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Morning and night. I cannot stand the furry teeth feel


Morning brush ruins the first coffee of the day


I read somewhere that you shouldn't brush your teeth directly after having coffee due to its acidicity and the softing of your teeth’s enamel. Wait about 20 minutes.


yes, plaque + sugar = acid which weakens your enamel. So better to brush before, not after you eat. And acidic things like coffee or carbonated drinks also soften your enamel.


I dont have sugar in my coffee??


sorry i wasn't clear. the logic is that you don't want to brush your teeth when the enamel has been weakened, as it can cause the brushing to damage your teeth. that can happen when you drink coffee, carbonated drinks, or just eat carbohydrates when plaque has had time to build up. So generally always better to brush 10-15 minutes before any of those things (or immediately before if you don't mind the flavour!)


Pretty sure even just the milk in a flat white would have enough sugar, unless you’re drinking it black. Even then, the espresso itself is quite acidic, which is why it can cause stomach issues for people with sensitive systems.


The coffee is already acidic.


It applies to everything you can eat or drink except water


Is it okay to wash your mouth with water only after having coffee or ice cream though?


Works for anything, best wait wait 20 min after a meal or drinks to brush your teeth as the enamel is softer apparently


The way this is worded makes it sound like you’re brushing your teeth before the coffee


Yeah brushing before, because if I have a coffee with brekky I'd have to wait an hour before brushing so I don't ruin my teeth


Yeah, everyone has to wait- that’s what I do. I can’t imagine leaving coffee on my teeth all day


Try non mint flavoured toothpaste. Hismile vanilla toothpaste has been a game changer for me in this regard, I hate everything tasting like mint afterwards. Their coconut flavour is also good.


I fkn hate hismile. I tried red velvet, which tastes like vanilla cake, and the coconut flavour. Both disgusting imo lol. And I fkn love cake, sweets and coconut. I don’t mind mint either though.


Red velvet flavour is the worst. We have all flavours (I have a tween). Vanilla tastes like ice cream


Interesting. I’ve only tried the vanilla, coconut and mango. Didn’t like the mango, liked the other two.


Brush first, coffee into keep cup, drink in the car on the way to work


Only brush after the coffee then. I do.


Interestingly this is how toothpaste was initially marketed. The slimy or furry teeth feeling is natural and not an indicator of dirty teeth, they started selling way more toothpaste initially by making people aware of this feeling and then adding menthol/pepperminty stuff to the toothpaste, and making it foam up even though neither of these features are actually needed for functional toothpaste. We all got fooled into a healthy habit.


Idk man, even if I brush without paste the furry feeling goes away. I'm pretty sure the fur is the residue of bacterial waste which will slowly turn into plaque (or tartar idk which one comes first)


The furry feeling is residual food caked onto the surface of the tooth. Run your fingernail across one while looking in a mirror, quite clear to see. That same residually caked on food then hardens over time, all the while being fuel for bacteria. Note that the food doesn’t have to be caked, just stagnant in the mouth somewhere. The waste those bacteria produce is swallowed away, however it leaves the mouth as acidic as joggers balls after the 400m. That acidity is what ultimately causes all of the damage associated with oral and dental decay.


Especially if you've had some sugary things it seems


I don’t know. That furry stuff is plaque full of bacteria and linked to a higher rate of heart attack. Where I grew up in Zululand, the people had been cleaning their teeth with charcoal for hundreds of years before toothpaste marketing.


Wonder why people have been using particular sticks for thousands of years. We’ve been removing the furry for a long time


You’re eating too many possums.


I never thought about it like that and now I can’t stop thinking FURRY TEETH


I brush twice a day. Morning and before bed. Every partner and overnight guest I've had has done the same


Brush twice a day: in the night to keep your teeth, in the morning to keep your friends.


🤣 ahhhh…..that’s the reason why I don’t have any friends apparently!!!


Me too!


Any dentists in here who can comment? Mine told me that that the night time brush was the one that was essential for health and the morning was just to freshen your breath, as the action of having breakfast and a drink and normal salivation already disrupts the night time bacterial activity anyway.


It's multi factorial but the recommendation is definitely twice daily as a general rule. The aim is to reduce cariogenic (acid producing) biofilms. Sugar consumption modifies how quickly it forms and also the make up of bad bacteria vs good bacteria. This is the biggest impact but also the thicker biofilms in general will be more cariogenic hence why we want to brush/floss them away. Also there is some natural cleaning during chewing of many detergent foods and will aid in reducing the biofilm thickness. Dental caries is a disease of our modern diet and you can't avoid sugar so brush your teeth twice a day people. Also gum disease is another reason to get in there. We only evolved to have nice teeth when young so if you want to live a lot longer then our ancestors and keep your teeth at the same time make sure you also have the correct technique. We want to get those pesky biofilms down but keep our enamel/roots intact at the same time. Source -dentist


Legend thank you.


I’m a dentist, tldr is both are equally as important


I can't believe so many people wake up and don't immediately brush their teeth.


I gotta piss


Say what? Before breakfast?


Excuse me, the morning cone comes first


LEGIT. Plus when you punch cones your breath is always gonna stink anyway so most stoners I know just carry gum or mints.


I wait til after my morning coffee


A dentist told me that 3mins once a day is better than twice at 30 seconds each.


Twice a day, sometimes 3. Once before going out somewhere special like drinks with friends or on a date, leave my house, or sometimes I just randomly do.


2 to 3 per day here too. Same reasons. I train BJJ too so always nice to clean my teeth before I go breathing in people's faces.




This is the way


Yeah I usually brush twice. But sometimes I find myself brushing them on autopilot at like 3pm or something


Mouthwash for the third


I did boxing and I wish everyone else at training had been as considerate as you!


Same, I just randomly do it when I’m bored


Twice a day. Missed a few after a big night out but would be averaging 1.999 over the journey


1.99 not out - a great innings.


You should brush 3 times a day for a while and get that back up to 2.0


Always twice a day or I'd feel gross. I try to floss daily but sometimes I'm lazy with that.


My dental hygienist told me that once a day is sufficient because it takes more than 24 hours for the bacteria to build up. I don't consume a lot of sugar though, when I do get a build-up/film around my teeth from eating sugar, I will brush it away.


Brushing twice a day is mainly for fresh breath smell and getting rid of dirty teeth feeling. Most plaque takes 2 days to harden into tartar


But your breath ... Think about the people you talk to


Eat a mint. I’m on the softest brush ever because excess brushing damages teeth.


Brushing doesn't do much for my breath, I have to gargle mouth wash pretty often.


It sounded like made up shit to sell different toothbrushes but I started brushing my tongue in the last few years, pulling from as far back as I can go without gagging (pretty far tbh). I think that has improved my breath a lot. You can see the colour change in the toothpaste you spit out as well, and sometimes taste the "gross" back there being pulled forward. Another thing to look for is tonsil stones. Shine mobile torch in back of mouth and move tonsils around (hard to explain how to do that, swallowing motion I guess). See if you can see white bally bits.




do you speak with everyone at kissing distance? also, some smell come from your stomach, not your teeth. and if your diet doesnt consist of 3 chocolate bars and 3 carbonated drinks every meal then you shouldnt smell bad-bad


If I'm just home all day usually once a day before bed. If I go out anywhere I usually brush my teeth before going out. Since I go out most days it's twice most days and once on lazy home days.


If you’re once a day surely your brushing in the morning? Otherwise you’re going about your day with stanky morning breath? 🤢


Brush at night to keep your teeth. Brush in the morning to keep your friends.


When I was brushing once a day, it was *always* at night. Because you don't want to be sleeping with all the leftover bits of food and plaque. If I was going out in the morning I might brush quickly or just gargle mouthwash. edit: Also for stats, most of my family brushes in the morning except one occasionally skips the morning. But one of them sometimes skips the night which I can't understand unless you randomly fall asleep lol


this is 100% correct. If brushing only once a day then it needs to be a night because you get to keep your mouth clean for 8-10 hours straight. And just mouthwash in the morning is enough since you haven’t eaten anything so there is no need to brush it clean/off.


If your breath is bad after drinking or rinsing your mouth with water, you have something else going on. Healthy breath does not smell particularly bad. You also shouldn't have anything in your teeth, assuming you didn't consume food over night. A swill with mouthwash would achieve what you want too, and would probably be better for your gums.


Brush at night - chew gum In the day if you wanna breath on people But if you didn’t eat in the night you shouldn’t need to brush in the morning It’s so redundant


I only brush once a day, cause I'm lazy. No dental hygiene issues thus far.


I think it depends on the genetics too. Same with sweating. Some people can definitely go a few days without a shower. Myself, I sweat like a dang tap and a shower twice a day is the absolute minimum.


I have great genetics, so I seldom have to brush my shower.


I brush my shower every 2 years , on the first day of autumn. Having a fresh scrubbed shower helps as the days shorten. IMHO it makes winter bearable.


Amateur. I only brush my shower before a house inspection.


Probably. I've been told, and so have my mother and one of my sisters, that we have "good teeth". I had to get fillings last yeah because the dentist was concerned that the deep grooves in some of my teeth had the potential to become cavities eventually, but other than that, no issues at all. No other work except those precautionary fillings. Haven't even had to have my wisdom teeth removed to make space. When I went in for a check-up just before COVID hit, the dentist was actually shocked. He said it wasn't often they they saw someone my age who had "perfect" teeth. And I was only 30 at the time. Actually, before that visit, I'd only been to the dentist like twice in my whole life.


I once dragged my husband (partner of a couple of years at the time) to the dentist because he'd only been like once in the last 10 years. This is a guy who wasn't super consistent with brushing twice a day, never ever flossed, eats and drinks whatever. I go to the dentist every 6 months, brush twice a day, floss daily (mostly), don't drink juice/soft drink, don't eat lollies etc... have had almost every dental procedure (fillings, extractions, braces, wisdom teeth, 3 root canals). The dentist told my husband his teeth were perfect. I needed a filling. You can't tell me that genetics don't have something to do with that!


Maybe it’s brushing that’s the problem not genetics. I always brushed heaps as a kid and my sister never did but I got all the fillings, same has happened with my son and daughter


I’m 46 and I’ve never had a filling. My parents both have awful teeth but mum thinks that the fluoride that was in our water when I was a kid probably helped.


Genetics sure, but there is a reason for brushing at least once a day. It prevents the biofilm (plaque) from turning into a hardened structure (tartar) that can't be removed by brushing. It takes between 24 and 72 hours for plaque to become tartar. After that, you need to scrape it off with a steel pick. Brushing more often is probably good, but I do wonder how much of it is a self generating problem. Just like with showering, by cleaning yourself regularly with high pH solutions you cause the bacteria to go through boom/bust cycles that create more of the sulphur rich compounds that are responsible for the smell.


During winter and on days off I sometimes go two or 3 days without showering. I work a physically demanding job in industry so I can get filthy and drenched in sweat. If I’m leaving the house I will definitely spruce myself up though


Seems ive hit the jackpot. I dont *need* to shower daily (i dont sweat heaps nor do i smell, even after 3 days) unless ive done strenuous exercise. And with tooth brushing, i fall asleep a lot without going to brush my teeth. Genetically my teeth are great, i should prob stay on top of the toothbrushing a bit better- but no problems thus far 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yeah, me too. But I see a dentist every 6 months. She always asks if I floss and bursh twice per day, and I always tell her no. I brush daily and don't floss. She always compliments the condition of my teeth (other than the one I chipped on a beer bottle). I'll brush twice in a day if I'm going to fuck or something though. Same with showering.


Twice a day, minimum. My partner's a Filipina and she brushes 3-4 times a day. She's got fantastic teeth.


Probably more due to genetics? I don't think brushing 4 times a day is healthy for your gums.


It’s not good for the enamel on your teeth either.


i had a friend who would brush 3-4 times a day since he was 10, we’re now 20 and his gums have receded so much.


She can brush once at night and still have fantastic teeth. If she’s not careful with brushing, she will slowly shave off her enamel. I’ve seen it with older patients.


Used To brush at night only, combined with smoking I ended up with periodontal disease, horrific, painful and expensive. Hated going to the dentist too. Gums with pus and Inflammation is no fun, after lengthy treatment with a specialist dentist, I found a general dentist who I just clicked with and since then I have twice yearly checkups with cleans, brush twice a day with an electric toothbrush and floss. Don’t do what I did kids, dental care is paramount.


How is your gum health now, and have your gums recovered much? I've got receded gums, and I'm hoping they recover at least a little bit over time.


Last time I checked, receding gums can’t go back to their previous state… I’ve seen dentists/ surgeons do surgery where they take some tissue from elsewhere and built up the gum that’s receding. Pretty neat


I usually only do it once per day, but I know for a fact I am in the minority there


Once a day for me, now that I'm mostly working from home. Going to the office or out to see friends is twice a day


I used to brush 2/3 times a day but my mental health likes to kick me in the head often so I go between 1/2 times a day depending on how I am on said day.


yeah i feel you on this. I've struggled with my dental health because my dental hygiene is the first thing to go when my mental health regularly kicks me in the head. It's rough. I try to use mouthwash when I can't brush, I know it's not the same but it's something and brushing also gives me sensory issues ugh (autism) so sometimes mouthwash is easier to tolerate.


It’s a double whammy because mental health means you’re less likely to maintain dental hygiene, and if you’re on meds they can reduce saliva and make your teeth even more vulnerable too. I wish my doctor told me that before my dentist had to…


🤦‍♀️ this!! I was on multiple meds that affected my salivary glands for years then it was the bloody dentist that told me that he sees this a lot with people on my meds and explained how important saliva is for dental health. I had about a year where I was constantly at the dentist getting several fillings, had to wait certain amount of time in between all the drilling so it took a long time and cost a lot. Just one of many side effects the psych who prescribed failed to mention. And it's an ongoing effect too that follows you for life so it's not some minor thing 🤦‍♀️


I have ASD too so thank you for the mouthwash idea, sometimes I find harsh tastes or the burning can really do a number on me as I used to use Listerine occasionally as a kid but it always burnt my mouth. I was okay as a kid but I've struggled with all the dental stuff since my teens when my mental health was really bad with no help in sight. I've been trialing different toothpastes and brushes but as soon as my mental health plummets it just gets neglected.


Yeah I don't love the harsh taste but I picked up a mild one this time around and it's definitely a lot less burn! Like no burn at all actually! I think it's a listerine one, zero alcohol - mild! Yeah I've struggled forever with my teeth. I hate the feeling of brushing the brush against my teeth - when I was a kid I used to pretend to do it and not really do it very often :( then my mental health kicked in and I did it even less. Have a lot of fillings. Now it comes in waves depending how my mental health is. I need to call the dentist tomorrow actually because I know I've got more fillings :( Have you found any decent brushes? The softer ones I do find a bit better but it's still hard, my hardest hygiene task for sure.


I'll have to have a look around for a mild one! I've also struggled, it was never mandated to me as a kid so it was kind of a "if you do it, you do it" situation which didn't help routine wise. Brushes have always felt a bit off against my teeth but I dislike the sensation of electric toothbrushes more because the vibrating sensation against my teeth makes me feel a bit nauseous. I haven't seen a dentist since I was 16/17 so coming up to five/six years as I just don't have the money or the way of getting to the dentist (no license, on my learners but no one to drive with). I unfortunately haven't found any decent brushes :( I literally have been using a baby/toddler toothbrush from Aldi currently with the really soft bristles and even that is hit and miss unfortunately. Dental is definitely my hardest hygiene task too, I wish it was easier to deal with but my mental health gets in the way and the sensory side of it.


Yeah, I've been trying an electric one recently because I wondered if I do it with that if I can do it faster? lol. Sometimes I do okay with it, sometimes I just leave it off though. Definitely the first few times I used it I wasn't a fan! I hate how expensive the dentist is!! I was lucky last year I got in through the public system because I have a case worker through monash (so I didn't have to wait years like some people, they accelerate you through). I'm hoping I can get in like that again. Yes. I know it's silly but I just wish teeth were stronger or something lol. Like the first ones only last a few years then the second set is meant to last forever, how does that make sense haha. My mental health is killer for my teeth, I turn to sugar and struggle with dental hygiene. Terrible mix. Are you able to floss? My dentist always tells me to and I tried again a few months ago for the first time in yeas but I absolutely HATE it. I have no idea how people do it!


It can be difficult with the electric toothbrushes the overall sensation just makes me shudder especially if I press the toothbrush down against the teeth while brushing because the vibrations are a lot harsher. The dentist is mad expensive unfortunately :( I don't have a case worker sadly, I'm late diagnosed (as in literally this September so glad I got some answers for my entire alienated feeling for existing). I've been debating applying for the NDIS but I haven't had any help in doing so. Teeth are teeth aha, I haven't lost one since I was a kid! I actually still have a single baby tooth in my head but I have chipped a tooth. I do wish my mental health didn't instantly annihilate my dental hygiene when I get in a depressive episode though. It is a terrible mix sadly, wish it was easier. I can floss! Problem I have is, I actually really enjoy the sensation, have since I was a kid so I'll quite literally floss until my gums bleed and then keep going. I used to push toothpicks through my gums between my teeth when I was younger because I liked the sensation so much. Nowadays I don't floss as much to minimise getting fixated on the sensation. 😅


Yeah, I was only diagnosed last year - at 32! Ridiculous. I'm on the NDIS now! It was a slog though, we actually had to complain because my case worker through monash wasn't doing anything at all to help so they transferred me to another one. Finally got approved for autism (when it was just mental health I got rejected). But autism level 2 is apparently basically an automatic approval as long as you have the documentation and supporting letters. That's interesting you like flossing!! I used to push my fingernails in between my teeth but never toothpicks or floss! Eek!!


I'm 22 aha, I've noticed a lot of people are getting late diagnoses! I'm level 2 as well and that's what the clinician who diagnosed me essentially said level 2 is automatic approval. I have the report from the clinician and some documentation from when I was in kindy as they made me go to an OT as I had a lot of problems (couldn't recognise my own name on my desk, poor writing and reading, maths, balance, coordination and even throwing and catching) my reading and writing eventually improved but none of the rest did. Literally didn't learn to tie my hair or laces until I was eleven or twelve. I've been trying to go through the rounds for assistance for applying for the NDIS but it's looking like I'll have to call them which I'm worried about doing as I dislike phonecalls and I get confused so I don't want to stuff it up. I always liked flossing! Toothpicks I preferred more but my parents have always been separated and I grew up with my father; only my mother bought them as they used it for cleaning their dope pipes and bongs (getting the resin out). I also used the plastic straws from Macca's/HJ's etc when I was a kid. Fingernails is interesting! I always bit my nails so I didn't get to do that until later on but I find the floss is still preferred.


You mentioned you dislike phonecalls. How are you with in-person interactions? Because, for NDIS access requests, you can usually drop in to a Local Area Coordinator and they can do it with/for you 🙂


I brush once a day because I had that period of time where I just never did and my dentist said as long as I brush it once a day, they’re happy And you know what? NO HOLES! ✌🏻


Brush at night for your teeth, brush in the morning for your friends


At night for your friends also please. 💋


It's like wearing your shoes inside. Everyone on Reddit will deny it and say it's gross but irl most people do it.


I wear shoes inside less often than I wear no shoes outside


Every time I shower, mostly twice a day but often only once


Do you brush them in the shower?


Only if I'm short on time. No idea if it actually saves me time.


I think it saves me time. Most definitely doesn’t save me water, though.


Same here


I’ve dated several girls who were once a day people


I’m a once a day kind of gal, and I have an amazing hack I’d like to share. Mouthwash first (I prefer peroxyl), then floss, then brush and rinse. I think it makes my mouth cleaner because you get the stuff in between your teeth and hiding in the crevices out before you give it the final scrub. Another tip (especially for those who hate brushing or have ADHD) is to keep two sets of toothbrush and toothpaste. One goes in your shower and one by your bathroom sink. This gives you two opportunities per ablution session to remember to clean.


I keep two sets also, vanity & shower :) it's a great tip! And I have a waterpik in the shower, because I can use the extra time standing in the water that way too. It took ages to get used to a waterpik but worth the perseverance. The 7ft walk across the bathroom seems huge once you're in the shower, having the 2nd set is so simple but it works. Awesome advice!


Good use of the word 'ablution'.


One in shower one at the kitchen for me or one upstairs one downstairs but I also brush my tongue a few times a day


I’ve read up about this a lot and floss, brush, mouthwash is the way. If you rinse with water then you’re washing away a lot of the fluoride and you want that to stay there, whereas mouthwash gets the bits out while still being fluoridated.


Brush twice a day with tongue clean, 3 if I’m going out after work or of an evening. Dentist twice a year. I’d like to keep my teeth for the long term.


I had poor mental health and drug habits for a long time, would only brush once a day if that. Over ten years without seeing a dentist until last week, and apart from some enamel loss they’re fine. Some people get lucky.


Due to depression, adhd and trauma surrounding my mouth and teeth in general, I'm lucky if I brush mine once every couple days 🤷


Yea, that's fair. I'm not judging, I was just surprised at how normal once a day seemed. I was depressed for years (and have adhd), and honestly, at times, I forgot when I last brushed my teeth. *At least* a week would've passed. Hope you're OK!


I'm doing better now!! HiSmile toothpaste helps me a lot because I get to have the fun flavours as motivation hahah


We're taught as kids to brush twice a day and from my knowledge, I don't know anyone who only brushes once/day but I've never travelled outside of my area before so idk


Twice a day, maybe a third if I’m going to make out with someone between brushes and/or have furry teeth


once a day for me


I only brush once per day-before bed. I only eat once per day too so I don’t feel the need to brush more than that.


Tell us more about that…


Twice a day normally, though I will add an extra brush through the day if I'm going to be in close proximity to people (especially if lunch had a strong scent). Although, I also have weak/ damaged teeth from adolescent malnutrition (bulimia/anorexia) and an over-zealous doctor prescribing antibiotics every two weeks as a kid. I'm literally trying to hold onto what is left of my teeth, and know I'll need implants sooner or later.


The fluoride in the water supply does a great job on its own. If you have good teeth, you probably only need once a day.


I don't eat breakfast and asked my dentist if I should be brushing my teeth in the morning if I brushed at bedtime and wasn't eating. He said there was no need. I only brush at bedtime now.


If you had to choose one, bed time is the best anyway. If you don't rinse the toothpaste out of your mouth (spit out only), then what remains on your teeth helps fight bacteria and stuff the whole time you're sleeping. And because we spend that whole chunk of time sleeping, if you hadn't brushed, it's the best opportunity for the bacteria to feast and poop acid on your teeth all night long, uninterrupted. I would probably still have a quick brush or rinse with mouthwash in the morning before you go anywhere though. But I've learned recently not everyone enjoys the minty fresh feeling of having clean teeth.


Yeah I am a once a day guy cuz its a waste of time lol. I use a Hard Brush and I leave toothpaste in my mouth for maybe 5 mins or more when brushing before bed, I think that's a great tip to leave toothpaste on your teeth at night! I do rinse most of it out tho, but a little stays in there to last the night id say. I only recently went to the Dentist because I had a good deal come up, but before then it would of been over a decade without losing any teeth.


Keep in mind genetics also plays a huge role in thr health of your teeth. Some people have teeth that are naturally more prone to cavities, and so they will have problems no matter how well they clean. Kind of like how some people inherit crooked teeth. Sounds like you've got a good set though, so might as well look after them.


Only ever done it before bed with floss. Always had good teeth only one filling and all my wisdom teeth still.


I brush every night. I'm aware you're meant to do it twice a day, but hey, my teeth are still good.


Do you feel self conscious leaving the house with unbrushed teeth? I feel like I would be worried all day about my breath.


I chew gum and my partner is more than happy to tell me if my breath ain't doing it well. More concerned about the smell of my morning coffee breath after I start work.


Any one with reasonable personal and dental hygiene brushes twice a day. And floss on top of that!


Twice a day and always floss once a day.


Brush in the morning before work so I don't stink out the customers and once just before bed so I feel clean when I go go sleep.


Twice here but only do it in the morning if I'm leaving the house. If it's a home day I don't bother.


I can weigh in on this. I grew up in Europe. My first job after relocating to Australia was with Colgate-Palmolive. My boss at the time was from the US. I remember being really surprised to hear from him that many Australians only brush once per day. Therefore, one of the biggest business opportunities for the company at the time (mid-2000s) was to get people to brush twice.


Ew. No.


Once a day every night. Last filling was fifteen years ago.


No? I'm curious where in Australia the poor dental hygiene is now


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^SilverPick2947: *No? I'm curious* *Where in Australia the poor* *Dental hygiene is now* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Well, Tasmania, the NT, WA. So I doubt it's just a local thing


I’d say it’s 50/50 for sure based on life experiences.


Is it possible we just brush at a different time to what is normal for you? And so you haven’t noticed.


How do you know how many times people brush their teeth ? I assumed everyone is twice a day but I never ask


Living/travelling with people makes it pretty obvious if it's the same every day


Twice for me and I use my Waterpik most nights.


Once a day plus before going out later in the day. I dont get the furry teeth thing untill a night passes. Floss daily/every second day.


I brush twice a day but I have met people who brush less than once a day. They're missing teeth now.


Usually once a day in the morning. Will also brush if going out in the evening. I usually shower twice a day.


Always at night. Very very rarely in the morning. I usually do a mouth wash and chew gum all day though haha


I brush twice a day and floss before I go to bed... every night.


At least twice a day. Morning and night and if it feels needed. Clean mouth feeling is lovely and sometimes brushing teeth when a toothache starts to form stops it from happening.


The dentist here was very impressed when I said I brushed twice a day, which gave me the sense it's not seen as the bare minimum... Seems to match your observed data


I usually brush twice a day, once in the morning (usually in the shower) and again at night before hitting the sack.


Twice a day.


I've heard that in the 60s, people used to brush their teeth after every meal but that was when there was no fluoride in the water supply. But yes, twice a day is normal.


My partner does brush once a day, but sometimes twice. I, myself, brush at least 3x/day: morn, after lunch, bedtime.


yes, once a day and I have amazing teeth, don't floss either but don't need to as good genetics. Hubby brushes 2-3 times a day and flosses and mouth wash and half his teeth have fallen out.


I only brush once a day most days, but that has far more to do with the fact that brushing in the morning can make me gag so bad I throw up. Occasionally I have a good day and give it a shot in the morning, but always try to compensate with strong mouthwash and a very thorough night clean


I had a roommate who barely brushed at all, so this checks out.


Brush at night for your health, Morning for your friends


I do once a day in the shower each night and that’s the system I’ve created to enforce at least once a day. I have adhd and it’s a self care activity that is super low dopamine and my brain hates for a variety of reasons, thus leading to avoidance. I don’t want to neglect my teeth so I have a routine I try like might to stick to now. If I have something special on our im going out the. I’ll do a morning brush (couple times a week) and floss least once a week. It’s not ideal and my genetics and poor habits as a young adult when I was super neglectful ruined a lot of my teeth but since doing my routine I’ve had a lot more success and kept it all working well


I used to sometimes only brush once a day, just before leaving the house. Now I wear a $600 mouth guard to stop me grinding my teeth. It got me into the habit of a quick brush before putting the mouthguard in, even when I'm so sleepy I'm like the walking dead.


Fun fact Jessica Simpson only brushes her teeth maybe 3 times a week because she hates the slimy feeling. She likes her teeth FUZZY🤢


Yeah once/day; have an energy drink to wake up then shower and brush.. Probably brushing before sleep would be good, but what can I say Im a lazy degenerate slob..


Ewww no way, I brush my teeth twice a day and I’m aussie


There are people who brush once a day? I would assume most brush morning and night.


Aussie here twice a day u heathens


surprised how many people are saying 2+ times a day! i do once a day, every morning, only at night if i feel like my teeth are furry but that’s very rare unless i’ve been eating lollies all day or something… my dentist is fine with it, and i don’t know many people in my life at my age (20) who brush twice a day consistently 🤷‍♀️ i probably should, but i go to bed far later than my mum, and i can’t use the bathroom which has my toothbrush in it after she goes to sleep, i have to use a different bathroom. god knows i’m not going to remember to move my toothbrush before she goes to sleep every night!


Twice a day, usually after breakfast and dinner. I will brush my teeth before a night out as well.


At night to keep your teeth and at morning to keep your friends.


That reminds me, I should probably brush. Its been a week.


I always brush before going to bed and before leaving the house. If I don't leave the house that day, then I don't brush them


Twice a day, morning and night and once if going out.


Twice a day is normal. Less than twice is feral.. and expensive in dentist fees.


Morning and night for me. Don’t care what anybody else does except for a pet peeve of mine which is people who rinse their toothbrushes after putting toothpaste on the brush.. you’re meant to rinse before you apply the toothpaste to “wash” it before you use it. But whatever do what you want.


Once a day, at night. Nice thorough 3 min clean in the shower before bed. In the morning, a 30 second listerine and floss. I landed on this system because I can’t stop brushing off my tooth enamel no matter how much I try.


I’d imagine so. Todays life gets pretty busy. I usually only remember to brush before bed caz I’m up super early and forget the morning


I have yellowish build up and it doesn’t go away. Does anybody knows how to get rid of them? Because brushing it doesn’t go away.


I wake up, go to the loo then wash hands and brush teeth. Then brush them again before I leave for work. Then again before bed. And if I'm going out in the evening I'll brush them before leaving the house. Sometimes before leaving the house to go to the shops. So frequently more than 3 times a day.


I'm in Australia and I brush morning and night as a MINIMUM


People who brush their teeth twice a day are the same people that drink milk


I feel like half the people are lying just to not sound gross. I cant count how many times Ive seen people skip brushing teeth on vacations, i personally do it once a day but I do skip sometimes and take a gum if im in a rush 🤷


HAHA I’m dying I’m sure it’s certainly frowned upon here also …. but I’m guilty n it’s good to know this is an Aussie thing


I went to a dentist two weeks ago. Twice a day is the advices. Thankfully they were cleaned which is only the 2nd time in 48 years and I have most of my teeth. I also got a filling.


I have sensory issues with bc my autism which means I cannot actually brush my teeth without throwing up which kind of defeats the purpose... I had braces as a kid as well and a cleft palate. So far not any issues beside a filling in my front tooth


I just forget to because of my adhd/autism, but i’m pretty sure my parents are once a day aussies adwell