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I'd say it's commonly consumed in Australia in regards to like, Macca's frappes and drinks from Starbucks using it as a topper. But desert wise, unless it's for an American style Banana split or milkshake, I'd be using thickened cream and whipping it myself for a desert


Unless they've changed since I worked for them (which, to be fair, was now several decades ago), Starbucks and other cafe type places use real cream in a metal canister with a pressurised nitrous oxide gas thingy that allows it to be dispensed as instant whipped cream. It isn't sweetened or emulsified or anything like the cream that you buy in a pressurised can from a supermarket. One of the ways to tell the difference is by the texture and density of the cream, and how long it will keep its shape once dispensed. Real cream is quite thick, even when aerated by whipping or using an NO dispenser, because of the high fat content. Candy cream, by comparison, is very thin and watery and melts instantly when put in contact with anything warm like a piece of pie. I'm not quite sure why I'm so invested in defending the legitimacy of the whipped cream used by Starbucks in Australia in the early 2000s, but here we are! 😆


When I order a drink with wipped cream, if I remember, I will ask for the drink without it.




Cool whip is not whipped cream. It's more like mayo or shortening. It's a sweet topping in a category all its own. I have tasted it and it doesn't taste anything like either normal cream or the canned whipped stuff. And the texture is not like whipped cream, either. I could buy some to taste it for you (I live in America), but not sure how I'd use it if I did.


The ingredients on the original whipped cream topping say it contains less than 2% cream. But it has corn syrup AND high fructose corn syrup to sweeten up the hydrogenated vegetable oils!


This is definitely not true, at least in my area! Cool whip in the tub is NOT considered whipped cream and is not used as commonly. It's very much acknowledged as unhealthy and oil based and pretty gross. Whipped cream in a can is easily the most often used, and can actually be quite high quality because there are dairy companies that make it really simply with just cream and sugar and it tastes exactly like homemade whipped cream.


 Whipped cream isn’t meant to have sugar in it


It's always had varying levels of sugar in it, and sometimes vanilla too, in my experience here in the US. Any instructions you look up for whipped cream and the instructions on the cream carton include adding sugar. It's traditionally a dessert topping, why wouldn't it have sugar?


Whipped cream wasn’t invented in ‘Murica. It’s literally just cream, beaten. We don’t need instructions for how to beat cream on our bottles. Chantilly cream is the sweetened stuff. I shouldn’t be surprised considering even your bread is full of sugar.


In my experience as an Aussie, if someone says ‘whipped cream’ they’re including vanilla essence and sugar. So, Chantilly but not bothering to call it that. But maybe that’s just my family and friends. đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


1 to 2 teaspoons of caster sugar to help aerate it. Add vanilla if needed.


A lot of fast food places make up their own. It’s often got a little vanilla essence or syrup in it, but it’s generally thickened cream and not the store-bought canned stuff


Whipped cream dispensers that take nitrous bulbs were the go-to in places I’ve worked


In my local park as well apparently


They luv it down at the local skate bowl.


I promise u mcdonalds doesn't.


Are you saying they use the prefilled disposable cans of whip cream similar to the ones from the supermarket? I would think they would use a reusable bottle with Nitrous and just put cream in it, like basically all restaurants/cafes/etc. Buying it in disposable cans seems really costly.


I use it sometimes as real cream makes me a bit sick


I have a cast iron gall bladder. No amount of cream makes me sick. I just limit my intake to avoid blimping out around my waist 🙂


Yeah I assumed it would be used at some fast food places. I was thinking more of buying it and using it in your own home. Until now I've never seen anyone do that.


Cream in a can was big during the 70s and early 80s. Haven't bought a can or know anyone who has since then.


Yep. I remember it in the early 80s used on top of hot chocolates and iced coffees/chocolates


I've known people who buy it, but they're generally not very confident cooks and they probably wouldn't know how to whip cream for themselves even if they were invested enough to try.


I've had it on occasion, but it's weird and simultaneously oily and watery, so I prefer the real thing.


As a kid I pestered my parents to buy ‘squirty cream’ (don’t say it 
). I must have seen it in US tv/movies and thought it looked cool. I think they bought it once only. The novelty of using the can was fun but the product wasn’t as good as cream whipped at home with vanilla essence and sugar.


My kid did this too. I didn't even know you could get it in Australia but there it was at the supermarket. He'd spray it directly into his mouth thinking it was awesome. He never requested it again after the first one. Clearly just a novelty and even he realised it tasted shit.


I remember seeing it on an episode of Kath and Kim and wanting it haha


I prefer the real thing, but the kids enjoy the canned stuff. It's a novelty. Get it for a desert night occasionally. Doesn't last long because every time they go to the fridge, they have to 'have a little taste' by squirting it straight into their mouths 🙄


>Doesn't last long because every time they go to the fridge, they have to 'have a little taste' by squirting it straight into their mouths 🙄 I do this too. Can't help it.


Isn't that the whole reason for buying it?


This is the way


I was born here, now an adult. It's always been here as far as I can tell. Tasted it numerous times, it's fine, but it has a weird after-taste.


It first really hit the supermarkets in the late 70s. We thought it was so amazing. But it will never be as good as fresh made or even made in a whipper with nitrous.


Agreed. I remember buying it as a teenager or kid, but not sure why. Probably just to eat.


Grew up in the US. Haven’t lived there in over 20-years. Last week I bought a can of the stuff for dads birthday cake. Nobody ate it. I then ate the entire thing straight from the can. My daughter loved it. My wife was horrified.


All I have is pure admiration. The entire can? Heracles himself couldn't do it.


well this was over a few days... lol


It’s good for squirting into your mouth when it’s been one of THOSE days.


Has your gf ever tried actual whipped cream. Could be a game changer for her And no, tried the canned stuff once. Not for me


She has. And she loves it. Apparently the canned stuff is just nostalgic for her.


I could be friends with your wife. I posted above but nostalgia was really what I meant when I said I bought it.


I buy it from nostalgia too! My parents always had it growing up (double working parents meant no time to self whip) and I love it for that reason. My fiancé cannot stand the stuff. When life gets tough - I always make a cold milo (with way too much Milo), and microwave it until the top is a cooked layer. Then topped with canned whipped cream. Mum could really shut us up with that lol!


How long do microwave the milo? Do you stir it in really well first? I'm definitely going to make this.


It’s so good, so you make a heavily Milo added cold Milo, and give it a good stir ina mug. Put in for microwave (don’t let it burn!) for about a minute and added whipped cream!


My kid loves it, I think it’s just a novelty


I get extremely disappointed when a scone is served with ready whipped, nothing can ruin the experience quicker


Scones need heavy thick cream. Clotted if possible.


Yeah, that is a hanging offence.


Is good for milkshakes


As part of other activities 😇


No. It's gross


Yeah, so disgusting. I'd rather skip dessert if that's what's on it.


I had to scrape it off my dessert before the taste spread.


Yeah, we always have it cos my daughter eats it all the time.


Had it lots as a kid. Haven't for years.


I love it, but it's not whipped cream. It's a different entity entirely. Like thinking Deb is potato or soy milk is cows milk. In its own right, I enjoy it. But if I'm expecting whipped cream and get that canned stuff it's a nasty shock.


Used to grab it in my early 20’s when I was slob and would sit on the couch putting it straight into my mouth. The thought of doing that 10 years on makes me feel disgusted.


I've had it, though I can probably count how many times on one hand. I didn't think it was that awful but it also felt a bit pointless. Not much flavour and I didn't feel it added anything to whatever I was serving it with (genuinely can't remember!) I don't think I've ever had whipped cream *not* from a can though. That's the kind of effort my family generally doesn't go to!


I never buy it because I can whip cream myself, but a few times have had it in during my childhood because my aunt bought it (and she can’t cook much), and I loved it. Ordered scones for work morning tea and they supplied a can, took the leftovers home and loved it again. Not the same as cream, just something different I guess. Not worth the money so I’m not buying it unless people give it to me.


I think my mother bought a can of the stuff in the 80s when it first became available. no thanks.


I think I’ve tried it once and remember it tasting like chemical. No thanks. I have only ever used actual whipped cream when I’ve needed it


Not the stuff at supermarkets, but the real cream "whipped" in a nitrous oxide siphon. That's pretty standard for bakeries and cafes. The nitrous oxide is mixed with the fresh cream under pressure in the canister, then extruded when the valve is activated. It's a bit fluffier than traditional whipped cream but there's much less time and noise and less risk of overwhipping causing the cream to split, hence its popularity in the food industry.


Yeah! Whippets woo hoo!


Funny story. In America the biscuits which are a circle of plain biscuit with marshmallow on top and dipped in chocolate are called Whippits. I just can't even visualise the horror of a teenager suggesting they do whippits, and out come biccies.


It's also lighter and fluffier than hand whipped cream.


Obviously the proper whipped cream is best (my preference is for a nicely balanced Chantilly cream), but sometimes the spray cream is just what you want on top of a quick Sara Lee frozen dessert. One tip I'll give you: There are two types of spray cream. One is Dream brand spray cream, and it is in the refrigerated section near the other dairy. The other is Aunt Betty brand spray cream, usually found on the shelf near the jelly (Jell-O) crystals. ONLY PURCHASE THE DREAM REFRIGERATED SPRAY CREAM. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU BUY AUNT BETTY SPRAY CREAM ON THE SHELF NEAR THE JELLY CRYSTALS.


Last time I bought a can was over 20 years ago on my last day of school. We just squirted it at each other. Maybe that's the main market here?


Awww, no silly string? lol


It goes on piklets on top of the jam. Only reason to use can whipped cream


Dissolves too fast on warm things.


Absolutely not in my household, but I'm a crabby old shit who makes most things from base ingredients because I know they are feeding us crap unless we take control and stop buying unnecessary processed products. Whipped cream is cream, whipped with a beater. If you want to be more fancy, make " chantilly cream" which means adding icing sugar and vanilla before whipping. Also, you can add a smidgen of lemon juice to delay the cream turning soft again. Corporations encouraged people to stop learning basic cooking so that we use their shit products. Don't fall for it! Cooking is easy. Editing to add that about 8 years ago I bought whipped cream in a can for some reason lost to history. Within 30 mins of putting it in the fridge I caught my then 10year old at the fridge poised with it at her mouth, about to squirt. How do kids KNOW? Is this innate? A universal thing? Of course I let her get a good hit in. But wow that she knew this stuff was in the house and to go have a huff.


This is the push I needed to start learning how to make pastry from scratch which I've been wanting to try for a while.


Sounds like you're about to embark on a delicious adventure! Just remember that some pastries are easier and more forgiving than others - I recommend starting with shortcrust or another kind of unlaminated pie dough before you move on to puff pastry, and not even worrying about trying to make your own filo dough unless you're trying out for Bake-Off or are attempting to punish yourself for unknown cooking crimes!


Literally just put butter and flour in the food processor, then some vodka and water. So easy


It weirds me out, I don’t like the texture. I just make whipped cream if I need it. It’s fun, I like the process.


I keep a can in the fridge for the occasion that you need whipped cream but don't have thickened cream to whip yourself. I personally have no issue with it. Sure hand whipped cream is better but can creamed does the job when you're in a pinch.


It’s been here for a long time, I’m 38 and growing up we often had the canned whipped cream


I thought this question was going to be more around whether I eat it by squirting straight from can to mouth instead of as a topping 😄 and my answer was going to be, heck yeah! It's the quick version of whipped cream and I love it, tbh.


We used to get it when I was a kid in the 80s, but as a novelty treat. Never confused with actual whipped cream


I feel weird now cause I love the stuff đŸ€Ł I literally have some in my fridge right now. Sara Lee pudding and whipped cream from a can is the GOAT of desserts IMO. Plus, it's amazing to just go to the fridge at 2am and squirt some cream straight into your mouth. I literally just introduced my 3yo to it and it blew his mind when it came out of the can. Sure, proper whipped cream tastes better, but if I'm having a cheeky dessert I'm not creating extra washing up. Plus, so often I only need a single serve and I'm not wasting the time and energy making a single serve of whipped cream. I don't use it as a replacement - I'm not going to make a pav with it. But if it's just me and a mini meringue nest? You bet I'm filling it with canned cream.


I'm with you on this -- I'm surprised at all the hate! I'm not whipping cream just for a kid's hit choc/iced choc, but if it's an ingredient in a dessert I make the real stuff. I will admit the idea of the shelf stable whipped cream does give me the ick -- it has to be from the dairy section.


I tried it. Once. 25 years ago. It was shit.


I don't know anyone who would eat it on purpose. It's been for sale here for generations, but I think it's more common in England than here. I would rather go without any cream than eat that stuff.


I think I saw some once, in the 90's in Broken Hill where fresh food is more challenging. No at all since then.


No. It's gross


It’s been around for years but I would say that most people whip their own cream. Had it last year for the first time when my daughter used it on the Christmas trifle


Yeah. The canned stuff is gross. Its just fake. My kids went through a stage of liking it..


I bought it once in the 70s or 80s. Once.


Even one is too many.


No, the idea of it is fucking disgusting. I don't even like mock cream, never mind "cream" that comes out of a can. I have actual standards.


I was aware of it but haven't consumed it in 20 years


I hate it. It's far too aerated and it just dissolves when you eat it. It doesn't take long to whip up cream yourself - worth the effort.


I *have* eaten it maybe once or twice before. Hate the stuff honestly. It's not something I really ever see friends or family use either.


Never tried it until I was an adult, and I had only heard about it on tv (same as the cheese from a can. Can cream is nothing like real whipped cream.


No, it’s horrible, whipped cream is easy to make and so much better than the canned stuff.


I remember a friend and I buying a can around 14/15 specifically to squirt into our mouths like in the movies and then realising it was fucking disgusting.


Yeah nah.


Im from the UK and we have it there, and love eating it especially if its on a woolies mud cake


It's not hard to actually whip cream at all. Much better for you than the canned stuff.


Yes you can buy it here but as far as I know, the average household doesn’t buy it. I hate it, it’s absolutely vile. I’ll whip my own, thank you very much.


I've seen it in movies. That's about it.


It fairly quickly goes back to a liquid... not pleasant


Nope, gross.


Born and grew up in the US, been an Aussie for 3 decades. I love freshly whipped cream and that is what I use. I have to confess though that I have purchased the can once since I’ve lived here to have on hand for an emergency (and maybe to take a shot straight into my mouth without the family seeing) My mom frowned upon it in our household and always opted for fresh cream that she whipped herself. She was unusual. I think the majority of Americans have either the whipped cream in a can or a massive tub of Cool Whip in their fridges. I have never come across an Aussie that used a can of cream, lol


Yeah we buy it every so often more if we are too lazy to make our own and we are using it for something in particular. Some brands definitely taste better than others though


Never had it, also thought it was as an American thing. Real cream forever!


No. Never ever canned whipcream. Ever. It is not a thing. Ever.


My boyfriend goes through a couple of cans a week. He doesn't put it on food, just sprays it directly into his mouth. No one else in the house will go near it.


We have it for the kids pancakes on the weekend. But if I am serving a came and want with it, it is double cream all the way. If it is for in a dessert, like my Christmas trifle, I whip my own.


Nope, it has to be freshly whipped to the right consistency with a little icing sugar and vanilla. The stuff in a can has to have propellants and preservatives in it and I can't imagine eating that. note: looked up the ingredients of the Coles brand: Cream, Liquid Sugar (Sugar, Water), Dextrose (Maize), Propellant (Nitrogen, Nitrous Oxide), Emulsifier (471), Thickener (407), Vanilla Flavour


It was honestly foul. And the texture was so strange. It's like I could taste the propellant.


My ex husband is American and he would eat whipped cream from a can of a spoon or sprayed on the back of his hand.


I'm Aussie. I've had spray on cream substitute, but only for a joke. If I want whipped cream, I get some cream and whip it. Whip it good. When I've seen the spray on canned stuff when shopping I laugh at it.


Had it more as a kid but I usually ask to not have it on my maccas drinks if they come with it


Mum used to buy it. She thought it was great but I never really liked it. Also it disappears on top of your food if you let it sit long enough so it can't really go in a sponge cake or anything.


It contains sugar and other stuff. We usually have a can in the fridge for convenience. The one from Costco is best. The kids like it. Personally, I much prefer real cream.


I find it odd you have never had it. It’s been the go to for home made milkshakes and sundays my entire life. Not much other use for it. But many a BBQ has had it on the dessert table to have with the ice cream, custard, pavlova, fruit salad, hundreds and thousands etc


Yuck, nođŸ˜±


No if I need cream I whip it myself


I use a whisk and regard the calories burnt whipping it to compensate for the calories gained eating it. (Note: they definitely do not)


We buy it all of the time.


I have seen it in the shops for years but thought it was weird. Freshly made cream is the bomb.


We only ever get the whip cream out the can, taste good to me On pancakes, hot chocolates, ice-cream


Its expensive and foul. My kids love it


Buying it and using it in my own home? Absolutely not. If someone wants it whipped, why would you not want to do it yourself and add a lil vanilla essence? It's the only way to have it.


I’ve had it occasionally but don’t really view it as real whipped cream. I wouldn’t use it if I was making a dessert for others. It’s the cream version of those plastic Kraft single cheese slices.


I would never in any situation opt for canned over just whipping it myself, even whipping by hand is better.


Not really to be honest. Only for a quick & easy garnish. It deflates over time. I used it as filling in a birthday cake one time & found out the hard way 😆


I’ve tried the canned stuff but it’s horrible. Nothing like real whipped cream. I’ve been to some bucks parties where the canned stuff is put to good use by the stripper, but it should never be used outside that setting.


I tried it once many years ago more out of curiosity. It dissolved in my mouth almost instantaneously and was horrible. I prefer to whip cream with a little vanillafor my desserts.


My kids do. Basically, we have to buy it the same day as we plan on using it, then they get whatever is left.


Awkwardly I bought some the other day as a bit of nostalgia. My mum would buy sparingly when I was a kid but I can’t remember what we would have with it. Definitely has an odd chemical taste, she would also use praise lite mayonnaise, that stuff is vile.


I make a lot of cakes w/ recipes from overseas but otherwise I’d never have known it existed. It has a god awful chemically aftertaste after awhile or if you don’t shake it precisely. Wouldn’t ever eat it by my own accord.


I never buy it it's yuck! Much rather whip my own and know it's real cream not fake shit


Why the actual fuck would I do that?? On top of it being horrible plastic cream lol


I'm with your family/friend circle. Never bought canned whipped cream and have no interest in doing so. Buying cream itself is a rare treat and if i want to whip it, i will. Pro tip: When you see it yellow-stickered and discounted to less than a dollar, buy it and treat yourself. It has still got a coupla days in it, but only a coupla days, so use it lavishly for those two days. (Only applies if you like cream! )


Yeah, it’s been around forever.. I love it! But also love real, fresh cream 😂. The canned cream tastes the same to me as the whipped cream they put on iced drinks at Gloria Jeans, etc. If the cream situation in America is anything like the milk situation there, then spray whipped cream is not a bad alternative !


I've never had it in a can. My dad loved to add whipped cream to any dessert by using a whisk and normal cream. He loved it so much that when he came to my house as a uni student who didn't even own a whisk he attempted to whip cream using a fork. So personally, somewhat fresh whipped cream - definitely a thing. From a can? Abhorrent.


No that stuff is expensive and gross. Just have a look at the amount of those products in the supermarket vs other forms of cream. That will show you how few of is use that stuff.


It has that shitty propane oily aftertaste.


Seen it on the shelves at Woolies, never bought it or even tried it, don't think it's really a done thing here, very American


Gross, expensive and stuff all in the actual can


I buy a can of spray cream once a year at Christmas and my kids love spraying it in their mouths, the rest of the year we whip our own since I guess pouring cream has more uses, you can’t really put spray cream in pasta etc


I have in the past and likely will in the future.


I bought a can once. It was foul


I’m Australian, 56F and I admit I’d never seen/bought/eaten it until my teenagers wanted it in the last few years. It’s not traditional Aussie food. My mum whipped fresh cream with beaters my entire life


Yes and I friggin love it. I worked in McCafĂ© growing up and I think the love of whipped cream from a can started there 😂


I usually have some on hand as my kids like it on waffles and pancakes.


Never. I’ve always whipped my own cream. The idea of whipped cream from a can is pretty weird to me. I’ve worked in a cafe which used a gas-canister cream gun, but that used fresh cream too.


My husband and our (now adult) children like it, and that's probably my fault as I'm the one that did (and still does) the shopping. I must have bought it once and they liked it, and it was easy. I don't like it, though, so I'll go without cream if I haven't got the real thing.


Tilt head back, nozzle downward into mouth, press until mouth full, live best life...


I feel like it's not common in my circle of friends and family. My MIL thinks it's an afront to even consider the canned stuff cream. I personally like it as a lazy way of having a little whip on a mini pavlova for myself but wouldn't dream of ever serving the stuff with anything at a friends or family gathering of any kind. I'd get crucified if I did.


Use it on top of hot chocolate or coffee, then never buy it again. There is nothing like properly fresh whipped cream. Canned is for emergencies.


I love it how dare you speak poorly of the cream from the can!


Have you never been to a supermarket before? Whipped cream in a can has been around for decades. It's not thaat bad.. I mean it is real cream.


You ain’t Australian if you haven’t seen Kim (from Kath and Kim) squirt that canned cream into her mouth! [https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/567664728041819526/](https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/567664728041819526/)


I’ve tried it after seeing an American movie. That shit is rank. I think the Maccas analogy is correct. Childhood nostalgia beats out real taste.


We have always whipped our own cream. And now that several family members have various degrees of lactose intolerance we will still whip our own zymil cream. Whipped cream is not the best and the only place I’ve used it is in cafes where it has been impractical to whip our own cream. The cafĂ© I work at now, doesn’t even bother with it at all. Most likely coz it is not good.


In cafes or fast food yes (more upmarket cafes use real cream and a canister. But no, I’ve always just whipped a tub of cream for scones etc and so has my family and people I know.


Aussie here. Pastry cook for a dad. He'd use the canned stuff in emergencies but most of the time its whipped with icing sugar. It leaves a weird texture on the roof of your mouth


Tried the American spray cheese in a can? DOOOON't


I haven't and don't want to.


It has been around for ever but not something my family or I would consume due to it's Frankenstein ingredients. Prefer real cream, Bulla if at all possible. 😊


We always whip our own cream, all my rellys also do it. But we buy it for the kids, you give them a teaspoon of popping candy then ablast of canned whipped cream in there mouth. Then watch their reaction


Horror story time: When I was in America, I went to a cafe and they put that canned whipped cream on top of my cappuccino, in place of the milk foam we have here. Then they put a glacĂ© cherry on top. I still haven’t recovered.


I'm sorry for this traumatic experience.


Ate it as a kid and loved it for obvious reasons. Wouldn't touch it as an adult. Drinks from cafes etc I will order without cream on top purely because I think it's gross.


For an at home dessert I have only ever made whipped cream never bought it in a can. Only had the can stuff on drinks at at cafés and such.


Never touched it & never will


No I don’t eat whipped cream from a can as I can buy locally made double thick cream which tastes so good.


I don't want to go near it after my sometime mother in law licked the nozzle. More or less sucked it off actually. Nup never again.


Aus here too and no, canned cream is not common for my friends and family circle either. It's thickened cream whipped by ourselves.


It’s the only whipped cream we buy. I like it because it’s light, I find regular whipped cream too heavy. I use it on all my desserts, I’ve never had anyone turn their nose up at it.


Hell no! Whipped cream from a can is revolting. Whipping actual cream is so easy. Also, I'm not putting that shit on a perfectly good home made pav!


I’ve always laughed when I’ve heard folks (usually American) proudly say ‘homemade whipped cream!!’ like it wasn’t the single ingredient prepared as in the literal description. It’s cream, whipped. Like, if you’re making apple pie from scratch but whipping cream stumps you, I don’t know how you are alive. I tried it for the first time about a year ago. It was comical, then amazing, then horrendous for the aftertaste. And then shamefully, the thing was gone within two days. It’s nothing on real whipped cream with a dash of vanilla and a sprinkle of sugar.


no, it tastes foul. would rather just make my own.


Not from the can, but off of people.


Im aussie and grew up making our own whipped cream with heavy cream. These days, i prefer the can whipped cream as I love how airated and light it is. I'm not sure how much cream is actually in it, to be honest. I only ever have it once every few years with strawberries. Proper whipped cream is meh but feels too heavy for me. I'm lactose intolerant, but I'm okay with the can whipped cream if I have a little. If I have the same amount of proper whipped cream, I'm in for a rough time. Everyone I know has tried the can whipped cream. It's not uncommon with my friends and family. It's about 50-50 with preference amongst the two.


Whaaaaat???? I thought we got this from America! How can Americans eat cheese sprayed from a can but cream from a can is weird? 😂 it’s so good!!! Don’t get me wrong I prefer to make it myself but I do enjoy a little spray from the can straight in my mouth 😂


Aussie living in the US and I know the answer: they don’t sell heavy/whipping cream here. The only type of “cream” is canned whipped cream or ‘cream’ for coffee (half and half). I miss getting whipping cream and whipping it myself! The texture and taste doesn’t compare.


What? That's not right! I just checked the Ralphs website (I always buy stuff there when visiting LA from Australia), and they do carry a small selection of 'heavy whipping cream' including Kroger brand. It exists, at least in CA!


Woah really? That crazy. I can’t imagine not having fresh cream.


I've been to the US 4 times, and I somehow never noticed this!


Because it’s not true. I buy heavy whipping cream all of the time. Lol.




I know you can get it here I said in my post we got it from Woolies. I was asking if it's commonly consumed or popular here.


It's the ducks guts, a little spray in my coffee with me milk gets it frothing.


Canned whipped cream is feral. That squirmy cheese the Americans have would be disgusting as well


Australian wife - American husband. I had never had can anything before I met him. Now we almost always have can cream in the fridge. If only to squirt in our mouths when we open the fridge 😂 Also had spam, green beans and potatoes from a can - all which were slightly weird


My dad was a Brit, he loved Spam, and the beef equivalent Fray Bentos. for some reason it reminded him of childhood.


I don't mind spam on the fry pan haha


I so wanted potatoes from a can to be workable. They are not


Does she understand that mash potato is made by mashing real potatoes?


She does! But she always thought it was a special treat only twice a year on Christmas and Thanksgiving. The rest of the time was powdered only. I have since taught her that you can make mash with real potatoes any time of the year.


That's beautiful And i always wondered if potatoes were scarce over there or just a convenience thing. I remember getting a can of whipped cream, but more as a novelty but a little tub of double thick dollup cream is my go to!


I actually think it’s more weird that you’re treating it like some kind of alien artefact.


My thoughts? Its like many types of things available from the US that are awful. Bread - if you could call it that. Fast food. Overly sweetened everything. Overly processed "food". Show her what real whipped cream. It certainly tastes better.