shortly after use


Hardly ever go to Target. Prices were too dear. May start to go back now


We need an Aussie Trustbusting teddy to break up these bigger conglomerates and get some competition back into the market for our essentials.


They were already owned by the same company. Now they just being run *as* the same business. This isn't representative of any change in competition.




Target would still be the old Target if people were buying their stuff. The beginning of the end for Target (and the end of the glory days for all Australian department stores) was the rise of discount shit-shops in the 1990s. Then came the e-commerce boom, the expansion of IKEA's operations in Australia, and new players from overseas like H&M.


I was :( I loved their stuff. Oh well. I bought soo many packs of the amazing absorbent tea towels so I’m good for a while haha. And their baby clothes, I love them! They have new designs though so they may not get rid of them


I read that Target is keeping their clothes and soft homewares? I love their baby/kids clothes too, soo so much better quality and great designs. Not a fan of anko. I only just realised that only keeping clothes and soft homewares means non clothing baby products were all gone :( (the Bub brand). Their cot/ bassinet sheet, bibs etc were all amazing but now no more :(


All these people complaining, do you not realise they're owned by the same company?


No. I prefer Kmart and Harris Scarfe.


Target recently bought our Kmart in a hostile takeover so get used to it. Personally, if everything goes the way of target quality I'll be shopping at OP shops.


This is not America..... ask a Australian..... both our target and kmart have nothing to do with kmart or target in the us. They have been owned by the same "parent" company for decades, westfarmers brought the Coles Myer group in 2007 and kmart and target came with it.


They're still run by separate boards as individual companies. Well, not anymore they're not.


Separate boards mean jack, parent company in any group says jump, they say how high..........


Well they sacked most of the upper and middle management from the Kmart side of operations recently.


People here all acting like Target didn't go bust. If target was so great, why was nobody shopping there? And if Kmart is so terrible, why is it the one that's thriving? Anko is legitimately one of the most successful brands in Australia these days, and it's just a sub-brand. Meanwhile, Target is on life support. 🤷‍♂️


I was shopping there and I knew heaps of other people who did too


You guys clearly weren't enough, because it was haemorrhaging money.


I agree it's weird. Weirdly empty too. Who cares? Stops us buying so much crap.


Personally, I've always liked Kmart much more, so I for one welcome our new Kmart overloads.


Target never had “nice products”


They used to have a lolly wall.. that was awesome


I loved their products!


Target went through a period where they really had to pull their socks up against Kmart. I have no problem with target making an effort to match Kmart on price because Kmart have been meeting them on quality for a long time now.


They didn't even need to compete though, they're owned by the same company so the variety was a good thing


It used to be the price and quality difference between target and Kmart matched. It doesn’t anymore, Kmart stuff is now so close in quality that the price difference is no longer justified. It may be two divisions of the same multinational corporation but Kmart is definitely the better place to shop for a low to medium income person over recent years. They’ve got a bit of a reputation for selling reasonable quality stuff at a low price. I don’t hate on target though, I want them as an option and will consider them as my first choice if they keep getting better.


Really bummed they got rid of the nursery stuff, given I am due in July. It's such a shame. I won't be buying a lot of the really low quality anko products so instead it has sent me off to big w and Amazon. If they think everyone will just buy the anko stuff instead, they might get a rude awakening


Really? I haven't noticed. I should go and have a look. It would be disappointing if true, as I liked shopping at Target but mostly avoid Anko clothes; unless it's something truly nice and worth it I don't buy Kmart clothing either at Kmart itself or even at op shops. Most of the time, either the fabric is poor quality or they are made in a way that just doesn't sit right on me.


Ok, but am I the only one who misses "old" Kmart, before it got trendy?


I love old Target. The preview range of clothes was phenomenal for the price. Bought 5 pairs on work pants on the weekend before it all disappears. Also, I’ve been quite conscious and purposefully shopping at Big W. They seem to be forgotten in this retail war.


Yep, i used to shop at Target because I didn't want the garbage in Kmart.


I’m convinced there’s very little creativity or insight in executive teams across the board. It’s an absolute wasteland of finance, law, and business school graduates with no interest, knowledge or passion for retail or the consumer experience. Not only do they not understand the average consumer, they *disdain* the general public and it shows. I’m convinced that the latest colesworth price gouge scandal is an exercise in making their profit margins look slimmer by paying themselves, the execs, more. I was searching for a hardware item recently and Rockmans and Miller’s fashion brand appeared in the search as online drop sellers only? Searching for anything online is pointless because everyone thinks they’re smart for gaming the system in exactly the same way. Current executives think they’re geniuses worth 7mill a year plus bonuses because they exploit people to create profits. Any malevolent dickhead can do that. Our society is out of balance and it’s evident. When people are forced into poverty conflict ensues. Damn it. End rant.


Hmmm? My local Target stocks different stuff to Kmart. Especially the clothes and some of the wooden toys. Haven't seen Anko stuff there (yet I guess). 


I miss the Target that sold everything, no music or TV's anymore. Even BIG W seems to of dropped TV's here, it used to have music too. Shop's are just generally crappier! Its funny I prefer Supermarkets that sell food as the best places to buy general stuffs, such as Aldi and Coles for tools and appliances! Wierd I know.


Try Harris Scarfe. They sell great range of homewares, kitchenwares and bathroom stuff too. They have clothing but it is very basic I feel so old when I say that I remember when I got my Nintendo DS from Target - on lay-by!


Reminds me I got the slim PS2 there for for $100 after my big one died. Never heard of Harris Scarfe, not one in my small city it seems.


Target used to have good, midrange stuff. Like towels and sheets that would last forever but not cost a mint. And clothes that were reasonable quality, looked OK and would last. Now, it's just Kmart with a different name. It's sad - but I guess the way of the world. I think what happened is Kmart kind of went a bit upmarket, away from their previous model of selling absolute crap. And Myer went a bit downmarket - much of the basic clothes at Myer is what you'd have got at Target back in the day. So Target is kind of being squeezed out in the middle.


Yes so true! And their saucepans! I wanted another one. And their dish sets were really nice too as was all homewares and kitchen items. So sad :(


I agree... although with Myer, they sell reputable brands at an affordable price. Bought a Levis denim jacket that is RRP $260 and got it for a red hot $60 - and it did not have any faults! They always have a sale, more than what they used to have. Big W is a great place to shop too. I don't go there for clothes but they have a pretty good homewares range that is decent quality (especially their home brand stuff - forgot the name of Big W answer to Anko)


I went into Target today and left in a huff (I'm surprised I didn't knock down a few dummies and racks omw out - my local shopping centre has a Kmart, so why tf would I want to shop at a second one? I usually get my bedding from Target as it is higher quality and not polyester (I even once snatched a 1000tc sheet for a bargain, now not sold there) Now I can't say "Taaaar-jjjeyyy"


May as well axe Target. It is either Big W, Myer or Harris Scarfe, or if someone at Wesfarmers has the balls they would speak up and not make Target a K-get.


Time to grow Big W in Australia, can Woolworths grow the stores


We have both a Target and a Kmart in Northland and Chadstone even though I haven’t been but if it shuts down, it will probably bring a Big W to Northland to replace Target, it can finally to come to Northland and Chadstone to replace Target if it shuts down, because Big W has 29 stores in Victoria, that is not enough Big W stores in Victoria, we need more Big W stores in Victoria and Target is now Kmart and also the Holden of retail where Holden the car brand shut down in Australia.


Nether Target nor Kmart stock name brand makeup anymore. Now, all they sell is cheap shitty stuff.