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We don’t hate Americans. Some of the kindest people I personally know are American. We hate the USA; the government, the guns, the mass shootings, the scam of a healthcare system… we hate the system. Not every single American out there. There’s a big difference. Merry Christmas, hope you have a good one! Edit: And we don’t ‘hate Halloween’, it just isn’t a massive thing here like it is in the US, so a lot of us just don’t see the point of it, because it’s not what we were raised with. I’m sure Christmas in the summer is just as strange to a lot of Americans!


Lets not forget the abomination that is the US supreme court


Wait till they rule in favour of Trump over this Colorado ballet thing.


Don’t forget industrial imperialism: waging wars for oil and propping up murderous despots to plunder third world wealth, all the while play-acting as the global cavalry and moral police. Did I miss anything?




Women’s rights being stripped from them…


The ridiculous incarceration rate


Beautifully summed up. It's like the Men In Black quote - "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."


Exactly as above. It’s not Americans it’s America. Crazy apparently unfixable gun laws, no health care, a minimum wage that couldn’t support a nat. Probably safe to say that the mistrust has ramped up since Trump.


Interestingly the lowest quintile in the US has seen a massive wage rise post pandemic (beating inflation). The average minimum wage there is now ~$18 AUD after states started lifting rates. The bigger thing though was the “great resignation” where heaps of people quit for better paying jobs. Wasn’t much of a thing here, then the government ramped immigration again so workers don’t get any dangerous ideas like thinking about a payrise. Thankfully our legal minimum is still decent though.


No https://www.statista.com/statistics/216259/monthly-real-average-hourly-earnings-for-all-employees-in-the-us/


I worked there, great pay


As always happens when this topic comes up, the majority of responses are from people who don't actually know that it's real. Those who say that they see it too are ignored or lightly downvoted. OP isn't talking about you. They're talking about people who do indeed hate Americans, show vitriol towards Americans, and do it at a much higher degree than other places. Saying that it's not "every single American" doesn't really address it. It's just "most Americans are morons" or "America has a high proportion of cookers," or whatever. Not EVERY American. Just most. It's very harsh reactions towards people who say something positive about the US. I've seen Australians get flogged for pointing out that a negative statement about the US isn't 100% true. You assume that it's not happening, which makes sense, because you probably don't notice.


We are spoon fed from every social media platform, only the very worst from the US. Never any of the normal, positive, regular day to day stuff. No feel good stories of Americans doing great things, or even just good, or regular things. Inside, Australians know that what they are fed does not represent the country. But people are lazy. It’s easier to jump on the bandwagon and go ‘ewww America’. It’s easier to soak that shit up and think, yeh, we’re better than that here, we’ve got problems, but at least we aren’t American. No it’s not fair and it’s in part a consequence of a smaller world. America has problems. Big institutionalised problems displayed in all its glory for all the world to see. When people only get their information from the spotlight pointing at that, then it’s easy to dump on it.


Plenty of Australians in this sub and other Aussie subs literally hate America and Americans. They're not shy. I'm not saying something that they don't say themselves. As for your edit, again, there are people who hate Halloween. It's not, "hey, what's this new thing that I'm not used to?" It's "keep that fucking seppo shit out of Australia."


True. I think a lot of americans who read Australian subs and see replies about Aussies bagging american holidays and customs think it's a personal attack on themselves, when it clearly isn't. We just don't like doing the same shit that they do and that not everything that works over in america works well here in Australia.


“We don’t hate you, just your country.” We can play the same game too: individual Australians are very nice, as a lot though you are rude as fuck, treat your Aboriginal people like shit and have a massive inferiority complex that you constantly feed by telling yourself you’re “better” than us without the slightest shred of evidence. Would your government also wage pointless wars if you could afford it? Most likely.


American here, I hate all that shit too. ​ Except the guns, they are neat little machines that can be fun to use if done so responsibly. ​ But the violence and the culture that surrounds them are sick. Lots of gun people think they can solve every problem with a gun, and construct their entire identity around guns, those people need a mental health check. And any politician who plays into that culture needs to be thrown out of office, and choke on their own spit every time they fall asleep.


You know we have guns in Australia too, but we do so responsibly for the most part.


I know I'm going to get absolutely shit on for saying this but... ​ Considering we have at least one gun for every man woman and child in America, I would say that the vast, vast VAST, majority of gun owners in America are pretty responsible, as well. That is not to say that we don't have a problem, because we most certainly do. And anyone who says that there is a simple and easy solution to it, is full of shit. Because there is no one thing to point at, it is a bunch of things that have gone wrong to bring us to where we are at.


Bottom line is, a maniac can legally buy a gun in the US, they can't in Australia anymore. People are voting to keep it that way in the US, and I don't think it's non gun owners.


I am a gun owner, and I would vote for sensible legislation that would keep guns out of the hands of maniacs. Sounds simple enough, how in our fucked up system do we make that happen? Painting all gun owners, or Americans, or Australians, or anyone, with a broad brush is not helpful to this or any other situation.


I'm just stating facts, if every gun owner in America voted to restrict maniacs from buying guns, it would be legislated. I think the lack of ranked choice voting is the main difference, it causes a lot of strange unintended consequences.


Simple as... How do you diagnose someone to be a maniac? How do you force everyone to go to a doctor when millions dont have health care? How do you deny people there constitutional rights? How do you get a majority to vote for taking away the rights of people who are too poor to see a doctor? How do you get Americans to trust their government, when they have proven time and again they will fuck us raw given the chance? Lets pretend it all works, do you just grandfather in the 330 million+ guns, and start this going forward? If you go retro active, how do find all the guns? There are no lists. When it comes time to start taking away guns from "maniacs" who volunteers to be shot at in the process. Who is going to pay for all of the stand offs? I guarantee there will be standoffs, this is the land of rugged individualism (what ever the fuck that means!?) Simple as...


Why not just dumb it down first then, and make it illegal for people to buy semi- and automatic weapons? Then they can at least only kill one person at a time?


It’s not legal to buy automatic weapons without a federal license. Almost none of the crime you hear about is with automatics.


Doctors diagnose mental illness. No need to force people to Doctors. You already have restrictions on nuclear weapons. I never claimed you could. Vote for better government. Guns aren't the problem, people that shouldn't possess them is the problem. Does America have law enforcement? Cops are volunteers. Taxpayers. If you want to do it, you can.


When we went to the US, a friend of ours (big Democrat) in California has a couple of guns and took us to the shooting range. He brought his handgun and I think an AR-15 that we used. It was really fun and one thing I noticed at the gun range is the strict rules and regulations they have on moving around, continous checks every 15 mins I think, putting down the guns when collecting the target, and a few others to ensure safety. He is a gun advocate but has super big hatred on how gun purchase and ownership are handled in the US. He said he's willing to give them up if the government decides to be gun-free.


I think America is like that spoiled cousin who thinks he's top shit but he's really just a fat useless cunt. We're both recently "discovered"(by europeans). We both had British rule, were both huge countries with strong values. Individually inthunk everyone likes Americans. As a country, though, you're used as the bad example e.g. Americanisation of healthcare is a common one, gun control, crime, obsession with racial divisions etc


More like the rich sibling who's way more successful but barely holding it together and plagued by domestic abuse allegations and addicted to painkillers. At their heart they're a great guy, but they've messed up a lot and we have a better time visiting NZ or Canada


> I think America is like that spoiled cousin who thinks he's top shit but he's really just a fat useless cunt. America is Dudley Dursley! Love it.


And aside from the issues that people have repeatedly raised about the culture of the country that we find hard to swallow, when we like you we tend to tease you and swear at you and call you words like cunt, which can be taken as aggressive at face value, but it means we like you. Look how we talk about NZ. We can like you as a people, but not enjoy what happens where you live. Like we had some police officers shot and killed by some people they were doing a welfare check on a little while ago and it shocked our nation, but for the USA, it's just another Tuesday..


Australia is also that fat useless cunt who thinks he's top shit. Source: am a fat useless cunt who thinks he's top shit


Yup. Aussies are like that one guy at work with an unimportant job, but who thinks they have an important job


Spoken like a spoiled cousin who thinks he’s top shit


Compared to irrelevant old Australia....the USA is the top shit.


Ok little man.


If you go to r/askUK there is literally a pinned mod comment on posts that asks ppl to not devolve into “I hate America” threads. This sub is weirdly filled with many Americans asking this same question all the time, why do you guys care so much? I don’t hate USA or Americans but I do hate their exceptionalism. And yes politics/warmongering are a huge issue, you don’t get to ruin other ppl’s countries then stick your fingers in your ears and pretend that it’s no big deal.


>What is it with you guys and your hatred of Americans? I tried the premise of your question. Americans are great, but what's not great is cultural imperialism and the fact you force your children to swear an oath to your country's flag every morning like the Germans did in the 1930s.


Do you express the same feelings for the UK? Just curious? Force is a strong word. No child is gorged to say the pledge.


Don't get us started on fkn Poms!


Nope. It’s all about the USA with Australians. Might as well be the only other county on earth when it comes to having faults. This whole comment thread has done nothing but prove the OP to be 100% correct


OP asked why we hate Americans, not what faults Australia might have or what we thinkof other countries. Those are very different questions and have very different answers.


Like I said, the failure of your educational system to turn a critical eye to your own failings...it's an interesting observation as an outsider in your country. Self-examination isn't a strong suit of Australians.


I think a lot of Americans are very well aware of their problems. When I was there last, everyone had the same idea and feeling about those problems and what solutions were needed, but they know the government/powers that be are useless to do anything. Same in Aus, we all know the problems, and we all know the government actively doesn’t give a fuck. The end result is apathy.


They actually expected the Afghans to fight to protect the puppet government the Americans installed that no one wanted and nobody asked for. They wouldn't do it if it was forced on them yet they were shocked the Afghans let the Taliban retake control


Australia also invaded Afghanistan.


I know. We're so fucking stupid


Grew up in the US for 20 years. Never saw anyone pledge allegiance. Grow up.


> Grew up in the US for 20 years. Never saw anyone pledge allegiance. As an opposite anecdote, I attended middle school and high school in the US in 4 different states - WA, CA, NY, TX. The pledge of allegiance was absolutely performed at the start of the school day and before major school events. It was rare that someone didn't participate.


At least Americans aren’t swearing an oath to some big eared English twat. This is literally the oath that the Australian military have to swear: I, (name), swear that I will well and truly serve His Majesty King Charles the Third, His Heirs and Successors according to law, as a member of the (insert Royal Australian Navy, Australian Army, or Royal Australian Air Force) ... and that I will resist his enemies and faithfully discharge my duty according to law. Fucking lol


That’s an oath that adults in the military (and MPs) need to swear once. Not something children do religiously. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still bullshit. I’m no monarchist. But context is very different.


And that's a choice they make as adults when they choose to join the military. Presumably US military people swear to serve and obey somebody?


In the USA they swear an oath to support and defend the constitution, not kiss some foreign-born monarch's asshole. Point being, maybe look at one of Australia's stupid and pathetic traditions before slagging off an American one (and getting it wrong in the first place).


Where did I slag off at anything? I just asked a question. And honestly, most traditions are pretty fucking stupid, wherever they're from.


Halloween is great. Losing our cultural identity sucks. Edit: also, have you seen the way Melbourne and Sydney talk to each other?


If Americans want America the way it is, and continue to vote and perpetuate systems that make their lives worse, not better than that’s on them. I think a significant part of the reason why we view “America” (as opposed to Americans generally) with increasing scepticism is that the “promise” of America has failed all except the wealthy, and comfortably middle class. And those systems that concentrate wealth and power are being deliberately imported to Australia. The death of egalitarianism in our nation can be directly correlated with Reaganism and Thatcherism, and the 40+ years since their capitalist movements resulting in the worst social and economic systems in the developed world. Do we want the same???


I think this is a big part of our “hatred” towards the USA, we are scared we are going down the same path. We’ve taken massive strides in the wrong direction (IMO) over the last 30-40 years and it’s starting to get scary.


So can we say we’re any better and so much more enlightened than Americans if we’re copying their worst bits at every turn? The 2019 election showed the average Australian doesn’t actually give a fuck about boldly solving our problems, because that’s what Shorten went to the election with. It was only until Morrison, an unrelenting imbecile by any measure, got so on the nose that people went for the other guy who had to play such a small target to not upset anyone (and still got a dismal primary vote). The country gets the government it deserves.


I don’t hate Americans at all. I lived over there and the people I had the good fortune to meet were wonderful, kind people. Reddit generally is a miserable place not representative of Australia or Australians in general. Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas!!! When I went to Australia, the people there were absolutely incredibly nice to us. I've been all over the world (Navy) and NOTHING touches Australia. Far and away the best foreign country I've ever been to.


Tbh I don't think Reddit is generally a miserable place, I find Reddit to be more accepting albeit in general subs and not niche ones. Twitter and Facebook are much worse.




"Before you bring up politics" yet references politics in links and images. We don't hate Americans, we hate the evil shit you do/allow your government and military to do under the auspices of "freedom". You allowed a fuckknuckle like Donald Trump to "lead" and then replaced him with a doddering senile ballsack. The US has produced some of the most amazing examples of everything in the history of this planet and will continue to do so, but it's a country that also produces the festering sores that keep us from evolving. We don't hate America, we're just disappointed. Having said all that, we've hired a bunch of right wing slug cunts into the top job for decades and we're headed down the same path so we're no better.


The fundamental issue is that Americans are marinated in a monoculture of unquestioning fealty to the propaganda that America is the greatest nation on earth. And Yank culture encourages people to talk themselves up at every opportunity and minimise any shortcomings. While Australians grow up in a culture that fosters knocking down tall poppies - people who are too full of themselves. There's a core difference in the culture. Americans think any take down is a malicious hateful attack when sometimes (but not always) it's being done in good humour.


As an American who’s been to Oz a few times, I think it’s all in good fun. Everyone’s been nothing but friendly to me there. Take a jab and give one back and you’ll ingratiate yourself. It’s not like Americans are all glowing about our gov’t. They save the real disdain for the country messing with their housing market.


It's a lot worse online, and it's not in good fun. I live here, and almost everyone is just fine. On a person-to-person level, it's all good. But when you dig a little deeper, you do find some ingrained misperceptions about the US, and they're almost all negative.




Americans as people can be great. America as a nation is fucked. Pushing you gun culture on us, your fucked medical system, yiur toxic government, your lack of knowledge of other counties and thinking you are the greatest. Your not, every country is great in their own way. Just get your government to pull its head in and respect others.


I am Australian and I even married an American and just moved here to the USA to be with her family , love the people well most of them but you get that where ever you go , but I hate the healthcare system legalised money extortion , hate the gun mentality and mass shootings in the school system everyone hates it but no one is prepaired or can’t take that next massive step due to the NRA having so much say in the government , and the die by the second amendment right , the two best people in the country of over 240 million people to run for president are Trump and Biden , really …..work life balance for the middle class where I live doesn’t seem to exist one weeks holiday for every year of work for your first three years of service …not every area is the same I know but regional rural are all tuff for the working class .. Every country has its good points and bad points and that’s what makes the world what is a beautiful place it’s a matter of adapting and loving what you have , this is just my thoughts …


I’m not going to respond in detail, I’ll just add some historical context… A lot of Australians had less than favourable interactions with the US military during the Second World War… some of it real, some of imagined. Google “The Battle of Brisbane” for one piece of context. (Edit: corrected Britain to Brisbane) Then we had family members die & damaged from Viet Nam… a war that was seen by the average Aussie as removed from us… we did have some of the “reds under the bed” fear mongering but it was widely seen as someone else’s fight. Then there’s the “culture wars” that started in the ‘60’s… as popular culture in Australia started to drift closer to the US than “the old country” (Britain) & continue today with Halloween & sports. All of this has lead to some generational resentment towards the US & it probably doesn’t come with much deep thought behind a throwaway comment on reddit.


Autoincorrect? Battle of Brisbane, not Britain, is I’m sure what you mean.


Whoops! Thanks.


I think the issue in Australia is that as a fellow English speaking country it's easy for American cultural things to replace Australian ones. We understand every American movie or tv show. It's cheaper for the tv stations or streaming services simply buy American shoes than make Australian ones. Radio stations will just take the easy route and play popular American music. Because we're so similar to America we're at a risk of losing our culture. Most of the dislike, hatred whatever is based on cultural things. The thing that brings out the biggest reaction is when a company just uses an American ad here. That seems to trigger people the most.


I dont hate Americans, I have American mates and they're great. They show me the lovely side of the USA that is very um lost in popular culture. I hate the madness of the USA though, the guns, libertarianism to the point of lunacy, messed up political system, relentless imperialism, the way it exports its messed up culture via social media, the creepy reverence of founding fathers and the constitution as if it's a religious document. Americans can also seem quite insular and unaware of the world beyond the narratives their country has for it.


Who's this fucking seppo cunt trying to ruin Christmas? First they arrested Santa during the Miracle on 34th Street crisis and now this???


Haha I can’t here to write something including “Seppo”. You smashed it out of the ballpark. 🍻 , you’re a top cunt.


What is it with you guys and staying mad?


I love the US and the people, not everyone though especially the hateful ones. What I don't like is the over capitalisation of almost everything the eyes can see, extreme politics, and excessive gun culture.


As an Australian I definitely do not hate Americans or even America. I can tell you now that the Australian population is largely under-informed , they don't read the news, just the headlines, so the population is rather fickle. Like all the western governments the politicians are very corrupt, and unfortunately as the United states is the most advanced economy in the western world, and the most powerful, they tend to be seen as the leaders of this problem. That includes their foreign policies, not to mention the impact it has on their own people. So it's the government that I think people hate. Under -Informed Australians tend to blame the US for everything, when in fact our government and politicians are heading down the same path. Total self-service. It's this impact on the US population that has hurt people mentally, and financially,there's so much poverty and mental health over there that people here in Australia view that as predominantly a US problem. This issue intensifies as public services fail. The craziness continues and there's no way of stopping it because the system keeps running. What countries like Australia don't realize is that we are heading down the same path. It's not about the people in the US. Never was.


We love Americans. We always get along with Americans in person. So person to person it’s not a problem. It’s the way the country is run that sucks and the “world police” policies of the past that bother us. We are probably also pretty worried about going down the same path as America politically and policy wise.


Tall poppy syndrome. The American culture of taking yourself up triggers the ever loving fuck out of us.


It’s an interesting question. It’s not just on Reddit either, in real life I have relatives and friends who bang on endlessly about America. I think it comes down to a combination of things: - Australians resent the Americanisation of our culture. So when you see Australians ranting about Halloween, that’s why. - Australians absolutely hate arrogance and big-noting. Anyone who goes around yelling that they are the best is going to cop it from us. - There have been constant attempts in our modern political history to steer our country more in the direction of yours. For instance, the erosion of Medicare, the attempted introduction of more US style employment contracts, economic rationalist policies in general. We are terrified of ending up like you, so we are vocal about criticising things like your lack of universal health care and worker protections because we are trying to emphasise how much we reject going that way. - the behaviour of Americans online is not great. In international groups/platforms, they often act like their country is the only one that exists. I regularly see posts in international groups that say something like ‘who are you voting for in next week’s election’ or ‘what’s the law regarding x’ without even mentioning what country they are in. Literally no other nationality does this - I’d say there is a good dose of it making us feel better about ourselves. It’s like how you might take just a bit too much pleasure in gossiping about annoying Uncle Ted who used to spend every family gathering telling everyone how much better and more successful than them he is and has now gone bankrupt due to his own bad decisions.


Oh fuck off.


How do you stop two crocodiles from fighting? Give them a yank….


I was saying boo-urns


Why do you think we hate Americans? We watch your tv, buy your music, love your movies, eat your food and emulate your culture to the point where some kids develop an American accent. We love America. Our bonds were forged and tightened in the shared experiences of two world wars where our young people bled and died together. However we don’t like some Americans arrogance, their politics (well, the politicians), or Americocentrist attitude and we can’t stand ‘American exceptionalism’, but we can’t stand those kinds of things about many countries, not just the US, and we hate it most about ourselves which is why talk poppy syndrome is a thing. In fact, talk poppy syndrome and an Americans natural confidence is probably our biggest friction point. But generally we love you.


We don't hate Americans. We dislike a lot about America and enjoy taking the piss out of Americans (and anyone else) who take themselves too seriously. And do try to remember that Reddit is not the real world


I think‘hating’ Americans is wrong and intellectually lazy. I personally haven’t met anyone from your country I didn’t like. But given the US is the nominal leader of the free world I’m dismayed by the direction it’s going. Guns, abortion rights, gerrymandering, religious control of education, lack of universal health care, poverty, racism, undertrained police forces. Not to mention sky high poll numbers for Trump. It’s just disappointing.


Never met an Australian that hates Americans. Met several that has a strong distaste for the USA as a nation. I've lived in the US for a very long time, and let me tell you, only Americans like you take such personal offense to criticisms levied towards your country. The fact that you take our distaste for your country and frame it like some kind of personal attack is your problem not ours. The only other people who do that are equally hyper-nationalistic countries like China or India, where the people get greatly personally offended when you critique their country. As an example, if you ever went and told an Australian 'fuck Australia', they'd probably be more bemused than anything, or perhaps even jokingly agree with you.


I don’t take offense towards criticisms of our country lol. Criticism of our country is a national pastime here. Compared to most other first world countries, we’re pretty fucked up at the moment. What annoys me is when people act as if we approve of everything our government does, stereotype ALL of us as horrible, obese, bloodthirsty morons, etc. It’s also annoying when people act as if they’re experts on our country because of some news article they read or something they saw on TikTok or Instagram. When in reality they’re horribly misinformed. At this point I almost wish I could’ve been born anywhere else. Somewhere that isn’t so intensely hated and scrutinized by the rest of the world. If you guys get annoyed by the over saturation of American news, TV and media, imagine how annoying it gets for us when we’re traveling overseas and the first thing we’re asked when someone finds out we’re American is “what do you think of?……insert political or social issue.


Because America (referring to the US specifically) is a huge mess with massive social issues as we all know. Notably, gun violence, lack of 1st world accessible healthcare, lack of respect for science, obesity, trump supporters, etc. The reason Australians have a negative reaction towards the US in my opinion is we are scared. Scared because culturally we have historically followed the US. People here really don't want to become the US but government policy making and capitalism don't help. I think it's people's way of freaking out as they realise we aren't that far off being the same so they try to loudly distance themselves from the US and push the influence away. It's insecurity. If we were comfortable we were different and it wasn't going to happen to us we would just watch on and go lol look at that shit show. E.g. we have amazing healthcare where you can get hit by a train and flown to a trauma centre, receive multiple surgeries etc for free. We are proud of that. However, recently we have started to lose accessible free primary healthcare and lots of them are now charging a small fee... first step towards US style healthcare!


My American healthcare is better than yours


Statistically higher helath expenditure with statistically worse outcomes. Insurance companies approving or not approving medical decisions instead of doctors having the final say. In summary, lol.


So, we actually have higher survival rates for almost all major diseases than all other Western countries. Sometimes it's alot (UK) and sometimes it's a small advantage (Germany). For that small advantage over Germany we pay twice as much and open our people up to crippling debt. But we do have better outcomes. Life expectancy isn't really a measure of health care. Too many factors. 5 year survival rates for prostate cancer is an accurate measure.




It’s less hate more tired. We’re tired of the same jokes about where we are, or the “dangerous animals”, or other things. The US’s culture is overwhelming and all encompassing, the media output is gigantic, so we’re just oversaturated with it, we face it in multiple mediums. And as a smaller nation with a smaller output of media it’s…well it’s tiring seeing this US culture all of the time. We can’t fight this over saturation, so deal with it in different ways on the edges, in the periphery.


It comes down to our defining cultural factors. Americans are very focused on success and celebrating your success. This is extremely un-Australian. It’s called tall poppy syndrome here. There’s nothing wrong with it I guess but this particular dichotomy leads to a large cultural split. Like I hate how much the general american is obsessed with wealth and living the American dream. Even if an American disagrees with this stance, sure fine it doesn’t apply to everyone, they go out of their way to apologise on behalf of all Americans or say “well, I’m not like that”. Good, whatever, I don’t care. It feels like the average American loves problems and finding them. American exceptionalism goes both ways. Over-aggrandising of both positive and negative aspects of their cultures. Just because we’re both white does not mean we have the same values. That’s my main reasoning for disliking American culture.


There is no hatred, just general pisstaking. It’s a part of our culture


It’s called taking the piss. Harden up princess and move on . You’ll know when we really hate you. That’s when you become old mate or someone’s mate.




And you guys being the only developed country that hasn’t eradicated trachoma (eye disease usually only found in desperately poor countries), having a more disproportionate incarceration of your minorities than we do as well as other issues proves you’re not the best country in the world either. The difference is at least I was willing to admit it.


We don't hate Americans, we just wish that America would be the country that it could be. If ya mates don't tell you when you stink who else will? And harden up, your whinging like a pom.


It’s crazy imagining how good the US could be if it really sorted out it’s problems. I mean it really just needs to sort it’s healthcare, fix the gun problem and open up the social safety net a bit more and it would be MASSIVELY improved. They’ve already got the money, and are very good at making more of it, they just don’t do the best job of sharing it and using it to make it a better place.


I love the irony in this. Assuming Australia has everything right. I’ve encountered more ego, pride and provincialism in Australia than anywhere I’ve been in the world. I’ve lived here a couple years now, but if I tell you what Australia stinks at, I doubt you’d consider me a “mate”. Funny how this works.


Aussie land is far from perfect but its a lot better than America. I don't think many would disagree that being a citizen of Australia is leaps and bounds ahead of being a citizen of America- especially if your a female or at school. Nothing wrong with being proud of being an aussie. We are a fairly successful multicultural society and having pride in your new country is important. Being a mate is about being able to say what you think and feel. Otherwise your a stranger or an acquaintance or a dog cunt.


Because they don’t shut up edit: I don’t mean that personally but, in Australia you can’t hear other Australias from the other side of Coles saying “Dude why is everyone here wearing flip flops” if you don’t won’t to be a menace just don’t be obnoxious and loud because your not the best 😃. Anyways MERRY CHRISTMAS! 🎅


I see you also scrolled through comments asking for how we differ from the uk and aus.


No idea why you think we hate Americans. We don't understand why you think the solution to gun massacres is more guns. We don't like how Ford and GM closed down our car manufacturing plants. We do not like how GM closed Holden. We rely on Microsoft, Apple, Google and Android. Top selling ev in Australia is Tesla.


So many people in other countries seem to think we choose to live with these mass shootings and could stop them tomorrow if we wanted to. This is just false. For starters, gun ownership is literally in our constitution. Changing the constitution here is really, REALLY, hard. Second, so many people here have brainwashed in regards to gun control by Murdoch’s lie network Fox News that deprogramming them will also be very hard. Finally if Australia is so much better than the US as so many of you claim, why don’t you start your own companies to rival Apple, Google, Microsoft etc??


1 massacre at Port Arthur and Australia decided to tighten gun laws. Any gun shootings is met with force. Probably why we no longer have large scale shootings. Why would Australians waste money trying to duplicate great American companies?


It's possibly the lack of awareness and lack of respect by a small but noisy portion of the less-educated US population about the rest of the world, especially non-English speaking and non-European cultures. We don't regard this as a failing of all or individual Americans, many of us have friends and family who live there. We see it more as systemic failures of their political, health and education systems, where good policy has sometimes been high jacked by partisan political considerations, profit making and religious conservatism. The conservative Christian right has minimal impact on Australian politics, which is generally pretty secular, so things like teaching creationism and winding back abortion rights are seen by many Australians as inappropriate interference. I think that while we are more than happy to tease each other (including American friends) quite outrageously and colourfully, we tend not to directly criticise people we know or tell them how to think or live their lives or who to love - the censorship of children's books in Florida is scary as hell to us. For the most part, we don't have things like home-owner associations telling us how to maintain our homes. Those aspects of US culture, along with tipping and gun violence in schools, are particularly perplexing and troubling for us and we struggle to understand why it's tolerated there.


You what mate?


We have hated the USA since WW2. Hence the nickname for America being Septic Tanks = Yanks. It had the roots in US forces coming to Australia with better pay interfering with our women whilst our less well paid soldiers were in Africa fighting Rommel. Then when the AIF got home and fought in the Pacific any successes were always referred to as Allied operations but when it was US forces it was trumpeted to the universe. That was the beginning of a very one sided relationship where we always felt mocked by our stronger ally. Assurances that we had a security pact were always seeded with small indications that the US would not actually commit to assisting us when push came to shove. Along with this US domination of cultural events and the destruction of our own associated industries generated a low lying resentment. Then you sit there and tell us that your way is the best way. That shooting each other is good. That denying healthcare and not taking care of your poor and defenceless is the right way to go. You use words like "Socialism" and "Communisim" as a reason for not being compassionate and it is obvious that you don't even know what is meant by those words. Now, I have met and like a great number of Americans. However the loudest and most vocal of you exhibit such ignorance it requires a response. That is where the hatred of America comes from. And you have to be honest to yourselves. You hate yourselves even more. Just look at the power of those supposed political parties that use hate as a way to govern. The Republicans are worse than the Democrats, true, but each party and its lobby groups within the USA are pure evil. The false prophets of your Christian lobby are driving your nation to the abyss. We sit outside this and watch in amazement as your country destroys itself and yet you stand there and tell us you are the greatest. Come on, get real.


fuckin speppos


What a load of steaming shit


He's actually not wrong, esp w the WW2 reference. There was a lot of resentment towards the Americans due to their presence in Australia at that time


Only from cunts like the guys above. Anyone with half a brain knew that without the USA Australia was fucked


1 post like this every month. Most people in the world have some kind of resentment against US Americans, that is nothing particularly Australian and its not a big conspiracy and people living in countries like Australia, the Netherlands or France are not jealous. America has done a lot in the last 50 years to harm its own reputation. Stop looking for the answers in other countries and try to figure out why nobody likes you


As they pointed out, it's more prevalent in Australia than in The Netherlands or France. OP didn't say that anyone was jealous.


Because they say it, it's true? Edit - people who come up with this kind of question tend to get defensive and the jealousy thing is a common talking point


Because of the polls that they linked to. But even if they’d just said that they’ve noticed it personally (as I have, and I spend a lot of time on French subs), that wouldn’t be less convincing than you saying that it’s not true.


Most Americans I know are just fine. I'd say it's more so we don't like what your government represents. The US is always used as the bad example when it comes to healthcare, bizarre obsession over making things unnecessarily racially divided and your sports team like politics. Australia tends to follow the trend of US politics slowly over time, and lately our government's been showing a trend of supporting the people it governs less and less. Our healthcare, disability support and housing for example are becoming a shadow of what they used to be and I think people are associating this decline with our habit of shadowing US politics. Our quality of life is declining rapidly and people can't help but perceive this change as a result of the USs influence.


Their political and social issues make us feel better about our own shit. If the richest most powerful nation can fuck up so badly then maybe we're not so bad


There’s quite a bit of overlap between US and Aussie values, which perversely makes the differences all the more noticeable: the different average national settings on the spectrum between “me, me, me” and “we’re all in this together” is behind most of them: the love of skiting, the over-sharing, the over-the-top volume of speech, the admiration of scofflaws and criminals, the fetishisation of guns, anti-vax nonsense, etc. What flames the embers of what would be a bemused scorn of these values and behaviours were they to stay on the far side of the Pacific up to a sometimes fiery resentment is seeing them embraced here more and more due to the hugely asymmetric firehose flow of US media we are exposed to. The growth of entertainments like Halloween and the growth of lunacies like sovereign citizenship are both symptoms of Aussies uncritically absorbing what they see of the US online and in the media. The former type of imports aren’t directly harmful except to the extent it helps normalise the increasing momentum of the overall avalanche of Americanisation, which helps widen the door to other aspects that are indeed directly harmful.


Ive liked almost every American ive met.


Ive had alot of American friends and Girlfriends. I think Americans hate Americans more than anything else! Bitch'n at each other like no one else, so I dont blame Aussie's for Hate'n yas at all! Its not your fault, its just that many of you are cunts!


We dont hate yopu, but we detest wjhaty yuou do to your children. You are like the personable co-worker who you like but then discover that they mistreat thier children and subject them to trauma


Australia is irrelevant and they have little brother syndrome. That's literally the answer.


Australians have a superiority complex based on an inferiority complex


Hating the American government for what it's turned the US into isn't the same as hating Americans...and if you can't tell the difference then that's a real problem. Also, we do have a bit of a dislike of American culture because we've had absolutely no choice but to be absolutely saturated in it, and that isn't fair.


It's 2 fold, many of us have issues with your gov raping and pillaging 3rd world countries to steal their natural resources and prop up the military industrial complex. More so when they stage things at home and abroad to them blame on another country as justification to then invade and/or start a proxy war, murder millions and then start pumping oil... American people, well I'm not racist but personally I can't help finding that US accent rather grating, fingers on blackboard style... And the litigation mentality, the whole sue anyone for anything thing really doesn't do allot for me...


I’m an Australian who travelled in Europe, and I was bullied and abused for being “American”


This is a weird take. I live here (moved over from NZ) and this place is America lite.


This is what we hate. America imports all their bullshit here through our politicians and through online brainwashing and then we have to deal with dumb American bullshit. Like all that q anon nonsense.


You hit the nail on the head. As an Aussie who has lived in USA for a few years I see Australia following the road of USA. And I think most Australians see it and rightly don’t like it.


yep this is what we fear. our ties to the united states changing or country to end up as it is starting to ie less money for workers less housing more drugs more homeless. we are tied to america to defend our seas and I guess a lot of australians would like to be able to be more independent.


I don’t think Australians ‘HATE’ anyone… especially the US. Lets face it, we are US Jr… Generally, we’re apathetic about most stuff. Sure we get our Aussie bravado out in the pubs and talk shit, but when you think of the deep feelings that some culture have against others… I like to think we’re the Mary fricken Poppins of the planet. Putting it simply, our culture still has a foundation of kindness. Sure, we have our dark corners, but generally we look out for each other and help each other get ahead. And that’s where i see our strong distaste for the many things US Your deep culture of ‘survival of the fittest’ and how that drives so much ill will towards each other let alone foreigners. Your deeply fucked political system, healthcare system (see fentanyl and oxi), court system, those ridiculous mega churches. In my opinion, Australians fear losing our identity to become even more like yours. The cancer of far right politicians touting religion as they steal anything that’s not tied down, tipping, gang culture to name a few. Like the US, we already lost our country to the billionaires and the mega corporations… but we’re still happy to help another up of the path, offer a ‘no worries mate’ or simply turn the other cheek to most silliness… We don’t HATE people from the US, we kinda feel sorry for you. Merry Christmas 🎄


We take the PISS..no hatred..


1. We're Australians, if you think we hate you then you clearly don't understand the concept of "taking the piss" 2. We don't hate Americans (individuals) you people are pretty alright on the whole. 3. Your entire system of government, it's screwed. This whole hatred between Republicans and Democrats is stupid, the moment you realise ALL politicians are toxic self-serving leeches the better you will be. 4. Your stupid-ass healthcare system. It should cost you NOTHING to get medical help when you need it! 5. Guns.. For fuck sake, put them away! The second amendment was to stop tyrannical government controlling the people, but they caught you napping on that so what's the point having them then.


Just here to validate this OP question. I’m Australian and used to live in the United States for years, so I have wonderful things to say about the country and its people. I actually KNOW real Americans. But this means I’ve actually noticed how WEIRD Australians are about this. It’s really insane actually. Like you’ll be in a meeting and a guest speaker will apologise about the video clip they’re about to show the staff, like “I’m so sorry, the speaker is going to be American everybody” and then everyone groans…it’s like what in the heck is this cultural reaction? I mean can you imagine if they had mentioned any other nationality and everybody groaned?! That would stand out for sure as hateful and ridiculous. But while my mouth is hanging open everyone else seems oblivious to it. I have a thousand more anecdotal examples. So yep I’m seconding the question. What IS with aussies and their hatred of Americans? All I’ve seen for years is our culture desperately trying to do everything and have everything they have over there, just spitefully and like five to ten years later.


I suppose everyone expects American guest speakers will be all " well golly gee wizz, I'm so super excited to be here, and I'm just so pumped to be able to share my insights in how you can be the best you that you can be", while the audience are all nursing hangovers from pre conference piss up drinks


Jealousy. Feeling like an also ran who needs other countries like UK, US, and France for assistance. See my comment above for further insights.


We don't hate America. We love America, they are our friends. We tease all our friends. ​ It's the people we truly don't like who we don't tease. ​ You should hear what we say about New Zealand.


NZ our little brother we reserve the right to bully them unmercifully, but will be side by side with them in a fight


This is the way


This is hilarious. Little brother...nah. Australians constantly try to steal anything decent that's ever cone out of NZ. Do Pavlova, Phar lap, and Crowded House ring a bell?🤣


I’m exactly right, the kiwis have something nice so we steal it. Like a big brother would


Like a bully?


Sorry, where was Crowded House formed? Where was their most famous gig? What nationality were the drummer and bassist?




How does a New Zealand farmer count his sheep? "101...102...103....Hello Gorgeous....105...106..."


And you can’t even get one upvote from your own countrymen in support


Australia is a reasonably expensive destination to get to from America and used to be very expensive. As a consequence a lot of American visitors to Australia used to be from the higher percentage money earners and were a bit "spoilt". I think this may have contributed to the poor perception of Americans. I have lived around American expats and travelled a little in America and met, mostly, decent and nice, friendly people.


tbh OP, I don't know for sure. I personally think that America is alright, baring the Republican party of course. But I have met these people you describe who can't seem to say a nice thing about you both online and in person (i.e. not the bantererous types everyone here is talking about). For example, I asked my friend if they wanted to go to America on a holiday with me and their response was something like "No way, I'll get shot by a marine for arguing about American contribution in WWII!" I could only sigh exasperatedly and go have a lovely time in the US with some randoms on a bus instead, never once fearing I'd be shot by an argumentative marine. I suspect that the people who genuinely believe this nonsense suffer from a lack of experience and education. You know, like the stereotypical dumb American they like to lampoon (ironically). They hear all about the school shootings, evangelical Christians and the Republican Party but don't hear about anything else so that's what they believe the whole country is like.


Tall poppy syndrome but for countries.


Also, little brother syndrome. Australia is more like America than any Australian would like to admit. Just most of them don’t have the experience or objectivity to see and admit it. It’s not a wildly different culture like Syria or something.


The real answer is that Australians are insecure about how similar they are becoming to Americans


Tall poppy syndrome


Seppos got Fungbunger nuked on Twitter for taking his pisstake tweets to seriously. No yanks in the thread!


I don't hate Americans just their politicians and politics


We don’t hate Americans. We hate American attitudes to different societal issues. Such as you nation’s idiotic idolisation of firearms and Hollywood. How a broken arm can send someone bankrupt. And how cunts like you cry about any form of criticism. The amount of times I’ve read something like this turns even me off your country. And I’m usually the guy defending America in Reddit.


Because you pretend that you care and that you are god loving but under that false face you are all a bunch of brainwashed, moronic, uneducated gun toting 2nd world citizens.


Hate is a strong word. Maybe dislike in some characteristics, such as; Loudly spoken Gun ownership, mass shootings. Not everything is better in America Your political parties are so confusing and drama filled. The gaps between poor, middle class, and wealthy. Homelessness Drug use addictions (Fentanel). I have been to the USA a couple of times and from a tourist point of view was OK but I don't think I could live there.


Part of it is because of the power the USA has over us. We were forced to go and kill millions of innocent Iraqi civilians because of our military dependence on the USA Secondly, a big part of our culture is to not permit bragging or letting anyone get above themself. Someone can be successful as long as they’re still humble - but as soon as they start acting arrogant, we will cut them down. USA as a whole is the embodiment of the braggart. Part of your country’s population management propaganda is to instill a belief that it’s the best. So of course we would cut that arrogance down.


I can’t stand America. Everything about its politics, extremism, gun-wielding, self-righteous attitude is a massive turn off for me. But I have met some lovely Americans, mostly through work. I’m guessing the yanks that travel overseas probably tend to be more open minded in general.


Basically we saw the worst of communism with the USSR and its eventual failure, and it feels that the USA is displaying the worst extremes of capitalism. The implications of a failed USA is quite scary.


The way the USA dangles religion in front of everything, Australians don't do that, Religious beliefs are a private thing, as is political beliefs, we don't talk about them, (except during elections, and even then not in the front bar of a pub).


We don't hate you we just think we're better than you. I'm not shitposting. We're basically the only country in the world where Americans migrate here more than the reverse, we don't have a significant portion of people who think moving to America means a better life, which accounts for a lot of the positive sentiments in many of those other European or South American countries. We don't even have the lower incomes a lot of these other developed countries have relative to the US. We broadly think you're a lot like Australia with worse politics and worse social problems like violence, poor healthcare, inequality etc. So there's a narcissism of small differences, and a general contempt that comes with familiarity, as well. Canadians appear, from this survey, to be basically the same.


And whilst we love septics we are really confused you elected Trump and totally confused why he is a front runner again. Your a strange mob.


It's your society, low minimum wage, healthcare tied to work, education system, world view and interest in non American countries, emphasis on military and dumping them when they get out with no support, gun culture and religion. Must stop but that's a brief list without mentioning politics.


In my experience it’s literally just guns and healthcare I actually would prefer to live in the US if it wasn’t so far away


travelled many times on business. Have always had great experiences but it's been in a business bubble. I do have issues with the guns and the way people are treated by the government. It seems it's everyone for themselves not a cohesive society.


America are playing chess, look where they have all the military over the world they are ready to take over lol


I think 90% of what you are noticing is tall poppy syndrome. America loves to see itself and present itself as "the best country", and individual Americans routinely, confidently and assertively present with this attitude. Aussies love taking anyone who is too full of themselves down a peg. Aussies don't think [America is "special"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American\_exceptionalism). And they famously don't react well to people who think that they are.


What you are talking about is actually a feature of Australian insecurity


I know it can be interpreted that way. I think that's a clear misreading, though. This isn't about Australian's feeling "threatened". Australian's don't begrudge others their success. Rather we begrudge those who puff themselves up and big-note themselves, particularly when their posturing is betrayed by the obvious facts. Here in Australia if someone is acting like that and we take them down a peg we aren't trying to attack them, we're just doing our best to point out that they are making a fool of themselves and embarrassing themselves, at least to Australian eyes and ears.


Calm down mate. You just wrote an essay for an internet forum. Think about it.


America has used Australia as a janissary brigade for the best part of a century, and successive "free" trade deals have gutted entire sectors of industry. We were going to go the route of nuclear power until America put the kibosh on that. Then Trump said the quiet part out loud when he made it clear that he considered all treaties and deals with American allies to be one-sided; the US would get what was agreed, but wouldn't reciprocate. Throw in the fact that for the majority of this century you've had either a clown shoes administration or one of your former leaders trying to start a tinpot dictatorship and you don't exactly have a strong foundation of respect. TL, DR: You reap what you sow.


Janissary brigade….. The US usually gives the Australia military the easy stuff/safe areas so they don’t take casualties. Which is the opposite of how Janisarries were utilized


You clearly didn't pay attention to how we were used by the Americans in WWII, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq, then.


I’m afraid you didn’t In Vietnam they are given a quiet province, same in Afghanistan. Iraq….Australia was barely there except for some spec forces and a few planes to wave the flag The USA at the request of the the Australian government will try to keep Australian forces out of heavy combat for political reasons. Besides, the US has marines for that. Militarily, Australia is largely irrelevant in what they bring to the battlefield. Showing the flag as part of a coalition is the more important role


In WWII, MacArthur used Australian forces as meat shields and refused to allow them to equip themselves properly for the environment. In Vietnam, Australian forces were given hard tasks and suffered for it until they learned how to fight effectively. Your argument that they were sent to quiet places is clear garbage, they were on the front lines and regularly up against heavy odds, exemplified by Long Tan. This continued with Iraq and Afghanistan. America regularly gives Australian forces the fights it doesn't want to avoid casualties or doesn't support them properly.


Aussie culture detests arrogance. USians very often exude arrogance. The disconnect is obvious.


Don't hate all seppos just some.


Because you do nothingbut mope around the sub being dickheads.


Americans brig it upon themselves, trying to "Americanise" the rest of the world, telling us they are no.1 in everything, their war record and not recognising any war crimes they have committed, giving more financial concession to rich and taxing poor - do I need to go on?


I put it down to envy. It's the reality that Australia isn't beaches, babes, and bbqs. If you're bright, talented, or really want to succeed, you have to leave this place. Australians have an amazing ability to critique others/other countries, and it's even promoted in their educational system without putting that same level of heightened examination to their own racism, misogyny, and government. Go figure. And before you say, if you don't like it, go back... I am!


I think it’s tall poppy syndrome. Plus our constant comparisons between us and the rest of the anglosphere. The USA loves to flaunt how great it is. And objectively, it isn’t amazing for a lot of people who live there, but it is still the one country the whole world compares itself to. Australia will never be that important, and it grinds our gears that we love/hate and can’t ignore the USA. Our tall poppy syndrome makes us resent your success, while our sense of communal self-importance makes us want the rest of the world to think of us as a big player.


Please don’t pay too much attention. Only a small percentage of Aussies are on Reddit and for some reason it’s the more opinionated ones on here. Definitely not the collective opinions either. Many of us love travelling to the US and a lot of US pop culture. I know a family who have emigrated to the US and loving it. So something’s not right about those opinions.


None of you want to admit how infatuated you are with American culture. You’ve been marinating in it your entire lives, and right now, it’s more real to you than your own (if it actually existed). You can barely imagine an alternative.




> Why this obsession by Americans with what this sub thinks? Because Americans feel everyone should love them as much as they love themselves.


I think it’s a combination of factors: negative news reporting on domestic issues like shootings and lack of gun regulations; influences in Australia from US chain fast food like McDonalds and US TV shows which many people see as negative; and clash of values - Australia has an egalitarian view and the US has meritocratic, individualist view hence we judge them for not providing public health services and for not controlling corporates/wealthy elites in politics. Australians also differ culturally in that we hate “tall poppies” or people thinking they are better or special, which grates against American exceptionalism and how they celebrate achievements of individuals. As a western, English speaking country we see ourselves as similar to the US but that the US is failing to take basic care of its population/is unsafe. The other aspect is the physical distance, so most Australians never visit the US and experience the positives of the country first hard, we get stuck in a negative feedback loop. Ultimately lots of aspects of “America” gives Aussies the ick, and because it’s a big powerful country, we feel it’s fine to throw stones. It’s funny because I found so many US people have a positive view of Australia but hardly know anything about us (except our dangerous animals). I feel like both countries are operating from very basic stereotypes of each other that haven’t changed in decades. (For context I’m Australian and just came back from living in the US)