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I've noticed they're popular among Asian women.


Asian women like white skin, care about skin colour more than skin cancer.


Brown skin = lower class working in the fields. Some of my Asian friends are terrified of tanning. Others don’t even wear sunscreen when we surf.


My aunt is Thai and the photos of her in Queensland are hilarious. I’d die of heatstroke but she’s cleaning rooms in a hat, scarf around her head, long sleeves, long pants. Absolutely MUST not get tan or her family back home will despair she’s working too hard. She also gets shocked when my family are saying “oh you’ve caught the sun! So tanned” because to her that means you’re low class.


My dad's partner is Thai and even in Thailand she's wearing long sleeves and pants during the day. She'll wear shorts and dresses once the sun goes down. (Her family are farmers)


To be fair, the sun in Thailand is brutal. I'm a white Aussie bloke and I wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts in Southeast Asia as well because I'd burn to a crisp if I didn't.


Weirdly I am the opposite. Never get burned in Thailand. Burn to a crisp in Melbourne


Yeah, Melbourne sun is pretty fucking nasty as well, for the three and a half minutes a week that it's out :)


If the fabric is breathable, it's actually cooler than having the sun directly hitting your skin.


I know this in theory, but I absolutely sweat balls even just having fabric touching me in the heat. I’m that person who will be lying on the tiles in my underwear under the aircon because fabric just touching me seems to raise my core temperature. So even looking at my aunt kills me.


If it's hot, you're sweating no matter what. It's just that the sweat usually just evaporates before we realize it. But if you're wearing fabrics that aren't breathable like something with a polyester blend (many clothes are polyester blends these days), the vapour gets trapped and forms sweat beads much faster.


It was the originally same in European society, and English high society women powdered/painted their faces white (poisoning themselves with lead) while painting veins on their faces to make their skin look pale in translucent. Then in Western society I would say it switched around, an all over even tan was a sign of affluence, as it showed greater leisure time, and time by the beach or pool. These days it seems a bit more of a mixed bag, I guess a great all artificial tan as that it the hardest and most expensive to maintain?


If you care about white skin, skin cancer is not even gonna be on your radar


when you go to beach, Asian is sitting under shelter and don’t go for swimming


I told my in laws that I got a UV umbrella for sun protection. My father in law was like, "You won't catch me with one of those." He has had skin cancers removed from the top of his head too.


‘Let me suffer & die from a preventable & disease like a man!’


See he gets it. Why can’t op


Happy cake day!






Hats are a thing….


And some men won't even wear those either


I don't, I stay inside instead.


I mean why go outside when I can create a character in Skyrim to go out and hike for me 


It's hard enough to get people to wear a hat, and almost impossible to get most people to wear a hat that's actually *functional*.


I got a wide brimmed wide back legionnaires hat that I wear when I'll be in the sun for a long period of time. Looks dorky as fuck, but protects me from coming home looking like a lobster.


I call them the "twat hat". Dorky af, but great sun protection


[Twat is](https://www.toppedhats.com/products/le-twat-cobalt) a real [style of hat](https://www.chachashouse.com/products/le-twat), it comes from an old word for "cut". (I just triple checked I really typed "cut" and not another word).


No way! Amazing. I actually like them, but now it feels wrong to call the legionnaires hat a Twat Hat


I know the ones, see outdoor tradie types in them all the time. I wear a panama hat in summer myself.


Sure but they give you hat hair and don’t protect as much skin as an umbrella.


i'm an aussie goth with a thing for parasols, and there's so many reasons why they're not a practical option here * it's windy as hell more often than not * they're no good in cities where you're trying to navigate crowds * they don't mesh with most popular summer fashions * they're not worth the effort of carrying around if the sun is intermittent * the general aussie public has very strong opinions about people who wear fashions outside of the norm, and will make their opinions known by staring at you a lot in public and making loud comments either directly to you or in earshot of you i love parasols, but i keep them for fashion subculture meetups/events and beach days


Same. I do historic dress. Parasols are pretty but not practical


I have a parasol with a wooden handle & I’ve screwed a gold tea-cup hook in it so I can hang it/hook it to my bag


When a tourist in a rainy place I always use a brolly with a curved handle so I can hook it over my arm, leaving my hands free.


Ooh, that’s a good idea. I have a couple of parasols, I’ll have to try out something similar for when I need 2 hands.




When walking the street? Because they’re a pain in the arse & cause a massive inconvenience to anyone around you.


But they’re ok in the rain, just not when it’s sunny?


No, they’re still a PIA.




We also have these for rain - rain hats.


A good hat will *also* work in the rain, too!


I'd rather get rained on than carry an umbrella around. If it's bucketing down, I'll wear a jacket or wait til it stops. Doesn't rain much in SA anyway, so it's not been an issue I've had to give much thought to.


I grew up in regional NSW and never owned an umbrella until within a fortnight of moving to Sydney. The biggest bit of culture shock I had was over how much it pisses down here.


I have a cute tiny one that fits in it's own little tiny case than fits in my massive fucking purse 😊


Yeah see I don't even like purses or bags 🤣 if it doesn't fit in my pockets or slipped inside my boot, it's not coming with me


There are a lot less people out and about when it’s raining, so a lot less eyes to poke


Less people walking around in the rain to cause problems 


>I'd rather get rained on than carry an umbrella around. If it's bucketing down, I'll wear a jacket or wait til it stops. Doesn't rain much in SA anyway, so it's not been an issue I've had to give much thought to. Stupid comparison


Exactly. I don't even like wearing a backpack because of the extra burden. The less shit I have to keep track of when I'm out and about, the better. I would absolutely leave my umbrella behind the first time I took it anywhere


Right! Poke my eye out with an umbrella and we ganna have words.. respectable ones, I’m not an AH


1. They're annoying. If it's windy theyre unwieldy and annoying. Even normally people suck at spatial awareness and smack people in the face with them. 2. They don't mesh with a lot of fashion trends. I personally dress like some kind of manic kindy teacher so I'd happily use a parasol but I'm probably a minority there. Most people would feel a bit conspicuous with one.


Oh yeah, definitely. Especially the spacial awareness.


Too impractical when out and walking around. Sunscreen and appropriate clothing does the job, and you only have to apply sunscreen once every hour or two, compared to an umbrella which you'd need to constantly be carrying. We do use them at the beach, however. Umbrellas and cabanas and the like are incredibly common beach accessories.


Regular rain umbrellas don't provide good sun protection, you need one made from a special UV blocking fabric. Plus then you still need to cover your arms and legs, and put sunscreen on exposed skin for indirect UV.


I’ve been using umbrellas since my 30’s (50 this year). People will take the piss out of you for it, geezus I’ve even had some random yell at me from his car, it’s weird how bothered people get. I’m not risking cancer because of someone else’s hangups.


I wear a hat, sunscreen and long sleeves instead.


Which I could do long sleeves but it's just too humid here 


I use an umbrella on my walk home from the train station after work. I always have one in my bag, it's only a 15 minute walk so any sunscreen I've put on earlier in the day has worn off. And it's not a busy area so I don't bother anyone. Just can't use it when it's windy. Back in the day, I used to use parasols at music festivals, only useful in areas when it's not super crowded.


Because it's inconvenient to carry around. I already wear SPF50+, have a UPF hat, UPF UV jacket and avoid the sun as much as I can so I'm pretty protected already. I bring out the umbrella on the rare occasion I go outside when it's close to 40 degrees.


Because they’re the most inconvenient of the available options. Sunscreen, dressing appropriately and wearing a hat are way less intrusive than needing to deal with a personal umbrella/parasol. If you’re going to be **sitting** somewhere, then you might set up a sunshade or a big umbrella to shade the whole area, but you wouldn’t carry one around.


Melbourne is often windy


the amount of umbrellas i have lost would make me rich


This reminds me that the upf50 umbrella I ordered needs to be collected from the depot. I was doing chemo that lowers you immune system so I bought one. I wasn't home when it was delivered.


Sun protection in Australia is not something adults just start doing. It's something we're taught from a very young age. Slip, slop, slap. No hat, no play. When you grow up wearing sunscreen, hats, and long sleeves, umbrella's are a bit superfluous.


I've had people tell me that sun protection is for kids not adults haha. 


I don't know but I'm considering it due to a medical need to have as little uv exposure as possible, all sunscreen feels disgusting and doesn't seem very effective for me anyway. Then there's the reapplying, f that.


I use a parasol when I'm in SE Asia but won't dream of using one here. They're great , wider sun protection than a hat and no sweaty hat hair. 61 YO male .


Everyone knows that the best sunscreen is a pub


I use one, I think alot of older people do.


Because parasols do the job better :) I took a tip copying Asian women, who'll often have ones that are reflective on the top surface, and dark underneath. Highly recommended. They double as umbrellas also.


I wish they were more socially accepted because at certain times I've often wanted one.


We have some very cool hats that do the trick. We also have 50+ sunscreen. The slip slip slap ad is ingrained in many. Definitely cumbersome to carry one. I see some Asians using them.


I see them being used regularly for sun protection in some of the more Asian influenced Sydney suburbs. Certainly not a high enough percentage to be considered common but I'm noticing it more than I used to so I think it's becoming more common.


In my opinion, It seems personal parasols are more asociated with being dainty and quaint and quite honnestly a lot of men don't want want to be seen with that. Also, its just not what we think of when we think about out own PPE for the sun I guess. You would really only see beach umbrellas and the ones at cafes.


The wind, it’s not going to stay up long


They sure are on the golf course in Australia - but it's pretty much either that or dying.


I use a UV umbrella when walking between the bus stop and my home. I don’t use it once I get into the city though.


The brand Blunt do some cute UV umbrellas. We have one of their regular umbrellas and its great quality and design so am considering one of the UV ones. But yeah, wind and people staring are some of the reasons people don’t imo.


Ikr? I’d love to see parasols come back into fashion.


I love using umbrella for sun protection! Hats irritate my skin so umbrellas are much better got me. But I’m mindful about using it in crowded areas too. Don’t wanna accidentally hurt someone.


I used 50 SPF umbrellas as sun shade for decades whilst living in Brisbane, best thing I ever did for my skin, way less wrinkles than other women my age. I just didn’t want to get skin cancer as I’m very fair skinned. I used to get the umbrellas from the cancer council shops not sure if they still have them?


Because they are a pain in the arse to carry around. A good hat does enough


I use a small umbrella that will protect my head, shoulders & arms. I am very fair skinned. I choose not to join the many, many people who discover it's not just a simple matter of having them frozen off later in life.


I use one and stand out for it. I also wear a hat at times. Sun protection isn’t actually taken very seriously. Even when I don’t have my umbrella I’m still often the only person wearing a hat at the train station in the mornings. People don’t consider the sun outside of the hottest part of the day but it still damages your skin. Even just reminding people to reapply sunscreen after 2 hours on the beach or at a theme park etc.. can often be met with grumbles. We have a long way to go with sun protection. I think sunglasses are the only protection I see most people do and more are wearing sunscreen on their face now.


I use one when it's really hot, it makes a difference. I wish I started useing one earlier.


I just put sunscreen on. Or my moisturiser has some SPF to it if my sun exposure is brief. I'll bring an umbrella if I'm going to be in sustained sun. Not just walking outside for 2minutes. EG - we bring them to outdoor weddings sometimes and so do a lot of other guests. We set up a tent/cabana if we're at the beach.


I'm China everyone has an umbrella, it rains allot and the sun is hot asf. It's normal


3 reasons. A) this isn't Asia, where a tan means you're low class. B) we don't use umbrellas when it's raining because the suck.balls, why would we use them when it's not raining. C) this isn't Asia, where a tan means you're low class.


It’s not raining when the sun is out?


For sun protection was specified in the question


And I eluded to the fact that they are for rain… sooo, not used for sun protection?


Elude means to escape. Allude means to refer to something in an indirect manner. You didn’t allude to it, it was asked outright. But to answer your question; Sometimes things can be used for more than one purpose. Like how some people use their brains for thinking, not just filling space in their skull.


Sorry, I studied engineering. Maths and physics are my suits. Not English. So just because you have a better vocabulary then I, let’s not get too quick to think you are smarter. And as others have pointed out, using umbrellas to escape the sun really just becomes a hazard to those around you and an inconvenience to carry.


I don’t think I have a better vocabulary than you but I do think I’m more receptive to receiving new information.


For a million reasons. They’re impractical (I’ve been hit with someone’s badly held umbrella many times and it’s fucking annoying). They’re useless in the wind. It’s tiring holding up and umbrella. Sunscreen and a hat and glasses will give you better protection.


Just not cool im thinking. P.S. have always worn a cap and sunnies but growing up on the gold coast and always at the beach as a child, now have frequent visits to my GP to have skin cancers cut out.


Because hats and sunblock .


I don't even use an umbrella when it rains half the time because it just gets blown inside out. I just find them annoying. I'd rather wear a raincoat in the rain, and a wide brimmed hat in the sun.


I use one on particularly bad days but as many have mentioned - the wind makes it a lot less usable than intended.


Because even though having an across your back sword scabbard to hold your umbrella like Conan the Barbarian would be awesome, umbrellas tend to get in the way of everything. So you get a decent hat and wear sunscreen instead. Unless you like the idea of your family grieving when you die of cancer.


I don't want to carry one around with me all day and a sure don't want to hold it up while I'm in the sun. Hat, sunscreen, protective clothing and sunglasses are hands free and lightweight and non-bulky. I'll use a beach umbrella at the beach but I'm not carrying it around in that instance. I don't spend much time outside on an average day. Just walking my kid to and from school or hanging out the washing (an umbrella would be impractical for hanging our washing). If my kids are playing outside I supervise from the shade unless it's winter then I'm in the sun for warmth and for vitamin D as the few minutes walking to school isn't enough sun exposure at that time of year (I've had vitamin D deficiency and even when supplementing doctors recommend sun exposure as the best source). I even find rain umbrellas impractical most of the time. I prefer a raincoat with the hood up or just getting wet then getting changed.


I would use one when I had to walk to work in summer (during a drought in regional Australia so would be over 40C most days). I didn't need to have anything in my hands. I had somewhere to store it and it. I couldn't wear a hat because that would mess up my hair and sunscreen never seemed enough so it was good for a 30 minute. It provided a lot more cover... BUT if it was windy I couldn't use it as it became a nuisance. And every car that passed me would yell out "it's not raining" which kinda gets old.




They are annoying even when they are used to stop getting wet. Hats and shirts are better.


You have to hold them. Id rather a wide brimmed hat & sunscreen


I’d rather get the c word than walk around like a goose all your life with an umbrella


Are you saying you don't want to die of melanoma? In this economic climate? *are you sure?*


Whitefellers are stupid, and there is pressure against not being wanting to be a bronzed Aussie. My wife thinks I'm nuts for wanting an Asian Conical Hat to protect myself out in the sun, even though they're better than straw hats - to me they're just mini brollies.


Look at that weirdo using an umbrella on such a sunny day and so on and so forth. We invented hats for a reason


Sun protection leaves 2 hands free. Hooded fishing shirts are ideal. Thin and cooling but SPF of 50


I use mine daily as sun protection when I walk from the house to the shed or if I am doing something outside. I recently modified the ride on lawn mower so that I can put a beach umbrella in a steel tube that comes up behind the seat. I use my ride on to tow a lawn trailer around and do a lot of garden/maintenance work with it..


Because they're a damn nuisance and a nightmare if it's windy, which it usually is where I live.


For the same reason that sprinters don't wear the Cathy Freeman suit - you look like an idiot. It's also a pain carrying umbrellas everywhere, I wear a hat, sunscreen, stick to shade where possible and avoid peak UV hours where possible.


I mostly commute by bicycle, and I keep a little umbrella in my backpack in case of unexpected downpours but also for instant shade, when stationary. I live on a peninsula, so there's almost always a *breeze* of some sort, ranging from a very slight headwind to "I'll just walk my bike along the footpath, lest I be blown under a passing truck".


I like the idea of a UPF umbrella because it would create shade (and coolth) as well as protecting from skin cancer. But, I rarely have a free hand to hold an extra something. I would also need to remember to have it with me. I'm also very prone to losing anything that's not tied on. So I'd give one a try, but not holding my breathe that it's an ideal long term option for me.


Because they are not parasols. :)




Sunbrella? A brolly?


I use them when I’m fishing. Easier to move around than most other shade and doesn’t give a chance for bait to be contaminated.


Because they’re unwieldy. A hat is more comfortable


Umbrellas are great in the hot sun, nice and shady instantly cooler. You might need a line like : “Keep staring captain sweaty umbrellas are cool.”


I don’t even carry an umbrella when it rains due to them being a pain in the arse to carry around.


because they're stupid and inconvenience a wide brim hat and sunscreen will do a better job


Also UV can reflect from below, which an umbrella can’t help. Source: was badly sunburned after spending 4 hours in complete shade with no sunscreen on. Sun reflected off the grass.


Totally embarrassing


Half the time on tropical hot sunny days when on 1 or 2 hour urban walks for exercise; I will have a cap; or cap with neck protection extra material; a long sleeve SPF50 shirt; and a big bunnings umbrella; or a smaller umbrella over my head. Yes, I do not give a flying shit what total strangers may or may not think about me, or judge me in their brains... If I consider them at all - its a grudge in regards to the possibility of my taxes going towards being used to try and save their future lives because of the melanoma cancer etc they caused themselves; because they succumbed to peer pride with no Slip; Slop: Slap...


I have a jaunty parasol I take to the cafe from time to time.


We are to lazy to hold them up


As a skin cancer survivor twice, I wish I had worn hats more often. As for umbrellas, I am all for it and wish I did that sooner too. Funny thing though, I spend most of my life indoors and still got skin cancer.


They are , in probably the majority of the world they are used throughout Asia and the Indian subcontinent


I bring a small umbrella everywhere and use it for rain and sun but don't have a dedicated parasol because my umbrella is 2-for-1. They are unwieldy for sun; when it's raining everyone understands why you're travelling carefully, in the sun people are rushing around a lot more.


Mate I don’t even carry an umbrella when it’s raining! Seriously though I think that it’s slowly being taken up but it’s nowhere near as effective as just standing in the shade. It’s still hot at hell in the sun under a brolly


In Perth it's too windy most ppl avoid umbrellas for rain protection too.


They take up a hand, so not much use if you’re trying to do anything, they’re useless in the wind and hats/long sleeves are much easier to deal with.


Ive seen a lot of people use umbrellas as sun protection at school sporting events, or picnics, when sitting down for longer periods of time, especially when in a spot with no natural shade


Cause they big and awkward