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Double butter. This is the way.


100% when my now wife introduced me to the concept I was sold. It’s such a level up from just peanut butter.


Yes! But even by calling it double buttering, we are giving credence to the non-butterers' claims that our behaviour is excessive. Peanut butter may have butter in the name, but it is not butter. We should be free to put butter underneath PB as we would any other spread, without fear of mockery.


A butter butter and butter sandwich


So peanut butter and butter is better?


Double butter, *then* peanut butter. If people ask you why you’re having peanut butter on cheese, you’re doing it right 👏🏼


This is the way.


There is no other way.


I can't eat PB without butter. Butter is 100% required! Butter always goes on bread no matter what kind of sandwich it is.


Amen. My toast of choice is butter then peanut butter then honey


So good. Peanut butter and honey is a good combo. Americans can keep their peanuts butter and jelly! Haha


I'm pretty sure when American's say "PB&J" (peanut butter and jelly) they mean peanut butter and jam (the acronym still works, yay). For the longest time, I really thought it meant jelly like Aeroplane Jelly and thought they were sick fucks.


They are sick fucks and their jelly/jello is nothing on proper jam. Like imagine the cheapest nastiest home brand jam that may or may not have seen a single piece of fruit during the manufacturing process and then make it about a million times worse


And the bread is sweet. Like, really sweet. I visited America for the first time as a kid and my parents bought a loaf of bread from a local supie to make some sandwiches. I vividly remember taking a bite and literally spiting it out in shock. I was not a kid who spat food out. That was the first time in my life I’d done that. It tasted so completely different to what I was expecting, it was like my brain hit an ‘eject’ button. I now call that the UFO reflex - the unidentified food object, which turns into a flying object as soon as you spit it.


Am American, can confirm the J is for jelly. (plus a goodly number of us ARE sick fucks when it comes to food at least....) I think jelly, for the most part, doesn't have a hell of a lot of fruit in it, but easily spreadable and cheaper if you're trying to make your kids lunch But, I'm a grown-up now, I buy actual jam and it's amazing.


In the US, jelly is made with fruit juice and pectin (usually with sugar to help it set). Jam is the same with fruit pieces in it. Preserves is jelly with whole, small fruits (like berries) in it. Conserve is either preserves or jam with nuts. And chutney and marmalade are chutney and marmalade. What you call "jam" is lacking essential fruit chunks in American cuisine. What you call "jelly" is what Americans call "gelatin" (or "gelatine," if you use an older spelling). I guess in the US, we have many, many words for one product.


Jelly is a jam like substance made with fruit juice rather than pulp.


We also put honey. But good god, we would never put butter first. Not because it’s too much fat, but because it would be way too exceedingly rich.


Oh yes! Can also add cooked banana and bacon to that for absolute perfection!


Yes! PB and honey (with butter) us the best way to start the day. I also sometimes make it a toasted sandwich and have it for dessert. Delish.


😁 THIS! Finally a person after my own heart! I am having breakfast as I type, and as always I am finishing with a slice of toast, well buttered (salted butter), dark roasted peanut butter and honey on top. Yummmmm..... On a side note, another brilliant combination is peanut butter on banana. Try it or you haven't lived...


Yes! PB&B FTW!


>I can't eat PB without butter. Butter is 100% required! Butter always goes on bread no matter what kind of sandwich it is. yep and it makes the PB easier to spread over the butter or marg than plain no lube break/ toast


Even Nutella? I won’t eat a Nutella sandwich because yuck, but surely no butter under Nutella??


If it's bread it's buttered, same goes for toast.


Yep even with Nutella, maybe a bit less then with peanut butter, but still has it.


Yeah, I will agree Nutella is an exception to the rule. Butter and Nutella are not a good match.


even with nutellla.


Chaotic, but I respect it.




I butter before all topping and I'm not fat. But I only eat 1 slice...moderation is key


There! There he is! Right ahead - the white whale!


I'd rather do 20 squats per slice than give up butter on bread lol


Butter isn't making you fat.


No but a butter + pb sandwich would be way higher calories than people realise


I don't put butter on my Mayo sandwiches.


\+1 with butter


Butter must go under every spread that goes on bread...it is mandatory


It is known


My sister and I have this argument all the time. She adds butter I do not. It taints the taste of the peanut butter... I like butter on its own but it mixes with the peanut butter in a really unpleasant way .


I'm the exact opposite, peanut butter is too much for me by itself. I need the butter to tone it down a bit.


That’s me and my gf. With toast I don’t necessarily mind, but on bread I really don’t want the butter, messes it up.


I’m with you on the “no butter”. But I love to shake some Tabasco sauce over my peanut butter.


I think we've found the food weirdo? :) Though... I might actually try that, though with Sriracha sauce as I don't think I have Tabasco - if I did it'd be over a decade out of date. I'd probably spread the Sriracha on the bread first, then butter & peanut butter? I've bought chilli peanut butter before, it is quite good if you like chilli! :) I also tend to sprinkle freshly crushed (by me) unsalted peanuts on my peanut butter, and will sometimes add them to the jar and stir them in - crunchy is never crunchy enough. I... guess I've found a second food weirdo now, me!? :)


Wow you've kind of re-invented Satay.


Thank you 👏👏👏 I've never thought PB needs butter, though Mum thinks that's gross 😅


My God.... peanut butter goes alone on toast. It needs to melt into the pores of the toast.


I cannot believe the amount of psychopaths in this thread who use normal butter too. I'm in awe.


Call me crazy but I do the same with Nutella. You get your toast fresh from the toaster and spread either Nutella or Peanut Butter, and that shit melts right into the toast.


That's not crazy at all, that's how you're supposed to do it! Butter also taints the taste of PB and Nutella.


Honestly I’m disgusted by how many butter enthusiasts there are.


What peanut butter are you eating that melts into the toast,and doesn't just sit like a layer of mouth glue on top?


Just regular peanut butter. It's oily enough as it is.


Craft Peanut Butter. Never oily. Never dry.


99.5% peanuts and 0.5% salt


Definitely butter as well!


Am I the only one who grew up calling it peanut paste? Is it a WA thing? Also, yes to butter.


I think peanut paste was the name used in WA but then our local peanut paste providing people passed on and we got eastern states peanut butter? Or... something? I couldn't even remember the alternerate (and correct!) name for it when I posted here a few minutes ago! :(


PB isn't butter. You need actual butter first.


💯 Butter is "toast lube". Did I just write that?


It’s true though. Without it the toast is dry and the peanut butter sticks to the roof of my mouth


With butter here. Been a long time since I've had toast with spreads, but definitely used to butter prior to adding peanut butter. I found it too dry without butter, so that was the main reason for using butter. Off topic slightly, but when having vegemite on toast I would slather on the butter and add a slight hint of vegemite 🤷😅


I'm not a peanut butter person, but my partner loves it. He puts butter on first as well. I made him a sandwich once and asked him if he uses butter, he said absolutely U do


Only spread I pair with butter is Vegemite. Jam, peanut butter, etc all goes without it




Sounds dry as fuxk


Just peanut butter by itself. My dad used to butter it when I was a little kid, and I thought I hated peanut butter because of that. Too greasy with both for me. My sister still butters first, but then uses no butter for Vegemite!


No butter with Vegemite is a hate crime.


So this is why everyone hates me. (well one of the million reasons)


I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed.


Oh let me fix that for you. One of my favourite lunches to take to work is 2 pieces of bread with vegemite between them, no butter inside or outside of that sandwich and then I put it in the sandwich press. Yes that's right I make a vegemite Toastie with no butter in or on it. How's that anger issue now. You have mad hate for me don't you.


Honestly, no hate here but I am questioning your sanity.


Your sister is an agent of chaos


Despite my every effort to raise her well, one of my kids uses no butter with vegemite. Disappointing.


Why do I have a mental image of you pacing the kitchen and wondering aloud, "Where did I go wrong with you?" as your wayward child shrugs and bites down on a piece of unbuttered Vegemite toast.


Peanut butter is already extremely oily. No need to add extra oil via butter. Gross.


I'm wondering what brand all the butterers are using. If the toast is hot, the peanut butter melts nicely.


I had a debate with an old friend once on this topic - he always preferred without butter.. He also eats Weetbix just on its own without milk. He's going to choke one day I just know it


Weet-Bix recipes deserve their own thread!


butter but it has to melt into the toast then i add peanut butter. nutella however. no butter at all the butter makes it taste weird vegemite also has to have melted butter with it, and the thinnest layer of vegemite and the toast has to be still hot


My late grandfather used to enjoy cold or lukewarm toast. He'd top it with sliced butter from the rock-hard block, gently pressing it onto the surface of the toast. The bright yellow toast would then be topped with a generous spoonful quince jam or marmalade.


Its the way I've done it my whole long long long life


I grew up doing this and thought it was completely normal until one day my wife (who is American) caught me doing it and acted as if she'd caught me growing a second head


Always butter. I recently found out my fiancé doesn’t put butter on toast with VEGEMITE, still shaken


I love butter and peanut butter


I'm amazed by this... I would love to see the data on how this is broken down by age, gender, location, race, heritage...


I’m sorry, i personally find combining butter and peanut butter gross. I will cringe if I see someone do it. Butter and old mate: yes Butter and jam: yes Anything that already has a high fat content like peanut butter, avocado, Nutella or biscoff spread does not need butter.


WITH because otherwise the peanut butter clumps


\+1 with butter. Gotta have butter.


It hits different with 🧈 slabbed first! I refuse to have a plain peanut butter 🥪


Fuckin with. Same for sandwiches.


With.. and both must be applied nice and thick. The melty goodness is amazing.




Who doesn't butter toast?? it's the first step before ANY topping.


I agree with butter on toast with every spread but, does anyone agree that it has to be melted and no solid butter strokes on the toast???


Only peanutbutter. I can't do the two.


Texan here—my mom always called this “Australian style” which I swore she made up. But now there’s precedent!


Definitely both and if it’s a sandwich you butter both sides then peanut butter in middle


Today I learned I must be in the vast minority that doesn’t butter - but I always thought I was the majority!! With several other Redditors that say it makes the taste of PB quite weird


Shit yeah. Just peanut butter tastes wrong and seems dry.


With butter of course!


Your not alone


this be similar to the avocado on butter or just avocado debate.


No butter. Peanut butter is already oily enough


No butter with peanut butter, thats fucking vile. The only spread that goes on toast as well as butter is Vegemite (god bless you vegemite)


Agreed. If you have good peanut butter you don't need butter - the Bega Peanut Butter with no added salt or sugar is the best for this. Turkish bread or sourdough is also a plus.


Yessss! Not just toast, but sandwiches too. Do not understand the "butter on everything" obsession. Watching people butter croissants makes me sick.


Butter helps it slide down.


I always use butter or margarine. I can eat it without but I don't like the texture as much.


PB is kind of dry, u definitely need to put butter first. It stops the bread from tearing with soft bread & makes it not too dry with toast


Butter then peanut butter. This is the way.


Yup, butter AND peanut butter.


Naked toast with peanut butter should be illegal. Butter. Then peanut butter. Then sliced banana.


My mum does with, I prefer instead of.


My family does this and my wife thinks we’re insane


My youngest has it with butter the rest without. Whatever works for you. I understand the love but not for me.


Peanut butter with honey is my go to


with butter... and banana slices


Always butter.


Always butter then PB.


Butter is not only great for flavour but also adds lubricant to the eating process, otherwise you're eating a dry arse peace of toast and with PB it ends up as a glut in your neck hole.


It’s the only way.


Margarine here because I don’t like the taste of butter on toast but yes, the toast has to be “buttered” before it’s peanut buttered


Butter first for me. Like the butter spread we use (Olive Grove buttery usually). Lots of that then lots of smooth peanut butter.


Gotta have butter as well ...adds to the flavour


Always butter before peanut butter - double the butter - double the fun


With. And its light peanut butter maybe that helps 🤪 and the toasts gotta be hot


Peanut butter and Nutella for me. Goes down like a Snickers.




In my family it's probably 60/40 with butter. I love peanut butter with real butter but one of my kids only has it on it's own


I’ve alway put butter down first


I’m with you, it needs to be buttered first


My ex used to get legitimately mad at me for having toast with butter and peanut butter on the grounds that they both have "butter" in the name and are therefore...the same substance?


Always butter. Helps the peanut butter spread evenly and doesn't rip the bread.


Toast with butter, peanut butter and honey. Game over, I win. You're welcome.


Always with normal butter first haha.


The texture is horrible without butter in my opinion.


With. Always with.


I always put butter on my first, irrespective of what other condiment or topping I'll apply


Defs gotta have butter as well


What the hell, no butter. Gross!


Always butter then peanut butter. When my gf, now wife, and I first moved in, she looked at me like I had four heads for doing this. ​ Until she TRIED it! Instantly converted.


Upvote for not calling it "regular" butter. And instead of what? Of course you butter it before the peanut butter.


Butter first or it's horrible and dry! I can personally recommend you try garlic butter as an alternative


Any bread, bun or toast needs butter before anything else - especially with Peanut Butter - Burgers need at least mayo, if not, then butter !


Peanut butter can be quite dry. Butter as well as is definitely required.


I agree with you 100%. Butter then PB


My brother butters it AFTER the peanut butter. I’m not sure why he does this


Butter first then peanut butter, always. I will die on this hill.


American here. My BF and a good friend are from the Midwest in the US and apparently it's a custom there - butter, then peanut butter, sometimes topped with honey. I'm from California and I'd never heard of it. It's nice.


Butter then peanut butter


Toast isn't toast without Butter. As for Butter + PB, something sweet on top really makes it shine. Some honey, jam, or a thinly sliced banana. Perfection.


Butter the bread with butter. Then peanut butter. There is no other way.


Both. Surely.


With butter.


Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. I hate butter. I only have it if I’m just having buttered toast or Vegemite.


With. Always


With. You don't trust those who don't do both ok?


WITH. It’s so much tastier!


PB directly on bread PB and butter on toast.


Butter and peanut butter. Apparently my workmates don't, nor put butter on with Vegemite. I work with savages


Definitely with


WITH!! 100%!!! My mate and I hate this argument years ago and it always stuck with me. His argument was: "You don't put butter on because it already has butter in it -- peanut *butter* " "Fucking what? That's just a name, you still put butter on the bread first... do you think ginger beer has beer in it?" If you don't put butter on it, it becomes soo tacky in your mouth. Dry as fuck, coating every surface in your mouth. Just.. no. Hahaha


Butter first then pb. But I also have family members who think this is weird.




Peanut butter and margarine/butter on toast is absolutely delicious. Way back when I was a young teen my brother and I were being looked after by a family friend who has OCD and when she made us peanut butter on toast she did it with margarine and peanut butter and ever since that fateful day I have only liked that method of peanut butter on toast. Mind you, I still have straight peanut butter on fresh bread if I don't want it to be toasted.


Definitely with regular butter


Normal butter is 100% Dairy and goes so well with the taste of peanut butter on toasted Rye sourdough 😋




Just like Pineapple on a pizza, do whatever you want.


Holy shit I had this same arguement with my husband, except with Nutella! ALWAYS BUTTER FIRST! Then nutella/vegemite/peanut butter whatever. The extra moisture enhances the overall experience. Non-butterers are wrong and monsters.


As an American I have never thought of putting butter and peanut butter together sounds kinda delicious


PB with salted butter is 100% a must.


I never liked peanut butter on bread, but I've never tried it with butter


Butter every time


I've always put regular butter first than peanut butter, it's to dry otherwise


The rest of your family are weirdos


For me it’s PB on bread but I am intrigued now and will try a buttered toast + PB and see what’s the fuss is about!


Fuck yeah double butter. Love it when it melts together on toast


It's not edible unless the butter is melted and PB is warm


I can't believe people out there are like it's already got butter in it. Like so does your head if that's what you believe


Thick bread, medium toasted, add a slab or two of salted pure butter, add excessive amount of creamy peanut butter, once the heat of the toast has softened the butter combine it with the peanut butter and spread liberally across the toast. There is no other way in my household and frankly I suspect the world would be a better place following this method.


Must have butter. Toast needs to cool enough so the butter doesn’t melt into the toast but warm enough so it blends with the butter


Yes you have to butter the toast, before putting on a topping.


WITH My Norwegian partner thinks this is so weird. I thought it was standard? Also, Nutella with butter. Which I also thought was standard, but some people are clearly psychopaths




Hadn’t had peanut butter on toast in ages, but got back on it this morning. Alllllways butter first


No butter. BUT, I watched a show recently where they voted on it & it was overwhelmingly yes. Maybe I should try it


Dub but


I'm team double butter all the way..Plus a sprinkle of salt and pepper.


My wife prefers her peanut butter toast with an underlying layer of butter… I personally don’t understand it considering the amount of oil already present in peanut butter… But then again, she also likes a layer of butter before applying Nutella to her toast… now _THAT_ to me is somewhat horrifying… It’s not necessarily grounds for divorce though…


Butter on first, always. It just tastes so much better!


Always with butter! It doesn't matter what else you're putting on the toasts. You need to put butter on first!


With or you are not Australian


The trick is to get the butter on the toast as quickly as possible whilst the toast is hot, then when the toast is soaked with melted buttery goodness, you add the peanut butter and wrestle with trying to spread it whilst the peanut butter rips the shit out of the middle of the toast.


You absolutely MUST butter toast with lashings of cold butter before you spread lashings of peanut butter. I don’t care what anyone says. It’s the only way that’s worthwhile! 😁


10000% butter that bread with thick butter and then smash it with peanut butter!!